Meanwhile Donald Trump has raised millions of dollars a month for his political action committee, whose balance books are higher than that of the Republican National Committee.
Emails for false legal bills, emails begging for money to buy him a new campaign plane. Donald Trump is cashing in to the tune of tens of millions and you're trying to throw shade at another President whose left office for pulling in less than 2% of that number? IdiotThe latest campaign finance reports show that Trump's Save America PAC ended January with $108 million on hand, a stunning war chest for a politician who is no longer even in elected office. (By comparison, the Republican National Committee finished last month with less than half that amount -- $51.7 million -- in the bank.)
I fully support the morons who keep sending him money.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
I honestly don’t get why people keep bringing up Trump, he’s been gone for a while now, who the fuck cares, what he says or does doesn’t mean anything anymore, he has no power, he’s just another former President. Sure I hate the fucker, but let it go.
Last edited by Solkern; 03-16-2022 at 12:10 AM.
After spending 4 years being completely consumed by Trump butthurt, they don’t know what to do with themselves now that he’s not in office, because hating Trump became their entire personality and reason for existing.
Some of them probably secretly hope he runs and wins in 2024 so they’ll feel like their miserable existence has purpose again.
Last edited by Methais; 03-16-2022 at 01:37 AM.
I hated the dude, I’m sure you and others are well aware, but what he says or does now, I just laugh at it, and I think it’s funny watching him trying to stay relevant. People just need to move on, if he runs again, that is a different story, but until then, imo just who gives a fuck.