The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Fake news keeps on faking.
tl;dr: Barr was asked how history would look back on the DOJ's rightful decision to drop the charges against Flynn, Barr started by saying history is written by the winners but in the same breath said he thinks a fair history would look back and say the decision was a good one because it upheld the rule of law.
Fake News Chuck Todd cut off the clip after Barr made the remark about history being written by the winners to make it look like that was his full answer.
Fake News NBC had to admit they were lying sacks of shit who only cater to deranged people who enjoy being lied to as long as it suits their narrative.
Last edited by Tgo01; 05-11-2020 at 03:43 AM.
Their shit is even now seeping into CNBC. In the last week the anti-Trump administration comments have ramped up from some of the very same commentators that had nothing but praise to offer all through March and early April. You know this is coming straight down from the top. Comcast CEO Brian Roberts is a notable Democratic donor and was a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Looks like the Democratic Media War Machine is fueling up.
Surprisingly Chuck Todd made an on air apology and doubly surprisingly it was a real apology and not a lame "I'm sorry if you felt we deceived you" bullshit apology.
What's funny is the bullshit reasoning they are going with for with how the "mistake" happened:
"We did not edit that out. That was not our edit. We did not include it because we only saw the shorter of two clips CBS did air."
This is a fucking NEWS SHOW. They didn't look for a transcript or watch the entire fucking interview to make sure they had the full answer and weren't taking him out of context? REALLY?
If their excuse is a transcript wasn't released yet and the full interview wasn't aired yet (to be fair he didn't say that, I'm just saying IF they go with that excuse) then here's an idea: wait until a transcript or the full interview is released.
I'm glad Chuck Todd found his balls long enough to do a proper apology, I just wish they weren't going with this fake narrative for how a "mistake" like this happened.