Originally Posted by
I think it's funny that you seem to think Republicans don't shovel the exact same shit and very frequently talk about how out of touch liberals are. It's just that you agree with your side so you don't notice it the same way.
My view is that they are running out of civil rights issues to run on, so they "invent" an issue. Things that barely affect a minuscule percentage of the American population and they huff and they puff about it so that they can continue being the "civil rights champions".
They will talk about anything other than the real issues which I doubt they have real answers for, this applies to both sides. I sometimes wonder if some of these politicians that get caught in a scandal aren't just falling on their sword to pull attention away from a bigger less "sexy" issue.
Last edited by drauz; 05-01-2017 at 10:26 PM.
No, I am not Drauz in game.