Last night's debate winners and losers:
Nikki Haley: I really like her. I don't like her stand on Ukraine because she's all for throwing good money after bad in that.. but she came across as the smartest person in that room last night with her answers. Her abortion stance is the most practical, I like her fire and her willingness to call people out, her call for a balanced budget, etc. She seems to be the most ready to be President and if she actually delivers on her stances, the country would be far better off.
Ron DeSantis: I love him as Governor and wish he would have waited another 4 years to run. He did better in this debate than the first one. He didn't do anything to hurt himself, but he also didn't do enough to help himself either.
Chris Christie: Come on... "Donald Duck" was your "GOTCHA" line? DONALD FUCKING DUCK? Him and Pence just come across as being super upset about Trump and that is their platforms.
Mike Pence: Please take your Bible and shove it up your ass. You come across as creepy. No one wants you to be President... I hope you don't meet the requirements next time to be on the stage.
Tim Scott: You want to be a politician, but you come across as being just too nice. Nikki nailed you last night with an upper cut "Tim, you've been there for 12 years.. and you haven't done any of it!" and then you went back to pick a "fight" with her and looked even weaker.
Vivek Ramaswamy: He did well in the first debate, but not as well during this one. He was attacked much more and didn't defend himself well.
Doug whateverhisnameis: He might be a super good candidate, but no one knows him and no one cares.