But that's the thing though, she said if the person feels like they are being attacked then the person "attacking" them can be banned, even if all they're saying is men shouldn't use the women's bathroom.
She's very sneaky in the way she phrases things in that podcast. She's a lawyer so you know.
So Ilahn Omar is in hot water, AGAIN, for making anti-semitic comments, AGAIN. This time she openly accused Jews of having loyalty to Israel over the US, yet another anti-semitic trope that Jews not living in Israel aren't really loyal to their home country, but rather are just agents of the nefarious, shekel counting country of Israel.
And Pelosi's defense of Omar is even more laugh worthy. Pelosi said Omar's comments weren't "intentionally anti-semitic." Yes, that's right. Omar just keeps "accidentally" saying anti-semitic shit.
Like actual anti-semitic shit that has a documented and lengthy history of showing why the comments are anti-semitic, not using a $ in some random Jewish billionaire's name.
Cohen suing Trump over his legal bills. Talk about some serious schadenfreude
Schakowsky, a Democrat, defended Omar today. Her defense of Omar? "Ilhan Omar is a refugee from Somalia. She comes from a different culture.
Oh. Well. There you go! Refugees from Somalia get a pass!
I wonder if the same lame excuse would hold for refugees from Australia or Germany?
David Duke is now defending Omar.
Going by the Democrats' own standard this means Omar must publicly denounce David Duke and everything he says and stands for. Oh yeah and even if she does it doesn't matter because once David Duke defends you it means you are forever a racist, bigoted, anti-semite.
I'm sure the media will be holding Omar's feet to the flames for this any day now. Any...day...now...
Yeah, remember when Stormy Daniels sued Trump, now her supporters are paying is legal bills. Pretty sure this case will hold as much water as a rotten burlap sack. Watch though, he will play the media or someone will on his behalf and there will likely be a go fund me or something.
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"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
"It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie