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A dose of realism. Ukranian soldiers cannot stop Russia's military invasion. There is no point for Ukranian soldiers to waste their lives. In the unlikely event that Ukrainians kill 5 Russian soldiers for every Ukranian killed, what have they accomplished? Nothing. And the more likely outcome is the opposite, considering Russia's highly trained and equipped military. Calls for Western countries to send arms to Ukraine are misplaced. Ukraine is handing out rifles to citizens who've never shot a gun before and who certainly have no training for combat. That's lunacy.
To Ukrainians, I would say, if you can afford to leave Ukraine, then do so. If not, then the better course of action would be docility for the moment. Russia cannot maintain its current troop levels in Ukraine forever. A time for rebellion will come, perhaps in a few years or perhaps in a few decades.
Keep sending information about conditions in Ukraine to the outside world. The West will start a new arms race to force Russia to spend more than it can afford. Perhaps, as in the 1980s, Russia will collapse from overextending itself.
Yeah, everyone should just roll over for Russia.
You're an idiot.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam