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Despite the fact that you typically take whatever I say, discount it completely and then insult me as some horrible lunatic, I will try and educate you a little since the years of Conservative commentators and posters here saying the same things over and over hasn't managed to sink in. I am a bit concerned that you are willfully ignoring all the previous attempts and only trolling. At some time in the future, I will write a long post about the civil war and your comments to me about it. Don't think I have let it past or that you are in the least bit correct about your assumptions and insults.
Now, on to the scum we need to kick out.
1. If you move to Mexico, you have to learn Spanish because they won't do their court and legal documents in English. You do it illegally, they put you in prison for a long time. They tend to not like American traditions and customs. The same is true for pretty much all the other Central and South American countries. They like US dollars, they barely tolerate expats that learn to speak the language well and fit in. They don't cater to expats flying their native flags, demanding welfare and legal changes. So why should we? Immigrants want to assimilate into their new country, invaders don't.
2. If you are willing to come to the US, intentionally break the law to enter, break the law to work, break the law to send money back home and then manipulate and break the law by giving false statements to try and seek asylum then break the law by not showing up for your court date, then you do not deserve any leniency, clemency or anything else other than a quick examination for basic medical needs, a thorough recording of identification information including DNA sample, humanitarian daily rations, water and a very fast trip out of the country with a ban on reentry. You have proven that you are unwilling to follow the basic laws of the US and thus do not belong here for any reason. Every single illegal alien fits this category, bar none.
3. A large percentage of those entering illegally are doing so to conduct some illegal enterprise or are placed here by foreign governments. That needs to stop. these are 110% scum and to say otherwise is simply willful stupidity.
4. If you are unwilling to fight to improve your own country and you will cut and run when times are tough, then you are not American material. If you don't want to become American citizen, then why are you here? This is the root of the whole issue, if you don't want to become American, then get out. We are better than where you came from, trying to make here into there is dumb so assimilate or relocate, my ancestors did. Again, immigrants want to assimilate, invaders don't and parasites want to suck up resources then move on when they run out. We don't need invaders and parasites and based on the numbers by every study so far, illegals consume more public support than citizens percentage wise and since they don't want to assimilate in the first place, we need to rid the body of parasites and invaders before it dies. See #1 and 2 above.
So, there you have it, a short, incomplete and cursory explanation of why illegal aliens are scum.