Well, we knew you were lying when you said "I think" The rest is just typical Leftist rationalization and blame shifting sprinkled with copium. If getting rid of guns made things better, then Chicago and DC should be havens of safety and security. Here is your next argument "But Rocktard, they get the guns from surrounding communities and states" Perhaps, though mostly it's illegal gun trade and if having access to guns makes the world so violent, how come those surrounding communities and states are so much safer? How come most of Rural America, where guns are easily available isn't a literal killing field of murder and gun violence? Because you are simply wrong. Taking out the suicide issue because a person committed to killing themselves will, no matter the situation, something like 80% of all gun homicide is gang related. Gangs don't go to the country much cause they can't run from Bill McKinney with their pants sagging around their knees.