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10-13-2014, 02:36 PM

10-13-2014, 02:39 PM
Dicks on both sides.

10-13-2014, 02:41 PM
Stop AFK scripting then.

10-13-2014, 02:42 PM
Stop AFK scripting then.

I agree. Now pardon me as I seek out the blood-vomit bucket.

10-13-2014, 02:53 PM
Stop AFK scripting then.


But let me ask you this... Would you rather have someone playing 16 hours a day and afk scripting for 8, or not playing at all?

Jeril's probably a good example too. Not that I know anything about his scripting habits or how his afk check went down, but I always saw him interacting with people.

10-13-2014, 02:59 PM

But let me ask you this... Would you rather have someone playing 16 hours a day and afk scripting for 8, or not playing at all?

Jeril's probably a good example too. Not that I know anything about his scripting habits or how his afk check went down, but I always saw him interacting with people.

Who cares? The rules, that you agree to when you create an account, are the rules. If you violate them, you should expect script checks.

10-13-2014, 03:00 PM
You won't quit though.. you'll just make a new account and play because you have the need.

And Simu knows it. For everyone that said "It's cool, I'll be cancelling".. probably a small fraction actually do.

10-13-2014, 03:03 PM
Who cares? The rules, that you agree to when you create an account, are the rules. If you violate them, you should expect script checks.

True. But I wasn't warned for violating a script check.

10-13-2014, 03:03 PM
True. But I wasn't warned for violating a script check.

You are complaining about receiving them though.

AFK Script hunting and AFK bot healing are probably the only two activities I feel should be a violation.

10-13-2014, 03:06 PM
So after being tagged recently for suspicious scripting behavior you thought it would be a great idea to AFK script? Are you retarded?

10-13-2014, 03:06 PM
You won't quit though.. you'll just make a new account and play because you have the need.

And Simu knows it. For everyone that said "It's cool, I'll be cancelling".. probably a small fraction actually do.

Or a large fraction do. Look at the population.

And this time... the zealousness of the GM is enough to make me quit. I could easily see him tagging me with a warning for playing 18 hours even if I was at the keyboard the entire time. Or, he makes a script check that I don't even see when I'm playing because it's some fucked up weird version where he adds 1 RT to all of my RT and expects me to notice.

No thanks.

10-13-2014, 03:07 PM
Jeril owned up to what he did and didn't act like an asshat to the GM.

I honestly don't get why you even want to play a game that you don't even play for half the time your character is in. So I guess not playing at all.

10-13-2014, 03:08 PM
You are complaining about receiving them though.

AFK Script hunting and AFK bot healing are probably the only two activities I feel should be a violation.

Oh I'm not complaining. Just sharing.

10-13-2014, 03:08 PM
I find this interesting because I once had my paladin in the forge for like 36 hours straight and I never got a script check, at least that I am aware of and you would think I would know about it. It seems the frequency of them is increasing.

10-13-2014, 03:09 PM
Or a large fraction do. Look at the population.

And this time... the zealousness of the GM is enough to make me quit. I could easily see him tagging me with a warning for playing 18 hours even if I was at the keyboard the entire time. Or, he makes a script check that I don't even see when I'm playing because it's some fucked up weird version where he adds 1 RT to all of my RT and expects me to notice.

No thanks.

See ya.

10-13-2014, 03:09 PM
I find this interesting because I once had my paladin in the forge for like 36 hours straight and I never got a script check, at least that I am aware of and you would think I would know about it. It seems the frequency of them is increasing.

Not when Itzel was around you didn't!

10-13-2014, 03:09 PM
Jeril owned up to what he did and didn't act like an asshat to the GM.

I honestly don't get why you even want to play a game that you don't even play for half the time your character is in. So I guess not playing at all.

If that was remotely true. I probably spent the last month 12-16 hours per day easy.

10-13-2014, 03:10 PM
Dude, straight up, you were sort of a hat full of used sphincters about it. You need to use something called tact. Example...

You say, "Go UNDEAD JESUS FUCK yourself."

Mazreth nods approvingly.

Win/win right there.

10-13-2014, 03:10 PM
So after being tagged recently for suspicious scripting behavior you thought it would be a great idea to AFK script? Are you retarded?

Exactly this.

You weren't up 24 hours straight, gaining 40K experience and deposit your coins every 30 minutes by not scripting. You weren't awake at the computer, paying attention to the game the entire time either.

You were afk scripting. Just own it and be done. It was a good run.. you got caught and now have to go through the penalty of breaking the rules.

Suck it up Nancy.

10-13-2014, 03:11 PM
You won't quit though.. you'll just make a new account and play because you have the need.

And Simu knows it. For everyone that said "It's cool, I'll be cancelling".. probably a small fraction actually do.


10-13-2014, 03:13 PM
That scrubbed out part was porn. Admit it.

10-13-2014, 03:14 PM
And how many accounts do you have open now Buck? Several months back it was in the double digits. But, you've been cleaning house, so who knows!

10-13-2014, 03:14 PM

Grats on being a small fraction?

I bet it's not the first time someone called you that.

10-13-2014, 03:14 PM
BY THE WAY. I'm just asking. HOW IN THE FUCK does *ANYONE* get 40k in one day without gift/rpa?

I mean for real good god that's a lot.

10-13-2014, 03:15 PM
Grats on being a small fraction?

I bet it's not the first time someone called you that.

Nope. I like being in the top fraction of the 1%.

10-13-2014, 03:17 PM
And how many accounts do you have open now Buck? Several months back it was in the double digits. But, you've been cleaning house, so who knows!

I don't know. Like $400 a month worth. I don't look at account numbers I look at dollars per month spent and try to keep it to $400 in monthly subs and then whenever I feel like going to Bovada or Fanduel sometimes I stop and throw down a couple hundred on things like BSC.

Its just a past time for me.

10-13-2014, 03:17 PM
BY THE WAY. I'm just asking. HOW IN THE FUCK does *ANYONE* get 40k in one day without gift/rpa?

I mean for real good god that's a lot.

AFK Scripting?

10-13-2014, 03:18 PM
BY THE WAY. I'm just asking. HOW IN THE FUCK does *ANYONE* get 40k in one day without gift/rpa?

I mean for real good god that's a lot.


10-13-2014, 03:22 PM
I want them to be quick as shit to notice how bad this enforcement of the policy is.


10-13-2014, 03:23 PM
I want them to be quick as shit to notice how bad this enforcement of the policy is.


I want them to notice how much I appreciate it. Gonna go post on the officials.

10-13-2014, 03:23 PM
BY THE WAY. I'm just asking. HOW IN THE FUCK does *ANYONE* get 40k in one day without gift/rpa?

I mean for real good god that's a lot.

Easy. First 30 days, max logic. Kill until full. Rest until fresh and clear. I was averaging about 1900 exp per hour. It can vary depending on how hard the stuff is to kill and once you respec stats, it can drop to about 1500-1600 depending on logic and killing speed.

10-13-2014, 03:23 PM
BY THE WAY. I'm just asking. HOW IN THE FUCK does *ANYONE* get 40k in one day without gift/rpa?

I mean for real good god that's a lot.

Looking at that exp chart makes me cringe. Because it's not X amount of creatures to hit x amount of exp.

10-13-2014, 03:24 PM
But let me ask you this... Would you rather have someone playing 16 hours a day and afk scripting for 8, or not playing at all?

I've read some firsthand reports of prospective players (and who play other MU*s) who were turned away from the game because many of the other PCs they tried to interact with were unresponsive bots. So I'm not sure if it's a net gain/loss overall; it depends on different people's preferences and expectations.

10-13-2014, 03:25 PM
I want them to be quick as shit to notice how bad this enforcement of the policy is.


Not sure why Mazreth doesn't just write a quick script since he's good at coding and grab everyone making X deposits or X exp.

10-13-2014, 03:26 PM
Not sure why Mazreth doesn't just write a quick script since he's good at coding and grab everyone making X deposits or X exp.
Twiddling their thumbs as they watch screen scroll isn't as much fun.

10-13-2014, 03:27 PM
I've read some firsthand reports of prospective players (and who play other MU*s) who were turned away from the game because many of the other PCs they tried to interact with were unresponsive bots. So I'm not sure if it's a net gain/loss overall; it depends on different people's preferences and expectations.

A lot of people are AFK when they rest anyway so AFK scripting isn't the real problem here.

10-13-2014, 03:30 PM
A lot of people are AFK when they rest anyway so AFK scripting isn't the real problem here.

Did you cancel yet?

10-13-2014, 03:31 PM
You have been logged in for 207 out of the last 214 polling cycles my demographic bot has made.

i poll every 10 minutes, so that's the last 36 hours. You've been at least in game for roughly 35 of the last 36 hours.

| total_polling_cycles |
| 214 |

| raeloc_seen |
| 207 |

if i extend that to the last 7 days, you've been logged in for 847 out of the last 945 polls. In other words, you're logged in roughly 90% of every day.

Now, you could be afk sitting at a table doing nothing, that's what i'm doing, but I doubt it.

10-13-2014, 03:32 PM
I've read some firsthand reports of prospective players (and who play other MU*s) who were turned away from the game because many of the other PCs they tried to interact with were unresponsive bots. So I'm not sure if it's a net gain/loss overall; it depends on different people's preferences and expectations.

You mean like Shattered.. which has what.. 10-12 people playing there at any given time?

10-13-2014, 03:33 PM
Not sure why Mazreth doesn't just write a quick script since he's good at coding and grab everyone making X deposits or X exp.

I think you are misunderstanding what Mazreth was trying to tell you. He didn't give you a scripting warning because you deposited coins in your bank, it was just another indication that you were afk scripting.

10-13-2014, 03:35 PM
I think you are misunderstanding what Mazreth was trying to tell you. He didn't give you a scripting warning because you deposited coins in your bank, it was just another indication that you were afk scripting.

Logging off probably wasn't a good idea either. Then pretending Mazreth didn't know what the fuck he was doing probably didn't help.

10-13-2014, 03:38 PM
oh man, for extra giggles and shits i checked how you rank for login time among your peers, congrats...you're the 10th most active player in gemstone. Technically 9th, as one of these is my bot. I did a query for anyone with >= the 847 poll cycles for the last 7 days you have.

| name_salt | seen_in_week |
| fc5aa5a1098aafb196ca9d0e1b83e37d | 945 | <--- that's me!
| 5a20779a84511691c579d7cab5714b82 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| 40e51f73fd5c25790acb54ccc6bf92f5 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| f8856af88f74c4b636be4ede417c0cee | 931 |
| 87c311676597e36a3065373a298d7576 | 911 |
| 0a5f43ebde43eddd8f2cb8872c12d43d | 908 |
| da56450636be7a09fa55a967de6fc94e | 908 |
| b8a0742115745f464bb5fdb54f84b824 | 900 |
| 45d0efc9f0b221dcc3e8587f65da502c | 899 |
| 4cd48b6305e37d15ba36aec2f86e47d7 | 847 | <--- that's you
10 rows in set (0.62 sec)

10-13-2014, 03:39 PM
You have been logged in for 207 out of the last 214 polling cycles my demographic bot has made.

i poll every 10 minutes, so that's the last 36 hours. You've been at least in game for roughly 35 of the last 36 hours.

| total_polling_cycles |
| 214 |

| raeloc_seen |
| 207 |

if i extend that to the last 7 days, you've been logged in for 847 out of the last 945 polls. In other words, you're logged in roughly 90% of every day.

Now, you could be afk sitting at a table doing nothing, that's what i'm doing, but I doubt it.

Sounds like a benefit. You need to get script checked for that.

10-13-2014, 03:40 PM
oh man, for extra giggles and shits i checked how you rank for login time among your peers, congrats...you're the 10th most active player in gemstone. Technically 9th, as one of these is my bot. I did a query for anyone with >= the 847 poll cycles for the last 7 days you have.

| name_salt | seen_in_week |
| fc5aa5a1098aafb196ca9d0e1b83e37d | 945 | <--- that's me!
| 5a20779a84511691c579d7cab5714b82 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| 40e51f73fd5c25790acb54ccc6bf92f5 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| f8856af88f74c4b636be4ede417c0cee | 931 |
| 87c311676597e36a3065373a298d7576 | 911 |
| 0a5f43ebde43eddd8f2cb8872c12d43d | 908 |
| da56450636be7a09fa55a967de6fc94e | 908 |
| b8a0742115745f464bb5fdb54f84b824 | 900 |
| 45d0efc9f0b221dcc3e8587f65da502c | 899 |
| 4cd48b6305e37d15ba36aec2f86e47d7 | 847 | <--- that's you
10 rows in set (0.62 sec)

Haha jesus. You have better tools then the GMs!

10-13-2014, 03:40 PM
Haha jesus. You have better tools then the GMs!

Oh, I wasn't aware you were a GM and knew what tools they had.

10-13-2014, 03:42 PM
Oh, I wasn't aware you were a GM and knew what tools they had.

God, you sound like a GM. Pretentious prick.

It's pretty easy to guess if they had sophisticated tools they wouldn't need to script check people. Because, let's he honest it's impossible to play 20/24 hours a day for 7 days straight.

10-13-2014, 03:43 PM
Did you cancel yet?

No I need to gather all my shit on my character and sell it off first.

10-13-2014, 03:44 PM
God, you sound like a GM. Pretentious prick.

It's pretty easy to guess if they had sophisticated tools they wouldn't need to script check people. Because, let's he honest it's impossible to play 20/24 hours a day for 7 days straight.

I don't think you know what pretentious means.

Like, I could call you pretentious for your posting up logs from script checks and how you think you are so cool for how you talk to a GM when he pulls you.... But I'm not going into namecalling just yet.

10-13-2014, 03:45 PM
Mazreth says, "That's warning # 2 for vulgarity..."

How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

10-13-2014, 03:46 PM
How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

I've heard of banks closing customer accounts for it before.

10-13-2014, 03:48 PM
oh man, for extra giggles and shits i checked how you rank for login time among your peers, congrats...you're the 10th most active player in gemstone. Technically 9th, as one of these is my bot. I did a query for anyone with >= the 847 poll cycles for the last 7 days you have.

| name_salt | seen_in_week |
| fc5aa5a1098aafb196ca9d0e1b83e37d | 945 | <--- that's me!
| 5a20779a84511691c579d7cab5714b82 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| 40e51f73fd5c25790acb54ccc6bf92f5 | 945 | <--- someone report these fuckers!
| f8856af88f74c4b636be4ede417c0cee | 931 |
| 87c311676597e36a3065373a298d7576 | 911 |
| 0a5f43ebde43eddd8f2cb8872c12d43d | 908 |
| da56450636be7a09fa55a967de6fc94e | 908 |
| b8a0742115745f464bb5fdb54f84b824 | 900 |
| 45d0efc9f0b221dcc3e8587f65da502c | 899 |
| 4cd48b6305e37d15ba36aec2f86e47d7 | 847 | <--- that's you
10 rows in set (0.62 sec)

I bet I am in that list! I have a couple characters who hold down tables.

10-13-2014, 03:49 PM
I've heard of banks closing customer accounts for it before.

Pretentious doesn't apply to you because you are actually better then everyone right? And you know more then everyone.

10-13-2014, 03:50 PM
Pretentious doesn't apply to you because you are actually better then everyone right? And you know more then everyone.

Point to me where I said that?

10-13-2014, 03:53 PM
Point to me where I said that?

Doesn't this just prove my point more?

10-13-2014, 03:53 PM
Why not just play Shattered? I'm not trying to be a dick here, it's a serious question.

10-13-2014, 03:53 PM
Doesn't this just prove my point more?

It proves that you can make up things.

10-13-2014, 03:54 PM
God, you sound like a GM. Pretentious prick.

It's pretty easy to guess if they had sophisticated tools they wouldn't need to script check people. Because, let's he honest it's impossible to play 20/24 hours a day for 7 days straight.

I say this with peace and love, but gelston is only a former GS player who likes to troll the current players. Peace and love!

10-13-2014, 03:55 PM
Why not just play Shattered? I'm not trying to be a dick here, it's a serious question.

Shhh, don't get involved. If you try not to be a dick but ask questions, you'll be called a dick.

10-13-2014, 03:55 PM
I say this with peace and love, but gelston is only a former GS player who likes to troll the current players. Peace and love!

According to him he is about to be a former player... Still waiting on that.

10-13-2014, 03:56 PM
How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

You're damn right. If a customer speaks to my employees in a derogatory manner they are spoken to and if they continue, asked to leave. It's company policy.

Why do people think just because they are a customer and spending money, they can act any damn way they please? Sounds like people raised by a 'time out-lets not keep score' mommy to me. Get over yourselves.

10-13-2014, 03:56 PM
I mean, the gm's tools can't be too much worse than mine since they obviously corroborate what my data has...i doubt very much he just pulled a 40k exp change out his ass. You're obviously on basically 24 hours a day, and maybe you didn't mean to leave a script running. I don't disagree with you that their methods for script checking are balls (though they have gotten better. they used to be non-monsterbold and assholes like Emeradan would make them specifically look like normal lines you were getting and change like 3 words so it would blend it. I also don't disagree, as a whole, the script checks are stupid given the current state of the population. But, the rules are the rules and it doesn't really look like you were obeying them. When i got popped for afk scripting i say "oh well". and afk scripted the death's sting penalty away.

I bet I am in that list! I have a couple characters who hold down tables.


10-13-2014, 03:56 PM
It's pretty easy to guess if they had sophisticated tools they wouldn't need to script check people. Because, let's he honest it's impossible to play 20/24 hours a day for 7 days straight.

So, you admit you were afk scripting?

10-13-2014, 03:57 PM
So, you admit you were afk scripting?

Oh, he did that one like, page 1.

10-13-2014, 03:57 PM
Shhh, don't get involved. If you try not to be a dick but ask questions, you'll be called a dick.

I actually got a pretty informative green rep.

10-13-2014, 04:01 PM
I actually got a pretty informative green rep.

It wasn't a bad question. the likely answer is I like to play with people when I play. But paying them more money is also irritating.

10-13-2014, 04:02 PM
I actually got a pretty informative green rep.

Oh. Uh... this is awkward.

10-13-2014, 04:02 PM

Soon enough!

10-13-2014, 04:04 PM
Soon enough!

What's going to happen when all of Buckwheet's characters and my characters stop playing? :(

10-13-2014, 04:05 PM
Oh, he did that one like, page 1.

You don't view this at 100 posts per page?


10-13-2014, 04:05 PM
You don't view this at 100 posts per page?


Okay, Bobmuhthol.

10-13-2014, 04:06 PM
Easy. First 30 days, max logic. Kill until full. Rest until fresh and clear. I was averaging about 1900 exp per hour. It can vary depending on how hard the stuff is to kill and once you respec stats, it can drop to about 1500-1600 depending on logic and killing speed.Just to be clear, though 40k / 1900 = 21 hours in the day. That's why it's hard, people need to sleep/eat/hygiene/hookers/blow.
A lot of people are AFK when they rest anyway so AFK scripting isn't the real problem here.This comparison doesn't hold. If your character is resting they aren't impacting the game environment by commission, only omission. If your character is scripting through a hunting area and you are AFK, you are impacting the game environment without possibility of interaction.

10-13-2014, 04:06 PM
What's going to happen when all of Buckwheet's characters and my characters stop playing? :(

Nothing? The logged in count goes down by..10-15? I mean Kitsun and Sabreon are gone and what happened after that?


Its why I know Simu doesn't care about my money. Its not that I am stupid enough to think that one person can change their ways, because hundreds have left and dozens of big spenders have left. There just comes a time, and maybe it is now, when how certain players play they don't want us around anymore and instead of just sending us an email or pulling us into the lounge and do a "growing pains" like discussion they just target us with ridiculous bullshit to the point we leave.

Its just the way they are, and at least they have always been consistent in that regard.

10-13-2014, 04:07 PM
What's going to happen when all of Buckwheet's characters and my characters stop playing? :(

simu will make slightly less money a month? kind of sucks for them but, since none of that money comes back into gemstone in any appreciable way it doesn't really affect us.

i mean, buck would still be on the PC for us to bask in his glory.

10-13-2014, 04:07 PM
Okay, Bobmuhthol.

Are you trying to pick a fight with me?


10-13-2014, 04:10 PM
simu will make slightly less money a month? kind of sucks for them but, since none of that money comes back into gemstone in any appreciable way it doesn't really affect us.

i mean, buck would still be on the PC for us to bask in his glory.

Probably not. The last time I took a break due to the scripting bullshit I was gone for 6 or 7 years. I made the mistake then of selling everything off, which I don't want to repeat. So I will just go play EVE which has the current expense per month and an even better scaling ratio when it comes to multi-boxing. At least there all I have to do is activate the tank and I can AFK all I want if I need to take a shit and not worry about my character hitting the magic xp percentage and my hunting script starting while I am doing the paperwork.

Hell, even there you can earn enough to play for free. So meh, whatever its just time for a break from the game and probably a break for the game from me. It seems most of the big MA groups are gone anyways.

10-13-2014, 04:13 PM
This comparison doesn't hold. If your character is resting they aren't impacting the game environment by commission, only omission. If your character is scripting through a hunting area and you are AFK, you are impacting the game environment without possibility of interaction.

I was responding to the comment that new players were upset that people don't respond. That more likely happens in town, etc. So there is "harm" in being AFK according to that person.

10-13-2014, 04:15 PM
Are you trying to pick a fight with me?


I don't fight senior citizens.

10-13-2014, 04:17 PM
Probably not. The last time I took a break due to the scripting bullshit I was gone for 6 or 7 years. I made the mistake then of selling everything off, which I don't want to repeat. So I will just go play EVE which has the current expense per month and an even better scaling ratio when it comes to multi-boxing. At least there all I have to do is activate the tank and I can AFK all I want if I need to take a shit and not worry about my character hitting the magic xp percentage and my hunting script starting while I am doing the paperwork.

Hell, even there you can earn enough to play for free. So meh, whatever its just time for a break from the game and probably a break for the game from me. It seems most of the big MA groups are gone anyways.

Mmmmm Eve. I used to multibox 3 guys. I would probably play again if the thought of having to gather all my gear scattered in random 0.0 hangers didn't give me an annuerism just thinking about.

Shocking that it's the same price to play.

10-13-2014, 04:18 PM
Mmmmm Eve. I used to multibox 3 guys. I would probably play again if the thought of having to gather all my gear scattered in random 0.0 hangers didn't give me an annuerism just thinking about.

Shocking that it's the same price to play.

Just pay couriers and buy some PLEX for the isk to get started. Thats what my plan is. Should have everything rocking in about 2 days that way.

10-13-2014, 04:19 PM
Just pay couriers and buy some PLEX for the isk to get started. Thats what my plan is. Should have everything rocking in about 2 days that way.

Ah not a bad idea. I'm likely not in a corp anymore so I could just pay the current owners to ferry it out.

10-13-2014, 04:20 PM
Just pay couriers and buy some PLEX for the isk to get started. Thats what my plan is. Should have everything rocking in about 2 days that way.

But there's a bunch of other games I want to play first. When I do Gemstone I tend to ignore everything else around me. Maybe I'll get laid too.

10-13-2014, 04:24 PM
I don't fight senior citizens.

I might be wrong but I don't think PB is that old.

Now myself...well when I was in college, I typed in programs for my first three computer science courses on keypunch cards. You probably don't know what those are, so look it up sonnyboy...

10-13-2014, 04:25 PM
I might be wrong but I don't think PB is that old.

Now myself...well when I was in college, I typed in programs for my first three computer science courses on keypunch cards. You probably don't know what those are, so look it up sonnyboy...

Haldrik, this would be the correct time to use the word pretentious.

10-13-2014, 04:26 PM
Haldrik, this would be the correct time to use the word pretentious.

Arrogant would be better.

10-13-2014, 04:27 PM
Tell us another story uncle Candor.

10-13-2014, 04:31 PM
I might be wrong but I don't think PB is that old.

Now myself...well when I was in college, I typed in programs for my first three computer science courses on keypunch cards. You probably don't know what those are, so look it up sonnyboy...

What, no vacuum tubes to deal with? You little whipper snapper you.

10-13-2014, 04:33 PM
Nazis used keypunch cards too. Therefore, Candor = White supremacist.

10-13-2014, 04:33 PM
Mazreth says, "Based on the rate of exp gained over time, and the lack of response to my earlier tests, I'm going to issue a warning for scripting abuse."

You laugh out loud!

You say, "Go fuck yourself."
You say, "I responded to your shitty script tests."

Really? Thats your response to a warning? Yeah, maybe try another hobby. Or decaf.

10-13-2014, 04:34 PM
I might be wrong but I don't think PB is that old.

Now myself...well when I was in college, I typed in programs for my first three computer science courses on keypunch cards. You probably don't know what those are, so look it up sonnyboy...

Thats Fortran. I did it too. In high school.

10-13-2014, 04:43 PM
Thats Fortran. I did it too. In high school.

[Back's lawn]
It is a lawn. It belongs to Back. It is immaculately maintained.
Obvious exits: off

10-13-2014, 04:56 PM
Nazis used keypunch cards too. Therefore, Candor = White supremacist.

Godwin's law.

Really? Thats your response to a warning? Yeah, maybe try another hobby. Or decaf.

Nothing to lose. Might as well tell him how I really feel.

10-13-2014, 04:59 PM
Nothing to lose. Might as well tell him how I really feel.

You 'won' a second warning.

10-13-2014, 05:01 PM
You 'won' a second warning.

Gotta love how it's "I AM A VICTIM OF POOR GM JUDGEMENT" to "I fucked up but it's okay because I have nothing to lose".

10-13-2014, 05:24 PM

10-13-2014, 05:42 PM

10-13-2014, 05:54 PM
But there's a bunch of other games I want to play first. When I do Gemstone I tend to ignore everything else around me. Maybe I'll get laid too.

Make sure you remain 100% attentive while getting laid; there are no warnings for scripting that.

10-13-2014, 05:57 PM
Make sure you remain 100% attentive while getting laid; there are no warnings for scripting that.

Pretty sure I get IRL warnings when I turn my monitor on and a girl sees it. "Not fucking that guy again." THANKS GEMSTONE.

10-13-2014, 06:55 PM
Just quite and leave - no reason for any fancy posts. No one will notice when you leave. No one noticed when I left. No one noticed when my friend left. No one will notice when this game evaporates into mist and the last vestiges of the aging population die off. Just go out with more $$$ than you put into it and call it a win.

10-13-2014, 07:05 PM
Just quite and leave - no reason for any fancy posts. No one will notice when you leave. No one noticed when I left. No one noticed when my friend left. No one will notice when this game evaporates into mist and the last vestiges of the aging population die off. Just go out with more $$$ than you put into it and call it a win.

I noticed when U left and I had a sad :/

10-13-2014, 07:08 PM
Just quite and leave - no reason for any fancy posts. No one will notice when you leave. No one noticed when I left. No one noticed when my friend left. No one will notice when this game evaporates into mist and the last vestiges of the aging population die off. Just go out with more $$$ than you put into it and call it a win.

I was literally thinking... "Why am I so dramatic?"

You are right.

10-13-2014, 07:17 PM
I was literally thinking... "Why am I so dramatic?"

You are right.

Come play (get addicted) to Destiny instead.

10-13-2014, 07:30 PM
Come play (get addicted) to Destiny instead.

Hmm. I could sell my chain spear and get a PS4.

10-13-2014, 07:36 PM
Just quite and leave - no reason for any fancy posts. No one will notice when you leave. No one noticed when I left. No one noticed when my friend left. No one will notice when this game evaporates into mist and the last vestiges of the aging population die off. Just go out with more $$$ than you put into it and call it a win.


10-13-2014, 07:52 PM
I'm reminded of this thread:

Tough spot for Simu... I've seen the Banthal crowd entering the Minotaur areas now, and based on the first few pages, I'd assume the Simu feedback junk e-mail box received a ton of feedback about how disruptive the behavior is. However, based on what I've observed thus far, they swung the pendulum in the other direction a bit too far.

10-13-2014, 08:55 PM
Pretty sure I get IRL warnings when I turn my monitor on and a girl sees it. "Not fucking that guy again." THANKS GEMSTONE.

Prrrretty sure it's not Gemstones fault you're not getting laid.

10-13-2014, 11:26 PM
Thats Fortran. I did it too. In high school.

No, it was Algol68. Which admittedly was more advanced (in some ways) than Fortran.

10-13-2014, 11:32 PM
Really? Thats your response to a warning? Yeah, maybe try another hobby. Or decaf.

Good advice.

You can disagree with GMs. But if you don't do it respectfully, you're an idiot.

10-14-2014, 12:20 AM
Good advice.

You can disagree with GMs. But if you don't do it respectfully, you're an idiot.

It didn't cost me anything, already got the warning.

10-14-2014, 12:31 AM

Clearly photoshopped.

Mazreth says, "Regardless, your lack of response is borderline at best, a policy violation at worst. After researching a little further, I see that Raeloc has been logged in for 24 hours and has gained over 40,000 exp in that time without the aid of lumnis or an rpa."
Mazreth says, "The math on that breaks down to a exp absorption rate of above 1k per hour for the entire time."

I'm confused. How does 40k in 24 hours break down to 1k per hour?

10-14-2014, 12:33 AM
Clearly photoshopped.

I'm confused. How does 40k in 24 hours break down to 1k per hour?

He said above, buddy! He wasn't wrong! It was above 1 xp an hour too.

10-14-2014, 12:35 AM
How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

If he told him to go have sex with himself instead, he probably would have gotten off.


He said above, buddy! He wasn't wrong! It was above 1 xp an hour too.

Don't you oppress me!

10-14-2014, 12:53 AM
How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

Generally speaking other businesses aren't based around you interacting with their other customers. If you're a dick to staff, you're probably a dick to other players. Which is bad for business.

If you get unruly towards staff at a club/concert/sporting event/etc. you can also get kicked out.

I work for tech company, granted it wouldn't happen on a first offense but if you're repeatedly rude to support staff we can and will "fire" you as a customer.

10-14-2014, 12:56 AM
Apparently, mistakenly stating active accounts instead of players is a big deal.

10-14-2014, 01:01 AM
I think the big difference there is that at a club/concert/sporting event that host tens of thousands of people a year, they can afford to lose one customer. In a game that hosts at MOST 500 total accounts per year, each account matters a lot more.

so one, you're off on the account estimation by quite a bit. 300 people logged in at a time generally equates to several thousand active accounts.

and two, someone who is toxic to a community is bad for the overall health of it. If that community is 50 or 50,000 it doesn't matter.

You can disagree with that premise, but the size of the playerbase isn't a good reason to do so.

10-14-2014, 01:01 AM
I think the big difference there is that at a club/concert/sporting event that host tens of thousands of people a year, they can afford to lose one customer. In a game that hosts at MOST 500 total accounts per year, each account matters a lot more.

They didn't kick him out. They gave him a warning.

10-14-2014, 01:07 AM
Is he that toxic to the community? I never had any in game issue with him or his characters, so if it's a matter of him negatively affecting the community, then sure, hit him hard, but I didn't have that experience so I don't know. And thousands of accounts can still equate to 500ish players, in which case every player still matters. The nice thing about this game is that the small player base should make each player matter more than a massive corporate environment.

Edited to add that I didn't read most of this thread, so this particular incident might not apply, but I think for the most part, the GMs make an effort to fuck over too many non-disruptive script experiences. They don't exactly make an effort to keep players around.

10-14-2014, 01:22 AM
bunch of stupid shit that proves you didn't learn anything the first time.

Once again you deserved it. Good to see you learn from your mistakes!

10-14-2014, 01:54 AM
Generally speaking other businesses aren't based around you interacting with their other customers. If you're a dick to staff, you're probably a dick to other players. Which is bad for business.

If you get unruly towards staff at a club/concert/sporting event/etc. you can also get kicked out.

I work for tech company, granted it wouldn't happen on a first offense but if you're repeatedly rude to support staff we can and will "fire" you as a customer.

I was quite cordial at first. But he was a dick. I passed both of his script checks and it wasn't enough. He could have arbitrary pulled me up and said "Hey you've been on for 24 hours, have a script warning." Which is pretty much what he did.

I probably went through 10-15 random knockdowns, gusts of wind, massive RT, all of which I was there for, which gets old fast. They just don't fucking give up. I easily got script checked 5 times that week and passed them all. That's why I'm closing up shop. I could go piss for a second and get script checked.

and two, someone who is toxic to a community is bad for the overall health of it. If that community is 50 or 50,000 it doesn't matter.

Not sure how failed a script check = toxic.

My main characters were Kolren and Kistra. I got along fine with everyone.

10-14-2014, 01:55 AM
Once again you deserved it. Good to see you learn from your mistakes!

True that. I need to learn to script better.

10-14-2014, 02:04 AM
it's not the script check fail, it's how you react to being called on it... to a person who's job, you know, it is to enforce the game policies, which you were breaking.

don't know man, if this is how behave, you'll be hard pressed to find any business model, in any sector, who would treat you like a valued customer.

10-14-2014, 02:19 AM
it's not the script check fail, it's how you react to being called on it... to a person who's job, you know, it is to enforce the game policies, which you were breaking.

don't know man, if this is how behave, you'll be hard pressed to find any business model, in any sector, who would treat you like a valued customer.

Are you really trying to compare this to ANYTHING? You sir, are crazy.

10-14-2014, 02:20 AM
True that. I need to learn to script better.

That's fine, they'll probably link them all together and permanently ban you the next time.

10-14-2014, 02:51 AM
That's fine, they'll probably link them all together and permanently ban you the next time.

One could hope.

10-14-2014, 02:57 AM
So Jhyn, does this mean they have moved from baby steps to pre-teen steps? Or is it possible they are throwing on the combat boots and going straight for the throat? (none of this should make any sense) The suspense is killing me and my pocket book is considering reopening if the trend continues.

10-14-2014, 03:08 AM
So Jhyn, does this mean they have moved from baby steps to pre-teen steps? Or is it possible they are throwing on the combat boots and going straight for the throat? (none of this should make any sense) The suspense is killing me and my pocket book is considering reopening if the trend continues.

Well, I think its a crappy situation when people like OP decide to afk script for days on end. It completely removes any empathy, and margin for error for the player who makes a genuine mistake while scripting. If you're sincerely asking whether or not it's worth coming back... I am always going to say yes. =)

10-14-2014, 03:23 AM
I am being sincere, but I am not so easily convinced. I need to remind myself in the morning to give some positive feedback to their current crackdown and to encourage them to continue as well as expand their efforts. Maybe, just maybe they are willing to finally throw on the combat boots.

10-14-2014, 03:44 AM
I am being sincere, but I am not so easily convinced. I need to remind myself in the morning to give some positive feedback to their current crackdown and to encourage them to continue as well as expand their efforts. Maybe, just maybe they are willing to finally throw on the combat boots.

Well, I'm hopeful now that Srinia's gone. Wyrom seems to have a better grasp of what's going on and he hasn't had 12+ years of burnout as APM to kill his love for the game.

10-14-2014, 09:01 AM
Well, I'm hopeful now that Srinia's gone. Wyrom seems to have a better grasp of what's going on and he hasn't had 12+ years of burnout as APM to kill his love for the game.

Wyrom is God. I like how they're focusing on EXP absorption. They can really catch the obnoxious people who script constantly and are in the game primarily just to milk it for dough. Hopefully this will encourage more thoughtful roleplayers to re-activate.

That being said, their current script checking method isn't condusive to RP either. Bring on the Griffins and roving bands of thieves.

10-14-2014, 09:15 AM
Wyrom is God. I like how they're focusing on EXP absorption. They can really catch the obnoxious people who script constantly and are in the game primarily just to milk it for dough. Hopefully this will encourage more thoughtful roleplayers to re-activate.

That being said, their current script checking method isn't condusive to RP either. Bring on the Griffins and roving bands of thieves.

This. Having a smart script that alerts you to be responsive to the environment only if you think a GM is script checking you does not mean you are not AFK scripting. Being non-responsive to the environment for hours on end is nearly as bad as AFK scripting IMO.

10-14-2014, 09:17 AM
Well, I'm hopeful now that Srinia's gone. Wyrom seems to have a better grasp of what's going on and he hasn't had 12+ years of burnout as APM to kill his love for the game.

I have no faith. If anything certain things have become instantly more draconian under Wyrom after some marvelous things like CCF/RTCF happened. I know that Wyrom was a big part of those events, I don't know how much influence he had over them, but they opened the flood gates, released some great items and events like BSC and Troubled Waters to only nerf them after prizes became popular.

I am not saying this is all Wyrom's doing but I just have to question some of the decisions being made because they seem bi-polar. I doubt anyone really cares to see the break down of my complaints to explain how they seem bi-polar.

10-14-2014, 09:37 AM
I doubt anyone really cares to see the break down of my complaints to explain how they seem bi-polar.

I do. Let's hear it.

10-14-2014, 10:26 AM
Eh its pretty long. Here is a couple examples.

You paid the fee to go to RtCF and because you added Gory scripts to your personalized altered weapon, it now means you can't get a whole host of services at a annual event like EG. It just doesn't make sense to pay MORE money for a unique service to then be denied service at a routine event. Or you can't add services for ANY of the premium raffles because you have those scripts. So maybe you downgrade from Premium to regular and in the end they lose money.

At the RTcF/CCF events the order in which you had services added made a difference. Its not that the weapon or armor couldn't have all those services in the end, it just mattered how they got added and by who.

Lets introduce a totally new group of armor and weapons, called fusion. Lets only support it up to "basic" items but not tell the player base that from the start and then limit other services because players wanted to take advantage of mechanically superior basic armor.

Introducing cool features like Voln armor and Ithzir armor and promote how awesome they are, to then add in weird rules surrounding PP enchanting or enhancement.

Adding ridiculously productive items into the Simucoin store that meet the true criteria of "micro trans" but then pulling the same helpful items from paid for questing.

10-14-2014, 10:57 AM
1) Agree. The restriction is arbitrary and stupid.

2) The "point" cap on items was a bit stupid.

3) I hate fusion anyways, but the rules that are surfacing surrounding them lately are getting stupid.

4) Yeah I remember at CCF. I went postal over it because the GM tried to say we couldn't do shit with Voln, when we could. Fucking stupid.

5) So you mean RPA orbs?

10-14-2014, 10:57 AM
none of that has to do with AFK scripting policy, which has been clarified in the same way many times on the officials

I didn't say it had to do with scripting policy. I said, in general, things have become more draconian. I don't care how many times they "clarify" on the officials. It doesn't make it more enjoyable.

10-14-2014, 10:57 AM
1) Agree. The restriction is arbitrary and stupid.

2) The "point" cap on items was a bit stupid.

3) I hate fusion anyways, but the rules that are surfacing surrounding them lately are getting stupid.

4) Yeah I remember at CCF. I went postal over it because the GM tried to say we couldn't do shit with Voln, when we could. Fucking stupid.

5) So you mean RPA orbs?

Yes I mean RPA orbs.

Edit: And let me be more specific. CCF is not "micro trans". Micro trans is removing bits and pieces of the treadmill. Exactly like how RPA orbs, vouchers, skip tokens, instant transport, and death salv do. You still have to go out and EARN some experience for the RPA orb to work. You don't just instantly get a flat rate of XP and you still have to wait for your head to clear. So Wyrom's statement of not wanting to a put a price on experience is just dumb. The cost to take a character to cap using nothing BUT RPA orbs would be stupid when compared to the third party market.

You would have to spend like $1000 to cap a character from scratch just on RPA orbs. I view that as a much safer, better for the community transaction than someone buying a capped ranger for $350. It was a way for Simu to "get a cut" of the character sales market by providing a safe, albeit more expensive, avenue. Its like Plex for ISK in EVE.

10-14-2014, 11:06 AM
Yes I mean RPA orbs.

Wyrom posted on the officials, "RPAs will not be something available in the SimuCoin store in the foreseeable future. The reason for tapering down on RPAs is we don't want to put a USD price value on them. As for RPAs in general being tapered down, we want them to be more of a reward, and less of an expectation."

I agree with the other stuff about items being a pain in the ass to improve.

10-14-2014, 11:07 AM
I am not saying this is all Wyrom's doing but I just have to question some of the decisions being made because they seem bi-polar. I doubt anyone really cares to see the break down of my complaints to explain how they seem bi-polar.

It's because the majority of their policies are poorly written and open to interpretation. Just look at the website's scripting policy:

It's not an absolute and the GM's judgment will vary from instance to instance. Each instance of long term scripting will be judged independently. However, any scripting activity that lasts over 10 minutes will be considered long-term scripting. Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive.

Also, lol at 10 minutes being considered long term.

10-14-2014, 11:07 AM
Wyrom posted on the officials, "RPAs will not be something available in the SimuCoin store in the foreseeable future. The reason for tapering down on RPAs is we don't want to put a USD price value on them. As for RPAs in general being tapered down, we want them to be more of a reward, and less of an expectation."

I agree with the other stuff about items being a pain in the ass to improve.

I am aware of what he posted. I just disagree with it.

It's because the majority of their policies are poorly written and open to interpretation. Just look at the website's scripting policy:

Also, lol at 10 minutes being considered long term.

And them bitching at me when I responded in 15 seconds. Its just asinine.

Additionally lets look at Sabreon, because I like picking on him. 43m experience would have been $5400 in simu's pocket just from the RPA orbs.

10-14-2014, 11:10 AM
I am aware of what he posted. I just disagree with it.

Sorry, I misread you. I like that they're trying to pull together a vision for the game but I definitely would have bought some RPA orbs. I have a limited time to play Gemstone and it would have been worth it to me.

10-14-2014, 11:12 AM
Sorry, I misread you. I like that they're trying to pull together a vision for the game but I definitely would have bought some RPA orbs. I have a limited time to play Gemstone and it would have been worth it to me.

The vision is great. The problem is that they need to be presenting a unified message and they aren't which is causing all sorts of confusion.

10-14-2014, 11:14 AM
Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive.

Well I'm screwed, the only time in game I spend not scripting is the time between logging in and starting to...do anything.

10-14-2014, 11:17 AM
Well I'm screwed, the only time in game I spend not scripting is the time between logging in and starting to...do anything.

I logged in once to spellup my main, then logged out.

I am literally worse than Hitler.

10-14-2014, 11:18 AM
Eh its pretty long. Here is a couple examples.

You paid the fee to go to RtCF and because you added Gory scripts to your personalized altered weapon, it now means you can't get a whole host of services at a annual event like EG. It just doesn't make sense to pay MORE money for a unique service to then be denied service at a routine event. Or you can't add services for ANY of the premium raffles because you have those scripts. So maybe you downgrade from Premium to regular and in the end they lose money.

At the RTcF/CCF events the order in which you had services added made a difference. Its not that the weapon or armor couldn't have all those services in the end, it just mattered how they got added and by who.

Lets introduce a totally new group of armor and weapons, called fusion. Lets only support it up to "basic" items but not tell the player base that from the start and then limit other services because players wanted to take advantage of mechanically superior basic armor.

Introducing cool features like Voln armor and Ithzir armor and promote how awesome they are, to then add in weird rules surrounding PP enchanting or enhancement.

Adding ridiculously productive items into the Simucoin store that meet the true criteria of "micro trans" but then pulling the same helpful items from paid for questing.

Spot on.

10-14-2014, 11:21 AM
I logged in once to spellup my main, then logged out.

I am literally worse than Hitler.


10-14-2014, 11:35 AM
How many customer service organizations punish you for cussing at their customer service representatives? This is mind boggling to me that he'd get a warning for this. I mean hey, sometimes customers aren't so nice. Does that mean we want their money any less?

Most places I've worked for and many companies friends of mine have worked for are like this. Not necessarily punish, but once you get cursed at you don't really have any obligation to deal with that person anymore.

As in, "Fuck me? No, fuck you!"

10-14-2014, 11:44 AM
I've always thought the "business" and "customer service" model for Gemstone and its GMs has been overused. Simu writes, "We consider our GameMasters in GemStone IV to be equivalent to a GM in a tabletop game, which means that they have the authority to monitor everything that goes on in the world, and to add and modify with the intention of keeping interest high and promoting the overall enjoyment of the product."

In another passage, however, they refer explicitly to their role as customer service reps, "Keep in mind that although GameMasters serve as Customer Service representatives, their main responsibility is to preserve the integrity of the game's rules and balance, and in situations where customer service may conflict with preserving the integrity of the game, the GameMaster is required to put the rules first."

So they are tabletop GMs writ large and customer service representatives but their "main responsibility is to preserve the integrity of the game's rules and balance."


10-14-2014, 12:04 PM
It's because the majority of their policies are poorly written and open to interpretation. Just look at the website's scripting policy:

Also, lol at 10 minutes being considered long term.

Over 10 minutes is excessive? I've been breaking this rule while in game almost constantly for over 3 years now.


10-14-2014, 12:36 PM
Over 10 minutes is excessive? I've been breaking this rule while in game almost constantly for over 3 years now.

Are you aware that "experience and player reaction has shown that long term scripting to gain skills is disruptive to game play, helping to destroy the atmosphere that has been carefully nurtured in GemStone IV." (Simutronics, 2014)

Whether you do it for hours on end or just 10 minutes, you are killing Gemstone.

You monster.

10-14-2014, 12:41 PM
The carefully nurtured part cracks me up :)

Seriously, GS hasn't seen careful nurturing since the move to the web.

10-14-2014, 12:44 PM
Are you aware that "experience and player reaction has shown that long term scripting to gain skills is disruptive to game play, helping to destroy the atmosphere that has been carefully nurtured in GemStone IV." (Simutronics, 2014)


Please tell me that's an actual quote on Simu's website.

10-14-2014, 12:45 PM

Please tell me that's an actual quote on Simu's website.

Oh man it is on the website! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Reminds me the other day where someone attacked my character then said out loud in a public place "I hate scripters" yet apparently I was somehow the bad guy in that situation.

No wonder non scripters act like scripters are shit stains and scum; Simu basically fosters this thought process while gleefully taking said shit stains money.

10-14-2014, 12:48 PM
This whole policy is pure fucking gold.

In addition, it puts undue stress upon system resources which makes it harder to keep the game scaled to the needs of its players.

Really? Me running a script is putting "undue stress" upon system resources?

I also like how they try to blame scripters for why more content isn't released in GS.

"It's your fault, scripters, that we haven't seen more content released lately!"

10-14-2014, 12:52 PM
This whole policy is pure fucking gold.

Really? Me running a script is putting "undue stress" upon system resources?

I also like how they try to blame scripters for why more content isn't released in GS.

"It's your fault, scripters, that we haven't seen more content released lately!"

stfu you goddamn game ruining scripter piece of shit. I hope a bus hits you in the eye.

10-14-2014, 12:56 PM
'Bad news guys, Savants have been delayed again... We've been forced to divert our one dev GM to police up the rampant 10 minute scripting abuse. Please do your part and attack/web/stun someone whenever you see them perform an action that may be automated, and we can hopefully stick to our RSN schedule.'

10-14-2014, 12:56 PM
stfu you goddamn game ruining scripter piece of shit. I hope a bus hits you in the eye.


Naww, you love me.

10-14-2014, 01:22 PM
Where was this 10 min policy posted? Or are you guys just getting cray cray

10-14-2014, 01:25 PM
Where was this 10 min policy posted? Or are you guys just getting cray cray

It's not in a policy in game, it's on GS's website.

It almost sounds like they copied and pasted it from DragonRealms and just slapped Gemstone IV on there because it talks more about skills than anything and there aren't really a whole lot of skills that you train via scripting in GS.

10-14-2014, 01:53 PM
'Bad news guys, Savants have been delayed again... We've been forced to divert our one dev GM to police up the rampant 10 minute scripting abuse. Please do your part and attack/web/stun someone whenever you see them perform an action that may be automated, and we can hopefully stick to our RSN schedule.'

They actually harassed a player who was harassing a scripter because the player's intervention was preventing the GM from monitoring the scripted behavior. It was preventing the scripter from gaining XP and thus negating their ability to take action!

So, leave scripters alone! If they're AFK and you kill them, they can't get caught!

PS - I just thought I would poke at the irony of how they are cracking down on scripting, but any player attempts to police their own community is frowned upon.

10-14-2014, 01:57 PM
They actually harassed a player who was harassing a scripter because the player's intervention was preventing the GM from monitoring the scripted behavior. It was preventing the scripter from gaining XP and thus negating their ability to take action!

So, leave scripters alone! If they're AFK and you kill them, they can't get caught!

PS - I just thought I would poke at the irony of how they are cracking down on scripting, but any player attempts to police their own community is frowned upon.

Batman is OOC

10-14-2014, 01:58 PM
Sorry, I misread you. I like that they're trying to pull together a vision for the game but I definitely would have bought some RPA orbs. I have a limited time to play Gemstone and it would have been worth it to me.

A simple fix would be to put a cooldown on RPA orbs. 1x per week, month, etc.

Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive.

Now I really wanna run ;wander overnight and see what happens.

Hey Tgo, you should modify wander to throw in some random speak or action every so often when you run into a room with people.

Methais just stumbled in.

Methais exclaims, "Hello everybody!"

(Methais roleplays with you.)

Methais waves.

Methais just stumbled west.

"experience and player reaction has shown that long term scripting to gain skills is disruptive to game play, helping to destroy the atmosphere that has been carefully nurtured in GemStone IV." (Simutronics, 2014)

I'm pretty sure that the GMs of the late 90s/early 2000s are at least 90% repsonsible for destroying the atmosphere that has been carefully nurtured...Growing Pains, "realism", cool items only coming from pay events, lack of profession development for most professions, etc., all while constantly spreading out the population as the playerbase continues to shrink.

In addition, it puts undue stress upon system resources which makes it harder to keep the game scaled to the needs of its players.

I am now convinced that this is a copy & paste from the 1990s.

It almost sounds like they copied and pasted it from DragonRealms and just slapped Gemstone IV on there because it talks more about skills than anything and there aren't really a whole lot of skills that you train via scripting in GS.

If scripting in a text based MMO with a peak of 300 players online at a time is putting stress upon system resources, then chances are you're right. Unless they consider GMs spending time chasing scripters in gotcha mode as a system resource, which would make no sense at all, so therefore it's quite possible that they meant that too.

I don't really give a shit about this new scripting obsession since most of my scripts consist of shit like casting a spell and then running ;sloot, sometimes with skinning involved, but the stuff they're writing up is still pretty laughable. Especially the whole "nurtured" and "stress on system resources" part.

leave scripters alone!


10-14-2014, 03:27 PM
May as well blame 9/11 on scripters.

10-14-2014, 03:41 PM
I have no faith. If anything certain things have become instantly more draconian under Wyrom after some marvelous things like CCF/RTCF happened. I know that Wyrom was a big part of those events, I don't know how much influence he had over them, but they opened the flood gates, released some great items and events like BSC and Troubled Waters to only nerf them after prizes became popular.

I am not saying this is all Wyrom's doing but I just have to question some of the decisions being made because they seem bi-polar. I doubt anyone really cares to see the break down of my complaints to explain how they seem bi-polar.Wyrom is an APM. The second pole is pretty obvious, no?

10-14-2014, 04:35 PM
Wyrom is an APM. The second pole is pretty obvious, no?

No? I mean yes! I mean sort of no buuuut yeeeees.


10-14-2014, 05:27 PM
The ZPM. :|

10-15-2014, 09:09 AM
Thread: More script checks! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?92730-More-script-checks!&p=1708381#post1708381)
didnt you get your house back after crying?

What does that have to do with anything? Especially since they fixed the rent system after.

Or are you just trying to say that I'm not allowed to disagree with anything Simu says or does now?

10-15-2014, 09:58 AM
I would play on shattered if it wasn't completly /ooc with 10 players named "super king ninja fucktard" swinging rubber dicks at each other.

I guess I'm a minority that wants to interact in a normal fantasy setting, enjoys playing more than one character (team progression instead of a single character, aka final fantasy etc.), but doesn't want to sit there typing "turn grinder" every 3 minutes for 600 hours straight.

The mechanics behind gemstone are a major part of the problem.

I'm also willing to bet that even the most hardcore scripters stop and chat/roleplay occasionally

10-15-2014, 10:17 AM
I would play on shattered if it wasn't completly /ooc with 10 players named "super king ninja fucktard" swinging rubber dicks at each other.

I play Shattered as well as Prime and Plat, and I've yet to see any rubber dicks or really stupid names. Fingerbang could be close, but the rest seem fairly normal. I'm also usually looking at the keyboard now and then and have interacted with several people there.

10-15-2014, 10:20 AM
Yeah it's fairly commonplace in Shattered, since Methais de-activated and the VLA backworn Massively Distended Anus isn't there anymore.

10-15-2014, 10:46 AM
Threads like this continue to amuse me.

"Oh I got caught AFK scripting but I'm full of righteousness indignation because I don't like how the test was done."

I'm glad they're flipping over these losers. AFK scripting isn't what Gemstone is about. Deal with it. Adapt and play the game, or move on.

10-15-2014, 10:57 AM
Threads like this continue to amuse me.

"Oh I got caught AFK scripting but I'm full of righteousness indignation because I don't like how the test was done."

I'm glad they're flipping over these losers. AFK scripting isn't what Gemstone is about. Deal with it. Adapt and play the game, or move on.

I went to take a physics test only to see they had given me a calculus test. I just had to deal with it, though, because that's the way shit is done.

Really? Fuck you.

10-15-2014, 10:59 AM
A REAL man would have eaten the test, shit it out, and laughed.

"There. I passed your test. SUCK IT, NOOB!"

10-15-2014, 11:02 AM
A REAL man would have eaten the test, shit it out, and laughed.

"There. I passed your test. SUCK IT, NOOB!"

And then punched the professor in the nose, drank his blood, and fucked his wife!

10-15-2014, 11:24 AM
And then punched the professor in the nose, drank his blood, and fucked his wife!

The ol' Saturday Night Special.

10-15-2014, 11:29 AM
Awww, I can still like you as a person spiffy, even if I don't like the legacy of what you contributed to GS.

As one of the few original users of Lich, I can easily say using lich doesn't mean you have to afk script. It just means it's really easy to do so. It's why I never got into using any of the hunting scripts.

Lich is a tool. I love that tool. I just don't use it to circumvent the game environment. I use it to enhance my own experience and save myself some keystrokes.

10-15-2014, 11:57 AM
I think they should just have a 24 hour cycle of diminishing retrurns for prime and be done with it (set at a hardcore high exp value that normal human beings will never reach)

As long as it means they find something better to do than harass me

Gift a luminus

Curse of XXXX
-50% exp (from overhunting more than 30k *base* exp in one 24 hour period)
-75% exp (From overhunting more than 40k *base* exp in one 24 hour period)

10-15-2014, 12:09 PM
That's dumb, you already get an inefficiency penalty if you are caught, they should just make script checks blatantly ooc so that you have no excuse for ignoring them when caught. THIS IS A SCRIPT CHECK RESPOND OR YOU WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF TOS in big yellow letters would be impossible to ignore or to lie about seeing if you are actually at your keyboard.

Here's my anecdote from the last time I was caught, I was moving furniture all week and it was a friday, fall asleep hunting marsh keep on my lil sorc and wake up in the morning to see my guy getting pulled just as I sit down. Just as she's puttin me into a cell I start talking to her, say I was afk but its cause I fell asleep after moving furniture all week, I know you don't have to but can you cut me some slack.

I was honest and basically threw myself at her mercy, cause I know its all up to their discretion. Mind you this is not my first time being caught or first time being banned, if she chose. She decided to give me a 24 hour "lockin" which is a day in a cell + inefficiency penalty, basically made my xp gain shit for a week. I thought that was really fair and thanked her for her lenience. Funny how far not being a fucking asshole can get you.

10-15-2014, 12:13 PM

here is the problem with always doing that: people build it into their scripts to look for these things. they have to switch it up with BIG BOLD LETTERS, pink faeries, talking prey, etc. because people have done so well to circumvent the script checks.

10-15-2014, 12:21 PM
I bet if we could just get rid of the idiots who use GSIV primarily to increase their income, a lot of the scripting problem would magically go away.

10-15-2014, 12:30 PM
here is the problem with always doing that: people build it into their scripts to look for these things. they have to switch it up with BIG BOLD LETTERS, pink faeries, talking prey, etc. because people have done so well to circumvent the script checks.

The game necessitates (or at least strongly encourages) filtering what you read and don't read. there are times when there's simply too much new information scrolling to read every word of it, whether you are scripting or not. It can also be very repetitive. I may not script singing to gems or spelling myself up, but because they are so repetitive I only look for keywords. I don't re-read every sentence for all gems I'm singing to. You're lying if you say you do.

That makes some of the methods the GM's mix it up with seem disingenuous in their effort to catch a scripter. They seem to be flexing their muscles to someone they suspect more than conducting an honest test.

10-15-2014, 12:32 PM
increasin dat income all fuckin day, up yours Cuntor

10-15-2014, 12:37 PM
That's dumb, you already get an inefficiency penalty if you are caught, they should just make script checks blatantly ooc so that you have no excuse for ignoring them when caught. THIS IS A SCRIPT CHECK RESPOND OR YOU WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF TOS in big yellow letters would be impossible to ignore or to lie about seeing if you are actually at your keyboard.

I don't see it that way, which is my opinion of course.

Let's look at "why" scripting is bad. I can think of 3 conceived complaints.

A) Badscripter ran by my body 12 times and didn't stop, this hurt my feelings.

B) Players script 35 hours a day and get more progression for less effort, this hurt my feelings.

C) Zombies that silver farm all day to ruin the economy.

For A, we should tell people to just stop being whiney bitches. If the scripter was not running by your body, that does not mean a real person would have magically replaced the scripter and seen you. It also does not mean that a real person would have stopped. Someone running by you that might stop is better than nobody.

For B and C, to fix the root cause of these, they could implement the curse which would give negative experience and treasure modifier after a certain amount of *base* exp gain or treasure hunting. This should be set high enough that the average 1-8 hour a day player will never see them, even if he is power hunting.

There should be no reason to script check and harass paying customers that help keep the game alive unless they are falling out of trees for 10 hours a day.

10-15-2014, 12:47 PM
here is the problem with always doing that: people build it into their scripts to look for these things. they have to switch it up with BIG BOLD LETTERS, pink faeries, talking prey, etc. because people have done so well to circumvent the script checks.

Or they could just change up the messaging.

I think the emphasis on his post was making it clearly visible and not some in-character bullshit that can easily be overlooked in screen scroll.

10-15-2014, 12:52 PM
Or they could just change up the messaging.

it's already been shown in TG's script that that isn't good enough to do.

10-15-2014, 01:09 PM
it's already been shown in TG's script that that isn't good enough to do.

His still requires being attentive to the game. He just help you filter repetitive messaging. It's an easier way to do something that is already available. People can abuse that to enable lesser degrees of attention, but that would still have them in the AFK scripting category. We all agree that's just not cool.

Splitting hairs, sure. It still boils down to people being asshats or not.

10-15-2014, 01:27 PM
it's already been shown in TG's script that that isn't good enough to do.

There's not a single fucking thing a GM can send me that I won't pick up with a script detection script, period. All it's doing is hurting people that are legitimately at the keyboard. Your ignorance of scripting in general is astounding.

10-15-2014, 01:32 PM
Awww, I can still like you as a person spiffy, even if I don't like the legacy of what you contributed to GS.

As one of the few original users of Lich, I can easily say using lich doesn't mean you have to afk script. It just means it's really easy to do so. It's why I never got into using any of the hunting scripts.

Lich is a tool. I love that tool. I just don't use it to circumvent the game environment. I use it to enhance my own experience and save myself some keystrokes.

I love you too.

10-15-2014, 01:34 PM
There's not a single fucking thing a GM can send me that I won't pick up with a script detection script, period. All it's doing is hurting people that are legitimately at the keyboard. Your ignorance of scripting in general is astounding.

how is it hurting them? if they're legitimately there, then they can legitimately respond.

10-15-2014, 01:35 PM
how is it hurting them? if they're legitimately there, then they can legitimately respond.

It's not. These people just like to afk script and will defend it to the bitter end.

10-15-2014, 01:35 PM
There's not a single fucking thing a GM can send me that I won't pick up with a script detection script, period. All it's doing is hurting people that are legitimately at the keyboard. Your ignorance of scripting in general is astounding.

Share your script. #OccupyAFK

10-15-2014, 01:36 PM
I hit the hay every day, scriptin 24 hours a day afk, if you awake you a fake

10-15-2014, 01:55 PM
I hit the hay every day, scriptin 24 hours a day afk, if you awake you a fake

Best script those level 1 rhymes, textual crimes, from the catacomb king, stacking up life's sting, with no salve to save it, and a weak ass ping.

10-15-2014, 02:10 PM
how is it hurting them? if they're legitimately there, then they can legitimately respond.

I think we are mixing up a few things. Let me give you some situational information and see what you think.

1. You get script checked for doing a repetitive action, like alchemy. You respond, the GM [sends] Thanks!
2. A few hours later you get another script check. You respond, the GM says "Make sure you are paying attention."
3. You log out for 8 hours and come back and start over, to be immediately script checked. You respond. The GM says "Just making sure you are awake."
4. 10 minutes later. You get script checked again. You respond, and they say, "You sure have been doing a lot of alchemy today."
5. 45 minutes after that you get spam blasted with messages from a GM. You respond.
6. 5 minutes later a secondary account you have, maybe they are a locker toon for alchemy components, is handing said components to you, and they are script checked.

What do you feel is going on in this hypothetical situation?

10-15-2014, 02:13 PM
I bet if we could just get rid of the idiots who use GSIV primarily to increase their income, a lot of the scripting problem would magically go away.

And the reps I am getting clearly prove my point. Some of you assholes don't give a flying fuck about the game. You just want to make silvers, get powerful items, pretend you're some big motherfuckin assbite because you have a powerful character, and let's not forget, sell the silvers and items you collect. And you come up with every excuse imaginable to play the game without actually playing the game.

The game would be better off without some of you. Get lost. You know who you are.

10-15-2014, 02:14 PM
And the reps I am getting clearly prove my point. Some of you assholes don't give a flying fuck about the game. You just want to make silvers, get powerful items, pretend you're some big motherfuckin assbite because you have a powerful character, and let's not forget, sell the silvers and items you collect. And you come up with every excuse imaginable to play the game without actually playing the game.

The game would be better off without some of you. Get lost. You know who you are.

I wish I could rep you. But I love you too.

10-15-2014, 02:18 PM
I hit the hay every day, scriptin 24 hours a day afk, if you are awake you are a fake

Translated to make sense in English. You're welcome.

10-15-2014, 02:26 PM
And the reps I am getting clearly prove my point. Some of you assholes don't give a flying fuck about the game. You just want to make silvers, get powerful items, pretend you're some big motherfuckin assbite because you have a powerful character, and let's not forget, sell the silvers and items you collect. And you come up with every excuse imaginable to play the game without actually playing the game.

The game would be better off without some of you. Get lost. You know who you are.

Or, just stay with me on this, or...you're just kind of an annoying, self-righteous twat.

Nah, must be they hate the game.

10-15-2014, 02:38 PM
Translated to make sense in English. You're welcome.

you're unfunny and your items are overpriced, eat a dick

10-15-2014, 02:42 PM
you're unfunny and your items are overpriced, eat a dick

Hey, you take that ba-...! Wait a minute, I'm white, lol.

10-15-2014, 02:48 PM
I play Shattered as well as Prime and Plat, and I've yet to see any rubber dicks or really stupid names. Fingerbang could be close, but the rest seem fairly normal. I'm also usually looking at the keyboard now and then and have interacted with several people there.

Yep, all those leet roleplayers went back to Prime.

10-15-2014, 03:03 PM
I think we are mixing up a few things. Let me give you some situational information and see what you think.

1. You get script checked for doing a repetitive action, like alchemy. You respond, the GM [sends] Thanks!
2. A few hours later you get another script check. You respond, the GM says "Make sure you are paying attention."
3. You log out for 8 hours and come back and start over, to be immediately script checked. You respond. The GM says "Just making sure you are awake."
4. 10 minutes later. You get script checked again. You respond, and they say, "You sure have been doing a lot of alchemy today."
5. 45 minutes after that you get spam blasted with messages from a GM. You respond.
6. 5 minutes later a secondary account you have, maybe they are a locker toon for alchemy components, is handing said components to you, and they are script checked.

What do you feel is going on in this hypothetical situation?

the only thing wrong I see in the situation is the GM is talking to you with annoying little remarks like "make sure you are paying attention" etc. if the GM didn't say anything, then I don't see anything wrong with it. just because the GM is slightly annoying with little remarks and should not be making them doesn't mean the GM isn't doing his/her job. perhaps it is not the same GM and you were just that lucky on that day. I would assist or write to feedback or post on the officials and ask for the remarks to stop since you are responding.

10-15-2014, 03:12 PM
The remarks are unnecessary.

If I went to a business and the guy I was dealing with made little obnoxious remarks, I wouldn't waste any more time. Some professional courtesy too much to ask? Apparently so!

10-15-2014, 03:21 PM
I think we are mixing up a few things. Let me give you some situational information and see what you think.

1. You get script checked for doing a repetitive action, like alchemy. You respond, the GM [sends] Thanks!
2. A few hours later you get another script check. You respond, the GM says "Make sure you are paying attention."
3. You log out for 8 hours and come back and start over, to be immediately script checked. You respond. The GM says "Just making sure you are awake."
4. 10 minutes later. You get script checked again. You respond, and they say, "You sure have been doing a lot of alchemy today."
5. 45 minutes after that you get spam blasted with messages from a GM. You respond.
6. 5 minutes later a secondary account you have, maybe they are a locker toon for alchemy components, is handing said components to you, and they are script checked.

What do you feel is going on in this hypothetical situation?

I'm curious, was this all the same GM or different ones? I'd guess they probably have you tagged as a possible scripter somehow and whenever you log in it alerts them and they decide to check in on you. Whether or not there's a reason behind it, they probably think they're doing a fine, upstanding job harassing the shit out of you constantly. If you're not afk, well then it's really just an annoyance but you always have the righteous indignation in your corner, allowing you to raise a fist in the air and say "BECAUSE YOU ARE UNDEAD JESUS FUCK." I'm sure, like the OP this will work out well for you. (i'm not trying to be snarky, goofy at best here... fusleepdep)

10-15-2014, 03:22 PM
More script checks. This is the kind of bullshit that pisses me off. No monsterbold, no caps, no color. Straight up bullshit. And then when I "pass", I still get reprimanded because of some arbitrary thing I did.

After scrolling up I missed _1_ line. Congrats GM! You got one line past me. I'm sure next time you will be sneakier. On the plus side I didn't curse anyone out this time.

"A grizzled thyril asks, "Can we be friends?""

You thrust with a barbed iron-tipped pike at a grizzled thyril!
AS: +121 vs DS: +145 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +5 = +18
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
A grizzled thyril exclaims, "Why won't you answer me?!"
A thyril just arrived.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
A thyril swings a broadsword

You exclaim, "I'm here!"
A thyril swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +52 vs DS: +72 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +94 = +107
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Hard blow, but deflected.
Not much damage.
A grizzled thyril exclaims, Why won't you answer me?!

You exclaim, "Don't kill me!"
[Frozen Garden, Crossroads]
The path opens up to a crossroads of sort with dirt trails leading southwest and southeast. The winding path continues southward as it heads towards a sparse field. The frozen remnant of a river can be seen through the scant vegetation that borders its edge.
You also see a thyril, a broadsword, some leather boots, a wooden shield, some arm greaves, a leather helm, some full leather and a metal aventail.
Next move: northwest
Obvious paths: north, southeast, south, southwest
[Frozen Garden, Field]
Long dead stalks of sunflowers stand encased in ice looking like the eyestalks of some gigantic creature. The tall brown grass rustles in the slight breeze releasing a sound like giant scales sliding over the earth. Small trees rise out of the grass, their stark forms hunched down as if to protect themselves from cold.
You also see a thyril, a broadsword, a wooden shield, some arm greaves, a leather helm and a metal aventail.
Next move: north
Obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest, northwest
[Frozen Garden, Clearing]
Several small shrubs and bushes define the edge of a small clearing. A lone oak tree stands in the middle of the clearing, its bare limbs reaching towards the sky as if pleading for the warmth of the sun.
You also see a broadsword, some leather boots, a wooden shield, a leather helm, some full leather, a metal aventail and a broadsword.
Next move: go path
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, west
[Frozen Garden, Path]
The path winds between two rows of neatly trimmed, snow capped hedges. Small clusters of delicately carved ice flowers hide under the shade provided by the hedges. Small patches of ice peek through the light dusting of snow that covers the path.
You also see a path.
Next move: down
Obvious paths: south
Mapped exits: go path

[Icemule Trace, Hilltop]
The thicket gives way suddenly to a clearing at the crest of the hill. A solitary oak tree, its branches blackened and charred, stands in the center of the clearing. At the opposite end of the clearing lies a neatly trimmed hedge draped in a coverlet of snow.
You also see an icy pathway.
Next move: down
Obvious paths: down
Mapped exits: go path

[Icemule Trace, Hillside]
Evergreens crowd the trail, making it difficult to see very far ahead. Despite the closeness of the trees, the air is refreshed by the chill breeze flowing down from the top of the hill.
Next move: east
Obvious paths: up, down
[Icemule Trace, Hillside]
A narrow trail disappears into a thick tangle of evergreens. Small icicles cling to the bare limbs of a maple tree at the edge of the path. An unnatural chittering further up the hillside breaks the snowy silence.
Next move: north
Obvious paths: east, up
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
The air is still, heavy with the closeness of the spruce and fir trees. The movement of a bird or squirrel high above in the trees sends a cascade of snow from the upper branches down onto the path.
You also see a rolton.
Next move: north
Obvious paths: north, south, west
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
A low, snow-covered branch juts into the pathway, causing you to duck your head to pass beneath it. The ground beneath the trees is matted with fallen pine needles and traces of snow. Small tracks lead off the main path, but disappear without a trace into the woods.
Next move: east
Obvious paths: north, south
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Snow crunches beneath your feet as you walk along the narrow path through the forest. The air is cold and crisp, and filled with the sharp scent of pine. Startled by your approach, an owl takes flight from the cover of a nearby tree. It passes so close you feel the rush of air from its wings.
You also see a crystal gate.
Next move: north
Obvious paths: east, south
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
Along the edge of the forest, the pines give way to vine maples and bare-limbed oaks. The pale branches of the deciduous trees look like spider webs against the deep green of the thick stand of pines.
You also see a weathered shack.
Next move: southeast
Obvious paths: north, west
[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
Rising above the pathway which skirts the town are the blades of a windmill, which forms the southwestern corner of the town's wall. The dark wood of the blades, as they turn to catch the wind, provides a sharp contrast to the light grey stone of the wall. Nearby, a snow-covered path leads toward a rustic hall, which looms above an icy courtyard.
Next move: east
Obvious paths: north, southeast, south

[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
Gravel has been strewn over the earthen pathway to provide better footing. What appears to be an odd discoloration of the wall is, upon closer inspection, the by-product of the birds who have been nesting in the mouth of a gargoyle protruding from the top of the wall.
Next move: east
Obvious paths: east, northwest
[Icemule Trace, Exterior]
The conifers of the forest have been cleared away near the stone walls of the town, providing space for the pathway. Voices, hearty and reassuring, drift over the wall on the cold air. It is pleasant to envision warm rooms and cozy fires, only a few steps away.
You also see a pair of carved ice columns.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Icemule Trace, South Gate]
Thick stone walls frame a wide, wooden gate. A vaulted stone archway provides some cover from the weather, which is often inclement so close to the glaciers. The packed earth pathway skirting the town's walls gives way to a cobbled street in the same dark grey stone as the lower half of the walls.
You also see a rolton, the South Gate, a gate sign and a snowbank.
Also here: Damador
Obvious paths: east, west
Mapped exits: go gate, climb snow

A rolton tries to bite you!
AS: +36 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +94 = +60
A clean miss.
SEND[Estild] Thank for you respond. However, further script checks that involve you going to a designated location instead of responding to the environment will be considered AFK.

10-15-2014, 03:27 PM
More script checks. This is the kind of bullshit that pisses me off. No monsterbold, no caps, no color. Straight up bullshit. And then when I "pass", I still get reprimanded because of some arbitrary thing I did.

After scrolling up I missed _1_ line. Congrats GM! You got one line past me. I'm sure next time you will be sneakier. On the plus side I didn't curse anyone out this time.

"A grizzled thyril asks, "Can we be friends?""

Serves you right. That's what you get for being afk.

10-15-2014, 03:32 PM
SEND[Estild] Thank for you respond. However, further script checks that involve you going to a designated location instead of responding to the environment will be considered AFK.

So you respond to the environment, go on with your business, and then get threatened with a future AFK scripting violation if you don't respond to the environment?

Stay classy, GMs.

10-15-2014, 03:34 PM
More script checks. This is the kind of bullshit that pisses me off. No monsterbold, no caps, no color. Straight up bullshit. And then when I "pass", I still get reprimanded because of some arbitrary thing I did.

After scrolling up I missed _1_ line. Congrats GM! You got one line past me. I'm sure next time you will be sneakier. On the plus side I didn't curse anyone out this time.

"A grizzled thyril asks, "Can we be friends?""

Someone mentioned earlier that they'd rather instances like this be dealt with on a case by case basis by the GM. But this seems like one of those instances where dealing with it on a case by case basis might have backfired on the player. Per policy, is not the verbal response enough to constitute passing the afk script check? If so, the GM shouldn't give a shit what the character does after passing the script check. If policy does not outline specifically what qualifies as passing the script check, then if they're going to be pulling this stuff they better damn well update the policy again.

On a side note though, it seems like you were on a bounty (hence the grizzled thyril) and that you left attempting that bounty after you passed the script check. Was there a reason for that? Although I think the responsibility is on SIMU's end to make sure they are following their policies correctly or making sure they are written specifically enough, we probably need to be on our toes about certain behaviors that might provoke them, like walking away from actively completing a bounty before it's finished.

10-15-2014, 03:41 PM
Serves you right. That's what you get for being afk.

Yup that's clearly what the log shows. But since I know you are dense. No, I was not AFK.

10-15-2014, 03:41 PM
From what I understand in the policy, as long as you are not gaining an advantage, whether xp or silver or skill ranks. In that case you could theoretically set up a wizard to spell up who ever shows up in a room since you're gaining neither xp or skill advantage, people may tip I suppose unless you turn off that option, and there should be no issues with that. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what I interpreted when I read the document. It would be different if you were afk healing or script hunting afk (which can be hard to see script checks if you are at the keyboard if you're twc mstriking).

I have noticed once in a while while hunting using UAC that my script for ranking up, my JAB MM hits at -28 or even lower... forcing me to switch to punching where then the MM is restored to proper MM values. Is that a "script check"? IDK just an irritation hoping your next JAB will be restored to proper MM.

10-15-2014, 03:43 PM
From what I understand in the policy, as long as you are not gaining an advantage, whether xp or silver or skill ranks. In that case you could theoretically set up a wizard to spell up who ever shows up in a room since you're gaining neither xp or skill advantage, people may tip I suppose unless you turn off that option, and there should be no issues with that. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that is what I interpreted when I read the document. It would be different if you were afk healing or script hunting afk (which can be hard to see script checks if you are at the keyboard if you're twc mstriking).

I have noticed once in a while while hunting using UAC that my script for ranking up, my JAB MM hits at -28 or even lower... forcing me to switch to punching where then the MM is restored to proper MM values. Is that a "script check"? IDK just an irritation hoping your next JAB will be restored to proper MM.

You will get an infraction for spell botting.

10-15-2014, 03:44 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong

That's incorrect, you can't setup a spellbot in prime.

Beat me!

10-15-2014, 03:48 PM
On a side note though, it seems like you were on a bounty (hence the grizzled thyril) and that you left attempting that bounty after you passed the script check. Was there a reason for that? Although I think the responsibility is on SIMU's end to make sure they are following their policies correctly or making sure they are written specifically enough, we probably need to be on our toes about certain behaviors that might provoke them, like walking away from actively completing a bounty before it's finished.

Nah it was there. I tried to kill it but it was taking too long so I left it alone. I didn't see any script checking stuff at that point so I just continued on my way. Then when the RT hit I knew it was a GM fucking with me.

10-15-2014, 03:48 PM
So you respond to the environment, go on with your business, and then get threatened with a future AFK scripting violation if you don't respond to the environment?

Stay classy, GMs.

Um... look at his responses to the GM. He didn't answer their questions, he made arbitrary statements then ran to town. That could *EASILY* have been a script.

10-15-2014, 03:53 PM
That's incorrect, you can't setup a spellbot in prime.

Beat me!

Trying to find this in the policy, all I see is an exception to the 10+ mins straight or 25% of game time is considered excessive (if you're gaining xp or skills) rule, in that if it causes undue screen scrolling from entering/leaving room. Unless a GM deems it disruptive I guess....

What constitutes long-term scripting? The following is a general guide to help you avoid being warned by a GM for long term scripting. It's not an absolute and the GM's judgment will vary from instance to instance. Each instance of long term scripting will be judged independently. However, any scripting activity that lasts over 10 minutes will be considered long-term scripting. Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive. In any case, AFK scripting is entirely against GemStone IV policy and is immediately a warnable offense (If you need to go grab a sandwich or leave your keyboard, you should stop any experience scripting to avoid being warned. The excuse that you left your keyboard only for a few minutes will not prevent you from gaining a warning since the GM will have no way of verifying that fact).

Exception: In general, if you are running a script that does not gain you experience, it does not fall under this policy. However, any script that's deemed by a GM to be disruptive or not in the best interest of GemStone IV or its players will be warned when discovered. IE, if you script moving in and out of a room, it may garner a warning because it causes undue screen scroll.

10-15-2014, 03:53 PM

But let me ask you this... Would you rather have someone playing 16 hours a day and afk scripting for 8, or not playing at all?

Jeril's probably a good example too. Not that I know anything about his scripting habits or how his afk check went down, but I always saw him interacting with people.

There's a little more at stake here, though. When you AFK script 8 hours per day, that's 56 hours per week of pure hunting at no cost to you that players who follow the rules don't receive. Maybe you're right and having an attentive player part-time is better than no subscription and no interaction, but it's a little disingenuous to suggest that this is the only consideration. You wouldn't bother with a game where everyone else was rewarded for effort they never expended, while you have to work for every gain, would you? At that point we have to consider that keeping you on for 8 hours of potential interaction time may come at a cost of losing players who are attentive full-time.

If that's your only defense here, I have to wonder why we wouldn't choose not to indulge your habits so that we can keep the full-timers. I expect a lot of you part-timers would stick around and moderate your habits to comply with policy if it really came down to it. Certainly some of you would leave, but perhaps that's better than losing those others? Who can say?


10-15-2014, 03:54 PM
how is it hurting them? if they're legitimately there, then they can legitimately respond.

Have you ever gotten disarmed and not noticed it right away because it happened during a bunch of screen scroll?

Have you ever not noticed a new critter(s) show up in the room because it happened during a bunch of screen scroll, and only realized it was there after it chopped your face off?

If your answer is no, you're probably lying.

I hit the hay every day, scriptin 24 hours a day afk, if you awake you a fake

Oh I get it, you're black so you rap!

And the reps I am getting clearly prove my point. Some of you assholes don't give a flying fuck about the game. You just want to make silvers, get powerful items, pretend you're some big motherfuckin assbite because you have a powerful character, and let's not forget, sell the silvers and items you collect. And you come up with every excuse imaginable to play the game without actually playing the game.

The game would be better off without some of you. Get lost. You know who you are.

Don't you do all of this, except I guess for the afk scripting part?

the only thing wrong I see in the situation is the GM is talking to you with annoying little remarks like "make sure you are paying attention" etc. if the GM didn't say anything, then I don't see anything wrong with it. just because the GM is slightly annoying with little remarks and should not be making them doesn't mean the GM isn't doing his/her job. perhaps it is not the same GM and you were just that lucky on that day. I would assist or write to feedback or post on the officials and ask for the remarks to stop since you are responding.

You don't see anything wrong with the extreme frequency of those script checks? Looks to me like he can barely make it from Landing to Icemule without being script checked in the process. It's almost as if some GM has a massive hardon for him and is just dying to "catch" him blinking his eyes so he can be like OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I GOT YOU!!!!!1

The shithead remarks kind of make it obvious.

10-15-2014, 03:55 PM
Trying to find this in the policy, all I see is an exception to the 10+ mins straight or 25% of game time is considered excessive (if you're gaining xp or skills) rule, in that if it causes undue screen scrolling from entering/leaving room. Unless a GM deems it disruptive I guess....

What constitutes long-term scripting? The following is a general guide to help you avoid being warned by a GM for long term scripting. It's not an absolute and the GM's judgment will vary from instance to instance. Each instance of long term scripting will be judged independently. However, any scripting activity that lasts over 10 minutes will be considered long-term scripting. Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive. In any case, AFK scripting is entirely against GemStone IV policy and is immediately a warnable offense (If you need to go grab a sandwich or leave your keyboard, you should stop any experience scripting to avoid being warned. The excuse that you left your keyboard only for a few minutes will not prevent you from gaining a warning since the GM will have no way of verifying that fact).

Exception: In general, if you are running a script that does not gain you experience, it does not fall under this policy. However, any script that's deemed by a GM to be disruptive or not in the best interest of GemStone IV or its players will be warned when discovered. IE, if you script moving in and out of a room, it may garner a warning because it causes undue screen scroll.

See your exception where it says "deemed by a GM to be disruptive or not in the best interest of GemStone IV"... Spell bots would be considered not in the best interest of the game.

10-15-2014, 03:55 PM
Um... look at his responses to the GM. He didn't answer their questions, he made arbitrary statements then ran to town. That could *EASILY* have been a script.

Um...when an obvious script checks comes across me I just say I'm here too, though I usually do it with a report.

10-15-2014, 03:56 PM
You didn't use my script Haldrik :(

Also that's bullshit, as soon as I notice a script check I always run back to town and stop my scripts so I don't miss any other checks.

10-15-2014, 03:59 PM
You didn't use my script Haldrik :(

Also that's bullshit, as soon as I notice a script check I always run back to town and stop my scripts so I don't miss any other checks.

I'm not on Lich. AND, running back to town will get me a warning according to the GM.

10-15-2014, 03:59 PM
I'm not on Lich. AND, running back to town will get me a warning according to the GM.

No big deal though, since you're cancelling your final account soon, right?

10-15-2014, 04:01 PM
No big deal though, since you're cancelling your final account soon, right?

No no no, he still needs to sell all his stuff, so he is hunting still for some reason.

10-15-2014, 04:01 PM
No big deal though, since you're cancelling your final account soon, right?

You really do fail at reading comprehension. In the other thread I said I was going to keep playing just to ruin your experience.

10-15-2014, 04:03 PM
Um... look at his responses to the GM. He didn't answer their questions, he made arbitrary statements then ran to town. That could *EASILY* have been a script.

This. I agree the GM seemed to be using a sneakier approach, but you didn't exactly help yourself with the responses. "I'm here" and "Don't Kill me" are general enough that wondering if you're AFK is reasonable.

I dislike their tactics too. You're clearly annoyed by the script checks, and the result is you're being snarky or down right defiant about the interaction. It doesn't help anyone, or establish a dialog with the GM(s). Try responding and calling them sneaky. Even flat out tell them you almost missed it because you were skimming for other key words.

10-15-2014, 04:03 PM
Anyone else ignore almost all stuff orc/trolls/.... say since it's mostly gibberish? I usually am focused on RT for the critter and when they're swinging at me, most of that stuff is "blar sdflkjl, faspol mewsdkt [name]!" lol, just put that in my filter out in my vision of crap not to bother reading, and keep hunting...

10-15-2014, 04:04 PM
Um...when an obvious script checks comes across me I just say I'm here too, though I usually do it with a report.

I'm not accusing you of scripting it. I'm commenting that arbitrary answers that don't, in fact answer the specific script check can be seen as a script as well. Including reporting. There was a time not too long ago when people were discussing a script specifically meant to look for script checks and to answer in a way that would appear as if the person was there. It's not out of the realm of possible.

Thread: More script checks!
Were you always a cunt?

Yes. I know pointing out -why- something happened totally makes me a cunt, but I just couldn't help myself... I'm only allowed off my leash and out of the basement for short periods every few days the mountain of rage festering inside of me must just pour itself into my responses.

10-15-2014, 04:04 PM
Anyone else ignore almost all stuff orc/trolls/.... say since it's mostly gibberish? I usually am focused on RT for the critter and when they're swinging at me, most of that stuff is "blar sdflkjl, faspol mewsdkt [name]!" lol, just put that in my filter out in my vision of crap not to bother reading, and keep hunting...

I do my troll ignoring here on PC.

10-15-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm not accusing you of scripting it. I'm commenting that arbitrary answers that don't, in fact answer the specific script check can be seen as a script as well. Including reporting.

The script check was a thyril asking if they could be friends. It's a stupid OOC script check, telling the GM that you are there should be all they need to hear. I'd complain if the GM expected me to stand around and RP a conversation about why I won't be friends with a monster in a virtual sea of monsters trying to kill me, too.

OOC script check, OOC answer, script check over. There is no need for them to go on and make threats about what will happen next time when somebody passes a script check, period.

10-15-2014, 04:14 PM
Tgo should make a script that every 15 seconds it rotates these commands:

act is not afk scripting.

'I'm not afk scripting!

act responds to your script check.

10-15-2014, 04:15 PM
The script check was a thyril asking if they could be friends. It's a stupid OOC script check.

I'd call that an IC afk check

10-15-2014, 04:16 PM
I'd call that an IC afk check

I don't give a flying fuck what you'd call it, it's still stupid.

10-15-2014, 04:20 PM
The script check was a thyril asking if they could be friends. It's a stupid OOC script check, telling the GM that you are there should be all they need to hear. I'd complain if the GM expected me to stand around and RP a conversation about why I won't be friends with a monster in a virtual sea of monsters trying to kill me, too.

OOC script check, OOC answer, script check over. There is no need for them to go on and make threats about what will happen next time when somebody passes a script check, period.

But hey, guess what? It's not up to you to decide that. The fastest and easiest way for them to discern you are not afk scripting or afk script responding to their check is to react appropriately to the way they check you. Not simply saying "oh hai i'm here"

10-15-2014, 04:22 PM
I'd call that an IC afk check

That makes about as much IC sense as someone RPing a pregnant character for 12 years.

10-15-2014, 04:23 PM
But hey, guess what? It's not up to you to decide that. The fastest and easiest way for them to discern you are not afk scripting or afk script responding to their check is to react appropriately to the way they check you. Not simply saying "oh hai i'm here"

So you think that they should go with the assumption that there is a real possibility that somebody has their script set up to say that they are there when a random creature asks a question?

Saying that you are there is reacting appropriately to a check.

10-15-2014, 04:25 PM
So you think that they should go with the assumption that there is a real possibility that somebody has their script set up to say that they are there when a random creature asks a question?

Saying that you are there is reacting appropriately to a check.

With the way tgo is constantly updating his getawaywithafkscripting scripts, they'd be right to be suspicious if the response is simply, "I'm here!".

10-15-2014, 04:30 PM
That makes about as much IC sense as someone RPing a pregnant character for 12 years.

terrible comparison. yes it is there to check if you are afk and you must respond in a direct manner, not just "JESUS FUCK I'M HERE." I consider it "IC" because something in the game you are attacking is attempting to communicate with you, it is not a "THIS IS YOUR AFK SCRIPT CHECK PLEASE RESPOND WITH THE WORD DONUTS"

10-15-2014, 04:30 PM
So you think that they should go with the assumption that there is a real possibility that somebody has their script set up to say that they are there when a random creature asks a question?

Saying that you are there is reacting appropriately to a check.

Yes, if that person has been hit for scripting violations in the past, reacting to script checks by running back to town and logging... hell fucking yes. These are all red flags to me and I'm not even a GM.

and no, saying you are there is reacting to a script check, answering the questions or doing what the GM is asking you to do is reacting appropriately to the script check.

10-15-2014, 04:34 PM
terrible comparison. yes it is there to check if you are afk and you must respond in a direct manner, not just "JESUS FUCK I'M HERE." I consider it "IC" because something in the game you are attacking is attempting to communicate with you, it is not a "THIS IS YOUR AFK SCRIPT CHECK PLEASE RESPOND WITH THE WORD DONUTS"

But I like donuts. :(

10-15-2014, 04:35 PM
If I were a GM, I'd have my grizzled whatever say 'Repeat after me, "Charl lives in water because he's always wetting his pants.'

Once you said it, I'd hit you with a lightning strike cause I have a mean streak like that and because my amusement is all that matters. So there!

10-15-2014, 04:39 PM
Yes, if that person has been hit for scripting violations in the past, reacting to script checks by running back to town and logging... hell fucking yes. These are all red flags to me and I'm not even a GM.

So now they logged too, did they? They didn't respond to the check by running back to town. They responded to the check and then ran back to town. You didn't seem to read what happened very well, I think you might have some script hate in your eyes or something.

10-15-2014, 04:46 PM
But hey, guess what? It's not up to you to decide that. The fastest and easiest way for them to discern you are not afk scripting or afk script responding to their check is to react appropriately to the way they check you. Not simply saying "oh hai i'm here"

They didn't really ask me to do or say anything. There was no appropriate response.

10-15-2014, 04:47 PM
So now they logged too, did they? They didn't respond to the check by running back to town. They responded to the check and then ran back to town. You didn't seem to read what happened very well, I think you might have some script hate in your eyes or something.

A non standard line appeared and they said "No", followed by "I'm here" and ran back to town. Were any other actions taken to show attentiveness left out?

Given no other input, that's not a lot of proof you're actually there responding.

The GM didn't issue an official warning or mark. Letting you know more specific input is needed in the future is hardly being a hardass...

10-15-2014, 04:48 PM
So now they logged too, did they? They didn't respond to the check by running back to town. They responded to the check and then ran back to town. You didn't seem to read what happened very well, I think you might have some script hate in your eyes or something.

Go back to the original post of this thread where the OP logged off the first time he was script checked and that was added to the reasons he was given his first warning. But hey, you know... I'm looking at the overall picture of his behavior here, not just the second incident he posted about. As for script hate? I have a problem with the OPs approach to the game, his scripting 24/7 afk and then abusing GMs when he's caught. Then, when he starts getting script checked more often because he has an established history of being an afk scripter he continues to bitch about the why, how and result. He brought it on himself and quite frankly, the amount of GM time having to be focused on his kind of player is a fucking travesty.

10-15-2014, 04:49 PM
Yes, if that person has been hit for scripting violations in the past, reacting to script checks by running back to town and logging... hell fucking yes. These are all red flags to me and I'm not even a GM.

and no, saying you are there is reacting to a script check, answering the questions or doing what the GM is asking you to do is reacting appropriately to the script check.

Separate accounts, separate credit cards. They aren't linked. If they were linked I would have gotten a warning for that, guarantee it. They would have been like "Oh hey, you passed the check, i see you've deposited siilvers every 30 minutes for the last 8 hours. SCRIPT WARNING."

This is just typical deuchness applied daily to the masses.

10-15-2014, 04:49 PM
With the way tgo is constantly updating his getawaywithafkscripting scripts, they'd be right to be suspicious if the response is simply, "I'm here!".

Might look a little suspicious if your character is saying "I'm here!" Dozens of times randomly before and after said script check though.

10-15-2014, 04:50 PM
A non standard line appeared and they said "No", followed by "I'm here" and ran back to town. Were any other actions taken to show attentiveness left out?

Given no other input, that's not a lot of proof you're actually there responding.

The GM didn't issue an official warning or mark. Letting you know more specific input is needed in the future is hardly being a hardass...

Hey! You there! Making sense! Yes, you! There's no place for that here.

10-15-2014, 04:53 PM
Go back to the original post of this thread where the OP logged off the first time he was script checked and that was added to the reasons he was given his first warning. But hey, you know... I'm looking at the overall picture of his behavior here, not just the second incident he posted about. As for script hate? I have a problem with the OPs approach to the game, his scripting 24/7 afk and then abusing GMs when he's caught. Then, when he starts getting script checked more often because he has an established history of being an afk scripter he continues to bitch about the why, how and result. He brought it on himself and quite frankly, the amount of GM time having to be focused on his kind of player is a fucking travesty.

You are making so many fucking assumptions its mind boggling. My accounts are not linked. It isn't fucking magical faerie land where this shit happens. Solomon and maybe Wyorm are the only ones that link accounts. The accounts were never scripting together, so they had no need to link them and/or investigate. I didn't go on a killing spree or spam people or doing anything remotely abusive.

And again, you are delusional. I never actually failed the first script check. I responded and got a warning for VULGARITY. Do you magically forget shit that is inconvenient to your point of view?

The second script check I passed, but the GM used circumstantial evidence to infer I was scripting.

So, go fuck yourself, jesus fuck.

10-15-2014, 04:53 PM
and quite frankly, the amount of GM time having to be focused on his kind of player is a fucking travesty.

Don't kid yourself, I'm sure there are at least a few GMs that get off on this kind of thing. They thrive on it. They fap to it.

They do this:

10-15-2014, 04:57 PM
Separate accounts, separate credit cards. They aren't linked. If they were linked I would have gotten a warning for that, guarantee it. They would have been like "Oh hey, you passed the check, i see you've deposited siilvers every 30 minutes for the last 8 hours. SCRIPT WARNING."

This is just typical deuchness applied daily to the masses.

Ok, so different accounts, different cards (under the same name I assume?) they could easily link those with a simple IP check I bet. But you still, at that point, already had a warning on this new account, the groundwork is already laid... unless this is your third goat rodeo now?

10-15-2014, 04:59 PM
Ok, so different accounts, different cards (under the same name I assume?) they could easily link those with a simple IP check I bet. But you still, at that point, already had a warning on this new account, the groundwork is already laid... unless this is your third goat rodeo now?

different cards maybe with different names but the same billing address...

10-15-2014, 05:00 PM
Don't kid yourself, I'm sure there are at least a few GMs that get off on this kind of thing. They thrive on it. They fap to it.

They do this:
