I don't know about 10 minute charging time, from what I've read it's more like 15-30 minutes. Maybe it will be different in 13 years though.
15-30 minute "refueling" time is what is really killing the electric market these days. Even my friend who is very far left and thinks we're all gonna destroy the world in a few years said he isn't going to get an electric vehicle because of the lack of charging stations and how long it takes to charge the battery.
Also right now a failed battery pretty much totals the car. I read a story recently where someone paid like 8k for a used electric vehicle only for the battery to die a few weeks later and not only would a new battery cost around 10k (more than they paid for the car), but they don't even make that kind of battery anymore because the company that makes the car discontinued that model and no longer makes that battery. So everyone with that kind of electric car is just one failed battery away from their car being completely useless.
Really if the government actually wants to help people convert over to electric vehicles they should stop demonizing oil companies and purposefully raising the cost of gas so people switch, and instead work with car makers to get them to create standard batteries for electric vehicles. This way if any battery fails in any electric vehicle it would be a simple fix to put a new battery in it.
At the moment all it takes is for a car company to go out of business or to just discontinue a certain model of car/type of battery and those cars become useless in a few years.
0-80 in nearly 5 minutes, 100% in 10.
Another for 10 or under coming to Tesla.
This claims jsut changing the WAY things are charged could make ALL batteries capable of supercharging to be charged in under 10 minutes.
So no... In 13 years, I think things will charge to 100% in under 5 minutes. Especially when you consider where we were 13 years ago.
Hell, they have a car now that, if you drive under 40 miles a day and stay parked in a fairly well lit area, you may NEVER need to plug in. It has built in solar. THAT will be really cool if it develops to be even better.
Last edited by Gelston; 08-25-2022 at 09:22 AM.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
I know we got some smart people on here - engineer types, so on... I've always wondered this... hopefully I explain the concept well enough to get an answer.
A wind turbine spins to generate electricity. The spinning is created by the wind turning the turbine.
Why does this concept not work for an ever-charging battery in a car? You have 4 tires spinning, which creates the same rotational force continuously while a vehicle is in motion. Why does this spinning action of the wheels, not recharge the battery similar to a wind turbine?
Hope that makes sense, but that concept has always confused me. Why would we need recharging stations? If the spinning action of the wheels recharged the batteries during motion? So technically, shouldn't the battery only need an initial charge off the manufacturing line?
Last edited by Shaps; 08-25-2022 at 09:24 AM.
I love electric stuff. I converted all of my tools and yard tools (lawnmower, trimmer, leaf blower, etc) to battery power, for many of the reasons you mention: no fumes, much quieter, but also no fluids such as oil, no gas filter, oil filter, etc.
But right now electric vehicles just aren't there yet. I can charge the batteries for my tools in less than an hour using just a standard 120 volt outlet, it would take me days to charge an electric vehicle's battery using the same method. Replacing a failed battery is easy, and if the batteries become unavailable someday for whatever reason then the most I'm out is the cost of a tool, not an entire car that I rely on to live my life.
Not to mention I'm never far away from a gas station if I ever need gas, there are very few electric charging stations around my area, and if I wanted to be able to charge my car in a decent amount of time at home I would need to fork out over a thousand dollars to be able to do it.
Really instead of pushing everyone prematurely into electric vehicles the government should instead be encouraging people to convert their gas powered tools into electric and encouraging truckers into electric vehicles. Truckers drive some 600+ miles a day, replacing all of those vehicles with electric would make a noticeable different in the consumption of gas. Does Billy Joe Bob really need an expensive electric vehicle if he tries 15 miles a day? That's just abusing poor Billy Joe Bob so Democrats can make themselves feel better about "saving" the world.
Because the battery is supplying the energy that turns the wheels. This is basically why there's no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. Some of that energy from the battery that turns the wheels is transferred to other forms of energy that can't be recaptured back to the battery IE friction, etc.
Last edited by Neveragain; 08-25-2022 at 09:30 AM.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984