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01-15-2021, 08:26 AM
Next step.



Wait for it. It's coming.

01-15-2021, 09:09 AM
This is just virtue signaling. The chance of a Constitutional Amendment such as this being ratified by enough to states to pass is pretty much zero.

01-15-2021, 09:16 AM
This is just virtue signaling. The chance of a Constitutional Amendment such as this being ratified by enough to states to pass is pretty much zero.

One can hope.

01-15-2021, 09:56 AM
Absolutely none of the smaller population states are going to ratify this. It is dead before it starts.

01-15-2021, 09:58 AM
Absolutely none of the smaller population states are going to ratify this. It is dead before it starts.

As said, one can hope. I just don't think they play by the rules, and those rules will get bent. But - we can hope.

01-15-2021, 10:04 AM
As said, one can hope. I just don't think they play by the rules, and those rules will get bent. But - we can hope.


01-15-2021, 10:07 AM
Absolutely none of the smaller population states are going to ratify this. It is dead before it starts.

The sixteen smallest population split 8-8 in the Electoral College every election.
Republicans get Wyoming Alaska NorthDakota SouthDakota Montana WestVirginia Idaho Nebraska.
Democrats get DC Vermont Delaware RhodeIsland Maine NewHampshire Hawaii NewMexico.

Although DC of course gets no say in Constitutional Amendment ratification, why wouldn't the other seven jump at the chance to abolish the EC? And for that matter their disproportional representation in the Senate?

01-15-2021, 10:11 AM

Will be a fun day when it actually breaks down. And if you think it's fear, LOL. I'm okay if society breaks down, will allow some actual work to get done to right this mess.

01-15-2021, 10:14 AM
The sixteen smallest population split 8-8 in the Electoral College every election.
Republicans get Wyoming Alaska NorthDakota SouthDakota Montana WestVirginia Idaho Nebraska.
Democrats get DC Vermont Delaware RhodeIsland Maine NewHampshire Hawaii NewMexico.

Although DC of course gets no say in Constitutional Amendment ratification, why wouldn't the other seven jump at the chance to abolish the EC? And for that matter their disproportional representation in the Senate?

So? None of those smaller states want to give up their power, regardless of who they vote for.

And all it takes is 13 states to refuse and no amendment passes.

01-15-2021, 10:15 AM
There's some serious barriers to overcome with any Constituional Amendment. First, to even be proposed, it needs a 2/3rd majority in the House AND Senate. Or 2/3rds of the States

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.

Then, once proposed, it needs to be ratified by 3/4 of the states

A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States). When the OFR verifies that it has received the required number of authenticated ratification documents, it drafts a formal proclamation for the Archivist to certify that the amendment is valid and has become part of the Constitution. This certification is published in the Federal Register and U.S. Statutes at Large and serves as official notice to the Congress and to the Nation that the amendment process has been completed.

Both of those quotes come from here, the official archive of the US gov't (https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution)

Based on those requirements, it just plain ain't gonna happen. This is why some states are trying to do an end run around the Constitution, by drafting laws that say their electoral votes will go to the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of what the vote in their state is. Also the same reason many states are trying to do an end run around the 2nd Amendment, because they know that no changes to the 2nd Amendment are going to pass and be ratified by 3/4ths of the states.

01-15-2021, 10:16 AM
The sixteen smallest population split 8-8 in the Electoral College every election.
Republicans get Wyoming Alaska NorthDakota SouthDakota Montana WestVirginia Idaho Nebraska.
Democrats get DC Vermont Delaware RhodeIsland Maine NewHampshire Hawaii NewMexico.

Although DC of course gets no say in Constitutional Amendment ratification, why wouldn't the other seven jump at the chance to abolish the EC? And for that matter their disproportional representation in the Senate?

You're not very bright, are you? Nor are you very good at math.

01-15-2021, 10:21 AM
Just thought about it also..

The Left riots and destroys cities and states for months on end.. no fear from the left about the destruction..

The Right riots for one day.. and the Left are acting like scared bitches.

You tell me, do you really want to play fuck fuck games? LOL.

01-15-2021, 10:22 AM
Just thought about it also..

The Left riots and destroys cities and states for months on end.. no fear from the left about the destruction..

The Right riots for one day.. and the Left are acting like scared bitches.

You tell me, do you really want to play fuck fuck games? LOL.

The right stayed inside of red velvet ropes during their riot.

01-15-2021, 10:23 AM
Just thought about it also..

The Left riots and destroys cities and states for months on end.. no fear from the left about the destruction..

The Right riots for one day.. and the Left are acting like scared bitches.

You tell me, do you really want to play fuck fuck games? LOL.

I don't think they are acting like scared bitches.. they are doing what the left always does: Play the role of victim.

They are doing it for political reasons... and need their largest voting block of uninformed sheep to believe them.

And they do.. without fail.

01-15-2021, 10:23 AM
The right stayed inside of red velvet ropes during their riot.

Agreed. The idiots that stormed the Capitol were just that, idiots. Just humors me the Lefts reaction to it, as compared to when the Left conducts violence.

01-15-2021, 10:26 AM
I don't think they are acting like scared bitches.. they are doing what the left always does: Play the role of victim.

They are doing it for political reasons... and need their largest voting block of uninformed sheep to believe them.

And they do.. without fail.

Oh I agree with you, that's the response. In my opinion though, they thought their opponents would never do something like that. They've now seen it happen, and I can guess (again my opinion) - that scares the shit out of them. That's why the repercussions are going to be so harsh.

01-15-2021, 10:29 AM
Just thought about it also..

The Left riots and destroys cities and states for months on end.. no fear from the left about the destruction..

The Right riots for one day.. and the Left are acting like scared bitches.

You tell me, do you really want to play fuck fuck games? LOL.

You mean one side is perfectly ok with the destruction of private property but the state is the golden calf?

The same ones that are at this very moment trying to replace our form of government and take away representation of individual states?

01-15-2021, 10:31 AM
You mean one side is perfectly ok with the destruction of private property but the state is the golden calf?

The same ones that are at this very moment trying to replace our form of government and take away representation of individual states?

That would be an accurate statement.

01-15-2021, 10:34 AM
Just thought about it also..

The Left riots and destroys cities and states for months on end.. no fear from the left about the destruction..

No "cities and states" were destroyed. You are an idiot.

The Right riots for one day.. and the Left are acting like scared bitches.

You tell me, do you really want to play fuck fuck games? LOL.

Hint: It's because it wasn't a riot, it was a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States.

Or do you not know why:

Several members of Trump's administration resigned
Republican lawmakers either voted in favor of the House vote for impeachment, or expressed willingness to convict in the Senate trial
Every single one of (Trump's handpicked) military branch chiefs released this letter in an unprecedented stand against a sitting president (https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%201 2%2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0vinxSMz8M263828EvlXRlqJ75Ry HdjO5uw99CzjR-aJY-zIaWdWZRVio)

That's what happens when you get all your news from "ThePostMillenial.com," Shaps. You live in a right-wing dezinformatsiya bubble, and reveal yourself as a willfully ignorant imbecile. Speaking of "scared bitches," though, you might want consult how the last southern/conservative/rural/white/racist uprising went for you guys.

01-15-2021, 10:35 AM
No "cities and states" were destroyed. You are an idiot.

Hint: It's because it wasn't a riot, it was a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States.

Or do you not know why:

Several members of Trump's administration resigned
Republican lawmakers either voted in favor of the House vote for impeachment, or expressed willingness to convict in the Senate trial
Every single one of (Trump's handpicked) military branch chiefs released this letter in an unprecedented stand against a sitting president (https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%201 2%2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0vinxSMz8M263828EvlXRlqJ75Ry HdjO5uw99CzjR-aJY-zIaWdWZRVio)

That's what happens when you get all your news from "ThePostMillenial.com," Shaps. You live in a right-wing dezinformatsiya bubble, and reveal yourself as a willfully ignorant imbecile. Speaking of "scared bitches," though, you might want consult how the last southern/conservative/rural/white/racist uprising went for you guys.

LOL.. your attempts are so cute. And I think you mean the last uprising was "you folks".. that was the Democrats you ignorant mouthpiece. LOL.

01-15-2021, 10:37 AM
The same ones that are at this very moment trying to replace our form of government and take away representation of individual states?

If you are talking about removing the electoral college, wouldn't that be placing representation into the hands of individuals instead?

01-15-2021, 10:38 AM
No "cities and states" were destroyed. You are an idiot.

Um, they def fucked up some cities pretty bad over the summer.

01-15-2021, 10:40 AM
You mean one side is perfectly ok with the destruction of private property but the state is the golden calf?

Except for that whole pesky reality where that destruction of private property was roundly condemned by the left, and not at all led by someone like Trump having spent 4 years whipping them into a frenzy, promising to pay legal bills for illegal assaults, etc.

The same ones that are at this very moment trying to replace our form of government and take away representation of individual states?

... And no, the people protesting in the streets aren't "the same ones" trying to pass constitutional amendments, despite your very best attempt to scarily characterize the act of lawfully passing a constitutional amendment -- which requires passing a huge bar to accomplish -- and is intrinsically democratic and fair. Or are you retardedly asserting you don't believe in the Constitution's own mechanisms for amending itself? Oh.

01-15-2021, 10:40 AM
Um, they def fucked up some cities pretty bad over the summer.

No, those were mostly peaceful, so, clearly, they didn't do any damage to anything, especially not to to many small, black owned businesses...

01-15-2021, 10:46 AM
Except for that whole pesky reality where that destruction of private property was roundly condemned by the left, and not at all led by someone like Trump having spent 4 years whipping them into a frenzy, promising to pay legal bills for illegal assaults, etc.

... And no, the people protesting in the streets aren't "the same ones" trying to pass constitutional amendments, despite your very best attempt to scarily characterize the act of lawfully passing a constitutional amendment -- which requires passing a huge bar to accomplish -- and is intrinsically democratic and fair. Or are you retardedly asserting you don't believe in the Constitution's own mechanisms for amending itself? Oh.

Don't kid yourself "Get in their faces" ~ Maxine Waters.

Yes, I do believe in the constitutions mechanisms. I particularly like the one that says, when voting is no longer valid, the bullet is.

Bread lines.


01-15-2021, 10:51 AM
Bread lines.

You know that's not the same thing as bread lines...right?

01-15-2021, 10:53 AM
LOL.. your attempts are so cute. And I think you mean the last uprising was "you folks".. that was the Democrats you ignorant mouthpiece. LOL.

Nope, certainly didn't mean "us folks," since the Confederacy was the party of the conservative, rural, white, racist south, and all but one of the Confederate states voted for Trump in 2016, and all but two in 2020. No surprise you're ignorant of history as well as contemporary politics, though.

Kudos, though, on trying to seize upon what you (incorrectly) perceived as the rhetorically weakest part of what I said and pretended the other 80% didn't exist (i.e., yet another concession on your part).

Um, they def fucked up some cities pretty bad over the summer.

I'll repeat: No, no "states and cities" were "destroyed," his claim. The residents of Portland and Seattle continued to remain mystified at hysterical right-wing disinformation about the "destruction" of their cities, though, as fearmongering over minorities is par for the course in Trump's America.

Don't kid yourself "Get in their faces" ~ Maxine Waters.

:rofl: That isn't advocating violence. It's advocating social confrontation, the same type as occurred in the 1960's Civil Rights movement which, y'know, conservatives had a problem with, too, and ended up murdering the nonviolent leader of.

Yes, I do believe in the constitutions mechanisms. I particularly like the one that says, when voting is no longer valid, the bullet is.

How interesting. Which Article is that in? And FYI, the only side attempting to make votes invalid would be 1) the rioters at the Capitol, attempting to overturn the result of elections either administrated by Republicans or had their rules set by Republicans, that elected other Republicans but not Trump on the same ticket, which, for some reason, weren't contested like the others despite being on the same ballots, and 2) the Trump administration trying to pressure officials in Georgia to fabricate nonexistent evidence, and 3) the Trump administration trying to convince sympathetic judges to invalidate legitimate elections despite being able to produce no evidence of malfeasance.

That's the pesky thing about not having the facts on your side, Neveragain -- you don't get to win the argument. You get to bullshit your way around, move goalposts, misstate your case and then get put in your place.

Bread lines.

Ah, yes.. the picture of a food bank .. in right-wing dominated Texas ... and the need for which was created by ... the Trump administration's failure to control COVID-19 ... and Mitch McConnell's refusal to pass proper aid. But, uhhh, yeah. That sure demonstrated something.

01-15-2021, 10:59 AM
America's future as Democrats focus on communism, killing babies and dudes that wear dresses:


01-15-2021, 11:01 AM
Um, they def fucked up some cities pretty bad over the summer.

You better get the fuck back behind the line.

Don't make them cancel you.

01-15-2021, 11:02 AM
Except for that whole pesky reality where that destruction of private property was roundly condemned by the left, and not at all led by someone like Trump having spent 4 years whipping them into a frenzy, promising to pay legal bills for illegal assaults, etc.

... And no, the people protesting in the streets aren't "the same ones" trying to pass constitutional amendments, despite your very best attempt to scarily characterize the act of lawfully passing a constitutional amendment -- which requires passing a huge bar to accomplish -- and is intrinsically democratic and fair. Or are you retardedly asserting you don't believe in the Constitution's own mechanisms for amending itself? Oh.


You mean https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/03/kamala-harris-tweeted-support-bail-fund-money-didnt-just-assist-protestors/

Oh wait. Keep trying, I know you all like revisionist history.

01-15-2021, 11:03 AM
Um, they def fucked up some cities pretty bad over the summer.

Careful Drauz, you're on the line and they might push you over with talk like that.

01-15-2021, 11:03 AM
I'll repeat: No, no "states and cities" were destroyed. The residents of Portland and Seattle continued to remain mystified at hysterical right-wing disinformation about the "destruction" of their cities, though, as fearmongering over minorities is par for the course in Trump's America.

There are other cities, such as Minneapolis, that were.


01-15-2021, 11:07 AM
That's a mostly peaceful fire.

Come on, Jack.

01-15-2021, 11:09 AM
There are other cities, such as Minneapolis, that were.


What Ashliana is focusing on is that the entire city or state wasn't destroyed... so to him, it was a mostly "peaceful protest" and nothing to worry about. Nevermind that between the end of May and beginning of June, the estimates for damage is between 1 and 2 billion dollars.... but big fucking deal.. it was mostly rich white people's shit that got fucked up. No harm done. They deserved it because they were white... and any black owned businesses that were damaged were probably owned by Uncle Toms anyway.

01-15-2021, 11:29 AM
That's a mostly peaceful fire.

Come on, Jack.

That was a unity fire. It just got out of control with all the peace and joy being spread around.

01-15-2021, 11:33 AM
it was mostly rich white people's shit that got fucked up. No harm done. They deserved it because they were white...

Except it wasn't, it was mostly small businesses, with a large number of minority owned, including black owned, businesses in that loss.

and any black owned businesses that were damaged were probably owned by Uncle Toms anyway.

Oh, wait, I see you have that covered there. Yep. Any black business owner trying to better themselves is definitely playing the man's game, Uncle Tom style. At least, that's what the left seems to think. If mean, if you're black and you didn't vote for Biden, you ain't black.

01-15-2021, 11:38 AM
America's future as Democrats focus on communism, killing babies and dudes that wear dresses:


So let's get this straight. Efforts to do anything about the poverty and starvation ... that are ensuing because of job losses incurred due to Trump's failure to control the COVID-19 pandemic ... are the fault of "Communist Democrats" ... because, in your ideal society where Trump failed the nation, those people should rightly be starving?


You mean https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...st-protestors/

Oh wait. Keep trying, I know you all like revisionist history.

Did you even read your link? And I take it you're just conceding on all the rest, right? Trump's own cabinet resigning as a result? The unprecedent criticism of all Trump's hand-picked military chiefs? Republican lawmakers voting for impeachment and expressing support for conviction? Okay. Just so we're clear on your concession.

There are other cities, such as Minneapolis, that were.

Perhaps you and I have different definitions of the word "destroyed." I generally use the one in mainstream use, and not the one from the dictionary of right-wing hyperbole.

What Ashliana is focusing on is that the entire city or state wasn't destroyed... so to him, it was a mostly "peaceful protest" and nothing to worry about. Nevermind that between the end of May and beginning of June, the estimates for damage is between 1 and 2 billion dollars.... but big fucking deal.. it was mostly rich white people's shit that got fucked up. No harm done. They deserved it because they were white... and any black owned businesses that were damaged were probably owned by Uncle Toms anyway.

What I'm focusing on is that the claim "cities and states were destroyed" is completely absurd. No significant part of a city was "destroyed," much less an ENTIRE city, much less an ENTIRE STATE. The damage in a place or two was quite significant. FYI, there was constant damage to cities as the result of the race riots in the 1960's Civil Rights movement. What do we talk about today? Their victories, and the right-wing's murder of the strictly nonviolent leader of the movement. Not collateral damage, which is a fleeting right-wing apologist talking point and ignores the reason why the riots happened (or are happening now) in the first place.

The right stayed inside of red velvet ropes during their riot.

:rofl: Some of them did. Others, clearly not. Or were they justified in them beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher inside a red velvet roped room? Hmm..

01-15-2021, 11:46 AM
"Perhaps you and I have different definitions of the word "destroyed." I generally use the one in mainstream use, and not the one from the dictionary of right-wing hyperbole."

Ha.. haha.. hahaha. ROFL. Damn your trolling knows no bounds. Anything to avoid the reality as it sets in. LOL.

01-15-2021, 11:47 AM
Perhaps you and I have different definitions of the word "destroyed." I generally use the one in mainstream use, and not the one from the dictionary of right-wing hyperbole.

Sorry, didn't realize we were playing semantics. There were a large number of businesses that were destroyed, and the city was put into a terrible spot economically. So sorry for the mistake, a large number of people's lives were destroyed not the entire city.

01-15-2021, 11:52 AM
Uh oh!



Someone who wasn't supposed to be there, was.

01-15-2021, 11:54 AM
So let's get this straight. Efforts to do anything about the poverty and starvation

Democrats 2021 thus far:

1. Gender pronouns
2. A rushed impeachment.
3. Presenting a bill that fundamentally changes our form of government. Which will ultimately fail, because no fucking state is going to be taxed by the feds and not have equal representation.

01-15-2021, 11:56 AM
Democrats 2021 thus far:

1. Gender pronouns
2. A rushed impeachment.
3. Presenting a bill that fundamentally changes our form of government. Which will ultimately fail, because no fucking state is going to be taxed by the feds and not have equal representation.

Cool. Way to disregard the president elect address last night completely. He said none of these things.

01-15-2021, 11:58 AM
Cool. Way to disregard the president elect address last night completely. He said none of these things.

Should stop listening to what they say, and watch what they do.

01-15-2021, 12:10 PM
"Perhaps you and I have different definitions of the word "destroyed." I generally use the one in mainstream use, and not the one from the dictionary of right-wing hyperbole."

Ha.. haha.. hahaha. ROFL. Damn your trolling knows no bounds. Anything to avoid the reality as it sets in. LOL.

Criticism of absurd claims doesn't equate to "trolling," I'm afraid. On the other hand, your low-effort shitposting leaves much to be desired.

Sorry, didn't realize we were playing semantics. There were a large number of businesses that were destroyed, and the city was put into a terrible spot economically. So sorry for the mistake, a large number of people's lives were destroyed not the entire city.

It's not semantics; he made a demonstrably false claim, and I pointed it out, then you tried to cite damage that doesn't demonstrate Shaps' claims. Property damage occurred, and that's unfortunate. The owners should be compensated, lawbreakers should be punished, violence should be condemned.

Uh oh!



Someone who wasn't supposed to be there, was.

Uh oh! Sounds like he should be punished along with all the others, since that's how the law works.

01-15-2021, 12:10 PM
Cool. Way to disregard the president elect address last night completely. He said none of these things.

Except that's exactly what the Democrats have done so far this year.

01-15-2021, 12:10 PM
What Ashliana is focusing on is that the entire city or state wasn't destroyed... so to him, it was a mostly "peaceful protest" and nothing to worry about. Nevermind that between the end of May and beginning of June, the estimates for damage is between 1 and 2 billion dollars.... but big fucking deal.. it was mostly rich white people's shit that got fucked up. No harm done. They deserved it because they were white... and any black owned businesses that were damaged were probably owned by Uncle Toms anyway.

What I'm focusing on is that the claim "cities and states were destroyed" is completely absurd. No significant part of a city was "destroyed," much less an ENTIRE city, much less an ENTIRE STATE. The damage in a place or two was quite significant. FYI, there was constant damage to cities as the result of the race riots in the 1960's Civil Rights movement. What do we talk about today? Their victories, and the right-wing's murder of the strictly nonviolent leader of the movement. Not collateral damage, which is a fleeting right-wing apologist talking point and ignores the reason why the riots happened (or are happening now) in the first place.

You could have just said "You're right" and saved yourself some typing.

01-15-2021, 12:11 PM
Except that's exactly what the Democrats have done so far this year.

Hopefully someone ripped up the speech right after.

01-15-2021, 12:12 PM
Criticism of absurd claims doesn't equate to "trolling," I'm afraid. On the other hand, your low-effort shitposting leaves much to be desired.

It's not semantics; he made a demonstrably false claim, and I pointed it out, then you tried to cite damage that doesn't demonstrate Shaps' claims. Property damage occurred, and that's unfortunate. The owners should be compensated, lawbreakers should be punished, violence should be condemned.

Uh oh! Sounds like he should be punished along with all the others, since that's how the law works.

And every BLM and ANTIFA activist placed on the no-fly list as is being proposed. I'm down. We can label them terrorist organizations and rid ourselves of these hateful, HATEFUL people. **removes lefty hat**

01-15-2021, 12:13 PM
he made a demonstrably false claim.

Billions in damages = demonstrably false.

Rule #1. Never lend a communist one of your possessions. They will never return it on their own and it will be damaged upon return.

01-15-2021, 12:25 PM
FYI, there was constant damage to cities as the result of the race riots in the 1960's Civil Rights movement. What do we talk about today? Their victories, and the right-wing's murder of the strictly nonviolent leader of the movement.

Haha.. I missed this nugget of stupidity... mostly because I can barely skim your posts without being reminded how stupid you are.

Just an FYI: It was the Democrats that were against the Civil Rights Act... not the Republicans. I can't say what James Earl Ray was.. probably an anarchist of some sort.. but he certainly wasn't a Republican.
In before you make your equally retarded claim that the Democrats and Republicans changed sides... that's just revisionist history by people who have always been the most racist party in this country... the Democrats.

01-15-2021, 12:26 PM
Hopefully someone ripped up the speech right after.

If it was a republican tearing up the speech, they would be facing impeachment.

01-15-2021, 12:40 PM
FYI, there was constant damage to cities as the result of the race riots in the 1960's Civil Rights movement. What do we talk about today? Their victories, and the right-wing's murder of the strictly nonviolent leader of the movement.Haha.. I missed this nugget of stupidity... mostly because I can barely skim your posts without being reminded how stupid you are.

Just an FYI: It was the Democrats that were against the Civil Rights Act... not the Republicans. I can't say what James Earl Ray was.. probably an anarchist of some sort.. but he certainly wasn't a Republican.
In before you make your equally retarded claim that the Democrats and Republicans changed sides... that's just revisionist history by people who have always been the most racist party in this country... the Democrats.

Spoiler Alert: Rushing to use the words "historical revisionism" first, in the vain hopes that you won't be called on it, won't win you an argument. Since, y'know, you're engaging in revionismism.

The Confederacy was made up of conservative, southern, rural white racist states. The representatives of those same states opposed the Civil Rights Act and fought hardest and longest for segregation, those same states had the worst Jim Crow laws, those same states (with only 1 exception in 2016 - Virginia) voted for Trump the first time, and 2 (Virginia, Georgia) in 2020.

The fact that you don't understand why your collective parents, grandparents and great-grandparents moved away from the Democratic party to the modern-day Republican party reflects on you, Tardbandit. Willful ignorance on your part doesn't constitute a reasoned position, and either disingenuously (or out of sheer ignorance) making false arguments doesn't transform reality to suit your delusions: it simply reveals you as the poorly educated right-winger we all know.

01-15-2021, 12:44 PM
Spoiler Alert: Rushing to use the words "historical revisionism" first, in the vain hopes that you won't be called on it, won't win you an argument. Since, y'know, you're engaging in revionismism.

The Confederacy was made up of conservative, southern, rural white racist states. The representatives of those same states opposed the Civil Rights Act and fought hardest and longest for segregation, those same states had the worst Jim Crow laws, those same states (with only 1 exception in 2016 - Virginia) voted for Trump the first time, and 2 (Virginia, Georgia) in 2020.

The fact that you don't understand why your collective parents, grandparents and great-grandparents moved away from the Democratic party to the modern-day Republican party reflects on you, Tardbandit. Willful ignorance on your part doesn't constitute a reasoned position, and either disingenuously (or out of sheer ignorance) making false arguments doesn't transform reality to suit your delusions: it simply reveals you as the poorly educated right-winger we all know.

Lincoln was also a Democrat and president of the Confederacy. Don't leave that part out, that's the most vital part.

P.S. You should tell him about the Republican Tammany hall.

01-15-2021, 01:00 PM
Spoiler Alert: Rushing to use the words "historical revisionism" first, in the vain hopes that you won't be called on it, won't win you an argument. Since, y'know, you're engaging in revionismism.

The Confederacy was made up of conservative, southern, rural white racist states. The representatives of those same states opposed the Civil Rights Act and fought hardest and longest for segregation, those same states had the worst Jim Crow laws, those same states (with only 1 exception in 2016 - Virginia) voted for Trump the first time, and 2 (Virginia, Georgia) in 2020.

The fact that you don't understand why your collective parents, grandparents and great-grandparents moved away from the Democratic party to the modern-day Republican party reflects on you, Tardbandit. Willful ignorance on your part doesn't constitute a reasoned position, and either disingenuously (or out of sheer ignorance) making false arguments doesn't transform reality to suit your delusions: it simply reveals you as the poorly educated right-winger we all know.


So easy... and so stupid...


Revisionist history. That's what happens when you realize you are always on the wrong side of history and years later, you want to pretend you were right all along.

01-15-2021, 01:24 PM

So easy... and so stupid...


Revisionist history. That's what happens when you realize you are always on the wrong side of history and years later, you want to pretend you were right all along.

In 2021, which party dominates in the more liberal, more urban, more racially diverse northern and coastal states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

In 2021, which party dominates in the more conservative, more rural, whiter southern states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

There's your answer. Your obfuscation is meaningless, because you can't refute that simple reality, and your quote about wanting to pretend who was on the wrong side of history and who was right is, as always, projection and fantasy on your part. You not being able to own the actions of your parents, grandparents and great grandparents reflects on you, as does the racist legacy they passed to you.

01-15-2021, 02:26 PM
In 2021, which party dominates in the more liberal, more urban, more racially diverse northern and coastal states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

In 2021, which party dominates in the more conservative, more rural, whiter southern states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

There's your answer. Your obfuscation is meaningless, because you can't refute that simple reality, and your quote about wanting to pretend who was on the wrong side of history and who was right is, as always, projection and fantasy on your part. You not being able to own the actions of your parents, grandparents and great grandparents reflects on you, as does the racist legacy they passed to you.

You make absolutely no point at all. Basically your entire "argument" is based off stereotypes.

What is very obvious is your discontent for rural America.

01-15-2021, 02:32 PM
Next step.



Wait for it. It's coming.

At this point you are really nothing more than a butt hurt agitator. You're claiming the sky is falling but I don't see it. What exactly do you think is going to happen under Biden? How bad it will be for me? Can you tell my why I should be ready to vote against Biden in 2024?

01-15-2021, 02:37 PM
You make absolutely no point at all.

That point is called "reality," and I know you're allergic to it, but erm, "them's the breaks."

Basically your entire "argument" is based off stereotypes.

Your ignorance of demography doesn't equate to someone else "stereotyping," sorry. Please attend an American History class at your local community college.

What is very obvious is your content for rural America.

The more conservative, southern, rural, less racially diverse, traitor slave states who formed the Confederacy are the current bedrock of the modern-day Republican party. So, uhh, yes, I'd say I'm not a fan.

01-15-2021, 02:45 PM
At this point you are really nothing more than a butt hurt agitator. You're claiming the sky is falling but I don't see it. What exactly do you think is going to happen under Biden? How bad it will be for me? Can you tell my why I should be ready to vote against Biden in 2024?


Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

http://forum.gsplayers.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxESEhUSExIWFhUWGRoaGRgYGB4aHxwfHxoYFxoeFx sYHCggHh8lHiAYIjIhJSkrLi4uGSAzODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy8mICYuLTYwLS8tLS4tLS8tMC0tLS4tLS8tLS8tLy0tLi 8tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0vLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFBgcBAv/EAEgQAAICAAQDBQMJBgMGBQUAAAECAxEABBIhBTFBBhMiUWEyc YEUIzNCcpGSobIHFVJTsdFDYsEWJDSi4fFUgpPS8Bclo8LT/8QAGgEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAEFBv/EAEARAAIBAgQCBwYFAwIEBwAAAAABAgMRBBIhMUFRBRNhcYGh8 CKRscHR4RQyM0LxFSNSNJIkJXLSBhZDYmOiwv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A1/huQh7mP5qP2F oP4R6YA953KwpG79zHaqT7A6C/LFdWeSDlyTOSdk2J5WCIwrI0Md6NRpBXK8Rp1G6SnLlc4pezdi PA8qjwq7xxlje hR1I6DEMHOc6KlN66kabbjdjyfJwKrN3UewJ9gdBfli cssW RNuyuNuDZWN4UZ44yxuzoXzPkMU4Wcp0lKW5Gm24pse/u H VH Af2xoJiUOXyzlgscZKmm8A2P3YhGpGTai9tziaewr 74f5Uf4B/bEzofu H VH Af2wAfu H VH Af2wBHcTSKN4vmo9JJ1eAHy9L69MeR0jjpYatRV/Zbd9L8vHjwNeHoKpCfNbHrIwxyuWEUYjG26LZbbfltQ/r90sFjKmLrSnDSmtO1vn2WXx93K1KNKCi/zPyQ7hyuXa9McZokHwDmOfTHoUq9OrfI72bT70UShKNr8RHPZa JO7qKPxOFPgHI36Yz4zESounb900n3O5OjTU81 CbHX7vh/lR/gH9sbSkP3fD/Kj/AP7YAjOKwqjxrHFF49XtIKJFV0xXOTTSRsw1KnOEpTvpbYX4es ElgworrsylRt7ttxjsZXKq9B07NO6ezHn7vh/lR/gH9sTKA/d8P8qP8AAP7YAP3fD/Kj/AP7YATnycKqzd1HsCfYHQX5Y43ZEoRzSUeY34TlI2iRmjjLG7O hfM QxyDbjdluJjGFVxjsPP3fD/Kj/AP7YkUB 74f5Uf4B/bAB 74f5Uf4B/bAB 74f5Uf4B/bAGc/JY/5afhH9sAaNwz6GL7C/pGAGvaGRxC2lbBBDG6oe7rjJjZSVJ2Xf2FdVvLoMJ5cwuWopGE 0AXZuiAvLzxmnKvHD2aVrc9eRW3NQHyT9zlUIFtpUAebNVfmca FPqcMnxsveyd8sENg8gjzKu vStX6lLYCugsYpvUVOrGTvZb9ttSN3aSYpBnRBloWPJtI9wNkn 4C8ThWVHDwb42OqWWCF4uLgyKjRugf2Gbr8On/UYsji05qLi1fZviSVTW1hpmM 4glkUgESEAgDkGA389sU1K81QnNaPN87EHN5W1zPUWZnWWLvGF TavAB7NAEb8yd9/jjsalaNWGd6Svpy8TqlJSV J4yofMvI/euiI2lQhrl1P5H44jTU8TOUszSTsrHFebbvoPez0hbLpfMWPuJ A/KsX4KTlQjf1qTpO8EJcX ly/2v8AVceX0tpi8M//AHfOJ6WF/Sqd31O5f5vMun1ZBqHv6/8A7YnQvh 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aMey8BZvejoF/W NOFerR4fT8U4U5cdfl68TV8bD5kMAGAPE8yorOxpVBJPkALJwb tqCp5rj8KZpJjqpomTSR4uetSqiydRBFem MyrwlJNPs9euRG pHcP4 5PhkMek/RaEWNaO6eGyN7smjd8uWM34mopa 45mLxks7HKupGB8xYsejAcjj0YyUldExxjoDABgDJOyu3FX3/wASce0W6NyJ3x6M/wDSLvR58P8AVvuNVCnzx5p6BUv2kf8ABvvsGQ/mca8H qu5/Ay439F96 KLnjKagwAYAMAU7j0aZCRszlotUklGVdR8Srz0g2L3JCCrIJG9 h RyKSTdr/HtJPPKN1rb1oOcz2mZ8qMxl42k8N6UFkmwAFJHLmT4SQFIq9sR qScNGtSdGEajV3ZPieOzfapsxEJHQDxaKvcnSrHRda fKlOx2PWEat9yyvh rm4xd 3167S0o4YAg2CLBxcZj1gDNsAaBwz6GL7C/pGAM9/arwdlkTPKLXSI5f8ALudDe4lipP2fPGbEQb9pHv8AQeLjCToy4 7d/Lx4fcpUct79MYz6hxHeWNk3jqKp6LQ85qXQS2DOwWZWZef2U8I ZY5M5IKM9CMH WLOr/AMxPxCqeuNuHhljd8T5TpnFRrVlCO0dPHj9PeX7F544YAMAQXa 7N6I1B2Vm8XqAC2n4mvgDjLi5uNPTjoRkynZ7hWYkhec3Eq1IG YUzMGXTQ6cuZ9APTLChKKc3pZaELPct2b7MZfMMs7B0dgpbQa1 GhzsH3WK5Y3ToQm7tE3FMl8hkIoE0RIFX06 pJ3J9Tvi2MVFWRJKw5x0BgAwBivEJZIeIZho5NLrK1MCrnxCjd iro8iLH549fCwjUoZZfM8bF1JU6 aPy9e8kIu0PEiL Vf/ij/wDbibwdHl5sqWOrc/JDDi3Fc3NEyzz60sHToReR29lQcThh6UHmitfEjLFVansyengb Tjwj6AMAGADAFY7cZp4IxMqqwNK pSwAu7IUg7DUSboAX0xTW/Lcvw6Up2vYjOz/AAxo376MhYJkEhj3JDsL8JoUKI/D0uhKVVSgotarj2ciHV5Ztp6Ph28x72i4cJo1t9Ohgd11qb8NM vM89qI3OMeIhGUPadktfcasNXdKTaV7qxMdnnHd6AxYJQDHmQQ LLeurXY6Y2UpKUU0ZKn5iVxYQM2wBoHDPoYvsL kYAVnhV1ZHUMrAqykWCCKIIPMEYBO2qMe7X9j5ckWlit8rzvm0 Xo/UqOj/AIuWpsVWhbWOx9Z0b0vGpanWdpcHwf3 PeQsGaULd7DGe57Uo3ZY x/ZF86y5jMArluaqdjL5e6P1 t023OqlQv7Uj57pLpZRTo0H3v6fXhw121tVAFAUByGNZ80dwAY AMAN89lI5FAkUEKysL6EGwf nUEjrjjSe4Kb2t7U5aWIxIWYa11MF8JCtqNN5WAL5Hzo4z1qsW sq7PiTlRnlvYnOE9r8nOVQSaJG2CONJu6AB9kk8wAb/PFsasZcSU6M47onsWFQYAMAGAMa7WDTxLMA2L0kEgD6i8q5 878sevgJexb17jxukY 2n8vmNY3FWDz9 Nx5wx4iTuf9cOBKJvuPmj6gMAGADACeYhDqVP3jmDzBHuOONXC dinycFzUeYMvesyE3yd g8AUE0pIJ3HhvYk0RJyj1WTLrzIqEutz5tOX0GS5qbSEzRZC7I EZgv0t2EXT4a9r2yOQ HnvDVK8ZQnt2evXEso1ZU3edvXrvLnwfIdzHpJtiSx67n16 fvJ5csa6VNU4qKE5OTux9iwiZtgDQOGfQxfYX9IwA5wAyzHFIE kETyqrkAhWNbHXW52s6HoczobyOAK3L2Q4UJzOdAC7tDrXu9VF 9RTp4QTp9na664r6qObNY2fj8R1PU5tPO3K/L NizxcRhYallQirvUOV6b917X54sMY6wAYAMANZ Iwo4jdwrspYA7WAQCbO3MgfEeeAE JQQTxtHLoZD5kbXyIvkfLEZRUlZkoycXdFUzHYbLnV3eY0gbab BqvaDEH/tjO8NyZpWLfFEvwfL5HKMyCRO VSZCSNVKqs23QUymvUc8W06Sh3lNStKe xNPnoVAJlQA3VsBdc636dcWlQ4BwAYAjIe0GVYkd6FrXu4KA6B blS4AYAb6hYIBI2BwBXO0HBuE5hzmZMwEJbumkjlUKGVS1OaKq Qo6108xi lialNWiUVcNTqu8iLHZfhOsxjiMgYaNu i/xNWgAmOiWo0Of34u/H1ewofR9LtPcfZng2nU3ENaFdQLTw1pvTdqo2va7xx46r2HV0f SXMuQ7RZPWYvlMWpdFjWPr6wgu6LHS23Pl5jGM2i3DuNZbMMyw zRylVVjoYMKYsFNrsbKt92AH AIE9rMspk7wtGI3dNTAEMYwS kRlmFAM1MFJVWYAhSQAL2wyfit3GkkG4pLsKGIKhdStuVCsAxK sADWAFE7VZNhKVlvuSiyjSQULtoGoMAedgjmCrDmKwAw4l2k4Z OrZediUkKpTxyKGLFhSnSCGVlonYq1bg1jsZOLujjSasx0nbDI 33ffNqAQ6DHLqAdlRNSlNQssnPo6k7EHHDo84Rx6DMkrHrDBQ5 V43QgFmUHxKBuVbYHp64ApOANA4Z9DF9hf0jADnAFK4znsm f7l8tLLP80tqYiAI9WYDBWkDAeJgTpthYUHfAEAnFckXeeHKTN qDAfPQ0b V5h0XQ7LWqNm57XW2nSQDi d4TTRmKVxqdZFDxmiqF3GjUS7gEoUAOm7OnZsAaTwnPLPDHMgZ VdQQGFEehFnADvABgBjn ExTOjyCymwHT245Nx13RfzwBU KnKQyz5aWBzHNJFJaslFplljpVZrod0zULZmc6VJ5gQXynhbXG mUzLuGeQLqVQSQpYNIr6T4VIIYkjdW3NYAfcT4tkJmLTZbMd7I slhNB5JBLs sDxLHGBdEWdWkHAEy3YXLyGN6kiWgWiOknUITAuogstqGY G7bez1AtsMYVQoulAAs2dhW5PPAHvAFL4vk8pBOEGVaUyU7aXc keNWA9o0pKAKlBTuuwY2A0ys X0Hu HSaI5EnA1up70q3sg17IBFcrrbAEc0eV74KnDpCFaNVuSXw70t BjpjosWcAEE2TqO AHfCcvlGWR4cm5my/cBWmlkLt86dPeE2dS6NQHiGkqNh4QAhBlcmoDnhkxIVdNSyEAg SuAAz BSyuWrYlgxsnAF44BloxGsyRNE0qKzKzEkWWejuRYLty8/dgCUwBC8Z4Jl2hmIyqSOySHSAFZ2YEkB asxrxDe98AVKeTMCGQx8IiDqZhC3dHmEGhzGUDASEqtXtTFqAO AJHi2dlV82kXDklVXAJ0nxkRJOmoafEWkYqKvQRqbngBH5ROzq DwxKt2Y921AhpiT4lB3OhhXia22FrYDiN5ZHjEvDIwrmNWOksQ tG9XgoBSqcz7NDnQwBa4MhCja0jRWI06goBq7q/K8AZ/gDQOGfQxfYX9IwA5wAhHk4ldpFjQO9anCgM1ChqYCzQ88ALVgD uADABgDy71XqawAn8qXbnvXTzJA/pgDonHkeYHLzF4Ab5VIYUCxxrGlFgEQKNyL2A64AXM60djtz29 Sv8ApgA Ui63PPp5ED/XAB8oX151y9/9sAenmANH0/MgYA8JMl2Buas17yL/ADwB0ZgeR 73/wBjgDvfj1 7AHkMq7hfatjQ9NyfXlgD0Jx6/d8MAcbMAXz2v8hZwB1swoBbega5etcsAD5gC7vb09AenvwAfKB db/d66f64AO/G3PcA8vM1gDnyldue/p6A/wCuAO9 PXp08zpwBz5Qvr9x8rwBntYAQyf0afZX gwAtgAwAYAMAGADAHRgAHM//PPABgATlgAwB3ABgDgwAYAMAGADABgDjcvhgD1gDgwB3AHMAdw Bw4A6MAUzAH//2Q==

01-15-2021, 02:47 PM
In 2021, which party dominates in the more liberal, more urban, more racially diverse northern and coastal states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

In 2021, which party dominates in the more conservative, more rural, whiter southern states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

There's your answer. Your obfuscation is meaningless, because you can't refute that simple reality, and your quote about wanting to pretend who was on the wrong side of history and who was right is, as always, projection and fantasy on your part. You not being able to own the actions of your parents, grandparents and great grandparents reflects on you, as does the racist legacy they passed to you.


01-15-2021, 02:51 PM

Ah, my favorite type of Parkbandit response -- the concession. Excellent. Nice gif, by the way. I can't be your Sassy Gay Friend, though.

01-15-2021, 02:56 PM
That point is called "reality," and I know you're allergic to it, but erm, "them's the breaks."

Your ignorance of demography doesn't equate to someone else "stereotyping," sorry. Please attend an American History class at your local community college.

The more conservative, southern, rural, less racially diverse, traitor slave states who formed the Confederacy are the current bedrock of the modern-day Republican party. So, uhh, yes, I'd say I'm not a fan.

Georgia just went Democrat......Florida is as diverse as fuck and went Republican.

Have you ever been to the pasty white midwest? They were all fucking Union.

Your theory falls flat on it's fucking face. Not that it's surprising considering your theory is completely based off of "white rural people are racist because I say so."

01-15-2021, 03:09 PM
Ah, my favorite type of Parkbandit response -- the concession. Excellent.



Nice gif, by the way. I can't be your Sassy Gay Friend, though.

I have enough gay friends.. sorry, I'm not friends with habitual liars and people who's lives are so bad they have to play make believe on the Internet.

01-15-2021, 03:10 PM
How unfortunate, Neveragain! I never said "all white rural people are racist." I said: "the more conservative, southern, rural, less racially diverse, traitor slave states who formed the Confederacy are the current bedrock of the modern-day Republican party."

Got anything else besides non-sequiturs, strawmen arguments and ignorance of history in the ol' bag of tricks today?

01-15-2021, 03:14 PM
So? None of those smaller states want to give up their power, regardless of who they vote for.

And all it takes is 13 states to refuse and no amendment passes.

Rhode Island has signed on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, along with small blue states like Delaware and Vermont.

The reason for your error is simple: what Rhode Island wants is Democrats in power. If they get 0.6% of electoral votes and 2% of senators and Republicans win the Presidency and Senate, this is a worse outcome for Rhode Island than if they get 0.3% of the national popular vote and senators... but Democrats win the Presidency and Senate.

01-15-2021, 03:15 PM
Got anything else besides non-sequiturs, strawmen arguments and ignorance of history in the ol' bag of tricks today?

Jesus.... you're literally saying the political parties switched magically switched places because you didn't like your Party's racist history...

And you are saying someone else has an ignorance of history...

There are no words...

01-15-2021, 03:15 PM


Sorry you're butthurt that you couldn't defend a position, and then are upset that your failure or inability to do so constitutes a concession. Perhaps you should take this time to reflect on your positions and come up with better defensible ones.

I have enough gay friends.. sorry, I'm not friends with habitual liars and people who's lives are so bad they have to play make believe on the Internet.

:rofl: You're a middle-aged sociopath who spent more than a decade -- starting as a late 40-something old man, not some teenage edgelord -- sending sexually graphic messages full of impotent rage to other forumgoers, mostly men, because you were upset you couldn't out-argue them. Best of luck substantiating your claims, though.

But we all know how that works out for you. Every. Single. Time.

01-15-2021, 03:15 PM
Except that's exactly what the Democrats have done so far this year.

And President Barack Obama did nothing to prevent 9/11.

There's a lot of emotion flying around this thread, but if I can inject a little bit of logic - usually we don't hold politicians responsible for things that happen before they've taken office.


01-15-2021, 03:18 PM
How unfortunate, Neveragain! I never said "all white rural people are racist." I said: "the more conservative, southern, rural, less racially diverse, traitor slave states who formed the Confederacy are the current bedrock of the modern-day Republican party."

Got anything else besides non-sequiturs, strawmen arguments and ignorance of history in the ol' bag of tricks today?

But, Georgia just went Democrat. And two of the most diverse states in the nation, Texas and Florida, went Republican.

Your theory doesn't hold water. I know your communist tendencies require that you label farmers as stupid, racist, hicks but the election results just proved you wrong.

01-15-2021, 03:20 PM
And President Barack Obama did nothing to prevent 9/11.

There's a lot of emotion flying around this thread, but if I can inject a little bit of logic - usually we don't hold politicians responsible for things that happen before they've taken office.


Nancy, just took office?

01-15-2021, 03:21 PM
Jesus.... you're literally saying the political parties switched magically switched places because you didn't like your Party's racist history...

And you are saying someone else has an ignorance of history...

There are no words...

In 2021, which party dominates in the more liberal, more urban, more racially diverse northern and coastal states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

In 2021, which party dominates in the more conservative, more rural, whiter southern states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

There's your answer. When your pea-sized brain inevitably fails to come up with refutation to this -- which you can't, since there isn't one -- the reality of who's trying to pretend they were on the right side of history is obvious.

There's a reason all but one Confederate state went for Trump in 2016, and all but 2 in 2020. It's the same reason Trump supporters carry Confederate flags. Because it's the legacy passed down to them by their racist ancestors. I'd say "How stupid can you be?" but we all know there's probably no limit or depth to which you won't sink. Kind of like your mental gymnastics excusing your candidate soliciting and welcoming the help of foreign adversaries.

01-15-2021, 03:27 PM
In 2021, which party dominates in the more liberal, more urban, more racially diverse northern and coastal states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

In 2021, which party dominates in the more conservative, more rural, whiter southern states? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? Were those states part of the Union or the Confederacy? Did those states support or oppose abolition and desegregation?

There's your answer. When your pea-sized brain inevitably fails to come up with refutation to this -- which you can't, since there isn't one -- the reality of who's trying to pretend they were on the right side of history is obvious.

There's a reason all but one Confederate state went for Trump in 2016, and all but 2 in 2020. It's the same reason Trump supporters carry Confederate flags. Because it's the legacy passed down to them by their racist ancestors. I'd say "How stupid can you be?" but we all know there's probably no limit or depth to which you won't sink. Kind of like your mental gymnastics excusing your candidate soliciting and welcoming the help of foreign adversaries.

Swiss cheese doesn't have this many holes.

01-15-2021, 03:27 PM
But, Georgia just went Democrat.

So what? That doesn't change anything that I said. That's what makes it a non-sequitur.

And two of the most diverse states in the nation, Texas and Florida, went Republican.

Yet another non-sequitur. Texas and Florida, both former Confederate states, form part of the bedrock of the modern-day Republican party.

Your theory doesn't hold water. I know your communist tendencies require that you label farmers as stupid, racist, hicks but the election results just proved you wrong.

And a strawman argument. Where did I claim "farmers are stupid, racist hicks"? I didn't. I said: "the more conservative, southern, rural, less racially diverse, traitor slave states who formed the Confederacy are the current bedrock of the modern-day Republican party."

No amount of your non-sequiturs, obfuscation and intellectual dishonesty will constitute a reasoned position. There's a reason you keep flailing and attempting to mischaracterize what I said: You have no counter-argument.

Swiss cheese doesn't have this many holes.

Except you couldn't point any out. Isn't it funny how that works?

01-15-2021, 03:29 PM
No "cities and states" were destroyed. You are an idiot.

Hint: It's because it wasn't a riot, it was a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States.

Or do you not know why:

Several members of Trump's administration resigned
Republican lawmakers either voted in favor of the House vote for impeachment, or expressed willingness to convict in the Senate trial
Every single one of (Trump's handpicked) military branch chiefs released this letter in an unprecedented stand against a sitting president (https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%201 2%2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0vinxSMz8M263828EvlXRlqJ75Ry HdjO5uw99CzjR-aJY-zIaWdWZRVio)

That's what happens when you get all your news from "ThePostMillenial.com," Shaps. You live in a right-wing dezinformatsiya bubble, and reveal yourself as a willfully ignorant imbecile. Speaking of "scared bitches," though, you might want consult how the last southern/conservative/rural/white/racist uprising went for you guys.

Right, because I'm sure if they just stood there in the Capitol long enough, they'd magically become the new government and everyone else would fall in line, right?

Or are you just being a drama queen like you always are and are notorious for?

Looked like a mostly peaceful protest to me, if we're using the MSM's standards.

01-15-2021, 03:31 PM
Georgia is a southern state, Georgia was a member of the Democrat confederacy, Georgia just went Democrat.

I'm literally pointing at the giant fucking hole in your logic.

But Florida can't be conservative because it's racially diverse. That's literally one of your bullet points of the great northern liberal urban coastal societies. (that have massive homelessness and shit school systems)

01-15-2021, 03:40 PM
It's amazing how people say shit without bothering to research.


The Republican and Democratic parties of the United States didn't always stand for what they do today.

During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed those measures.

After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for Black Americans and advanced social justice. And again, Democrats largely opposed these apparent expansions of federal power.

Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of Depression-remedying reforms including regulation of financial institutions, the founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power.

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power.

PB, shame on you! Since you took part in the Civil War, you should know this stuff first hand.

01-15-2021, 03:42 PM
Georgia is a southern state, Georgia was a member of the Democrat confederacy, Georgia just went Democrat.

I'm literally pointing at the giant fucking hole in your logic.

Except your position falls apart the instant it's examined, just like all right-wing "arguments." Georgia went blue for the first time in a generation, as the result of a deeply unpopular, racist president, and high minority turn-out. Hyper-majorities of whites voted for Trump, supermajorities of Hispanics voted for Biden, and almost 90% of blacks voted for Biden. The descendents of the Confederacy in Georgia lost in 2020, not magically disproved the notion the fact that their ancestors literally formed it.

I'm the one who brought it up (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?127874-Here-it-comes&p=2192466#post2192466), not you. Are you suffering from Romnesia?

But Florida can't be conservative because it's racially diverse. That's literally one of your bullet points of the great northern liberal urban coastal societies. (that have massive homelessness and shit school systems)

The fact that Florida is diverse is what makes it occasionally break free from its Confederate legacy, buddy. Just like Georgia, a supermajority of whites in Florida voted for Trump, and near 90% of blacks voted for Biden, in addition to majorities of other groups for Biden. Hint: It's that racist white majority keeping it Republican.

01-15-2021, 03:52 PM
Except your position falls apart the instant it's examined, just like all right-wing "arguments." Georgia went blue for the first time in a generation, as the result of a deeply unpopular, racist president, and high minority turn-out. Hyper-majorities of whites voted for Trump, supermajorities of Hispanics voted for Biden, and almost 90% of blacks voted for Biden. The descendents of the Confederacy in Georgia lost in 2020, not magically disproved the notion the fact that their ancestors literally formed it.

I'm the one who brought it up (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?127874-Here-it-comes&p=2192466#post2192466), not you. Are you suffering from Romnesia?

The fact that Florida is diverse is what makes it occasionally break free from its Confederate legacy, buddy. Just like Georgia, a supermajority of whites in Florida voted for Trump, and near 90% of blacks voted for Biden, in addition to majorities of other groups for Biden. Hint: It's that racist white majority keeping it Republican.

"It's that racist white majority keeping it Republican"

Hint: It's Cuban Americans that have lived what you want that keeps it Republican.

01-15-2021, 03:56 PM
"It's that racist white majority keeping it Republican"

Hint: It's Cuban Americans that have lived what you want that keeps it Republican.

Hispanic/Latinos made up less than a fifth of voters, and a majority of them voted for Democrats, but okay, whatever you say, dude.

01-15-2021, 04:09 PM
Hispanic/Latinos made up less than a fifth of voters, and a majority of them voted for Democrats, but okay, whatever you say, dude.

Latino support has dropped nearly 10% since Obama.

01-15-2021, 04:15 PM
It's amazing how people say shit without bothering to research.


PB, shame on you! Since you took part in the Civil War, you should know this stuff first hand.


01-15-2021, 04:17 PM
they have to play make believe on the Internet.

Everyone on this forum still playing GS:


01-15-2021, 04:23 PM
Can you tell my why I should be ready to vote against Biden in 2024?

You won't be able to vote against him because he won't be president anymore by then.

01-15-2021, 05:43 PM
It's amazing how people say shit without bothering to research.


PB, shame on you! Since you took part in the Civil War, you should know this stuff first hand.

It really is amazing how people say shit without bothering to read the research they linked.

Did you even bother reading the "research" you linked?

Shame on me, Blazar... I meant: Did you even bother having someone without mental retardation draw you a picture of what it said?

Imagine believing you had anything intelligent to offer... damn.

Well fuck, there goes my New Years resolution: Stop picking on the mentally retarded.


Spoiler: You would have to be SO FUCKING STUPID to even think you had a point to make with that "research".

01-15-2021, 05:44 PM
Spoiler: You would have to be SO FUCKING STUPID to even think you had a point to make with that "research".


Ok, I did NOT expect that to happen so quickly.

01-15-2021, 06:17 PM
It really is amazing how people say shit without bothering to read the research they linked.

Did you even bother reading the "research" you linked?

Shame on me, Blazar... I meant: Did you even bother having someone without mental retardation draw you a picture of what it said?

Imagine believing you had anything intelligent to offer... damn.

Well fuck, there goes my New Years resolution: Stop picking on the mentally retarded.


Spoiler: You would have to be SO FUCKING STUPID to even think you had a point to make with that "research".

Try this one instead:


Though some Democrats had switched to the Republican party prior to this, “the defections became a flood” after Johnson signed these acts, Goldfield says. “And so the political parties began to reconstitute themselves.”

The change wasn’t total or immediate. During the late 1960s and early ‘70s, white Southerners were still transitioning away from the Democratic party (newly enfranchised black Southerners voted and continue to vote Democratic). And even as Republican Richard Nixon employed a “Southern strategy” that appealed to the racism of Southern white voters, former Alabama Governor George Wallace (who’d wanted “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever”) ran as a Democrat in the 1972 presidential primaries.

By the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party’s hold on white Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South. It’s an ironic outcome considering that a century ago, white Southerners would’ve never considered voting for the party of Lincoln.

01-15-2021, 06:30 PM
Don't you know, Blazar? If Parkbandit just wishes hard enough, history will revise itself to conform to his delusions, and he won't be a willfully ignorant dipshit peddling nonsense.

01-15-2021, 06:44 PM
Try this one instead:


How about this one?


01-15-2021, 06:47 PM
Don't you know, Blazar? If Parkbandit just wishes hard enough, history will revise itself to conform to his delusions, and he won't be a willfully ignorant dipshit peddling nonsense.

Just because you want to forget your Party's checkered past (and present) doesn't mean we're just going to let you get away with it.

Democrats have always been the party of racism. 200 years of history it pretends never happened and does what every good liberal does: Steps up it's "NOU" game.

01-15-2021, 07:06 PM
Just because you want to forget your Party's checkered past (and present) doesn't mean we're just going to let you get away with it.

Nobody's doubting the Democratic party has a sordid past. Just like the Republican party has a sordid present. That's why people (who aren't morons, like you) have loyalty to values and ideas, not parties.

You think it's some kind of retarded "own" that the people who lived in the Confederate south -- the conservative ancestors of whom are modern-day Republicans -- were racist, and those people were "Democrats." Guess who those "Democrats" passed their beliefs to? Their children, and their children's children, who eventually started voting for... Republicans. You being ignorant of the political dynamics in the 1960's (and you were certainly alive, though as ignorant as you are now) is no surprise to anyone, but certainly does reflect on you.

Democrats have always been the party of racism. 200 years of history it pretends never happened and does what every good liberal does: Steps up it's "NOU" game.

I love that you brought "liberal" into it, though, since that's where you especially lose the game. Democrats, in the civil war era and up to the 1960's, were the conservative party. Racist losers, just like Trump's GOP. The coastal, more urban, more racially diverse liberal states had to put you in your collective place, just like you were here.

And best of luck justifying your mental gymnastics about why blacks and other non-white groups support Democrats today, and pretending that your beloved con artist didn't drop the veil of (what you thought was plausible) deniability about your collective, overt racism.

01-15-2021, 08:24 PM
Nobody's doubting the Democratic party has a sordid past. Just like the Republican party has a sordid present. That's why people (who aren't morons, like you) have loyalty to values and ideas, not parties.

You think it's some kind of retarded "own" that the people who lived in the Confederate south -- the conservative ancestors of whom are modern-day Republicans -- were racist, and those people were "Democrats." Guess who those "Democrats" passed their beliefs to? Their children, and their children's children, who eventually started voting for... Republicans. You being ignorant of the political dynamics in the 1960's (and you were certainly alive, though as ignorant as you are now) is no surprise to anyone, but certainly does reflect on you.

I love that you brought "liberal" into it, though, since that's where you especially lose the game. Democrats, in the civil war era and up to the 1960's, were the conservative party. Racist losers, just like Trump's GOP. The coastal, more urban, more racially diverse liberal states had to put you in your collective place, just like you were here.

And best of luck justifying your mental gymnastics about why blacks and other non-white groups support Democrats today, and pretending that your beloved con artist didn't drop the veil of (what you thought was plausible) deniability about your collective, overt racism.


01-15-2021, 08:29 PM

Ooh. Are you going to dazzle us with another conspiracy theory? Or are you going to claim that, as a racist in the 90's, you liked Democrats before Republicans managed to out-racist the Dems and win your favor?

01-15-2021, 08:35 PM
Ooh. Are you going to dazzle us with another conspiracy theory? Or are you going to claim that, as a racist in the 90's, you liked Democrats before Republicans managed to out-racist the Dems and win your favor?

Remember when Julian Assange released those emails where Clinton staffers are discussing using subtle mentions of Bernie Sanders Jewish faith during rallies in the south and then Democrats threw Julian Assange under the bus?


01-15-2021, 08:45 PM
Remember when Julian Assange released those emails where Clinton staffers are discussing using subtle mentions of Bernie Sanders Jewish faith during rallies in the south and then Democrats threw Julian Assange under the bus?


Do you mean -- do you remember when Assange obtained those hacks from the Russian GRU, which revealed the DNC talked about doing it (certainly abhorrent) but never actually did? Oh. And Assange was an enemy of America long before 2016, but you being a fan or an apologist for him is of absolutely zero surprise to anyone.

01-15-2021, 08:49 PM
Nobody's doubting the Democratic party has a sordid past. Just like the Republican party has a sordid present. That's why people (who aren't morons, like you) have loyalty to values and ideas, not parties.

You think it's some kind of retarded "own" that the people who lived in the Confederate south -- the conservative ancestors of whom are modern-day Republicans -- were racist, and those people were "Democrats." Guess who those "Democrats" passed their beliefs to? Their children, and their children's children, who eventually started voting for... Republicans. You being ignorant of the political dynamics in the 1960's (and you were certainly alive, though as ignorant as you are now) is no surprise to anyone, but certainly does reflect on you.

I love that you brought "liberal" into it, though, since that's where you especially lose the game. Democrats, in the civil war era and up to the 1960's, were the conservative party. Racist losers, just like Trump's GOP. The coastal, more urban, more racially diverse liberal states had to put you in your collective place, just like you were here.

And best of luck justifying your mental gymnastics about why blacks and other non-white groups support Democrats today, and pretending that your beloved con artist didn't drop the veil of (what you thought was plausible) deniability about your collective, overt racism.

Did you just try and pull off the myth that the Democrats and Republicans swapped in the 60s? And then you tried to say that Democrats, specifically YOU have have values?


Here I will let a black PhD Professor of Political Science from Vanderbilt University explain to you how you are completely fucking wrong.


01-15-2021, 08:51 PM
Do you mean -- do you remember when Assange obtained those hacks from the Russian GRU, which revealed the DNC talked about doing it (certainly abhorrent) but never actually did? Oh. And Assange was an enemy of America long before 2016, but you being a fan or an apologist for him is of absolutely zero surprise to anyone.

Remember that time the Saudi's murdered that journalist and you got really mad but you were ok with imprisoning another journalist because of the source?

01-15-2021, 08:53 PM
And more on the dumpster fire called the Democrat party


01-15-2021, 08:57 PM
Did you just try and pull off the myth that the Democrats and Republicans swapped in the 60s? And then you tried to say that Democrats, specifically YOU have have values?


Here I will let a black PhD Professor of Political Science from Vanderbilt University explain to you how you are completely fucking wrong.


ROFL! That video -- originating from a right-wing propaganda house -- has been debunked by actual academics, including Princeton professor of history, Kevin Kruse (https://twitter.com/KevinMKruse/status/996386257109508096).

You get your information from InfoWars and, now, PragerU. Classic! Your misinformation is so common, though, r/AskHistorians, the largest online community of historians, had to incorporate the common breakdowns of your bullshit in their FAQ.

01-15-2021, 09:02 PM
Remember that time the Saudi's murdered that journalist and you got really mad

You mean the time Trump utterly failed in his duties, and allowed a foreign intelligence service to brutally murder a US Person on American soil? Sure do.

but you were ok with imprisoning another journalist because of the source?

* Citation required.

01-15-2021, 09:03 PM
ROFL! That video -- originating from a right-wing propaganda house -- has been debunked by actual academics, including Princeton professor of history, Kevin Kruse (https://twitter.com/KevinMKruse/status/996386257109508096).

You get your information from InfoWars and, now, PragerU. Classic! Your misinformation is so common, though, r/AskHistorians, the largest online community of historians, had to incorporate the common breakdowns of your bullshit in their FAQ.

Saying that it's debunked doesn't mean that it's really debunked. Still a lie perpetuated by media and democrats.

01-15-2021, 09:07 PM
Saying that it's debunked doesn't mean that it's really debunked. Still a lie perpetuated by media and democrats.

That's why one has to actually read. Willful ignorance on your part doesn't constitute a reasoned position, no matter how badly you wish.

01-15-2021, 09:13 PM
You mean the time Trump utterly failed in his duties, and allowed a foreign intelligence service to brutally murder a US Person on American soil? Sure do.

* Citation required.

But Trump..

The people you support want Assange in prison, some worse.

Would you vote for a Jewish president, Ashliana?

01-15-2021, 09:17 PM
* Citation required.But Trump..

Ah, a concession. Beautiful.

The people you support want Assange in prison, some worse.

Assange is unequivocally an enemy of America. Plenty of conservatives and liberals want him in prison. If you've convinced yourself otherwise, you've drawn a partisan curtain thicker than wool over your eyes.

Would you vote for a Jewish president, Ashliana?

:rofl:? Would I, an atheist, vote for a Jewish president? Considering I've voted for Bernie in the primaries more than once, yes.

01-15-2021, 09:36 PM
Assange is unequivocally an enemy of America. Plenty of conservatives and liberals want him in prison. If you've convinced yourself otherwise, you've drawn a partisan curtain thicker than wool over your eyes.

You're almost inner circle material.

01-16-2021, 09:14 AM
That's why one has to actually read. Willful ignorance on your part doesn't constitute a reasoned position, no matter how badly you wish.

Bro.... you're the one that is wanting us to believe a fairy tale in an effort to make believe the Democrat Party has somehow magically changed from it's deeply racist roots.. from the KKK to the defiant filibuster stand against the Republican Civil Rights Act.. that is still a record 60+ years later.

https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Filibuster_Cloture.htm#:~:text=The%20record%20for% 20the%20longest,Civil%20Rights%20Act%20of%201957.

Spoiler: It hasn't. :(

01-16-2021, 09:15 AM
Would you vote for a Jewish president, Ashliana?

Ashliana would vote for anything, as long as it's a liberal.

01-16-2021, 10:15 AM
Bro.... you're the one that is wanting us to believe a fairy tale in an effort to make believe the Democrat Party has somehow magically changed from it's deeply racist roots.. from the KKK to the defiant filibuster stand against the Republican Civil Rights Act.. that is still a record 60+ years later.

https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Filibuster_Cloture.htm#:~:text=The%20record%20for% 20the%20longest,Civil%20Rights%20Act%20of%201957.

Spoiler: It hasn't. :(

:rofl: I'm so happy you posted that. Which, y'know, literally has Strom Thurmond's record-holding filibuster highlighted. Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond, imbecile. The same Strom Thurmond that GOP Senate Majority leader Trent Lott said, after his death: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either." -- And Lott was forced to resign.

Spoiler Alert: The Act passed the Senate 77-19 vote, 47-16 for Democrats. Guess where all the "no" votes were from?

You guessed it! (Or rather, no, Parkbandit certainly didn't, since he knows nothing about history).'

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-bBgJ2YYMee5bl5LN-NstphQ8mk=/0x0:528x500/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:528x500):format(webp):no_upscale ()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2350902/Civil_Rights_1964_votes.0.png

That's right! The South! :rofl:

Ashliana would vote for anything, as long as it's a liberal.

I'd vote for people who share my views? As opposed to ... having racial or religious categories I wouldn't vote for? So you're saying you wouldn't vote for a conservative who has [X] category? Let's hear what those categories are. It is absolutely hilarious how you thought that was an "own" on anyone except you, retard.

01-16-2021, 10:35 AM
:rofl: I'm so happy you posted that. Which, y'know, literally has Strom Thurmond's record-holding filibuster highlighted. Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond, imbecile. The same Strom Thurmond that GOP Senate Majority leader Trent Lott said, after his death: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either." -- And Lott was forced to resign.

Spoiler Alert: The Act passed the Senate 77-19 vote, 47-16 for Democrats. Guess where all the "no" votes were from?

You guessed it! (Or rather, no, Parkbandit certainly didn't, since he knows nothing about history).'

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-bBgJ2YYMee5bl5LN-NstphQ8mk=/0x0:528x500/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:528x500):format(webp):no_upscale ()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2350902/Civil_Rights_1964_votes.0.png

That's right! The South! :rofl:

I'd vote for people who share my views? As opposed to ... having racial or religious categories I wouldn't vote for? So you're saying you wouldn't vote for a conservative who has [X] category? Let's hear what those categories are. It is absolutely hilarious how you thought that was an "own" on anyone except you, retard.

You mean this Strom Thurmond?


01-16-2021, 10:48 AM
Ashliana would vote for anything, as long as it's a liberal.

She's about as liberal as Joseph Stalin.

Liberal's don't jail journalists for exposing the truth.

01-16-2021, 11:06 AM
She's about as liberal as Joseph Stalin.

Liberal's don't jail journalists for exposing the truth.

Julian Assange isn't a journalist (https://apnews.com/article/52f4a2f42dba4f6b9afe026e57d51e96). Journalists don't solicit holders of classified information in order to do blanket dumps of information not related to any specific matter, and with no regard whatsoever to what it contains, who it will affect, who it will endanger, etc. There's a reason why George W. Bush's administration, Barack Obama's administration and Donald Trump's administration all considered him an enemy of the US. His ties to Russian intelligence have already been demonstrated in the public eye.

Your mental gymnastics to shit out apologetics for Russian agents, though, is nothing new.

01-16-2021, 11:11 AM
You mean this Strom Thurmond?


Oh, it's so funny how these retarded conservatives keep posting self-owns because they couldn't be bothered to read their own articles. What's it say? "I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends."

Many people in politics saw the error of their ways, eventually. But that's also from an era where Senators got along with each other better than they do today. Doesn't impact Thurmond being part of the change of the Confederate south from Democratic stronghold to its modern-day Republican bedrock. Try again.

01-16-2021, 11:11 AM
Julian Assange isn't a journalist (https://apnews.com/article/52f4a2f42dba4f6b9afe026e57d51e96). Journalists don't solicit holders of classified information in order to do blanket dumps of information not related to any specific matter, and with no regard whatsoever to what it contains, who it will affect, who it will endanger, etc. There's a reason why George W. Bush's administration, Barack Obama's administration and Donald Trump's administration all considered him an enemy of the US. His ties to Russian intelligence have already been demonstrated in the public eye.

Your mental gymnastics to shit out apologetics for Russian agents, though, is nothing new.

Actually, that is what journalists do. What journalist are not supposed to do is just echo a script given to them by the ruling elite.

Sorry your vagina is so sandy that you support taking political prisoners. You're no better than any other dictator.

01-16-2021, 11:14 AM
Oh, it's so funny how these retarded conservatives keep posting self-owns because they couldn't be bothered to read their own articles. What's it say? "I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends."

Many people in politics saw the error of their ways, eventually. But that's also from an era where Senators got along with each other better than they do today. Doesn't impact Thurmond being part of the change of the Confederate south from Democratic stronghold to its modern-day Republican bedrock. Try again.


01-16-2021, 11:19 AM
:rofl: I'm so happy you posted that. Which, y'know, literally has Strom Thurmond's record-holding filibuster highlighted. Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond, imbecile. The same Strom Thurmond that GOP Senate Majority leader Trent Lott said, after his death: "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either." -- And Lott was forced to resign.

Spoiler Alert: The Act passed the Senate 77-19 vote, 47-16 for Democrats. Guess where all the "no" votes were from?

You guessed it! (Or rather, no, Parkbandit certainly didn't, since he knows nothing about history).'

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-bBgJ2YYMee5bl5LN-NstphQ8mk=/0x0:528x500/920x0/filters:focal(0x0:528x500):format(webp):no_upscale ()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2350902/Civil_Rights_1964_votes.0.png

That's right! The South! :rofl:

I'd vote for people who share my views? As opposed to ... having racial or religious categories I wouldn't vote for? So you're saying you wouldn't vote for a conservative who has [X] category? Let's hear what those categories are. It is absolutely hilarious how you thought that was an "own" on anyone except you, retard.

You realize politicians switch parties and it doesn't somehow magically mean all Democrats turned into Republicans or vica versa.. right?

And I wasn't trying to "own" you... because.. um... gross. I was pointing out that you would vote for anything that is liberal. Notice I didn't say "anyone".. I said "anything".

You don't care about their checkered past, you don't care that it's a Birkenstock shoe.. as long as you check the liberal box.

And as far as my voting record.. I have voted for many people who are not Conservatives. Donald Trump being the latest.

01-16-2021, 11:23 AM
you don't care that it's a Birkenstock shoe


01-16-2021, 11:29 AM
Actually, that is what journalists do. What journalist are not supposed to do is just echo a script given to them by the ruling elite.

Sorry your vagina is so sandy that you support taking political prisoners. You're no better than any other dictator.

"That IS what journalists do!"

"Do you have any other examples?"


"Any noteworthy journalist organizations defending him, or your position?"


Oh. You're just an idiot.


Ah, a concession. How lovely.

You realize politicians switch parties and it doesn't somehow magically mean all Democrats turned into Republicans or vica versa.. right?

The south was previously a Democratic stronghold. In 2020 it makes up the bedrock of the Republican party. You've repeatedly tried to do mental gymnastics to claim this isn't the case.. but you can look at an electoral map. Intellectual dishonesty on your part doesn't constitute an argument. Willful ignorance of history doesn't constitute an argument.

And I wasn't trying to "own" you... because.. um... gross.

I suppose I keep forgetting how old you are, and how you aren't familiar with gamer terms that people under your advanced age use. Whoops.

I was pointing out that you would vote for anything that is liberal. Notice I didn't say "anyone".. I said "anything".

This is your best attempt to backpedal? Really?

You don't care about their checkered past, you don't care that it's a Birkenstock shoe.. as long as you check the liberal box.

So I suppose Republicans should have rejected all the formerly Democratic folks, like Strom Thurmond, who led that record-holding filibuster, right? Instead of welcoming into the GOP, where he held office for decades after, and was praised by the GOP Senate Majority leader after his passing, saying we should have all followed his (segregationist) campaign for presidency. Riiight.

And as far as my voting record.. I have voted for many people who are not Conservatives. Donald Trump being the latest.

I'm sure you voted for him because you (incorrectly) thought he would win you the culture war which, y'know, he didn't. Or because you thought he'd somehow stop the white majority from losing their power or becoming, themselves, a minority. Which he certainly didn't accomplish. He's leaving office with 29% approval, very similar to George W. Bush. Perhaps you'll learn from the experience, but your many decades have shown that you don't do that.

01-16-2021, 11:39 AM
They exposed Southern Democrats anti-semitic mean streak so they must be put in prison.

That's why you're not a liberal.

The only ones putting anyone in danger are the politicians sending poor people off to die in illegal wars.

01-16-2021, 11:42 AM
I don't know what Assange has done, or not done, but I sure am eager to defend him!

What are you smoking now? Assange has been an enemy of the United States since at least the Chelsea Manning incident, which had nothing to do with Democrats in any way, shape or form. Sorry you're absolutely ignorant of the person you're bending over backwards to defend, but you being an idiot is your problem.

01-16-2021, 12:15 PM
"That IS what journalists do!"

"Do you have any other examples?"


"Any noteworthy journalist organizations defending him, or your position?"


Oh. You're just an idiot.

Ah, a concession. How lovely.

The south was previously a Democratic stronghold. In 2020 it makes up the bedrock of the Republican party. You've repeatedly tried to do mental gymnastics to claim this isn't the case.. but you can look at an electoral map. Intellectual dishonesty on your part doesn't constitute an argument. Willful ignorance of history doesn't constitute an argument.

I suppose I keep forgetting how old you are, and how you aren't familiar with gamer terms that people under your advanced age use. Whoops.

This is your best attempt to backpedal? Really?

So I suppose Republicans should have rejected all the formerly Democratic folks, like Strom Thurmond, who led that record-holding filibuster, right? Instead of welcoming into the GOP, where he held office for decades after, and was praised by the GOP Senate Majority leader after his passing, saying we should have all followed his (segregationist) campaign for presidency. Riiight.

I'm sure you voted for him because you (incorrectly) thought he would win you the culture war which, y'know, he didn't. Or because you thought he'd somehow stop the white majority from losing their power or becoming, themselves, a minority. Which he certainly didn't accomplish. He's leaving office with 29% approval, very similar to George W. Bush. Perhaps you'll learn from the experience, but your many decades have shown that you don't do that.

I can smell your posts. :puke:

01-16-2021, 12:16 PM
I can smell your posts. :puke:

What do they smell like?

Hair, feces and failure?

01-16-2021, 12:19 PM
What do they smell like?

Hair, feces and failure?


01-16-2021, 12:23 PM
Predictably creepy, Methais. And predictably, no substantive response from Parkbandit. Done with the vain attempts at revising history?

01-16-2021, 12:24 PM
What are you smoking now? Assange has been an enemy of the United States since at least the Chelsea Manning incident, which had nothing to do with Democrats in any way, shape or form. Sorry you're absolutely ignorant of the person you're bending over backwards to defend, but you being an idiot is your problem.

You have already agreed that what was released is the truth. The modern day Democrat party attacking their own candidate because of his Jewish faith. In their own words, undisputable truth.

You can get all the pissy pants you want, if it goose steps like an anti-semite fascist, it's for certain a goose stepping anti-Semitic fascist.

01-16-2021, 12:28 PM
You have already agreed that what was released is the truth. The modern day Democrat party attacking their own candidate because of his Jewish faith. In their own words, undisputable truth.

You can get all the pissy pants you want, if it goose steps like an anti-semite fascist, it's for certain a goose stepping anti-Semitic fascist.

It was pretty amazing what they did to Bernie. I don't agree with his policies at all, but dude is straight up about it - or at least was. Lost a lot of respect for him when he caved and bought in, after getting fucked over twice.

01-16-2021, 12:30 PM
You have already agreed that what was released is the truth. The modern day Democrat party attacking their own candidate because of his Jewish faith. In their own words, undisputable truth.

Nope. You overstated your case. What the GRU hacked, and released via WikiLeaks, was an internal discussion about potential ways to attack Sanders that were never used. Because the people using that kind of attack would have been, themselves, attacked.

You can get all the pissy pants you want, if it goose steps like an anti-semite fascist, it's for certain a goose stepping anti-Semitic fascist.

That guy got fired from the DNC, and the lead at the time (Wasserman-Schulz, horrible person) also lost her job as head of the DNC. But you do you, not letting those pesky, little inconvenient facts get in your way.

01-16-2021, 12:32 PM
And Wasserman-Schulz is still a member of the House. Anti-semites in your party. Aren't you proud...

01-16-2021, 12:35 PM
It was pretty amazing what they did to Bernie. I don't agree with his policies at all, but dude is straight up about it - or at least was. Lost a lot of respect for him when he caved and bought in, after getting fucked over twice.

He's already backing down on medicare for all.

01-16-2021, 12:36 PM
Nope. You overstated your case. What the GRU hacked, and released via WikiLeaks, was an internal discussion about potential ways to attack Sanders that were never used. Because the people using that kind of attack would have been, themselves, attacked.

That guy got fired from the DNC, and the lead at the time (Wasserman-Schulz, horrible person) also lost her job as head of the DNC. But you do you, not letting those pesky, little inconvenient facts get in your way.

You want to imprison people for exposing the truth. There's nothing we have left to talk about.

01-16-2021, 12:41 PM
And Wasserman-Schulz is still a member of the House. Anti-semites in your party. Aren't you proud...

The leaks didn't contain her personal views, so you're assuming facts not in evidence. Regardless, Wasserman-Schulz is an idiot and should've lost her job, but the people of Florida tend to be.. well, y'know. Speaking of anti-semites, though, there's a reason why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats. Not Republicans.

You want to imprison people for exposing the truth. There's nothing we have left to talk about.

:rofl: You are a total imbecile. Good to know that you don't care about the lives of U.S. soldiers and cooperating partners, though, which Assange repeatedly endangered.

01-16-2021, 12:52 PM
The leaks didn't contain her personal views, so you're assuming facts not in evidence. Regardless, Wasserman-Schulz is an idiot and should've lost her job, but the people of Florida tend to be.. well, y'know. Speaking of anti-semites, though, there's a reason why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats. Not Republicans.

:rofl: You are a total imbecile. Good to know that you don't care about the lives of U.S. soldiers and cooperating partners, though, which Assange repeatedly endangered.

Assange didn't send those soldiers off to war's that the American people were lied into. Assange didn't murder American citizens. Assange didn't use it's massive government power to spy on it's own citizens.

Assange simply exposed the truth. A part of that truth was exposing the Democrat anti-Semitic leanings.

01-16-2021, 12:58 PM
Predictably creepy, Methais. And predictably, no substantive response from Parkbandit. Done with the vain attempts at revising history?

You are pretty fucking creepy, I totally agree.

01-16-2021, 01:03 PM
Assange didn't send those soldiers off to war's that the American people were lied into.

You're right. That was George W. Bush, a Republican. Member of the same party you daily shit out apologetics for other members of.

Assange didn't murder American citizens.

He (and the people he solicited classified information from, or the Russians he worked with to otherwise attack America) certainly endangered American soldiers and partners abroad, as recognized by both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Assange didn't use it's massive government power to spy on it's own citizens.

That's because nobody ever voted him into office, and never had the chance. Because he's a nut, like you.

Assange simply exposed the truth.

Nope. He took advantage of mentally ill soldiers, and worked hand-in-hand with our adversaries, to attack America. Which you're twisting yourself into pretzels to defend.

A part of that truth was exposing the Democrat anti-Semitic leanings.

Arguing whether or not you can use other people's anti-Jewish bias against a candidate is, itself, anti-Semitic, is a matter of opinion. Personally, I think you're overreaching. And the DNC was roundly criticized, leading to those people involved losing their jobs. Y'know, accountability? That thing you have no clue about, since you simply don't hold Republicans to it? Right. Better luck next time.

You are pretty fucking creepy, I totally agree.

Says the guy with the gaping anus fetish, who spent years sending people sexually graphic messages anonymously? Okay, buddy. Consult a mirror. Or a psychiatrist.

01-16-2021, 01:05 PM
Says the guy with the gaping anus fetish, who spent years sending people sexually graphic messages anonymously? Okay, buddy. Consult a mirror. Or a psychiatrist.

Says the creepy guy who fantasizes everyday about having a second butthole.

01-16-2021, 01:08 PM
Says the creepy guy who fantasizes everyday about having a second butthole.

This got dark fast..

01-16-2021, 01:09 PM
Says the creepy guy who fantasizes everyday about having a second butthole.

That's some mighty strange projection, Methais. Seek professional help.

01-16-2021, 01:39 PM
You're right. That was George W. Bush, a Republican. Member of the same party you daily shit out apologetics for other members of.

He (and the people he solicited classified information from, or the Russians he worked with to otherwise attack America) certainly endangered American soldiers and partners abroad, as recognized by both Republican and Democratic administrations.

That's because nobody ever voted him into office, and never had the chance. Because he's a nut, like you.

Nope. He took advantage of mentally ill soldiers, and worked hand-in-hand with our adversaries, to attack America. Which you're twisting yourself into pretzels to defend.

Arguing whether or not you can use other people's anti-Jewish bias against a candidate is, itself, anti-Semitic, is a matter of opinion. Personally, I think you're overreaching. And the DNC was roundly criticized, leading to those people involved losing their jobs. Y'know, accountability? That thing you have no clue about, since you simply don't hold Republicans to it? Right. Better luck next time.

Says the guy with the gaping anus fetish, who spent years sending people sexually graphic messages anonymously? Okay, buddy. Consult a mirror. Or a psychiatrist.

"You're right. That was George W. Bush"

Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296–133, and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77–23. It was signed into law as Pub.

The revisionist history just keeps coming from the anti-Semitic apologist.

01-16-2021, 01:57 PM
"You're right. That was George W. Bush"

Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296–133, and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77–23. It was signed into law as Pub.
The revisionist history just keeps coming from the anti-Semitic apologist.

Holy fucking shit. How stupid can you be? Not only did you just demonstrate MY assertion -- that you constantly shit out apologetics for Republicans -- you did it on the very same topic you just tried to absolve Assange for -- in your words, "send(ing) those soldiers off to war's(sic) that the American people were lied into."

The fact that the Congress was misled by the Bush administration, and authorized the use of force, doesn't mean it wasn't George W. Bush who made the case for war and then, as Commander in Chief, made use of that AUMF and sent those soldiers to war under false pretenses.

Hilarious! (And it bears repeating that when you respond to a tiny fraction of what I said and can't substantively answer the rest, that's yet another concession on your part. As always, everything you say falls apart the instant it's examined).

Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.

01-16-2021, 02:23 PM
Holy fucking shit. How stupid can you be? Not only did you just demonstrate MY assertion -- that you constantly shit out apologetics for Republicans -- you did it on the very same topic you just tried to absolve Assange for -- in your words, "send(ing) those soldiers off to war's(sic) that the American people were lied into."

The fact that the Congress was misled by the Bush administration, and authorized the use of force, doesn't mean it wasn't George W. Bush who made the case for war and then, as Commander in Chief, made use of that AUMF and sent those soldiers to war under false pretenses.

Hilarious! (And it bears repeating that when you respond to a tiny fraction of what I said and can't substantively answer the rest, that's yet another concession on your part. As always, everything you say falls apart the instant it's examined).

Thanks for the laugh, dipshit.

Here is the fact, the US started an illegal war. Assange exposed why it was an illegal war. That's what journalists do, it's why the press is often referred to as "The fourth branch". The fourth branch is a part of the checks and balances that uphold the legitimacy of our government.

Thus far this journalist has exposed that our government murdered American citizens, illegally eves dropped on American citizens and exposed the Democrat party for their anti-Semitic behavior.

I don't care where the fucking message came from if it's the truth. Liberals don't throw people in jail for telling the truth. You're nothing but a goose stepping anti-Semite apologist.

The fact you want to be all "But Bush!" when I have made it perfectly clear that I have a great dislike for the Bushes.

I don't know of a single liberal that wanted to see Julian Assange imprisoned, that is, until the truth came out about the Clinton team. Then all of a sudden "liberal's" started wanting to take political prisoners.

01-16-2021, 02:36 PM
The Electoral College does need to go. It's part of why our politics are so toxic right now. And it has global implications. The fact that coal country is such a critical part of the electoral college, for example, is a big reason why the US drags its feet so hard with climate change. The entire rest of the world is suffering because of a tiny group of people in a dying industry everyone is afraid to anger.

The only reason Republicans won't let the EC go is because they long figured out they don't have a majority of the country's support. The "defenders of our democracy" use it to stay in power against the will of the majority.

But let's not pretend like this is the first attempt to amend the Constitution to get rid of the electoral college, and let's not pretend like this amendment has any chance of passing. It doesn't.

The actual solution is for states to do what several other states have already done: award their electoral college votes to the winner of the national popular vote.

01-16-2021, 02:43 PM
It was pretty amazing what they did to Bernie. I don't agree with his policies at all, but dude is straight up about it - or at least was. Lost a lot of respect for him when he caved and bought in, after getting fucked over twice.

To be fair, Bernie deserved what he got.

He runs as an "Independent" because he doesn't want to be labeled as a Democrat, yet votes with them probably 95% of the time (I'm guessing). So 2016 comes along and he realizes, as an Independent, he can't actually run for President, so he bends the knee, kisses the ring, and becomes a Democrat. When they bend him over and royally screw him.. he begs for forgiveness and goes back to being an "Independent". Then when 2020 comes around, he DOES.THE.EXACT.SAME.THING.AGAIN and the Democrat party decides to screw him even harder this time.

01-16-2021, 02:50 PM
The actual solution is to fuck off with your attempt to change our form of government.

The majority would have voted to end the civil war and keep slavery.

What's it matter anyway, by the end of 2021 you will be arguing that the state owns the individual.

01-16-2021, 03:00 PM
Here is the fact, the US started an illegal war. Assange exposed why it was an illegal war.

This is revisionism at its finest. WikiLeaks, in 2010, released information about the Bush administration's lies, but they didn't "expose" the administration as having misled the public -- we already knew that as a result of the 2004 Iraq Intelligence Commission (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Intelligence_Commission) Bush was forced into creating.

That's what journalists do, it's why the press is often referred to as "The fourth branch". The fourth branch is a part of the checks and balances that uphold the legitimacy of our government.

Thus far this journalist has exposed that our government murdered American citizens, illegally eves dropped on American citizens and exposed the Democrat party for their anti-Semitic behavior.

WikiLeaks indiscriminately posts material with no regard to the consequences, no attempts to limit their disclosures to a specific topic of public interest, just maximum damage to the nation. There's a reason the Russian GRU has repeatedly provided them with stuff. The latter of which was part of Russian's assistance to then-candidate Trump. I'd love to see you cite your claim for "exposed that our government murdered American citizens." Similarly, you're getting your facts mixed up between WikiLeaks and Glenn Greenwald with the Guardian (then, an actual journalist, who in no way did what WikiLeaks did).

I don't care where the fucking message came from if it's the truth. Liberals don't throw people in jail for telling the truth.

Facts -- which you've demonstrated your continued distaste for -- matter. There's a reason why Glenn Greenwald isn't being pursued by the American justice system, and Assange is. But by all means, keep sticking your fingers in your ears as if your willful ignorance constitutes a reasoned position -- it doesn't. It just reveals you as an idiot.

You're nothing but a goose stepping anti-Semite apologist.

Except you can't explain how that's the case. How unfortunate for you.

The fact you want to be all "But Bush!" when I have made it perfectly clear that I have a great dislike for the Bushes.

You literally just got done trying to obfuscate the facts about George W. Bush misleading the nation into war. But uhh, yeah, sure. "Great dislike."

I don't know of a single liberal that wanted to see Julian Assange imprisoned, that is, until the truth came out about the Clinton team. Then all of a sudden "liberal's" started wanting to take political prisoners.

Your willful ignorance doesn't constitute a reasoned position, no matter how many times you rephrase it. The Bush administration, the Obama administration, and the Trump administration have all considered Assange a criminal. Your ignorance of what the Trump administration has been doing (https://apnews.com/article/3d9c190f66cc4e5b8669bcc0b6c1eff9) -- notably, not a peep from you about it here -- also reflects on you. Or does it need to be explained to you that the Republicans have been in power since the Russian GRU-provided hack of the DNC?

01-16-2021, 03:11 PM
I want to imprison journalists.

So has every other tyrant.

01-16-2021, 03:11 PM
I don't care about facts, nor do I care about blaming conservatives for actions I claim to oppose -- only opportunistically, when liberals do.

You in a nutshell.

01-16-2021, 03:39 PM
I want to imprison a man because he exposed my party as the anti-Semites they are. I have decided to take the side of war criminals because it's a lot safer and easier for me.

First they came for the.... ah, fuck it!

01-16-2021, 03:47 PM
I couldn't come up with a way to refute anything you said, so I'll just keep making assertions I'm incapable of demonstrating and hope for the best.


01-16-2021, 03:52 PM
I'm now literally ignoring that Democrats were exposed as anti-Semites. Imprisoning all journalists that may tarnish the golden ass is now mandatory.

Sounds good, O'Brien.

01-16-2021, 04:09 PM
so vishra you are saying the crackhead idiots in california and new york should mean more then 30 of the states (yes that is not exactly accurate number wise)

01-16-2021, 04:10 PM
so vishra you are saying the crackhead idiots in california and new york should mean more then 30 of the states (yes that is not exactly accurate number wise)

Only if they vote democrat.

01-16-2021, 04:22 PM
I'm "literally" ignoring that the Democrat who discussed the possibility of using an anti-Semite attack, didn't, but was fired.

Oh. Much less strong a claim. Almost like you were disingenuously presenting it. Who knew you were allergic to reality? Oh. Everyone. Whoopsie-doodle!

01-16-2021, 04:59 PM
Oh. Much less strong a claim. Almost like you were disingenuously presenting it. Who knew you were allergic to reality? Oh. Everyone. Whoopsie-doodle!

Ignoring that the Democrats have an anti-Semitic problem is being allergic to reality.

01-16-2021, 06:22 PM
Ignoring that the Democrats have an anti-Semitic problem is being allergic to reality.

I guess it's just a totally random mystery why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats, and not Republicans.

Neveragain: "It must be because they're anti-Semitic too!"

Or you're just a retard. Yep. That's it.

01-16-2021, 06:36 PM
I guess it's just a totally random mystery why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats, and not Republicans.

Neveragain: "It must be because they're anti-Semitic too!"

Or you're just a retard. Yep. That's it.

Remember when the ADl had to tell Bernie to get rid of the anti-Semites in his campaign staff?

Remember when the womens march had to get rid of the anti-Semites?

Remember when congress had to take a day to disavow anti-Semitism because Democrat members were posting anti-Semitic tweets and yet those anti-Semites still hold office?

Remember when Julian Assange released the Emails where Democrats want to use Bernies Jewish faith to influence southern democrats?

01-16-2021, 07:19 PM
Remember when the ADl had to tell Bernie to get rid of the anti-Semites in his campaign staff?

Remember when the womens march had to get rid of the anti-Semites?

Remember when congress had to take a day to disavow anti-Semitism because Democrat members were posting anti-Semitic tweets and yet those anti-Semites still hold office?

Remember when Julian Assange released the Emails where Democrats want to use Bernies Jewish faith to influence southern democrats?

No matter how you try to argue disingenuously, American Jews' overwhelmingly support for Democrats speaks for itself.

No matter how many times you try to argue disingenuously, the fact that there are 37 Jewish members of Congress -- only 2 of whom are Republicans, speaks for itself.

The frequent right-wing attempt to lump in any criticism of Israel's far-right government as "anti-Semitic," and how that disingenuous argument fails to resonate with American Jews, speaks for itself.

:rofl: Kudos on ACTUALLY trying to pull the whole "Jews are the REAL anti-Semites!" argument, though. Classic dipshittery! Meanwhile, you're an apologist for the party that literally just ran a president for re-election who praised tiki torch-wielding anti-Semites who were shouting "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!" at right-wing events. Very consistent on your part.

01-16-2021, 09:01 PM
Once again I'm ignoring the absolute truth that Democrats wanted to use Bernies Jewish faith to attack him. I'm ignoring that Democrat elected representatives have posted anti-Semitic language on Twitter. I'm ignoring that Democrat representatives had to be removed from the womens march because of their anti-Semitism. I'm ignoring that the ADL begged Bernie to remove the anti-Semites from his campaign. Israel is a fascist state filled with fascist Jews that's why I always take the side that lobs missiles into Israel on a daily basis, they are mostly peaceful missiles. It's also why I took Iran's side when the US killed an Iranian terrorist.

But Trump!

01-16-2021, 09:24 PM
I have no explanation for why Jewish Americans support Democrats (but perhaps it has something to do with Trump calling the "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US" people "very fine people." Nope! Surely not. I also have no explanation for why almost every Jewish lawmaker is a Democrat. WHAT A MYSTERY!

You'll figure out why no amount of your impotent whining about how gosh darn unfair it is that Jewish people see through your disingenuous arguments, but them's the breaks. That's what you get for making shitty arguments, dudebro. Better luck next time.

01-16-2021, 10:08 PM
The leaks didn't contain her personal views, so you're assuming facts not in evidence. Regardless, Wasserman-Schulz is an idiot and should've lost her job, but the people of Florida tend to be.. well, y'know. Speaking of anti-semites, though, there's a reason why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats. Not Republicans.


Breakdown of how Florida voted in 2020. Heavy Democrat voting in Palm Beach, Miami Dade, and Broward county. As you likely know, heavy Northeast (primary NY, NJ, PA) relocation as they retire.

DWS - What is Debbie Wasserman Schultz district?
Representative (D-FL 23rd District) since 2013. Her district covers much of southern Broward County, including a large portion of Fort Lauderdale.

Oh.. So the idiots who voted her in are likely from the liberal Northeast. :welcome:

01-16-2021, 10:12 PM

Breakdown of how Florida voted in 2020. Heavy Democrat voting in Palm Beach, Miami Dade, and Broward county. As you likely know, heavy Northeast (primary NY, NJ, PA) relocation as they retire.

DWS - What is Debbie Wasserman Schultz district?
Representative (D-FL 23rd District) since 2013. Her district covers much of southern Broward County, including a large portion of Fort Lauderdale.

Oh.. So the idiots who voted her in are likely from the liberal Northeast. :welcome:

That doesn't change anything that I said. But.. Uh.. Okay? Nice non-sequitur?

01-16-2021, 10:19 PM
That doesn't change anything that I said. But.. Uh.. Okay? Nice non-sequitur?

Not all of Florida votes for her. Just the idiots in the county filled with the idiots who relocated from the Northeast.

01-16-2021, 10:21 PM
Not all of Florida votes for her. Just the idiots in the county filled with the idiots who relocated from the Northeast.

That still doesn't change anything. "Liberals voted for Liberals!" Okay? Yes, that's how she got elected. Mind. Blown.

01-16-2021, 10:26 PM
That still doesn't change anything. "Liberals voted for Liberals!" Okay? Yes, that's how she got elected. Mind. Blown.

You reap what you sow. So oh no, she's a terrible human being(agree, no citation required). Better keep giving her a job. Great logic, liberals of District 23.

01-16-2021, 10:28 PM
You reap what you sow. So oh no, she's a terrible human being(agree, no citation required). Better keep giving her a job. Great logic, liberals of District 23.

I mean, she's still not anti-semitic, as Neveragain retardedly claimed. (Spoiler Alert: She's Jewish and the note the Russian GRU hacked discussed attacking Sanders on the basis of his supposed atheism... not Judaism.. but okay).

She's an idiot for several other reasons.

01-16-2021, 10:57 PM
Spoiler Alert: She's Jewish

Saying that something must be one way or another based on the race of the person is racist. You act like there are no self hating Jews. Stop being a racist prick

01-16-2021, 11:02 PM
Saying that something must be one way or another based on the race of the person is racist. You act like there are no self hating Jews. Stop being a racist prick

Selectively quoting four words, as if the others weren't there doesn't constitute an argument. That would be a straw man argument, my deluded friend. Any other flailing arguments?

01-16-2021, 11:23 PM
Selectively quoting four words, as if the others weren't there doesn't constitute an argument. That would be a straw man argument, my deluded friend. Any other flailing arguments?

I made no argument, I stated facts. Facts don't invite argument since they are facts. Any rational person knows this which is why you are struggling.

01-16-2021, 11:35 PM
I made no argument, I stated facts. Facts don't invite argument since they are facts. Any rational person knows this which is why you are struggling.

Wrong. Stating those four words, without the rest, falsely implied I ever stated or implied "Someone of a group can't be biased against that group." (And FYI, I corrected that for you, since Judaism is a religion, and not a race). Which I didn't. Making your statement a straw man argument.

Try again, imbecile.

01-16-2021, 11:37 PM
I made no argument, I stated facts. Facts don't invite argument since they are facts. Any rational person knows this which is why you are struggling.

I think you touched a nerve with poor little ashy.

01-17-2021, 01:13 AM
And FYI, I corrected that for you, since Judaism is a religion, and not a race

Hey, big surprise here but you are wrong again. Imagine that.

Judaism is a religion. Jews are a race. And they have protected racial status according to the court.


Piss off racist child.

01-17-2021, 02:01 AM
Hey, big surprise here but you are wrong again. Imagine that.

Notice how you ignored the rest -- dropping your previous non-sequitur, since you couldn't defend it -- and have pivoted to a (incorrectly perceived) rhetorical weakness? Yep. That's a concession on your part, as you continue to play the shell game with loss after loss.

Judaism is a religion. Jews are a race. And they have protected racial status according to the court.


Piss off racist child.

And, as always, you reach for the stars and fall flat on your face by overreaching. Jews being considered a protected class under the Civil Rights Act doesn't demonstrate your claim that "Jews are a race," but even if it did, that would be yet another non-sequitur on your part, as I referred specifically to Judaism. The religion. Feel free to consult Jewish authorities on whether they're a "race," though. (Spoiler Alert: You won't find much success). Better luck next time.

01-17-2021, 09:31 AM
Following Judge Baraitser’s ruling that Julian Assange should not be extradited to the United States, Talal Hangari cautions that we must not view this decision as a triumph for investigative journalism and press freedom.

Julian Assange is not a journalist. ~ Ashliana

“Every single expert witness has some sort of fear that a prosecution of Assange will lead to the prosecution of many other reporters.” ~Trevor Timm, Freedom of the Press Foundation

You want to imprison journalist, anything and everything you say has 0 credibility.

01-17-2021, 10:25 AM
so vishra you are saying the crackhead idiots in california and new york should mean more then 30 of the states (yes that is not exactly accurate number wise)

California and New York currently mean more than 21 of the states.
In a national popular vote system, they would mean more than 24 of the states.
Don't believe me! Check the math for yourself, the numbers are all out there and it's just arithmetic.

But of course even this is not quite relevant, since as Gelston already demonstrated small states in general are NOT interested in preserving the electoral college. Multiple small states have already volunteered to appoint their electors by the national popular vote, including smallish-medium states like Connecticut and Oregon, which happen to be two of the three states that make the difference between that 24 and 21.


So, why do you suppose you've heard so many lies about the relative importance of CA/NY in the electoral college and national popular vote?

And what else do you suppose those people were lying to you about?

01-17-2021, 10:43 AM
You want to imprison journalist, anything and everything you say has 0 credibility.

Your premise doesn't lead to your conclusion. Do I need to explain to you what that's called? (A non-sequitur.) Better luck next time.

01-17-2021, 10:47 AM
Has Shaps told anyone what is coming yet? He keeps making threads about “It’s coming.”.

01-17-2021, 10:50 AM
Has Shaps told anyone what is coming yet? He keeps making threads about “It’s coming.”.

What's coming is exactly what you think you want, and will cry about when you get it. **bow**

01-17-2021, 10:53 AM
What's coming is exactly what you think you want, and will cry about when you get it. **bow**

A non-narcissistic president? I’m not sure why I would cry.. maybe tears of joy?

01-17-2021, 10:56 AM
Your premise doesn't lead to your conclusion. Do I need to explain to you what that's called? (A non-sequitur.) Better luck next time.

Like I said, you want to imprison journalists. You have lost all credibility as a liberal and as a free thinking human being.

01-17-2021, 10:59 AM
Like I said, you want to imprison journalists.

That would require Assange being a journalist.

You have lost all credibility as a liberal and as a free thinking human being.

Spare me the crocodile tears. The Bush administration and the Trump administration went after Assange hard. Conservatives are much louder about pursuing Assange, but, predictably, you only try to use the issue as a bludgeon for national security-minded liberals. Meaning you're a disingenuous twat. Better luck next time.

01-17-2021, 10:59 AM
0 credibility. You have become what you hate.

01-17-2021, 11:04 AM
0 credibility. You have become what you hate.

Better luck demonstrating your assertions next time, and figuring out the logical inconsistency behind someone who isn't liberal.. criticizing a liberal .. for you mistakenly thinking they're not a liberal.

01-17-2021, 11:08 AM
A non-narcissistic president? I’m not sure why I would cry.. maybe tears of joy?

LOL. You'll see how far feelings will get you with what's coming.

01-17-2021, 11:08 AM
Better luck demonstrating your assertions next time, and figuring out the logical inconsistency behind someone who isn't liberal.. criticizing a liberal .. for you mistakenly thinking they're not a liberal.

0 credibility.

01-17-2021, 11:11 AM
What's coming is exactly what you think you want, and will cry about when you get it. **bow**A non-narcissistic president? I’m not sure why I would cry.. maybe tears of joy?LOL. You'll see how far feelings will get you with what's coming.


0 credibility.

Better luck laying out a coherent argument next time.

01-17-2021, 11:14 AM
LOL. You'll see how far feelings will get you with what's coming.

So what’s coming? You tell me it’s what I think I want, I told you what I think I want, but you told me what I think I want is wrong? So please enlighten me with what I think that I want, that’s coming?

01-17-2021, 11:16 AM
Better luck laying out a coherent argument next time.

I didn't lay out an argument, there is no arguing with a person that wants to imprison journalists.

You're just another fuck head communist posing as a liberal.

01-17-2021, 11:19 AM
I didn't lay out an argument, there is no arguing with a person that wants to imprison journalists.

"You want to imprison journalists" is an argument, one that you were unable or unwilling to demonstrate. Better luck next time.

You're just another fuck head communist posing as a liberal.

:rofl: Yet another undemonstrated assertion thrown in for free. Brilliant.

01-17-2021, 11:22 AM
"You want to imprison journalists" is an argument, one that you were unable or unwilling to demonstrate. Better luck next time.

:rofl: Yet another undemonstrated assertion thrown in for free. Brilliant.

Wait is he trying to label the activist Assange as a journalist?

01-17-2021, 11:24 AM
So what’s coming? You tell me it’s what I think I want, I told you what I think I want, but you told me what I think I want is wrong? So please enlighten me with what I think that I want, that’s coming?

Why bother? You'll get it soon enough. Glad you're "feeling" good about who the President is. Your feelings matter. I'm sure that glowing feeling you have now will carry over and sustain you through the coming few years. It will keep you warm and cozy, your feeling of self-righteousness intact. Sentiments are the most important aspect in life after all, regardless of the fallout.

I am adjusting and assuming the George Carlin philosophy from now on. I spent to many years caring and actively participating in something - now I will mock, laugh, and enjoy watching it all play out. History requires humans to relearn harsh lessons, and I'm okay with what people are about to experience. You, probably not so much.

01-17-2021, 11:24 AM
Wait is he trying to label the activist Assange as a journalist?

Yep. He can't figure out the difference between Assange and Glenn Greenwald -- who the US predictably hasn't gone after for working with Snowden -- because his interest isn't actually the protection of journalists, it's to try and muddy the waters, create a wedge between liberals/etc, all while he conveniently ignores the fact that Republicans are the ones pushing hard for extraditing Assange.

01-17-2021, 11:24 AM
Awesome, another "liberal" that wants to imprison journalists.

I have no idea what's coming.

01-17-2021, 11:25 AM
Awesome, another "liberal" that wants to imprison journalists.

* Citation required. But Trump supporters never seem to be able to do that, do they? How unfortunate for you.

I have no idea what's coming.

Nor about anything else.

01-17-2021, 11:27 AM
But Trump!

Zero credibility.

01-17-2021, 11:29 AM
But Trump!

Zero credibility.


01-17-2021, 11:30 AM
Zero credibility Democrats going full 180 on lockdowns. Just like we all knew would happen as soon as the elections were over.


01-17-2021, 11:31 AM
Why bother? You'll get it soon enough. Glad you're "feeling" good about who the President is. Your feelings matter. I'm sure that glowing feeling you have now will carry over and sustain you through the coming few years. It will keep you warm and cozy, your feeling of self-righteousness intact. Sentiments are the most important aspect in life after all, regardless of the fallout.

I am adjusting and assuming the George Carlin philosophy from now on. I spent to many years caring and actively participating in something - now I will mock, laugh, and enjoy watching it all play out. History requires humans to relearn harsh lessons, and I'm okay with what people are about to experience. You, probably not so much.

You spent all that effort writing... a bunch of non sense, instead of just telling me what I think I want that is coming...
I feel good that we have a non-narcissistic person becoming president in a few days. Not sure how you know what I think I want.. but do carry on with your nonsense.

01-17-2021, 11:34 AM
You spent all that effort writing... a bunch of non sense, instead of just telling me what I think I want that is coming...
I feel good that we have a non-narcissistic person becoming president in a few days. Not sure how you know what I think I want.. but do carry on with your nonsense.

You must not have read what I wrote.. I will 100% carry on.

01-17-2021, 11:35 AM

Amazing part - no more Trump to hide behind. 4 years of pure insanity you'll have to defend. LOL. This is going to be fun to watch.

01-17-2021, 11:39 AM
Why are Democrats putting business's before the health of American citizens?

Business's can be replaced, human lives can't

01-17-2021, 11:44 AM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 11:52 AM
Find a new schtick.

No, I'm just done messing with people that want to imprison journalists for telling the truth.

Why are Democrats suddenly ok with killing grandma?

01-17-2021, 11:53 AM
No, I'm just done messing with people that want to imprison journalists for telling the truth.

Why are Democrats suddenly ok with killing grandma?

You mean you realized you can't demonstrate your contention, and are instead desperately trying to pivot to a new topic. Naturally, not for discussion on what actions are merited or not in the pandemic, but only, yet again, as a tool to (ineptly) try to bludgeon Democrats with. Speaking of the "zero credibility" you love to assert about others...

01-17-2021, 11:56 AM
You mean you realized you can't demonstrate your contention, and are instead desperately trying to pivot to a new topic. Naturally, not for discussion on what actions are merited or not in the pandemic, but only, yet again, as a tool to (ineptly) try to bludgeon Democrats with. Speaking of the "zero credibility" you love to assert about others...

LOL. You're going to get tired having to defend the insanity for the next 4 years. All your righteousness sold to the Party. Going to be fun watching your "morals" crumble. Muahahaha.

01-17-2021, 11:57 AM
Why are you ok with killing grandma just so rich people can open their business's?

(We all know it's because Democrats meant to kill our economy because Trump. But I want to hear the excuses.)

01-17-2021, 11:59 AM
LOL. You're going to get tired having to defend the insanity for the next 4 years. All your righteousness sold to the Party. Going to be fun watching your "morals" crumble. Muahahaha.

In all likelihood, the Biden administration will be spent cleaning up Trump's messes, just like Obama's was spent cleaning up the economy imploding under George W. Bush. But then afterwards, you'll suffer from amnesia how it happened again.

Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 12:01 PM
In all likelihood, the Biden administration will be spent cleaning up Trump's messes, just like Obama's was spent cleaning up the economy imploding under George W. Bush. But then afterwards, you'll suffer from amnesia how it happened again.

Find a new schtick.

Why do you want to kill Grandma so rich people can open their business's?

01-17-2021, 12:03 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick. Also, it's businesses. Business' (no additional S after the apostrophe) would be possessive.

01-17-2021, 12:05 PM
Find a new schtick. Also, it's businesses. Business' (no additional S after the word) would be possessive.

Why do you want to kill grandma so rich people can open their business's?

01-17-2021, 12:05 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.



01-17-2021, 12:06 PM
Find a new schtick.


Why do you want to kill grandma so rich people can open their business's?

01-17-2021, 12:07 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.



01-17-2021, 12:08 PM
Why do you want to kill grandma so rich people can open their business's?

Why do you want to imprison journalists for telling the truth?

01-17-2021, 12:11 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.



Why do you want to imprison journalists for telling the truth?

* Citation required.

01-17-2021, 12:11 PM
In all likelihood, the Biden administration will be spent cleaning up Trump's messes, just like Obama's was spent cleaning up the economy imploding under George W. Bush. But then afterwards, you'll suffer from amnesia how it happened again.

Find a new schtick.

LOL. Can't wait in four years election cycle, "it's Trumps fault"! No hiding now, full power and control. This is going to be fun watching it all crumble.

01-17-2021, 12:14 PM
LOL. Can't wait in four years election cycle, "it's Trumps fault"! No hiding now, full power and control. This is going to be fun watching it all crumble.

It crumbled so bad when Obama had full control 2009. News flash we are still here and the world is still turning.

01-17-2021, 12:17 PM
Find a new schtick.


* Citation required.

Why do you want people to get sick and die just so business's can reopen?

Why do you want to imprison journalists?

01-17-2021, 12:25 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.



Why do you want to imprison journalists?

* Citation required.

01-17-2021, 12:30 PM
Why won't you answer, why it's suddenly ok to open business's in the middle of a pandemic?

It's almost like Democrats only cared about destroying a booming economy.

01-17-2021, 12:34 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 12:37 PM
Why, Ash?

Why is it OK to suddenly open the economy in the middle of a pandemic?

01-17-2021, 12:40 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 12:45 PM
Why is it suddenly OK to open the economy in the middle of a pandemic, Ash?

I'm done arguing over why you want to imprison journalists, it's more than obvious.

I'm just asking why it's ok to suddenly open the economy in the middle of a pandemic?

01-17-2021, 12:48 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

I'm done arguing over why you want to imprison journalists, it's more than obvious.

* Citation required

Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 12:49 PM
I'm going to go pick up some grass. My hopes are that when I get back you will have chosen to regain some legitimacy and at least answer why it's ok to open the economy in the middle of a once in a century pandemic that has killed over 400,000 Americans.

01-17-2021, 12:50 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 12:52 PM
LOL. You're going to get tired having to defend the insanity for the next 4 years. All your righteousness sold to the Party. Going to be fun watching your "morals" crumble. Muahahaha.

No one will get tired from defending against the "insanity". The cool and calmer heads will prevail. What I don't understand is your enjoyment at the thought that our country is falling apart. All Americans regardless of politics, race, sex, gender, have to share the country. Why are you so happy to think it is going to fail?

01-17-2021, 01:21 PM
No one will get tired from defending against the "insanity". The cool and calmer heads will prevail. What I don't understand is your enjoyment at the thought that our country is falling apart. All Americans regardless of politics, race, sex, gender, have to share the country. Why are you so happy to think it is going to fail?

How about you, Back.

Why is it suddenly OK to open up the economy in the middle of a pandemic?

01-17-2021, 01:42 PM
Please, oh, please, won't someone engage my bad-faith argument since I gave up on the last topic and need a new one?

Get a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 01:51 PM
Get a new schtick.

Just answer the question.

Why is it ok to open the economy in the middle of a pandemic

01-17-2021, 01:57 PM
Zero credibility Democrats going full 180 on lockdowns. Just like we all knew would happen as soon as the elections were over.

California entered lockdown December 3rd, a month after the election, and increased throughout December. As with all other lockdowns, this was enormously effective at curbing the spread: after tripling from October to November and tripling again from November to December, cases are currently down 10% from their peak.

As with all other lockdowns, unfortunately they have started lifting it far too early, going to weaker restrictions for one region last week (although they are still at much stronger restrictions than November overall).

Obviously as a Republican I can't speak for what Democrats are saying to each other privately, but when it's a matter of public record that California increased lockdowns after the elections were over it seems like you ought to have something a little stronger than a YouTube opinion clip to back up your assertion.

01-17-2021, 02:00 PM
I should also add, lockdowns like the ones in California and Ohio are critical to how we have managed to turn around our national numbers - in the next few days we're going to be under 200,000 new cases a day for probably the first time since the Thanksgiving surge peaked in mid-December. (Reported figures dipped below that around Christmas and New Year's, but since many states simply didn't report on those days it's more likely we were above the mark then too.)

01-17-2021, 02:10 PM
No one will get tired from defending against the "insanity". The cool and calmer heads will prevail. What I don't understand is your enjoyment at the thought that our country is falling apart. All Americans regardless of politics, race, sex, gender, have to share the country. Why are you so happy to think it is going to fail?

I wish it wouldn't, but idiocy will prevail. I'm just okay watching it happen, because it happens everywhere. So be it. History requires exposing dumb ideologies for what they are, then fixing it once people realize. Rinse and repeat, because humans are dumb animals.

01-17-2021, 02:35 PM
How about you, Back.

Why is it suddenly OK to open up the economy in the middle of a pandemic?

Thats a really general question.

First, businesses have been doing business this whole time. WFH has been going on since the beginning. The businesses that have been hit hardest are the ones that require people to congregate for long periods of time such as restaurants and entertainment venues. But most have been running along by pivoting into carryout, on line sales, and virtual events. Sports, one of the biggest entertainment industries is still rolling right along. I'm not saying there has not been a loss of jobs. That is certainly true. Congress has provided some stimulus to help individuals with unemployment, small business, and large business.

The economy is still running along. It never stopped. We have hit some bumps but have taken measures to keep everyone going. Like we should. This is America. We help each other out in times of need.

If you are talking about social distancing measures put in place by state governors, or executives of the state's counties, those are based on their case numbers. Some are open, some aren't, and its based on how hard the area is hit by the pandemic.

So I don't understand your question.

01-17-2021, 02:35 PM
Coming to you soon.


Only speech that the overseers deem correct, shall be allowed.

01-17-2021, 02:39 PM
Please, oh, please, won't someone engage my bad-faith argument since I gave up on the last topic and need a new one?

Get a new schtick.

01-17-2021, 02:43 PM
I wish it wouldn't, but idiocy will prevail. I'm just okay watching it happen, because it happens everywhere. So be it. History requires exposing dumb ideologies for what they are, then fixing it once people realize. Rinse and repeat, because humans are dumb animals.

Wow, so you don't have much faith in mankind. Luckily most people actually do have faith. We are the most intelligent species in our solar system (that we know of). You sound like a nihilist.

Things are going to be ok, bro. Chill.

01-17-2021, 02:47 PM
Thats a really general question.

First, businesses have been doing business this whole time.

This is 100% incorrect.

I can tell you that one of my businesses was shut down on 3/15/20 and didn't open again until 9/30/20 and even then only at 25% capacity.

The economy is still running along. It never stopped. We have hit some bumps but have taken measures to keep everyone going. Like we should. This is America. We help each other out in times of need.

No one is saying that every business completely closed and there was zero business during the past 9 months. The economy never stopped, but it most certainly was greatly slowed down.

So I don't understand your question.

That much is painfully clear.

01-17-2021, 03:00 PM
Wow, so you don't have much faith in mankind. Luckily most people actually do have faith. We are the most intelligent species in our solar system (that we know of). You sound like a nihilist.

Things are going to be ok, bro. Chill.

LOL. Live in your fairy tale world. I have faith.. faith that ignorant ideologies espoused by ignorant people will fail. It just requires some hard times to get there. I'm not a nihilist, I am firm in my convictions and beliefs.

You don't get that yours will crumble once exposed. That is what I'm going to enjoy watching.

01-17-2021, 03:39 PM
I should also add, lockdowns like the ones in California and Ohio are critical to how we have managed to turn around our national numbers - in the next few days we're going to be under 200,000 new cases a day for probably the first time since the Thanksgiving surge peaked in mid-December. (Reported figures dipped below that around Christmas and New Year's, but since many states simply didn't report on those days it's more likely we were above the mark then too.)


4,085 souls lost to the coronavirus yesterday.


It is hard to look at anything about these dark days with thankfulness. There is perhaps no better illustration for this than we as a nation being inexcusably at an all-time high in new cases ten months into this pandemic, but that high only represents a ~5% Christmas increase as opposed to the ~25% surge we saw over Thanksgiving. As the meme doesn't go, our expectations were low but holy s***... we (barely) met them!


As I have said, there are no such thing as miracles so we can rule that out. Instead I think it is appropriate to give thanks to the decisive action taken by state and local officials such as Governor Newsom that saved us from ourselves. While the nation is 5% above its peak, California is 12% below its. We see a similar success story in Ohio, where the unilateral implementation of the strict Stay Safe Ohio protocol by Governor DeWine resulted in a 29% decrease from peak cases.

We know we should wear our clothes in public.
We know we should wear our seat belt.
We know we should wear our mask.

But sometimes some of us need a little push.

And we know that works too.


We also have good news on the vaccination front! First of all, we are mere days away from some people being fully vaccinated! January 4th saw the first people receive their second doses, and one week after that (i.e. Monday) those 130 people will gain the benefits of the vaccine. This was not the work of a faith healer, or a scrounging up of magic bread from the ground, but an incredible accomplishment by the state and local officials and for that matter random civilians who were left to work out the administration of the vaccine on their own, and have done so. These disorganized efforts are now getting about 2,000,000 doses of the vaccine distributed every day, which means we'll see everyone fully vaccinated on literally the Fourth of July, 2021. You can't make this stuff up, folks!

So long as vaccinated immunity lasts that long.
And everyone chips in and does their part, and takes the needle.
And the vaccines work for people outside the tested age groups.

Joe Biden wants to go faster, which in my very humble opinion would be great! But it's hard to model since we have absolutely no data on the federal government helping the COVID vaccination process, and as you know, dear reader, I am utterly beholden to data and only data. I recognize we would prefer to get everyone vaccinated before the seasonal effect kicks in and the Texas summer drives cases up again, but what we should have learned a long time ago is the virus doesn't much care what we prefer.

So we'll have to keep fighting.



It took you 9 days to go from shaming people for all time highs to open the economy.

All credibility lost.

01-17-2021, 03:58 PM
Find a new schtick.


* Citation required.

Using Ashliana logic, Ashliana just conceded to Neveragain.


Watch closely now as Ashliana is about to make a "But that's different!" post and then something something anuses.

01-17-2021, 04:28 PM
LOL. Live in your fairy tale world. I have faith.. faith that ignorant ideologies espoused by ignorant people will fail. It just requires some hard times to get there. I'm not a nihilist, I am firm in my convictions and beliefs.

You don't get that yours will crumble once exposed. That is what I'm going to enjoy watching.

What ideologies? And how are these ideologies going to be exposed because as far as I know everything being planned by the current slate of elected officials is what the people who voted for them asked for. Thats how it works.

01-17-2021, 04:30 PM
Coming to you soon.


Only speech that the overseers deem correct, shall be allowed.

Overseers have been deeming which speech is and isn't allowed throughout United States history.


Of special note is the "hypocrisy" you claim to find so egregious in the present day being thoroughly documented in that 1800s episode, but to recognize this would fatally undermine your comfy illusion of imminent doom, so you won't.

01-17-2021, 04:31 PM
It took you 9 days to go from shaming people for all time highs to open the economy.

All credibility lost.

I lauded lockdowns and criticized lifting them.

You're really bad at this.

01-17-2021, 04:33 PM
What ideologies? And how these ideologies going to be exposed because as far as I know everything being planned by the current slate of elected officials is what the people who voted for them asked for. Thats how it works.

Exactly. They'll get what they asked for. I'm okay with it. They, and you, will not be.

I still have a piece of the Berlin wall as a reminder. I remember being in East Germany after it was first incorporated into the western world and what the conditions were. I have faith in people finally getting their heads out of their asses. Sadly, the general populous in the US is ignorant (not dumb - ignorant) and the education system is utter shit. So yes, you will get what you wanted Back. Humans just repeat their mistakes, fact of this world.

01-17-2021, 04:33 PM
Using Ashliana logic, Ashliana just conceded to Neveragain.


Watch closely now as Ashliana is about to make a "But that's different!" post and then something something anuses.

By all means, attempt to actually lay out how that's the case. (Spoiler Alert: You can't, because Neveragain conceded and then desperately tried, for multiple pages, to veer to another topic. But it's to no one's surprise that your reading comprehension is off-the-charts poor).

Better luck next time.

01-17-2021, 04:43 PM
Overseers have been deeming which speech is and isn't allowed throughout United States history.


Of special note is the "hypocrisy" you claim to find so egregious in the present day being thoroughly documented in that 1800s episode, but to recognize this would fatally undermine your comfy illusion of imminent doom, so you won't.

That concerns libel - not opinion.

If I were to say - "I think you're an idiot". That's an opinion. You can't stop me or have any recourse.

If I say - "You're a child molester" - Then you would have standing, if you are not. See how that works?

The laws proposed are designed to allow the Government to determine what "opinions" are deemed correct or not. Quite a bit of difference.

It's all good though, you be good with more laws determining what you can and can't say. As I told Back, you're getting what you want. I'm going to just watch and enjoy the insanity.

01-17-2021, 05:55 PM
Exactly. They'll get what they asked for. I'm okay with it. They, and you, will not be.

I still have a piece of the Berlin wall as a reminder. I remember being in East Germany after it was first incorporated into the western world and what the conditions were. I have faith in people finally getting their heads out of their asses. Sadly, the general populous in the US is ignorant (not dumb - ignorant) and the education system is utter shit. So yes, you will get what you wanted Back. Humans just repeat their mistakes, fact of this world.

You're concerned about a replay of East Germany after the guy who campaigned on building a wall and advocated summary execution of migrants lost? Surely we were at a higher risk when he won, no? Even though he was as lazy as he was incompetent, it's not like the GDR was a bunch of whiz kids.

That concerns libel - not opinion.

If I were to say - "I think you're an idiot". That's an opinion. You can't stop me or have any recourse.

If I say - "You're a child molester" - Then you would have standing, if you are not. See how that works?

The laws proposed are designed to allow the Government to determine what "opinions" are deemed correct or not. Quite a bit of difference.

It's all good though, you be good with more laws determining what you can and can't say. As I told Back, you're getting what you want. I'm going to just watch and enjoy the insanity.

The laws proposed are designed to allow the Canadian Government to ban "racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, and homophobia that puts people's safety at risk, child pornography, harassment, uttering threats, libel and slander" on social media, per your source.

Since we agree free speech does not extend to libel, which of endangering, harassing, threatening, slandering, or making child pornography do you think the government (ours or theirs) should keep its nose out of? Which of those is an "opinion" the government shouldn't deem "incorrect"?

01-17-2021, 06:15 PM
You're concerned about a replay of East Germany after the guy who campaigned on building a wall and advocated summary execution of migrants lost? Surely we were at a higher risk when he won, no? Even though he was as lazy as he was incompetent, it's not like the GDR was a bunch of whiz kids.

The laws proposed are designed to allow the Canadian Government to ban "racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, and homophobia that puts people's safety at risk, child pornography, harassment, uttering threats, libel and slander" on social media, per your source.

Since we agree free speech does not extend to libel, which of endangering, harassing, threatening, slandering, or making child pornography do you think the government (ours or theirs) should keep its nose out of? Which of those is an "opinion" the government shouldn't deem "incorrect"?

Those laws already exist. Look past the first step. Well this is Canada's second step following the 2017/2018? requirement of gender pronoun use (or whatever acronym/letter combination). Additionally if you don't understand border security and legal immigration vs. what the Berlin Wall was - well /shrug.

01-17-2021, 06:23 PM

This is the type of people I'm talking about. Bowing, kneeling, subjugating yourself for anyone is horrendous. Regardless of race, creed, nation no one should feel the need, believe, or think subjugating yourself in such a manner helps anyone at all.

People actually think this is a good and proper thing. Thankfully others see how awful it is.

No one should ever do this, but people will always do it. Sad to watch.

01-17-2021, 07:00 PM
You're concerned about a replay of East Germany after the guy who campaigned on building a wall and advocated summary execution of migrants lost? Surely we were at a higher risk when he won, no? Even though he was as lazy as he was incompetent, it's not like the GDR was a bunch of whiz kids.

You do know that the wall was built to keep people in, and the wall Trump wanted was to keep people out, right?

Or are you really so confused that you think the wall in East Germany was to keep people out?

01-17-2021, 08:36 PM
You do know that the wall was built to keep people in, and the wall Trump wanted was to keep people out, right?

Or are you really so confused that you think the wall in East Germany was to keep people out?

How can I put this without blowing your mind, hm... let's try this.


None of these three are identical to each other. However, if someone were to say that the 2nd and 3rd were similar, you could surely respond that the 1st and 2nd were more similar without claiming or implying that they were literally identical, right?


Now, Shaps literally held up a piece of the Berlin Wall when projecting the upcoming administration. I pointed out the prior administration's well-known admiration for walls and asked whether we were at a higher risk then than now. Higher, as in more high, as in while the prior administration was not literally identical to the German Democratic Republic it was more similar than the upcoming one administration due to its propensity for walling.

01-17-2021, 08:37 PM
Those laws already exist. Look past the first step. Well this is Canada's second step following the 2017/2018? requirement of gender pronoun use (or whatever acronym/letter combination). Additionally if you don't understand border security and legal immigration vs. what the Berlin Wall was - well /shrug.

You appear to be referring to Bill C-16, so let's talk about their criminal code 718.29(i) that it modified: "a sentence should be increased or reduced to account for evidence that the offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression."

So I'll ask again: which of those is an "opinion" the government shouldn't deem "incorrect"?