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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Yeah.... I've seen a lot of pics showing other wise, and there are statements showing over 1.3 billion have been withdrawn in under a day. That is a rush.
    I’m in Moscow now, they aren’t. I was looking all day yesterday and the day before, There are no lines at the bank, I just withdrew money, no issues at all. Spoke with my friend at sberbank and PSB, no cash issues at all. Just your typical grandma lines like usual at sberbank.

    I also work at HSBC in Moscow, a small uptick in cash withdraws, and movement but nothing to show a panic or a cause for alarm.

    Next, ATMs in Russia don’t give you the option to withdraw dollars or other foreign currencies(even if you have a dollar account with that bank) even with foreign cards. HSBC, Citibank and a few other foreign banks do, as long as you have a dollar account with that specific bank and you can only withdraw what’s in the account.
    To get dollars, at sberbank, PSB, VTB etc, you need to schedule an appointment, unless you are a foreigner, or have a dollar account already opened, and you can only withdraw what’s on that dollar account. Transferring rubles to dollars also isn’t done easily, you need to schedule an appointment to have it done.
    So the reports of ordinary Russians, which 95%+ don’t even have a dollar account, making a mad dash to the ATMs to withdraw foreign currency is just false.

    Also, withdrawing rubles from the bank hasn’t shown a massive increase as well, since sberbank and other banks usually have a 20,000-30,000 ruble withdraw limit a day. having your rubles in the bank or cash, doesn’t make a big difference, most Russians don’t keep their money in the bank as is, as they don’t trust banks.

    But keep reading those western news sites, they know better than anyone what’s happening in Russia.
    Even your own article mentions: The central bank figures also included the volume of cash withdrawals on the Russian holiday on February 23. One of Russia’s biggest fucking holidays.

    And: The Russian website noted that only 1.9 billion rubles were withdrawn on February 22, hours after Putin recognized Donetsk and Luhansk – Russian rebel-held parts of the Ukraine – as so-called people's republics.

    Most importantly your article says: Russian individuals and businesses withdrew 111.3 billion rubles — equivalent to $1.3 billion — from their bank accounts on Wednesday and Thursday, according to data from the Bank of Russia, after the country initiated a war in Ukraine.
    How much of that withdraw was from domestic businesses? Foreign businesses? It’s not just ordinary citizens withdrawing all this money, the vast majority of it is foreign businesses.

    Outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, 90% of Russians see Putin as a god, and won’t make any type of rush to the bank, as they only watch state media.
    Last edited by Solkern; 02-28-2022 at 01:39 AM.
    The idiot award goes to…

    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    The Constitution is not the Declaration of Independence. (I'm not at all surprised that you don't know this)
    An hour later:
    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government." ~ The Constitution

  2. #832
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    The Trump fanatics truly don't see how publicly shaming the alliance created to counter Russian empire building and aggression and telling people you isn't support acts to bolster Russian belief they're inviolate. Instead, they shriek and cry and moan when a responsible present doesn't blackmail Ukraine and enacts the toughest sanctions Russia has ever seen.

    No, the Conservatives sit back, praise our enemies, worship the orange man for trying to sell us out to said enemies and make asses of themselves for criticizing a sitting president over actions they praised their savior for.
    The only person that gave any sort of praise was Trump calling him smart. Stop being retarded.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  3. #833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solkern View Post
    But keep reading those western news sites, they know better than anyone whatÂ’s happening in Russia.
    The propaganda coming from both sides has become insanely over the top. 4 days in and we already have "Black Baron" and "The 300" folk heroes.

    Heh, just watched Polish authorities shut down a reporter right in the middle of a broadcast.
    Last edited by Neveragain; 02-28-2022 at 02:49 AM.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  4. #834
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    The propaganda coming from both sides has become insanely over the top. 4 days in and we already have "Black Baron" and "The 300" folk heroes.

    Heh, just watched Polish authorities shut down a reporter right in the middle of a broadcast.
    Yeah, it’s difficult to get an understanding of what exactly is happening in Ukraine and Russia. There are a lot of anti Putin protest going on right now, even with the threats of being arrested. My US bank card doesn’t work at half the places I normally go to, Apple Pay doesn’t work at all. Have to go to western banks just to withdraw cash using my U.S. card.
    My Russian cards work perfectly fine, no issues at all.

    I did take advantage of the situation, exchanged 8m rubles to dollars last month when it was at 70ish to the dollar.
    Last edited by Solkern; 02-28-2022 at 03:05 AM.
    The idiot award goes to…

    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    The Constitution is not the Declaration of Independence. (I'm not at all surprised that you don't know this)
    An hour later:
    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government." ~ The Constitution

  5. #835
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    Something that isn't propaganda, the Ruble has dropped heavily in value.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  6. #836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Something that isn't propaganda, the Ruble has dropped heavily in value.
    It’s worse than what’s reported. Banks are buying dollars at 105, and selling at 125.
    Last edited by Solkern; 02-28-2022 at 09:08 AM.
    The idiot award goes to…

    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    The Constitution is not the Declaration of Independence. (I'm not at all surprised that you don't know this)
    An hour later:
    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government." ~ The Constitution

  7. #837
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    Ukraine claims over 5000 Russians killed. Russia claims they are all super soldiers and Ukrainian bullets cannot take them down.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  8. #838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Ukraine claims over 5000 Russians killed. Russia claims they are all super soldiers and Ukrainian bullets cannot take them down.
    Did you see the video of the tank on the side of the road, and a Ukrainian dude drives up and asks what’s wrong, they said they ran out of fuel, and the dude was like do you want me to tow your ass back to Russia? Lol
    The idiot award goes to…

    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    The Constitution is not the Declaration of Independence. (I'm not at all surprised that you don't know this)
    An hour later:
    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government." ~ The Constitution

  9. #839


    Yeah you really can’t trust either side.

    Perfect example: remember the Ukrainian soldier who told a Russian warship to go fuck themselves? We were told by Ukraine that they were killed by the Russian warship shortly after that message. The president of Ukraine even said they would receive honors posthumously. But Russia said they didn’t kill anyone on Snake Island and instead took them as prisoners after they surrendered.

    Now Ukrainian officials are saying they probably indeed were captured and are still alive.

    Shit like this just makes it impossible to believe anything coming out of the country.

  10. #840


    Social media... fucking up how humans even do war.


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