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Thread: Greenland

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  1. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    A fundamental problem I see with socialists, Marxists, leftists, etc. is they ignore or deny basic human sociology. We naturally organize ourselves into social hierarchies and compete to survive. People are not equal in abilities & ambition. Thinking that we’re all just going to get along with each other and everyone gets an equal share is a fantasy that defies our very nature.
    Gosh there's a lot to unpack here.

    If you actually read the Communist manifesto by Marx, don't worry you won't die in a fiery pit of hell for doing so, you'll see that it's all based around the idea of the family unit where everyone pitches in how they can so they all can live comfortably. That's the idea of the commune.

    I think a worthwhile goal for humanity in general is to emulate that nationally and eventually globally. When we all work together things are better for everyone. Humanity needs to stop perpetuating the cycle of hatred, violence, and elitism if we're going to survive long enough to get to the stars.

    As for China and Cold wars aren't you driving us towards conflict with your attitude? Like what if since you're so firmly convinced that it's inevitable that there will be conflict you are actually becoming the cause of that conflict?

    I think people are naturally cooperative and friendly until they're taught to hate. And I will maintain that the leaders of our current era are power-hungry capitalists that are trying to drive us apart and keep us fearful of one another so that we will continue to put them in power. In reality the average guy in China or any other f****** country in the world just wants to put food on the table, have a nice peaceful life, and raise a family, just like everybody else.
    Last edited by Back; 01-26-2025 at 06:13 PM.

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