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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #5281
    Join Date
    May 2010
    With your mom


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    Yes, both sellstuff1 and myself are racists. I know I have a problem and will be leaving these boards to seek help immediately.
    Very courageous to admit that. I hope you get the help you need.

    Thoughts and prayers for u.

  2. #5282


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashlander View Post
    You're a hypocrite. Happy now?
    How so?

  3. #5283


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Rumors going around that Northam is now claiming he's not either person pictured in the photo and will make an announcement this afternoon saying as such and stating he will stay on as governor. I sure hope he goes this route, it will give some Democrats cover to take his side then we can all laugh even more at the absurdity of the entire situation.
    Yeah, I'm laughing pretty hard that the party known for attracting racists, homophobes and xenophobes into it's ranks, pandering to them via cable television for 20 years is gloating about a racist democrat.

  4. #5284


    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post
    Yeah, I'm laughing pretty hard that the party known for attracting racists, homophobes and xenophobes into it's ranks, pandering to them via cable television for 20 years is gloating about a racist democrat.
    Like, congrats. You found one. The current conservative political platform of voter suppression is racist as fuck (And I'd know, I'm a racist! Thanks for pointing it out.) so every conservative that votes down party lines is privy to those same accusations.

  5. #5285


    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post
    Yeah, I'm laughing pretty hard that the party known for attracting racists, homophobes and xenophobes into it's ranks, pandering to them via cable television for 20 years is gloating about a racist democrat.
    I'm amending my law.

    Tgo01's Law:

    The longer a political discussion goes on the greater chance someone will mention "ORANGE MAN BAD!", "MUH RUSSIA!", or accuse a Republican of being an -ist.

    There we go, perfection.

  6. #5286


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I'm amending my law.

    Tgo01's Law:

    The longer a political discussion goes on the greater chance someone will mention "ORANGE MAN BAD!", "MUH RUSSIA!", or accuse a Republican of being an -ist.

    There we go, perfection.
    I thought you wanted to talk politics, Dreaven?
    Last edited by sellstuff1; 02-02-2019 at 11:14 AM.

  7. #5287


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    It's called a blackout game, they even describe that in the article you linked. You're really bad at this my dude. You going for that "Most Retarded Poster" trophy or what?
    Clearly this was just for a blackout game to demonstrate school spirit. You're really bad at this my dude. You going for that "Most Retarded Poster" trophy or what?

  8. #5288


    He's doing it! He's actually doing it! This is gold!

    Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, facing intense pressure to resign from fellow Democrats after admitting that he posed for a photo in a racist costume as a medical student more than 30 years ago, was calling state Democrats on Saturday to say he did not think it was him in the picture and that he would not resign.

    Mr. Northam, who apologized on Friday night, was increasingly isolated, but in phone calls on Saturday morning he said he had no recollection of the yearbook image of two men, one in blackface and the other in Ku Klux Klan robes. He was planning to make a statement in the afternoon that he did not think he was in either costume, according to a Virginia Democrat familiar with his planning who was not authorized to speak publicly.

    In addition to calling state Democratic officials, Mr. Northam has been calling former classmates at Eastern Virginia Medical School in an effort to determine more information about the picture — and to survive a crisis that is threatening his year-old governorship.
    So now he's denying it was him in the photo and he's calling old classmates to see if they can lie...err I mean "jog their memories"...and say that he wasn't either person in the photo.

    This is the best part though:

    With the governor and his top advisers gathered in the executive residence next to the State Capitol in Richmond, the Democrat familiar with Mr. Northam’s calls said the governor was determined to prove it was not him in the photograph and was even considering using facial recognition software.
    Yes, he wants to use facial recognition software to see through the black face paint and the white hood to determine that neither face belongs to him.

  9. #5289


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    He's doing it! He's actually doing it! This is gold!

    So now he's denying it was him in the photo and he's calling old classmates to see if they can lie...err I mean "jog their memories"...and say that he wasn't either person in the photo.

    This is the best part though:

    Yes, he wants to use facial recognition software to see through the black face paint and the white hood to determine that neither face belongs to him.
    So why is it school spirit when a conservative does it but racist when a democrat does it? This is a clearly a Halloween costume in bad taste.

  10. #5290


    Quote Originally Posted by Alfster View Post
    Source please.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

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