Last edited by Methais; 09-26-2018 at 07:37 AM.
Wait.. so you are calling what Methais does to you as "harassing"... what do you call it what you did to him?
Dude.. this isn't an argument you can even hope to win. Your best move would be to just walk away and pretend everyone doesn't know what a complete and utter piece of shit you are.
PS - I know, I know.. I must be "obsessed" with you.........
Responding to stupid posts by stupid people on a public forum and calling out their stupidity isn’t harassment. The only reason you think it is is because you’re stupid.
Like really really stupid.
And butthurt.
And a creepy as fuck self unaware hypocrite who has done far worse things irl to multiple people from this same forum while scrubbing old shitbag posts and pretending said events never happened while acting like you’re morally superior and aren’t a waste of oxygen.
Last edited by Methais; 09-26-2018 at 03:19 PM.
Last edited by Astray; 09-26-2018 at 03:21 PM.
See what I mean? Triggered. And newsflash, when someone tells you that you're behavior is harassment, and you continue said behavior.. then it is most certainly harassment. There is a reason why you and parkbandit and wraithbringer specifically are considered the most toxic trolls on this forum. I don't intend to stop posting here, so please, continue with your obsessive behavior and see where it gets you.
The only one getting triggered is you. I’m simply calling you out for what you are in response to your own stupid words.
You can’t continually engage someone on a forum and simultaneously cry harassment over forum posts you fucking idiot. Especially while also looking up rl info on people and threatening to try to get them fired and dox them to Antifa while also threatening to go all subpoena like an extratard.
God damn you’re fucking stupid. But this is par for the course for you, so literally no one is surprised.
Last edited by Methais; 09-26-2018 at 03:51 PM.
That fucking idiot, he just declared war.