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Thread: Script Checks

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    script checks should just give a negative exp modifier if you fail. if you wanted to reward active players then go back to the hook(or something similar) that gives people a go at a silvers WPS wagon or item/enhancive recharger.
    Discord: anebriated

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  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Ramrod View Post
    Yeah, you just don't like MA groups and you're grasping at straws to justify it.

    "RP on occasion" lol. How exactly does "massive spam" prevent you from RP'ing "on occasion?" I see plenty of people role playing in noisy areas. The funny part is you say "on occasion" because you're not actually trying to RP in the Pipe Den. You just decided that IF you wanted to RP in the Pipe Den, a little screen scroll makes it impossible so it's someone else's fault you're not RP'ing.

    I'll help you out though - If you're looking for RP opportunities, try IMT or Haven instead of the Pipe Den.

    Everything else you listed can be traced back to shitty game mechanics - loot cap, loot pressure, spawn rates.

    Rich areas get hunted till they're poor: That's nothing new
    Large groups create swarms: Nothing new
    Pipe den had a fun quiet community feel until the MA crews rolled in. Now it’s a dead hole like the sands and the teras statue.

    And you’re saying I need to leave my hunting area so I can do what the game is designed to provide just to accommodate botters? Think you’re upside down and lack critical thinking bro, hate to see it.

    Shittty game design is the game. These problems don’t exist where the MA crews aren’t. I’m doing my part, by reporting and lobbying behind the scenes to get mechanics changed to discourage MA crews, but there’s only so much time in the day.
    Discord: Jivan#1805

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Ramrod View Post
    How does that affect your enjoyment of the game? I see big MA groups and it's a lot of scroll, but it doesn't affect me in any way.
    I think that's a reach. I went to HW for the first time yesterday and it was really obnoxious that in the 1 super node in place he sat there and just sang to gems for HOURS of screen scroll. I honestly do not care if people MA group hunt or how people want to enjoy the game but in that instance at least just goto the node in the middle of town where people don't congregate or he's a bard just go somewhere and sing song of power and have it trigger on and off it's not like being on the super node was helping him with exp absorption.

    Eventually i squelched the songs and his custom spell prep but I would err on the side that says people shouldn't have to modify their game to enjoy it. On the hand I agree with the people that say if you kick out the scripters you're probably going to shorten the life of the game.
    Last edited by Sean; 12-02-2023 at 04:36 PM.
    R.I.P. Bushido Brown

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by BLZrizz View Post
    lobbying behind the scenes to get mechanics changed to discourage MA crews
    What sort of mechanics changes to discourage MA crews?

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by BLZrizz View Post
    Pipe den had a fun quiet community feel until the MA crews rolled in. Now it’s a dead hole like the sands and the teras statue.

    And you’re saying I need to leave my hunting area so I can do what the game is designed to provide just to accommodate botters? Think you’re upside down and lack critical thinking bro, hate to see it.
    I said there's better RP opportunities than the Pipe Den. Reading comprehension is hard. You really sound like one of those people that are like - "I liked it before it got popular."

    Shittty game design is the game. These problems don’t exist where the MA crews aren’t.
    MHO Groups such as Drake, Black Wolves, etc often causes these exact spawn/loot problems.
    Every GM event is full of scroll.
    Literally every problem you described exists outside of MA groups. Getting rid of the MA groups doesn't suddenly erase scroll in busy areas/events, change the spawn mechanics, change loot pressure/cap, etc. Every single problem you described still exists.

    I’m doing my part, by reporting and lobbying behind the scenes to get mechanics changed to discourage MA crews, but there’s only so much time in the day.
    Well, when you finally reach your goal of ridding the game of MA crews, I hope you're prepared to put up the cash to keep the game going.

    FWIW, I have one account and have never been an MA crew. I do recognize that people with 15 accounts dropping $10,000 at events is what keeps this game going. I also recognize that the scroll from 15 characters in a room is insignificant.
    Last edited by Ramrod; 12-02-2023 at 05:16 PM.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramrod View Post
    Well, when you finally reach your goal of ridding the game of MA crews, I hope you're prepared to put up the cash to keep the game going.

    FWIW, I have one account and have never been an MA crew. I do recognize that people with 15 accounts dropping $10,000 at events is what keeps this game going. I also recognize that the scroll from 15 characters in a room is insignificant.
    Slippery slope. There is an AFK scripting instance of the game. Shattered. They can play that. Botting is against policy if they should change that based on money where does that stop? So if someone who pays 10,000 USD every event decides they don't want you to play anymore they should ban you from the game? They decide they want to be able to say the N word that should be allowed? Where does it end? Spending money on gear doesn't give you a permit to rewrite policy and it shouldn't. They should start giving out warnings to players who try to use how much money they spend to get special treatment. You wanna break the rules you gotta be willing to take the punishment. Don't like policy? Don't play.

  7. #17
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    On screen scroll.

    Too many people asked to remove the travel times to distant towns. Those travel times were put in place for a reason and it wasn't about "realism", it was about building small communities to spread out the server population. Town Gurus were there to keep those small communities involved with their own storylines.

    Bring town gurus back, remove the travel shortcuts and you may get your game back.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by SonoftheNorth View Post
    Slippery slope. There is an AFK scripting instance of the game. Shattered. They can play that. Botting is against policy if they should change that based on money where does that stop?So if someone who pays 10,000 USD every event decides they don't want you to play anymore they should ban you from the game? They decide they want to be able to say the N word that should be allowed? Where does it end? Spending money on gear doesn't give you a permit to rewrite policy and it shouldn't. They should start giving out warnings to players who try to use how much money they spend to get special treatment. You wanna break the rules you gotta be willing to take the punishment. Don't like policy? Don't play.
    We're not talking about people running around saying the N word. The complaint was that an MA crew was healing and purifying gems and that ruined BLZrizz's ability to "RP on occasion." You know, because crowded nodes are a brand new problem that never existed before MA crews and Lich. /s

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    What sort of mechanics changes to discourage MA crews?
    Random environmental effects, RT locks, (more) diminishing returns on treasure for linked accounts to discourage area strip mining, more in-depth script checks, more penalties across all linked accounts for AFK scripting infractions, etc. Things that don't significantly encumber those that hunt solo/manual but would be a pain to do for multiple characters. Basically what makes the scatter a pain in the ass for MA teams, do the same for other grounds where the rest of people are basically forced due to seniority.

    Also modifying the definition/interpretation of AFK scripting to include multi account botting and not just being completely unresponsive (essentially change "apparent" to "actual" responsiveness to the gaming environment). It'a a fiction that someone can be 100% actually responsive to the game over multiple instances and not just using mechanical means to convey that.
    Last edited by BLZrizz; 12-02-2023 at 11:20 PM.
    Discord: Jivan#1805

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Ramrod View Post
    I said there's better RP opportunities than the Pipe Den. Reading comprehension is hard. You really sound like one of those people that are like - "I liked it before it got popular."

    MHO Groups such as Drake, Black Wolves, etc often causes these exact spawn/loot problems.
    Every GM event is full of scroll.
    Literally every problem you described exists outside of MA groups. Getting rid of the MA groups doesn't suddenly erase scroll in busy areas/events, change the spawn mechanics, change loot pressure/cap, etc. Every single problem you described still exists.

    Well, when you finally reach your goal of ridding the game of MA crews, I hope you're prepared to put up the cash to keep the game going.

    FWIW, I have one account and have never been an MA crew. I do recognize that people with 15 accounts dropping $10,000 at events is what keeps this game going. I also recognize that the scroll from 15 characters in a room is insignificant.
    You don't MA but you're a champion of MA crews apparently.

    The pipe den was plenty popular with a nice community of people who spoke to each other prior to 8+ MA crews spamming the place up and now no one does it unless someone is asking for healing from that team's automated and script triggered healer. And yes loot pressure, spawn mechanics, et al does happen but it's disingenuous to say multiple 8+ MA crews don't exacerbate all of those problems to another order of magnitude. And MHO, GM events are infrequent and intermittent compared to the day in day out, mass spamming of an end game hunting area that destroys the loot and "adversely affects the gaming experience" of everyone else that is forced to be there.

    "There are plenty of other RP opportunities, therefore don't feel bad about losing yours to an MA botter." Really?

    Come on with these terrible false equivalencies and non-sequiturs, it's like a logical fallacy machine up in here.
    Last edited by BLZrizz; 12-02-2023 at 11:30 PM.
    Discord: Jivan#1805

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