My old roommate and I used to have totally different political leanings on pretty much everything. She was a huge Hillary supporter. We watched the election together and I laughed the entire time. We got along just fine though because neither of us allowed our political views to define our entire life. Hell, she was even an Alabama fan.
The fact is, i don't give a fuck what anyone's opinions on anything are. It is when they start treating other people as lesser or their opinions as retarded that I start calling that person retarded or start calling them things like Hitler Jr. I was more than willing to let cwolff put out his opinions and I was more than willing to listen to them, but the vitriol he spews when you disagree with him was just too much for me to ever take him seriously. So now he falls into the "fucking retarded" bucket.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam