>forage for snapdragon stalk
d100(Open): -251
You stumble about in a fruitless attempt at foraging.
1/6/2014: Setheve completes the promotion ritual and says, "Congratulations, Whirlin, for achieving Guild Master status! We trust you'll serve your guild well."
1/11/2014: Grandmaster Alchemist
1/14/2014: Capped, and got Loralaii killed by a GM.
7/11/2016: Founded the Hand of the Arkati
9/20/2016: T5 on my bow (Thanks to Isola)... Managed as far as T4 myself.
I think it's funny because Democrats' entire platform for the past year or so is how in touch with the American people their party is while Trump is entirely out of touch with Americans, and yet according to the poll not only is Trump viewed more favorably (which doesn't necessarily mean a lot considering presidents lately have been viewed more favorably than the parties/congress as a whole) but also Republicans are viewed more favorably.
It's just another one of those instances where Democrats center their entire platform on one issue then it turns out they are the least trusted when it comes to that issue.
This would be like doing a poll about which party people feel cares about the life of unborn children more and it turns out people give the nod to Democrats over Republicans.
Now someone is going to make an ass out of me and link such a poll showing exactly that.
Last edited by Tgo01; 05-01-2017 at 09:42 PM.
Last edited by drauz; 05-01-2017 at 09:53 PM.
No, I am not Drauz in game.
Hey hey hey! While I didn't vote for Obama I was excited at the prospects after he won. I also thought Bill Clinton was a pretty good president, other than being a sexual predator of course.
At this point in time though I am thoroughly over the Democrat party. They are far too gone at this point to coming anywhere close to representing me, since being a straight white male is literally Hitler these days.
I think it's funny you think I said that. And Republicans talk about how out of touch liberals are? Well the polls seem to back them up, especially Trump!
My view is that they are running out of civil rights issues to run on, so they "invent" an issue. Things that barely affect a minuscule percentage of the American population and they huff and they puff about it so that they can continue being the "civil rights champions".
They will talk about anything other than the real issues which I doubt they have real answers for, this applies to both sides. I sometimes wonder if some of these politicians that get caught in a scandal aren't just falling on their sword to pull attention away from a bigger less "sexy" issue.
Last edited by drauz; 05-01-2017 at 10:26 PM.
No, I am not Drauz in game.
I "singled out" one party because that's the party that has been big on insisting they are in touch with average Americans. They are the ones supposedly fighting for the little guy against mega corporations, the ones fighting for minorities against the racist white right, the ones fighting for women's rights against a party of extreme woman hating bigots, the ones fighting for gay rights against a nation of homophobes. That's the Democrats' platform for the past several years.
You keep saying Republicans do it too in regards to a story that shows more Americans think Republicans are in touch, especially so for Trump in particular.
Republicans' main talking points the past several years have been the economy, jobs, illegal immigration, terrorism, THE WALL!, repealing Obamacare.
Democrats' main talking points have been playing identity politics and this poll shows it's not working for them.
Last edited by Tgo01; 05-02-2017 at 01:54 AM.