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01-17-2021, 08:40 PM
How can I put this without blowing your mind, hm... let's try this.


None of these three are identical to each other. However, if someone were to say that the 2nd and 3rd were similar, you could surely respond that the 1st and 2nd were more similar without claiming or implying that they were literally identical, right?


Now, Shaps literally held up a piece of the Berlin Wall when projecting the upcoming administration. I pointed out the prior administration's well-known admiration for walls and asked whether we were at a higher risk then than now. Higher, as in more high, as in while the prior administration was not literally identical to the German Democratic Republic it was more similar than the upcoming one administration due to its propensity for walling.

Let me get this straight, without blowing your mind: you think that because the US wants to keep illegal aliens out of its country (like many, many other countries out there, most of which have much harsher laws against illegal immigration), that makes the US at all similar to East Germany?

You are a complete and total idiot. In fact, you make idiots look smart. You are dumber than dumb. You are, in fact, approaching back levels of dumb.

01-17-2021, 10:04 PM
Let me get this straight, without blowing your mind: you think that because the US wants to keep illegal aliens out of its country (like many, many other countries out there, most of which have much harsher laws against illegal immigration), that makes the US at all similar to East Germany?

You are a complete and total idiot. In fact, you make idiots look smart. You are dumber than dumb. You are, in fact, approaching back levels of dumb.


01-17-2021, 10:08 PM

Nope, sorry, you don't get to whoosh that. I know exactly what you were trying to say, and it is so far from making sense to any normal person.

Good day, sir, good day.

01-17-2021, 10:52 PM
Nope, sorry, you don't get to whoosh that. I know exactly what you were trying to say, and it is so far from making sense to any normal person.

Good day, sir, good day.


01-17-2021, 10:53 PM

Says the guy/gal with multiple alts that talk to each other.

01-17-2021, 10:54 PM
Says the guy/gal with multiple alts that talk to each other.

Cool story Parklandit.

Never stop projecting.

01-18-2021, 07:04 AM
Let me get this straight, without blowing your mind: you think that because the US wants to keep illegal aliens out of its country (like many, many other countries out there, most of which have much harsher laws against illegal immigration), that makes the US at all similar to East Germany?

You are a complete and total idiot. In fact, you make idiots look smart. You are dumber than dumb. You are, in fact, approaching back levels of dumb.

Can you name five western countries or 1st world countries that have harsher immigration laws than us? Because actually if you do some research, most countries (including 2nd and 3rd)in the world don’t.

Here’s a quite an extensive list.
Most do not have harsher penalties than America

01-18-2021, 07:10 AM
Can you name five western countries or 1st world countries that have harsher immigration laws than us? Because actually if you do some research, most countries (including 2nd and 3rd)in the world don’t.

Here’s a quite an extensive list.
Most do not have harsher penalties than America

Why are you limiting it to only western countries?

How many of those countries you want this discussion limited to have unlimited open borders?

01-18-2021, 07:17 AM
Why are you limiting it to only western countries?

How many of those countries you want this discussion limited to have unlimited open borders?

If you read more you’d see I included 2nd and 3rd world countries as well, and that list also includes them.

But I see why you said it, i mentioned western/first world because that’s where most immigrants imo want to go.

01-18-2021, 07:21 AM
On the basis of a worldwide survey, this report identifies 162 countries that have laws criminalizing or otherwise punishing illegal entry. The chart shows countries that impose criminal sanctions for illegal entry as well as countries that impose only civil or administrative penalties (typically fines and deportation).

The research identified 124 countries that treat illegal entry as a crime.

So 25% of the 162 countries they checked don’t even treat illegal immigration as a crime.
That list shows more than half with lesser illegal immigration penalties than America... so yeah most do not have harsher penalties than America.

01-18-2021, 08:12 AM
On the basis of a worldwide survey, this report identifies 162 countries that have laws criminalizing or otherwise punishing illegal entry. The chart shows countries that impose criminal sanctions for illegal entry as well as countries that impose only civil or administrative penalties (typically fines and deportation).

The research identified 124 countries that treat illegal entry as a crime.

So 25% of the 162 countries they checked don’t even treat illegal immigration as a crime.
That list shows more than half with lesser illegal immigration penalties than America... so yeah most do not have harsher penalties than America.

What do you believe the penalties of illegally entering the US should be?

Or do you believe it shouldn't be illegal and people from everywhere should come and go as they please?

01-18-2021, 09:04 AM
On the basis of a worldwide survey, this report identifies 162 countries that have laws criminalizing or otherwise punishing illegal entry. The chart shows countries that impose criminal sanctions for illegal entry as well as countries that impose only civil or administrative penalties (typically fines and deportation).

The research identified 124 countries that treat illegal entry as a crime.

So 25% of the 162 countries they checked don’t even treat illegal immigration as a crime.
That list shows more than half with lesser illegal immigration penalties than America... so yeah most do not have harsher penalties than America.

I think the law for immigration should be 2 pages tops.

1. If you report through a legal channel for citizenship, work visa, asylum, etc. - Allowed entry while the process occurs.
2. If you do not - you are detained (no longer than 1 week), health check conducted, fed, and sheltered. You are immediately put on a plane and deported back to your country of origin.

The remaining space of the 2 pages for legalese - lawyers need something to do.

Seems pretty straight forward to me.

01-18-2021, 09:10 AM
By all means, attempt to actually lay out how that's the case. (Spoiler Alert: You can't, because Neveragain conceded and then desperately tried, for multiple pages, to veer to another topic. But it's to no one's surprise that your reading comprehension is off-the-charts poor).

Better luck next time.

You seem to think I was even reading the details of your retarded exchange vs. watching you both copy & paste the same thing back and forth 94872390472309432 times.

I promise you, you're not nearly as interesting as you think you are. You're kind of not interesting at all other than for cringe laughs.

01-18-2021, 09:12 AM
You appear to be referring to Bill C-16, so let's talk about their criminal code 718.29(i) that it modified: "a sentence should be increased or reduced to account for evidence that the offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression."

So I'll ask again: which of those is an "opinion" the government shouldn't deem "incorrect"?

Thanks for reminding me on which bill it was, couldn't recall. And it was written so it compelled speech - requires you to speak a specific way - as opposed to such things as libel/defamation/speech promoting violence.

So if I said - "You will address me by a,b,c,etc." and you do not - you are now legally liable.

YOU are not required to say what I want you to say, or at least shouldn't be. I should not be required to say what anyone wants me to say. It is OUR choice to determine what words we use, not the governments. That's my opinion on it.

01-18-2021, 10:14 AM
I think the law for immigration should be 2 pages tops.

1. If you report through a legal channel for citizenship, work visa, asylum, etc. - Allowed entry while the process occurs.
2. If you do not - you are detained (no longer than 1 week), health check conducted, fed, and sheltered. You are immediately put on a plane and deported back to your country of origin.

The remaining space of the 2 pages for legalese - lawyers need something to do.

Seems pretty straight forward to me.

I'm totally okay with laws like that. For some reason, though, most on the left want free and open borders.

01-18-2021, 10:47 AM
I'm totally okay with laws like that. For some reason, though, most on the left want free and open borders.

First, I think we really need to get away from generalizing each other and find a common ground. So this is me talking to caleric, person to person.

I am for open borders. Globally, we should have freedom of movement and the safety to do so. As a shared global community we owe it to each other to establish this for all people from all countries. It may sound lofty or ideological but its really not if you think about it. Our species success and progress is based on our cooperation. Everyone brings something to the table for the benefit of all.

Poverty, sickness, crime, the environment, and war are the real issues surrounding population displacement. If we focus on these the border issues will just melt away. Science and technology are the tools we need to use to accomplish the goals of reducing the causes for undesired outcomes.

So whether we agree or not on the issue of open borders we at least both agree that we live in a democracy where majority rules? If that is true then whichever side has the most votes we will accept as law?

01-18-2021, 10:49 AM
s we at least both agree that we live in a democracy where majority rules? If that is true then whichever side has the most votes we will accept as law?

This is caelric speaking to back.

You're an idiot, first of all.

Open borders is a sure track to destroying this country.

As for a democratic society? Nope, you failed Poli Sci 101. We live in a democratic republic, which is very different from a pure democracy. Majority does NOT rule in this country for may things, and for very good reasons.

Thanks for playing, try again next time.

01-18-2021, 10:50 AM
You seem to think I was even reading the details of your retarded exchange vs. watching you both copy & paste the same thing back and forth 94872390472309432 times.

I promise you, you're not nearly as interesting as you think you are. You're kind of not interesting at all other than for cringe laughs.

Nobody's surprised that your low-effort shitposting lacked any substance whatsoever. Perhaps next time, you should just write "Fuck you" and save yourself the time, since that's the only "contribution" you're capable of making to a discussion.

01-18-2021, 10:52 AM
Nobody's surprised that your low-effort shitposting lacked any substance whatsoever. Perhaps next time, you should just write "Fuck you" and save yourself the time, since that's the only "contribution" you're capable of making to a discussion.

Still more substantive than your "contributions". Your ass must be glowing red with all the butt hurt you are displaying.

01-18-2021, 10:55 AM
First, I think we really need to get away from generalizing each other and find a common ground. So this is me talking to caleric, person to person.

I am for open borders. Globally, we should have freedom of movement and the safety to do so. As a shared global community we owe it to each other to establish this for all people from all countries. It may sound lofty or ideological but its really not if you think about it. Our species success and progress is based on our cooperation. Everyone brings something to the table for the benefit of all.

Poverty, sickness, crime, the environment, and war are the real issues surrounding population displacement. If we focus on these the border issues will just melt away. Science and technology are the tools we need to use to accomplish the goals of reducing the causes for undesired outcomes.

So whether we agree or not on the issue of open borders we at least both agree that we live in a democracy where majority rules? If that is true then whichever side has the most votes we will accept as law?

Back - Not sure if your intentions are genuine or just pandering since "your side" won the current elections and it's currently "compassion" time...

I'll take what you said in good faith though, and comment on your "hopes" - they are hopes. Just that. Reality is another thing all together. You say "open borders"? There are currently open borders. Get a passport, and you can travel wherever you want to. You can fly to any country and visit, stay, and enjoy it FREELY.

Allowing anyone to cross into another countries borders without accountability is nuts. Not only with regards to safety (criminal activity, human trafficking, etc.), health (current pandemic, etc.), economic (ensuring tax payers - you and my money - and the resources we provide the government are first utilized to ensure OUR stable country), and many others.

The notion that ensuring who comes in and out of a country is somehow the opposite of "open borders" is absurd. Every country has the right to safely manage who enters their lands - because their first obligation is to the citizens of that land. Every country has that right, not just the US. Open borders without any mechanisms in place to ensure that, leads to anarchy.

As for the "majority rules", LOL.. what I've been saying. You're about to get what you think you want. When it goes to shit, don't complain.

01-18-2021, 10:56 AM
By all means, attempt to actually lay out how that's the case. (Spoiler Alert: You can't, because Neveragain conceded and then desperately tried, for multiple pages, to veer to another topic. But it's to no one's surprise that your reading comprehension is off-the-charts poor).

Better luck next time.

Clearly I missed out on a deep and engaging conversation:

Why do you want to kill Grandma so rich people can open their business's?

Find a new schtick.



01-18-2021, 11:13 AM
Back - Not sure if your intentions are genuine or just pandering since "your side" won the current elections and it's currently "compassion" time...

I'll take what you said in good faith though, and comment on your "hopes" - they are hopes. Just that. Reality is another thing all together. You say "open borders"? There are currently open borders. Get a passport, and you can travel wherever you want to. You can fly to any country and visit, stay, and enjoy it FREELY.

Allowing anyone to cross into another countries borders without accountability is nuts. Not only with regards to safety (criminal activity, human trafficking, etc.), health (current pandemic, etc.), economic (ensuring tax payers - you and my money - and the resources we provide the government are first utilized to ensure OUR stable country), and many others.

The notion that ensuring who comes in and out of a country is somehow is the opposite of "open borders" is absurd. Every country has the right to safely manage who enters their lands - because their first obligation is to the citizens of that land. Every country has that right, not just the US. Open borders without any mechanisms in place to ensure that, leads to anarchy.

As for the "majority rules", LOL.. what I've been saying. You're about to get what you think you want. When it goes to shit, don't complain.


I know that free and open boarders is a "hope" but I think it still should remain the ultimate goal. Focusing on the issues that make countries close each other off is what I think we need to focus on.

Accountability, documentation, application, all the things we do now are not things we should just throw out the window at this point in time. I just think we are unfairly denying legitimate applications solely on political rhetoric around a very small number of cases. We will never will stop all undesirable outcomes but we cannot let that stop us from moving forward.

Yeah, democracy, majority rules. The people vote democratically for representatives who act on the majority's will. I accept it. Its part of living in America to accept that your neighbor may have a different opinion about a political issue but that it is solved by going to the polls and accepting the results.

I'm very happy with the democratic majority and look forward to the next 4 years.

01-18-2021, 11:13 AM
Still more substantive than your "contributions". Your ass must be glowing red with all the butt hurt you are displaying.

Remember when you tried to lay out a poorly conceived argument, couldn't defend it, then dropped off the planet? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Kudos, though, on still showing up for the occasional snipe.

Clearly I missed out on a deep and engaging conversation:


And yet here you are paying us all a nice visit. So if you only came by to leave the occasional "fuck you," you could save us both some time.

01-18-2021, 11:21 AM

I know that free and open boarders is a "hope" but I think it still should remain the ultimate goal. Focusing on the issues that make countries close each other off is what I think we need to focus on.

Accountability, documentation, application, all the things we do now are not things we should just throw out the window at this point in time. I just think we are unfairly denying legitimate applications solely on political rhetoric around a very small number of cases. We will never will stop all undesirable outcomes but we cannot let that stop us from moving forward.

Yeah, democracy, majority rules. The people vote democratically for representatives who act on the majority's will. I accept it. Its part of living in America to accept that your neighbor may have a different opinion about a political issue but that it is solved by going to the polls and accepting the results.

I'm very happy with the democratic majority and look forward to the next 4 years.

It's good you have that view now. It's sad seeing you did not have that view over the previous four years and your posts - not with regards to a person - but with regards to understanding, acceptance, and compromise.

It's easy to talk and wish the best when you feel "your side" (or whatever term you want to use is) won - it would have been nice to have seen that prior to what you feel is correct.

I focus on the people of our Country - not the politicians that abuse the sentiments, feelings, and ignorance of the citizenry. What is being currently proposed by a number of cabinet members of the incoming administration is anathema to the basic principles which allow ALL of us our place to speak and be heard without fear of retribution.

I'm not a R or a D.. I'm an independent that believes in some fundamental rights of the citizenry. Sadly, it won't affect just those you disagree with politically, it will affect you too. That is why I make posts like I do, why I mock what is coming, etc... because such talk and proposals look to place everyone in servitude to Government - and Government is there to SERVE us, not RULE us.

01-18-2021, 11:22 AM
What do you believe the penalties of illegally entering the US should be?

Or do you believe it shouldn't be illegal and people from everywhere should come and go as they please?

I honestly don’t know What the penalty or punishment should be for entering the US illegally. I don’t support total open borders, I never have.

01-18-2021, 11:25 AM
Remember when you tried to lay out a poorly conceived argument, couldn't defend it, then dropped off the planet? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Kudos, though, on still showing up for the occasional snipe.

Remember when anyone gave a shit about what you say other than you? Yeah, neither do I. You didn't do anything to any of my arguments other than regurgitate a metric shit ton of rambling bullshit from motherjones, CNN or some other Leftist shill page.

I shit post and it's still more valuable than any of your "contributions".

01-18-2021, 11:29 AM
I honestly don’t know What the penalty or punishment should be for entering the US illegally. I don’t support total open borders, I never have.

There should be no penalty. They should be given a health check, fed, sheltered.. and within one week deported to their home country. Easy as pie. No other "punishment" or legal involvement necessary.

To enter, simply apply legally - whatever it is - citizenship, amnesty, work visa, student visa, etc. - Allowed in until process complete.

I dislike the idea of "punishment" for entering - unless committing a felony of course (human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc.).

It's simply - check they're in good health - and return them. Please file legally and we welcome you.

EDIT: The one aspect where I'm fully open to looking at immigration laws - are the annual numbers allowed in legally. I do believe that process could be augmented with staff, resources, and money to ensure the legal process is more streamlined. General amnesty for those that come across illegally is a slap in the face of all legal immigrants that endured the current legal process.

01-18-2021, 11:32 AM
There should be no penalty. They should be given a health check, fed, sheltered.. and within one week deported to their home country. Easy as pie. No other "punishment" or legal involvement necessary.

To enter, simply apply legally - whatever it is - citizenship, amnesty, work visa, student visa, etc. - Allowed in until process complete.

I dislike the idea of "punishment" for entering - unless committing a felony of course (human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc.).

It's simply - check their in good health - and return them. Please file legally and we welcome you.

Umm, I don’t think it should be that simple, and if this person, happened to also bring in 10 kilos of coke that he managed to get to his runner in the states before he’s caught? Just feed him, shelter him and toss him back over the border so he can do his run again? Such as he’s a suspected drug smuggler?

01-18-2021, 11:36 AM
Remember when anyone gave a shit about what you say other than you? Yeah, neither do I. You didn't do anything to any of my arguments other than regurgitate a metric shit ton of rambling bullshit from motherjones, CNN or some other Leftist shill page.

Ah, revisionist history. Unfortunately for you, your fantasies lack the power to twist and warp reality to suit your delusions, much to your obvious dismay. You literally get your information from InfoWars -- you've cited them unironically. Meanwhile, no, I certainly haven't posted the type you're claiming. What's wrong? You can't keep track of who's who?

I shit post and it's still more valuable than any of your "contributions".

You're a pariah among pariahs... That's generally what happens when you listen to crackpot conspiracy theorists, though, so no surprise there.

01-18-2021, 11:37 AM
Remember when you tried to lay out a poorly conceived argument, couldn't defend it, then dropped off the planet? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Kudos, though, on still showing up for the occasional snipe.

And yet here you are paying us all a nice visit. So if you only came by to leave the occasional "fuck you," you could save us both some time.

Watching you be mad is entertaining and helps pass time at work though.

01-18-2021, 11:38 AM
Umm, I don’t think it should be that simple, and if this person, happened to also bring in 10 kilos of coke that he managed to get to his runner in the states before he’s caught? Just feed him, shelter him and toss him back over the border so he can do his run again? Such as he’s a suspected drug smuggler?

No - if it's a criminal you deport them and turn them over to their local officials. Sort of how it's already done with regards to criminals. Those mechanisms are already in place. They should not be retained in our legal system, they should be jailed in their home countries.

01-18-2021, 11:41 AM
No - if it's a criminal you deport them and turn them over to their local officials. Sort of how it's already done with regards to criminals. Those mechanisms are already in place. They should not be retained in our legal system, they should be jailed in their home countries.

And who’s going to pay for this food, shelter, and plane ride home? Tax payers? Their own country? Last I checked America doesn’t cover the cost if one of their citizens gets deported.
Also let’s imagine a convicted rapist(who finished his sentence) in Mexico crosses the border, with zero punishment, hell just keep trying till he gets in, and eventually he will, where he could rape someone. With no punishment nothing is there to stop or deter them.

01-18-2021, 11:44 AM
Watching you be mad is entertaining and helps pass time at work though.

:rofl: Projection suits you, Methais.

01-18-2021, 11:46 AM
And who’s going to pay for this food, shelter, and plane ride home? Tax payers? Their own country? Last I checked America doesn’t cover the cost if one of their citizens gets deported.
Also let’s imagine a convicted rapist(who finished his sentence) in Mexico crosses the border, with zero punishment, hell just keep trying till he gets in, and eventually he will, where he will rape someone. With no punishment nothing is there to stop or deter them.

We already pay for food, shelter, and money in the legal system. If you think the overall amount spent in filling a C-5 or C-17 with bucket seating with 250+ people, while getting pilots their monthly required flight hours (double dip - therefore saving money), etc. would be more expensive than the current system is nuts.

And yes, you keep coming with rapists and drug runners. I already addressed if they are known/convicted/or caught in the act to be that type of criminal - you turn them over to their home nations authorities and put them in their prison system.

01-18-2021, 11:47 AM
:rofl: Projection suits you, Methais.

Everything everyone says about you being a giant retard is a clear indicator that the problem is with everyone else and not you.

01-18-2021, 11:49 AM
You're a pariah among pariahs...

How ironic.

01-18-2021, 11:50 AM
It's good you have that view now. It's sad seeing you did not have that view over the previous four years and your posts - not with regards to a person - but with regards to understanding, acceptance, and compromise.

It's easy to talk and wish the best when you feel "your side" (or whatever term you want to use is) won - it would have been nice to have seen that prior to what you feel is correct.

I focus on the people of our Country - not the politicians that abuse the sentiments, feelings, and ignorance of the citizenry. What is being currently proposed by a number of cabinet members of the incoming administration is anathema to the basic principles which allow ALL of us our place to speak and be heard without fear of retribution.

I'm not a R or a D.. I'm an independent that believes in some fundamental rights of the citizenry. Sadly, it won't affect just those you disagree with politically, it will affect you too. That is why I make posts like I do, why I mock what is coming, etc... because such talk and proposals look to place everyone in servitude to Government - and Government is there to SERVE us, not RULE us.

My views have not changed. If you had asked I would have said the same exact things. Over the last four years what I found reprehensible was trying to group all immigrants in with rapists and murders in an effort to scare people into supporting politicians who wanted to close the borders.

You have to understand that what all of it looked like to me is flat out racism. Trump's administration was a non-stop disparagement of people of color in my view. Trump even openly said something to the effect of "why do we get people from shit-hole countries and not Norway". You can't explain that away as anything other than abject in your face racism.

Where do we draw the line on speaking to be heard without retribution? We have laws that cover hate speech that our democratic republic has decided to enact for the good of everyone. Do you want to throw that out? Threats of violence against people? Is that really cool with you? Try not to forget... the government does work for us. It enacts, enforces, and judges by the officials we vote for to represent us. Those laws are there because we put them there. America is not, and never has been, a tyranny.

I see the "free speech" issue as people wanting the right to be assholes. Really. Thats all I see it as. You want the right to say something a lot of people find offensive and want get away with it without facing the consequences. Its cowardly to say some shit to someone then hide behind something to protect yourself.

Unfortunately I believe the republican party has totally failed all of us. It has propagated lies and hatred more than anything else. It has used fear and anger to get voted into power to enact laws favorable to their corporate donors which means fucking over the workers who keep those fat cats eating caviar and driving lambos. Wheres that heath care plan again?

Its my opinion that the very thing you are railing against, a tyrannical government that lies to the population to stay in power and enact their agenda is exactly what has happened with the republican party. Not so much on the democratic side and thats not saying there isn't any corruption there either. Just that to me there is clearly some BS the republicans have knowingly been pulling that has not only torn our country apart but their own party. Currently there are republican congresspeople getting threats from their OWN constituents over what happened at the Capital last week for AGREEING to the electoral college votes.

01-18-2021, 11:53 AM
We already pay for food, shelter, and money in the legal system. If you think the overall amount spent in filling a C-5 or C-17 with bucket seating with 250+ people, while getting pilots their monthly required flight hours (double dip - therefore saving money), etc. would be more expensive than the current system is nuts.

And yes, you keep coming with rapists and drug runners. I already addressed if they are known/convicted/or caught in the act to be that type of criminal - you turn them over to their home nations authorities and put them in their prison system.

I mean, this guy in Mexico raped 2 people, he served his 15 years in prison, did his time, he’s a free man, why would Mexico lock him up? He did his time, he can just try and cross the border again, and again, and again, till he gets in.

01-18-2021, 11:54 AM
Everything everyone says about you being a giant retard is a clear indicator that the problem is with everyone else and not you.

You do know what people think of you and your bizarre obsession with gaping anuses, right? Just to make sure the bubble of delusion you've surrounded yourself gets popped, occasionally. Who's the "giant retard" though, has nothing to do with your previous assertion about being mad. Desperate pivot, much?

How ironic.

If you say so, buddy. But you can't even do the type of shitposting your fellow Trump apologists do. Probably because you can't even think of the pseudo-intellectual drivel they come up with, and just come by for the occasional dogpiling.

01-18-2021, 12:09 PM
I mean, this guy in Mexico raped 2 people, he served his 15 years in prison, did his time, he’s a free man, why would Mexico lock him up? He did his time, he can just try and cross the border again, and again, and again, till he gets in.

Yea, that already happens. Just have to stay vigilant and if they are crossing illegally - keep sending them back.

If you were to say - this type of individual applied for legal entry into the US - then based on their history - that request is denied. I can agree to that, though we do get into the concepts of justice reform at that time and if someone served their sentence for their crime, and does not commit another one - should they be afforded the rights others recieve?

That's another good discussion to have.

01-18-2021, 12:09 PM
You do know what people think of you and your bizarre obsession with gaping anuses, right? Just to make sure the bubble of delusion you've surrounded yourself gets popped, occasionally. Who's the "giant retard" though, has nothing to do with your previous assertion about being mad. Desperate pivot, much?

You've spent far more time on here lately talking about gaping anuses than anyone.

If you say so, buddy. But you can't even do the type of shitposting your fellow Trump apologists do. Probably because you can't even think of the pseudo-intellectual drivel they come up with, and just come by for the occasional dogpiling.

Yet you keep taking the bait while thinking I'm interested in serious political discussion with tards like you. Because you're stupid.


01-18-2021, 12:12 PM
Inauguration rehearsal evacuated after fire in homeless camp

https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/inauguration-rehearsal-evacuated-fire-homeless-camp-75321866?cid=clicksource_4380645_6_heads_hero_live _twopack_hed


01-18-2021, 12:20 PM
My views have not changed. If you had asked I would have said the same exact things. Over the last four years what I found reprehensible was trying to group all immigrants in with rapists and murders in an effort to scare people into supporting politicians who wanted to close the borders.

You have to understand that what all of it looked like to me is flat out racism. Trump's administration was a non-stop disparagement of people of color in my view. Trump even openly said something to the effect of "why do we get people from shit-hole countries and not Norway". You can't explain that away as anything other than abject in your face racism.

Where do we draw the line on speaking to be heard without retribution? We have laws that cover hate speech that our democratic republic has decided to enact for the good of everyone. Do you want to throw that out? Threats of violence against people? Is that really cool with you? Try not to forget... the government does work for us. It enacts, enforces, and judges by the officials we vote for to represent us. Those laws are there because we put them there. America is not, and never has been, a tyranny.

I see the "free speech" issue as people wanting the right to be assholes. Really. Thats all I see it as. You want the right to say something a lot of people find offensive and want get away with it without facing the consequences. Its cowardly to say some shit to someone then hide behind something to protect yourself.

Unfortunately I believe the republican party has totally failed all of us. It has propagated lies and hatred more than anything else. It has used fear and anger to get voted into power to enact laws favorable to their corporate donors which means fucking over the workers who keep those fat cats eating caviar and driving lambos. Wheres that heath care plan again?

Its my opinion that the very thing you are railing against, a tyrannical government that lies to the population to stay in power and enact their agenda is exactly what has happened with the republican party. Not so much on the democratic side and thats not saying there isn't any corruption there either. Just that to me there is clearly some BS the republicans have knowingly been pulling that has not only torn our country apart but their own party. Currently there are republican congresspeople getting threats from their OWN constituents over what happened at the Capital last week for AGREEING to the electoral college votes.

Good points - fast responses.

It looked to you like racism - to others it looked like something else. I'm not claiming one side is right or wrong - I'm saying there is an in-between. But both sides should be able to express their views (not violence) without being shut down because to YOU it "looks like it".

Exactly - we already have laws - not against hate speech.. hate speech is allowed speech. Speech promoting violence is not protected. No new laws needed.

People have the right to be assholes. Again, YOU "see it as" that. So be it. You're allowed to your opinion. People face social stigma and consequences for insane, hateful, or racist ideas publicly said. They still have the right to say it. It's part of free speech.

You can believe it failed you. Others feel it didn't. You don't speak for everyone. You "feel" it propagated lies and hatred. Others feel the Democrats did. The examples you give - "fucked over workers"? - you mean with the lowest unemployment and largest wage increase recorded in US history? You mean health care - which supposedly was fixed with the ACA? If "your side" felt the ACA was what's needed, what do you care that Trump didn't do anything about it - though overall our healthcare system is fucked because of - not in spite of - politicians.

This last part is the closest to you opening your eyes in my opinion. Stand on principle, get rid of your R and D glasses or view. Know what you believe in and call out ANYONE that goes against it, regardless of political affiliation. Give credit where credit is due, criticize where it is due.

As for the threats - those people are jackasses. Just like the Lefts rioting and destruction - jackasses. I don't group all of a group with the jackasses of a side. Liberals are cool folks - sadly the Democratic platform is not liberal anymore. Conservatives are cool folks - sadly the Republican platform is not conservative anymore.

Conservative and Liberal PEOPLE - get along great - essentially two concepts is all we need.. 1. Don't blow our money that we give you (conservative) and 2. Let me do what the fuck I want in life (liberal). That's it. The PARTIES - and the 5% of crazies on both sides - keep us at each others throats.

01-18-2021, 12:20 PM
You've spent far more time on here lately talking about gaping anuses than anyone.

Kudos for emphasizing "lately." Because overall? That'd be you, buddy. And lately, it's about your obsession with them, so...

Yet you keep taking the bait while thinking I'm interested in serious political discussion with tards like you. Because you're stupid.


Yet you keep taking the bait while thinking I'm interested in serious political discussion with tards like you. Because you're stupid.

Erm, no, that would be a tremendous reading comprehension failure on your part, since neither you and I were having a political discussion, and neither were Neveragain and I when you dropped in to snipe. It's merely shitposting, which is all that the right-wingers on here are capable of doing. Since, y'know, you're virtually always wrong on the merits, swallow disinformation whole and couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag, so.. I'm happy to out-argue and out-shitpost you all. Learn to PC.

01-18-2021, 12:27 PM
Kudos for emphasizing "lately." Because overall? That'd be you, buddy. And lately, it's about your obsession with them, so...

Erm, no, that would be a tremendous reading comprehension failure on your part, since neither you and I were having a political discussion, and neither were Neveragain and I when you dropped in to snipe. It's merely shitposting, which is all that the right-wingers on here are capable of doing. Since, y'know, you're virtually always wrong on the merits, swallow disinformation whole and couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag, so.. I'm happy to out-argue and out-shitpost you all. Learn to PC.

My bad, I should have said "You keep being incapable of ever shutting the fuck up and getting big mad anytime someone doesn't follow your posting rules that you make up as you go along is funny."

I apologize for the error.

Let's see if you can make it through an entire day without talking about anuses though. I know it will be tough for you since you fantasize every day about having a 2nd butthole, but I believe in you. You can do it.

01-18-2021, 12:35 PM
My bad, I should have said "You keep being incapable of ever shutting the fuck up and getting big mad anytime someone doesn't follow your posting rules that you make up as you go along is funny."

Posting rules? By all means, enlighten me. But, uhh, bro.. you seem mad. That thing you just accused me of being, with no sense of irony or self-awareness.

I apologize for the error.


Let's see if you can make it through an entire day without talking about anuses though.

I know it will be tough for you since you fantasize every day about having a 2nd butthole, but I believe in you. You can do it.

This is probably your strangest bit of projection.

01-18-2021, 12:48 PM
Posting rules? By all means, enlighten me. But, uhh, bro.. you seem mad. That thing you just accused me of being, with no sense of irony or self-awareness.


This is probably your strangest bit of projection.

Damn! Using Jeremiah Johnson? Mmm.. liver is tasty. Surprised you'd pick such a historical figure.

01-18-2021, 12:55 PM
Posting rules? By all means, enlighten me. But, uhh, bro.. you seem mad. That thing you just accused me of being, with no sense of irony or self-awareness.

I couldn't be mad at you. I'd feel even more sorry for you than I already do. That, and you would have to actually matter.

This is probably your strangest bit of projection.

Your timer starts now.

01-18-2021, 01:06 PM
Thanks for reminding me on which bill it was, couldn't recall. And it was written so it compelled speech - requires you to speak a specific way - as opposed to such things as libel/defamation/speech promoting violence.

So if I said - "You will address me by a,b,c,etc." and you do not - you are now legally liable.

YOU are not required to say what I want you to say, or at least shouldn't be. I should not be required to say what anyone wants me to say. It is OUR choice to determine what words we use, not the governments. That's my opinion on it.

You've gotta stop basing your takes on editorials, especially from people who clearly have axes to grind. I linked you the actual law and what it actually says, read it for yourself and make up your own mind about how it was written.

Or forget about parsing the law - it's been over FOUR YEARS since Bill C-16 and Trudeau's Liberals have been in power even longer. How many people have had their speech compelled? Who's gone to jail or faced any other legal liability for pronoun use?

If the answer is zero, zip, squadoosh, do you think you may be overreacting to liberals taking power in the US as well?

01-18-2021, 01:08 PM
I couldn't be mad at you. I'd feel even more sorry for you than I already do. That, and you would have to actually matter.

Hmm.. Your spree of comments disagrees with your statement here. Not everyone has your frequent bouts of amnesia, though.

Your timer starts now.

Sure thing, buddy.

01-18-2021, 01:14 PM
By all means, attempt to actually lay out how that's the case. (Spoiler Alert: You can't, because Neveragain conceded and then desperately tried, for multiple pages, to veer to another topic. But it's to no one's surprise that your reading comprehension is off-the-charts poor).

Better luck next time.

I didn't concede, I got tired of talking about the Jewish hatred problem within the Democrat party (backed by undeniable evidence) and you doing your best to gas light. So I moved on to another topic to make you butthurt, which there will be ample enough opportunity over the coming months as PCLiberals about face to their Neo-liberal masters.

Then I went and picked up some grass and watched 2 awesome football games.

But how about that burning homeless camp in the background of the inauguration rehearsal? I love the smell of a "Liberal" coastal utopia in the morning.

01-18-2021, 01:21 PM
Good points - fast responses.

It looked to you like racism - to others it looked like something else. I'm not claiming one side is right or wrong - I'm saying there is an in-between. But both sides should be able to express their views (not violence) without being shut down because to YOU it "looks like it".

Exactly - we already have laws - not against hate speech.. hate speech is allowed speech. Speech promoting violence is not protected. No new laws needed.

People have the right to be assholes. Again, YOU "see it as" that. So be it. You're allowed to your opinion. People face social stigma and consequences for insane, hateful, or racist ideas publicly said. They still have the right to say it. It's part of free speech.

You can believe it failed you. Others feel it didn't. You don't speak for everyone. You "feel" it propagated lies and hatred. Others feel the Democrats did. The examples you give - "fucked over workers"? - you mean with the lowest unemployment and largest wage increase recorded in US history? You mean health care - which supposedly was fixed with the ACA? If "your side" felt the ACA was what's needed, what do you care that Trump didn't do anything about it - though overall our healthcare system is fucked because of - not in spite of - politicians.

This last part is the closest to you opening your eyes in my opinion. Stand on principle, get rid of your R and D glasses or view. Know what you believe in and call out ANYONE that goes against it, regardless of political affiliation. Give credit where credit is due, criticize where it is due.

As for the threats - those people are jackasses. Just like the Lefts rioting and destruction - jackasses. I don't group all of a group with the jackasses of a side. Liberals are cool folks - sadly the Democratic platform is not liberal anymore. Conservatives are cool folks - sadly the Republican platform is not conservative anymore.

Conservative and Liberal PEOPLE - get along great - essentially two concepts is all we need.. 1. Don't blow our money that we give you (conservative) and 2. Let me do what the fuck I want in life (liberal). That's it. The PARTIES - and the 5% of crazies on both sides - keep us at each others throats.

If you say people have the right to be assholes I'll say people also have the right to not listen. Not listening is not stopping anyone from saying what they want to say. Not listening to someone is not taking away their free speech. Just because there is free speech does not mean everyone has to hear things they are offended by. So don't be surprised when people or businesses shut out other people for saying stupid nasty shit.

One thing the free market does get right is while people may come in different colors money is always green. You make more money by appealing to ALL people, not just some, and thats why FB and Twitter will come down on people who drive away their other customers. They should have been more diligent about it over the past 4 years, more consistent, but here we are at the cusp of civilization figuring this shit out as we go. We've hit some bumps but we'll sort it out.

I'm offended you want to classify and dismiss my convictions and common decency principals as "feelings". I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears things that were outright racist, hateful, and not productive to a peaceful community. None of the accomplishments of the last administration mean anything to me if they also put people whom I consider friends and family in harms way. You'll never convince me otherwise. All the rhetoric of hate that occurred of the last 4 years will never be forgotten regardless of anyone's economic status. I will not sell my principals for a buck. There has been more domestic terrorism and violence in the last 4 years than ever. All that hatred is the path to our mutual destruction.

I'm firmly convinced that the hateful rhetoric and lies of the last 4 years is why people broke into and ransacked the US Capitol during the confirmation of a legitimate presidential election in which numerous law enforcement officials were injured and 1 gang murdered. The mob was utilized by political leaders in an effort to illegally take power of our democratic republic.

You say the "left" was rioting and causing destruction. In reality it is the anarchists, the criminals, who are responsible for rioting and destruction. They weren't started at or part of any official political rallies and no political leaders called on them to loot and burn. The protests that people took advantage of, documented to include agents of accelerationist civil war advocates, were about civil rights. Something that really surprises me that all the 2nd amendmenters, libertarians, and other antigovernmental groups did not get on board with.

Those protests you and other keep pointing at seemingly in a strange way to justify what happened at the US Capitol were about civil rights. The right to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. To be afforded legal representation. To not get shot to death in the back while unarmed. What I see is a blaringly obvious massive double standard. The color of people's skin is the stark contrast. Its all out in the open. The response to the peaceful protests were way harsher than the response to the Trump rally for example.

The workers are, have been, and will be fucked if the bosses get their way. The people with the money call the shots in this country. If a boss can get away with trimming 10 cents off wages they'll do it in a heartbeat. If they can get away with not paying taxes they will in a heartbeat. If there were no unions we'd be working 10 hour days 7 days a week making just enough to buy the product they sell us through psychological warfare. The game is stacked against the worker. Thats why we need government to even the landscape. But when government is controlled by the wealthy the workers get fucked while the rich get richer. Or the workers get just enough to get by while the fat cats sail yachts to their vacation homes in off shore tax havens.

Your concept of what liberal and conservative mean are totally off from my opinion. Conservative means to conserve. Liberal means to be generous. Between the two we find the common ground and move forward. In America we may not agree, but I thought we agreed to participate in a democracy and let our votes decide instead of taking up arms against each other.

01-18-2021, 01:25 PM
My views have not changed. If you had asked I would have said the same exact things. Over the last four years what I found reprehensible was trying to group all immigrants in with rapists and murders in an effort to scare people into supporting politicians who wanted to close the borders.

You really need to get your news from multiple sources and not just MSNBC. That clip was debunked so many times you would have to be a complete retard to still believe it: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/aug/08/tim-kaine/tim-kaine-falsely-says-trump-said-all-mexicans-are/

But hey.. here you are.. still parroting it like a good little Democrat who's uninformed.

You have to understand that what all of it looked like to me is flat out racism. Trump's administration was a non-stop disparagement of people of color in my view. Trump even openly said something to the effect of "why do we get people from shit-hole countries and not Norway". You can't explain that away as anything other than abject in your face racism.

Did you ever wonder why Trump was suddenly labeled a "racist" when he started delving into politics as a Republican? Oh wait.. look whom I speaking with.. of course you never did. You heard that he was a racist and regurgitated it every opportunity you got. Because you're retarded.

Where do we draw the line on speaking to be heard without retribution? We have laws that cover hate speech that our democratic republic has decided to enact for the good of everyone. Do you want to throw that out? Threats of violence against people? Is that really cool with you? Try not to forget... the government does work for us. It enacts, enforces, and judges by the officials we vote for to represent us. Those laws are there because we put them there. America is not, and never has been, a tyranny.

Free speech isn't just allowing speech you agree with.. or that politically aligns with your beliefs. Free speech is allowing dissenting views... something your side will not stand for and will censor it and call it "hate speech". Do you ever wonder why your side created "Safe Spaces"?

I see the "free speech" issue as people wanting the right to be assholes. Really. Thats all I see it as. You want the right to say something a lot of people find offensive and want get away with it without facing the consequences. Its cowardly to say some shit to someone then hide behind something to protect yourself.

People aren't assholes, just because you don't agree with them. Stop being such a sensitive little, scarf wearing snowflake. I would have thought that after 15+ years on this forum, you would have grown thicker skin.

Unfortunately I believe the republican party has totally failed all of us. It has propagated lies and hatred more than anything else. It has used fear and anger to get voted into power to enact laws favorable to their corporate donors which means fucking over the workers who keep those fat cats eating caviar and driving lambos. Wheres that heath care plan again?

See comment #1: Stop watching JUST MSNBC.

Its my opinion that the very thing you are railing against, a tyrannical government that lies to the population to stay in power and enact their agenda is exactly what has happened with the republican party. Not so much on the democratic side and thats not saying there isn't any corruption there either. Just that to me there is clearly some BS the republicans have knowingly been pulling that has not only torn our country apart but their own party. Currently there are republican congresspeople getting threats from their OWN constituents over what happened at the Capital last week for AGREEING to the electoral college votes.

You don't see the issues with the Democrats because you don't want to. You are literally one of the worst examples of people on this forum.. you only see good with your side of things and never the other side. You are unable to take a different perspective because you are the epitome of willfully ignorant.

01-18-2021, 01:26 PM
I didn't concede, I got tired of talking about the Jewish hatred problem within the Democrat party (backed by undeniable evidence) and you doing your best to gas light. So I moved on to another topic to make you butthurt, which there will be ample enough opportunity over the coming months as PCLiberals about face to their Neo-liberal masters.

Then I went and picked up some grass and watched 2 awesome football games.

But how about that burning homeless camp in the background of the inauguration rehearsal? I love the smell of a "Liberal" coastal utopia in the morning.

Erm.. No. You overplayed your hand, made assertions you couldn't substantiate, got upset that that was pointed out, couldn't figure out why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats, why only 2 of 37 Jewish lawmakers are Republicans, then desperately veered to a new topic hoping someone would take the bait.

Better luck scrounging up a defensible position next time, though.

01-18-2021, 01:31 PM
Erm.. No. You overplayed your hand, made assertions you couldn't substantiate, got upset that that was pointed out, couldn't figure out why Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats, why only 2 of 37 Jewish lawmakers are Republicans, then desperately veered to a new topic hoping someone would take the bait.

Better luck scrounging up a defensible position next time, though.

But How about that burning homeless camp in the background of the inauguration rehearsal? I wonder if they were following covid-19 protocol within the homeless camp?

01-18-2021, 01:31 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-18-2021, 01:34 PM
Do you suppose Uncle Joe went down there to see if everyone's cardboard box was ok?

Maybe he'll toss them a hundy so they can upgrade to gaylords?

01-18-2021, 01:35 PM
Poor people exist! Checkmate, liberals!

Find a new schtick.

01-18-2021, 01:43 PM
It's like Charles fucking Dickens collaborated with George Orwell to write a novel.

01-18-2021, 01:44 PM
It's like Charles fucking Dickens collaborated with George Orwell to write a novel.

You're right. Trump's America is a step down.

01-18-2021, 01:46 PM
Maybe the homeless will beg Uncle Joe to change it to 2 strikes, so it's easier to find a warm meal and a dry place to sleep.

01-18-2021, 01:46 PM
Find a new schtick.


01-18-2021, 01:51 PM
Maybe the homeless will beg Uncle Joe to change it to 2 strikes, so it's easier to find a warm meal and a dry place to sleep.

Leave it to a conservative to try and solve the problem of poverty by suggesting incarceration.


Speaking of which..


01-18-2021, 01:57 PM
You really need to get your news from multiple sources and not just MSNBC. That clip was debunked so many times you would have to be a complete retard to still believe it: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/aug/08/tim-kaine/tim-kaine-falsely-says-trump-said-all-mexicans-are/

But hey.. here you are.. still parroting it like a good little Democrat who's uninformed.

ROFL. You posted something from Politifact? Aren't you one of the "it says fact in the name it must be true" bullshitters? Yes. You are.

Besides, that link debunks someone else saying something that wasn't true. Trump did in fact and has repeatedly made generalized overinflated negative statements about immigrants and people of color. You can't unring that bell. It was heard loud and clear.

Did you ever wonder why Trump was suddenly labeled a "racist" when he started delving into politics as a Republican? Oh wait.. look whom I speaking with.. of course you never did. You heard that he was a racist and regurgitated it every opportunity you got. Because you're retarded.

His personal life was not on my radar until he became the president. It was then I heard and saw it for myself.

Free speech isn't just allowing speech you agree with.. or that politically aligns with your beliefs. Free speech is allowing dissenting views... something your side will not stand for and will censor it and call it "hate speech". Do you ever wonder why your side created "Safe Spaces"?

Dissenting views are fine. I like one flavor of ice cream, you think it sucks, not an issue. When you call me a faggot and threaten me with violence over it is when it becomes an issue. And thats an issue with you. Not me. I don't have to listen to you much like I usually have you blocked here. You want to say "fuck your feelings" turn around and say you like to see tears, then cry the victim when called out on it. It also smacks of being antagonistic then blaming your victim for it. You're a sleazy little shit for acting like that.

People aren't assholes, just because you don't agree with them. Stop being such a sensitive little, scarf wearing snowflake. I would have thought that after 15+ years on this forum, you would have grown thicker skin.

No, people who have different tastes in music, ice cream, or politics are not assholes who disagree with my tastes. The assholes are the ones who do so disrespectfully, without common courtesy, and with little regard to civility.

See comment #1: Stop watching JUST MSNBC.

Oh dispensing advice? How about read my posts. I've said I don't watch MSNBC repeatedly over the years.

You don't see the issues with the Democrats because you don't want to. You are literally one of the worst examples of people on this forum.. you only see good with your side of things and never the other side. You are unable to take a different perspective because you are the epitome of willfully ignorant.

I see the issues. They aren't as bad as you want to make them out to be. They aren't perfect but they have not made a deal with the white supremacists to illegally take power of our country.

You really have no leg to stand on here. Everything that people warned about the last administration has come to a head. I don't know why you keep trying to defend it or convince anyone otherwise. The republican party brought this on themselves. They have no one else to blame.

01-18-2021, 02:04 PM
Leave it to a conservative to try and solve the problem of poverty by suggesting incarceration.

Speaking of which..


That's Uncle Joes crime bill, it's one of the pinnacles of his career and now Kamala will be there to make sure they stay in prison. Even if they are innocent.


01-18-2021, 02:31 PM
ROFL. You posted something from Politifact? Aren't you one of the "it says fact in the name it must be true" bullshitters? Yes. You are.

Besides, that link debunks someone else saying something that wasn't true. Trump did in fact and has repeatedly made generalized overinflated negative statements about immigrants and people of color. You can't unring that bell. It was heard loud and clear.

There was multiple sites.. I linked the one I thought you would actually pay attention to. My bad... you continue to promote it like it's a fact... because someone told you that once and you still believe it.

His personal life was not on my radar until he became the president. It was then I heard and saw it for myself.

You never heard of Donald Trump prior to running for President? Seriously?

Besides the point... if you look at it objectively, you will notice a common theme from Democrats every election: The opponent is a racist.

Dissenting views are fine. I like one flavor of ice cream, you think it sucks, not an issue. When you call me a faggot and threaten me with violence over it is when it becomes an issue. And thats an issue with you. Not me. I don't have to listen to you much like I usually have you blocked here. You want to say "fuck your feelings" turn around and say you like to see tears, then cry the victim when called out on it. It also smacks of being antagonistic then blaming your victim for it. You're a sleazy little shit for acting like that.

What? Do you have a few examples of me "crying the victim" or is this yet another one of your "I felt like it" type of posts?

No, people who have different tastes in music, ice cream, or politics are not assholes who disagree with my tastes. The assholes are the ones who do so disrespectfully, without common courtesy, and with little regard to civility.

No one is talking about music or ice cream flavors... stop conflating it. You recently made a post saying that media companies who spew political rhetoric should be held accountable. I asked you if that was just right wing news or does that rule apply across the board... you refused to clarify because you know you only want to hold one side accountable.

Oh dispensing advice? How about read my posts. I've said I don't watch MSNBC repeatedly over the years.

I used a source that parrots the same stupidity you do on this forum... You don't come up with these ideas yourself, you simply aren't that smart.

I see the issues. They aren't as bad as you want to make them out to be. They aren't perfect but they have not made a deal with the white supremacists to illegally take power of our country.

HAHAHAHAHA... you simply can't help yourself from regurgitating.

You're not much smarter than a parakeet.

You really have no leg to stand on here. Everything that people warned about the last administration has come to a head. I don't know why you keep trying to defend it or convince anyone otherwise. The republican party brought this on themselves. They have no one else to blame.


What rights were specifically taken from you over the past 4 years?
How many wars did President Trump get us into over the past 4 years?

See? You are nothing but an empty suit. You have nothing except what you heard on CNN or had someone read to you from moveon.org

You are incapable of thinking that there might be another side to an argument. You dig your heels in to whatever thing you heard the other side did one and you will not stop until you are told to.

Most Democrats don't actually believe what they are spewing, but it keeps the 2 sides revved up and at war with each other... and that's what they need. "Don't pay attention to what I'm actually doing... look at them! THEY ARE YOUR ENEMY!!"

YOU, on the other hand, have swallowed it hook, line and sinker... because when it comes right down to it: You don't know any better.

01-18-2021, 02:41 PM
That's Uncle Joes crime bill, it's one of the pinnacles of his career and now Kamala will be there to make sure they stay in prison. Even if they are innocent.


So is she a super far-left progressive .. as Republicans continuously try to claim .. or is she a right-winger who will criminalize poverty and keep them in jail? Hm.. inconsistent, almost "bad faith," one might say..

01-18-2021, 02:51 PM
So is she a super far-left progressive .. as Republicans continuously try to claim .. or is she a right-winger who will criminalize poverty and keep them in jail? Hm.. inconsistent, almost "bad faith," one might say..

Yes but, she literally kept people in prison knowing they were innocent.

Far-left and imprisoning innocents are like:




01-18-2021, 02:59 PM
Yes but, she literally kept people in prison knowing they were innocent.

Far-left and imprisoning innocents are like:




"Yes, but" isn't a coherent response to "A or B?," FYI. But it's interesting that you have such criticism for the 90's crime bill -- which the 90's GOP was all about, about passed with near unanimity -- especially in light that the GOP has continued to advocate the same type of harsh, unproductive policing that's led to mass incarceration. It's an especially interesting criticism, since Democrats have seen the light on the topic.. and Republicans haven't. But yet, here you are, trying to criticize actions from the 90's.. and nary a peep of the modern-day GOP. Curious. Almost like you're arguing in bad faith. And have no position. As always.

Similarly.. No criticism for Trump, who's advocated the illegal roughing up of suspects. The illegal seizure of weapons. Nary a peep from Neveragain. How curious...

01-18-2021, 03:07 PM
"Yes, but" isn't a coherent response to "A or B?," FYI. But it's interesting that you have such criticism for the 90's crime bill -- which the 90's GOP was all about, about passed with near unanimity -- especially in light that the GOP has continued to advocate the same type of harsh, unproductive policing that's led to mass incarceration. It's an especially interesting criticism, since Democrats have seen the light on the topic.. and Republicans haven't. But yet, here you are, trying to criticize actions from the 90's.. and nary a peep of the modern-day GOP. Curious. Almost like you're arguing in bad faith. And have no position. As always.

Similarly.. No criticism for Trump, who's advocated the illegal roughing up of suspects. The illegal seizure of weapons. Nary a peep from Neveragain. How curious...

But, honestly. Do you think they were practicing covid-19 protocol in the homeless camp, that was on fire, in the nations capitol, during inauguration rehearsal?

01-18-2021, 03:26 PM
Help! I need a new topic since I gave up on the last one!

Find a new schtick.

01-19-2021, 04:33 PM
Hmm.. Your spree of comments disagrees with your statement here. Not everyone has your frequent bouts of amnesia, though.

So you don't understand the difference between something that actually matters, and something that's simply being used to pass the time. That's ok. Maybe if you try really hard you'll get it one day.

I appreciate you conceding though.

Sure thing, buddy.

Let's see if you can make it through day 2. I'm proud of you so far.

01-19-2021, 04:35 PM
Just because there is free speech does not mean everyone has to hear things they are offended by.

Good point.

I'm offended

Shut the fuck up.

01-19-2021, 04:37 PM
Find a new schtick.

You conceded.

Find a new schtick.


Find a new schtick.

And yet again.

01-19-2021, 06:21 PM
So you don't understand the difference between something that actually matters, and something that's simply being used to pass the time. That's ok. Maybe if you try really hard you'll get it one day.

I appreciate you conceding though.

Erm, no. I pointed out the inconsistency of your position compared with your observable behavior. Nobody's surprised by your reading comprehension failure, or what constitutes a concession, though -- since you were so confused about the "rules."

Let's see if you can make it through day 2. I'm proud of you so far.


You condeded.

Nope. Neveragain conceded by dropping his position and attempting to pivot to a new topic. His pivot is the concession, not pointing it out. Your inability to follow a conversation does reflect on you, though.


Still no.

And yet again.

Still no. And you were so hopeful. Better luck next time.

01-19-2021, 08:23 PM
Erm, no. I pointed out the inconsistency of your position compared with your observable behavior. Nobody's surprised by your reading comprehension failure, or what constitutes a concession, though -- since you were so confused about the "rules."


Nope. Neveragain conceded by dropping his position and attempting to pivot to a new topic. His pivot is the concession, not pointing it out. Your inability to follow a conversation does reflect on you, though.

Still no.

Still no. And you were so hopeful. Better luck next time.

You conceded again. gg

01-19-2021, 08:28 PM
You conceded again. gg

:rofl: Better luck scrounging up a substantive reply next time.

01-19-2021, 08:31 PM
:rofl: Better luck scrounging up a substantive reply next time.

Ok you win.

At conceding.

You're like 0-103 now. That's even worse than Glass Joe.


01-19-2021, 08:34 PM
Ok you win.

At conceding.

You're like 0-103 now. That's even worse than Glass Joe.


Aww. You tried your very best and came up short again. Keep hoping. You'll get there someday.


01-19-2021, 08:37 PM
Aww. You tried your very best and came up short again. Keep hoping. You'll get there someday.


Every post of yours, Ashy-poo, sounds more and more desperate.

01-19-2021, 08:51 PM
Notice me, Methais-sempai!


01-19-2021, 08:52 PM
More and more desperate.

01-19-2021, 08:59 PM
More and more desperate.

You might want to consult a mirror (or a psychiatrist), since the only thing you do on here is obsequiously seek the approval of the other right-wingers on here. Y'know, with you being unable to even do their poor man's imitation of an argument. Your sycophancy is rather.. What's the word? Desperate.

01-19-2021, 09:00 PM
More, and more, and more desperate.

01-19-2021, 09:02 PM


01-19-2021, 09:03 PM
Even more desperate. How long until you hit the bottom of the barrel, Ashy-poo? Oh, never mind, you already crashed through the bottom.

01-19-2021, 09:04 PM
Even more desperate. How long until you hit the bottom of the barrel, Ashy-poo? Oh, never mind, you already crashed through the bottom.


01-19-2021, 09:14 PM
Oh, little ashy-poo, you're so cute when you're so desperate.

01-19-2021, 09:16 PM
Oh, little ashy-poo, you're so cute when you're so desperate.


01-19-2021, 09:24 PM
So cute, little ashy-poo.

01-19-2021, 09:30 PM
Man, this thread keeps delivering the comedy gold. Keep at it, it's good to laugh after a long day of work.

01-19-2021, 09:38 PM
So cute, little ashy-poo.

Seek psychiatric care.

Man, this thread keeps delivering the comedy gold. Keep at it, it's good to laugh after a long day of work.

Ah, feigned detachment. As if your last "serious" foray into the thread didn't result in your very hasty withdrawal.

01-19-2021, 09:48 PM
Seek psychiatric care.

Doctor, heal thyself.

01-19-2021, 09:53 PM
Doctor, heal thyself.


01-20-2021, 09:59 AM
Seek psychiatric care.

Nice projection.


There it is again!!!!!!1 :wow:

And a dash of concession.

01-20-2021, 10:03 AM
Nice projection.

:rofl: Do we need to mention the thing you're apparently terrified of being mentioned? Because, uhh, your need for psychiatric care has been well-established.

There it is again!!!!!!1 :wow:

And a dash of concession.

Again, your inability to follow a conversation reflects on you, Methais. Much to your obvious dismay. Better luck next time.

01-20-2021, 10:17 AM
Ah, feigned detachment. As if your last "serious" foray into the thread didn't result in your very hasty withdrawal.

Repeating a lie does not make it true.

01-20-2021, 10:23 AM
Repeating a lie does not make it true.

Like the elections were a fraud?

01-20-2021, 10:27 AM
Repeating a lie does not make it true.

That was the first time I'd said that, so, erm... it certainly wasn't repeated. Nor was it a lie, incidentally. Perhaps you should try to tailor your messages to the post you're replying to.

Repeating a lie does not make it true.Like the elections were a fraud?


01-20-2021, 10:29 AM
That was the first time I'd said that, so, erm... it certainly wasn't repeated. Nor was it a lie, incidentally. Perhaps you should try to tailor your messages to the post you're replying to.


No, it's not, keep lying to yourself, I am sure you can't tell the difference.

01-20-2021, 10:30 AM
No, it's not, keep lying to yourself, I am sure you can't tell the difference.

Okay. Demonstrate your assertion. Spoiler Alert: You won't be able to.

01-20-2021, 10:30 AM
Like the elections were a fraud?

Thousands of sword affidavits, video, etc. suggest it's not a lie. Keep drinking the koolaid.

01-20-2021, 10:32 AM
Thousands of sword affidavits, video, etc. suggest it's not a lie. Keep drinking the koolaid.

Erm.. No. There were a handful of affidavits -- not "thousands" -- and the lawsuit they pertained to was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Perhaps you should, y'know, read the news.

01-20-2021, 10:34 AM
Erm.. No. There were a handful of affidavits -- not "thousands" -- and the lawsuit they pertained to was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Perhaps you should, y'know, read the news.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/140837141_10157739588397050_4901370636028806881_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VtvmwVWVgRMAX_na0LA&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=0cb89cb11c78a0e10206c3fcc8112640&oe=602FB89F

Just because a judge dismisses a case doesn't make the evidence disappear, history is rife with examples to the contrary. I love how you support the justice system when it suits you and dislike it when it doesn't. And yes, you have been proven over and over to support and defend lies even when faced with incontrovertible proof.

01-20-2021, 10:37 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/140837141_10157739588397050_4901370636028806881_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VtvmwVWVgRMAX_na0LA&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=0cb89cb11c78a0e10206c3fcc8112640&oe=602FB89F

Just because a judge dismisses a case doesn't make the evidence disappear, history is rife with examples to the contrary. I love how you support the justice system when it suits you and dislike it when it doesn't. And yes, you have been proven over and over to support and defend lies even when faced with incontrovertible proof.

There were 60+ lawsuits, all but one of which failed (and the one that succeeded was about the distance they could stand from the poll workers, which affected nothing). They were presented before Republican judges, Trump-appointed Republican judges, and a few went to the 6-3 conservative-dominated Supreme Court.

The Trump campaign had their day -- MANY days -- in court, and failed to present the evidence. Your meme picture misrepresenting the amount of evidence doesn't magically cause evidence to spring forth into existence. Sorry you're butthurt about Trump's ability to argue cases in court, but that's your problem. Not the justice system's.

01-20-2021, 10:58 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/140837141_10157739588397050_4901370636028806881_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VtvmwVWVgRMAX_na0LA&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=0cb89cb11c78a0e10206c3fcc8112640&oe=602FB89F

Just because a judge dismisses a case doesn't make the evidence disappear, history is rife with examples to the contrary. I love how you support the justice system when it suits you and dislike it when it doesn't. And yes, you have been proven over and over to support and defend lies even when faced with incontrovertible proof.

Yes, all the evidence that even Trump appointee judges laughed it out of court...

Rudy putting a janitor as their star witness, LMAO. This was the best witness he could get though apparently.

But we're the ones drinking the kool-aid...


01-20-2021, 11:02 AM
Yes, all the evidence that even Trump appointee judges laughed it out of court...

Rudy putting a janitor as their star witness, LMAO. This was the best witness he could get though apparently.

But we're the ones drink the kool-aid...


This guy? We're supposed to believe... this guy?


01-20-2021, 11:05 AM
This guy? We're supposed to believe... this guy?


No, no, no... no more hiding behind Trump - you all won. Congrats. Let's see your joy in about 6 months to a year. LOL.

01-20-2021, 11:17 AM
No, no, no... no more hiding behind Trump - you all won. Congrats. Let's see your joy in about 6 months to a year. LOL.

So, only your side can use whataboutisms?


01-20-2021, 11:20 AM
No, no, no... no more hiding behind Trump - you all won. Congrats. Let's see your joy in about 6 months to a year. LOL.

We're talking about Rudy here fuckface.

Catch up.

01-20-2021, 11:24 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/140837141_10157739588397050_4901370636028806881_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VtvmwVWVgRMAX_na0LA&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=0cb89cb11c78a0e10206c3fcc8112640&oe=602FB89F

Just because a judge dismisses a case doesn't make the evidence disappear, history is rife with examples to the contrary. I love how you support the justice system when it suits you and dislike it when it doesn't. And yes, you have been proven over and over to support and defend lies even when faced with incontrovertible proof.

There would have to be evidence for that to be the case. Was there some fraud in the election? Absolutely. Was it at the level you're claiming? Nope.

I'm glad you found a picture from a newsmax contributor, it's cute. It even says news in the name.

Explain why in court they claimed they had no proof, and the second they're in front of cameras they're screaming they have all this proof. One of these two is punishable by perjury.

01-20-2021, 11:29 AM
So, only your side can use whataboutisms?


I think both sides do, I just don't deny it.

01-20-2021, 08:32 PM
So, only your side can use whataboutisms?


You act as if you haven't been using them as a mainstay argument for over 4 years. Fuck off.

01-21-2021, 09:16 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/140837141_10157739588397050_4901370636028806881_o. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=VtvmwVWVgRMAX_na0LA&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=0cb89cb11c78a0e10206c3fcc8112640&oe=602FB89F

Just because a judge dismisses a case doesn't make the evidence disappear, history is rife with examples to the contrary. I love how you support the justice system when it suits you and dislike it when it doesn't. And yes, you have been proven over and over to support and defend lies even when faced with incontrovertible proof.

Judges and Courts from every single state had a chance to make a case about this, left and right leaning. That not a single one ruled against the election is pretty telling, IMO.

Unless every single person in an sort of power was in a vast election fraud conspiracy against Trump... Me personally, I think he just lost.

01-21-2021, 09:20 AM
You act as if you haven't been using them as a mainstay argument for over 4 years. Fuck off.

You're to stupid to understand how english works, so let me explain. I am criticizing his call that only one side stop, not that either side uses it.

01-21-2021, 09:29 AM
You're to stupid to understand how english works, so let me explain. I am criticizing his call that only one side stop, not that either side uses it.

It's "too stupid".

Also, English should be capitalized.

01-21-2021, 09:31 AM
Judges and Courts from every single state had a chance to make a case about this, left and right leaning. That not a single one ruled against the election is pretty telling, IMO.

Unless every single person in an sort of power was in a vast election fraud conspiracy against Trump... Me personally, I think he just lost.

Agreed - but this is why I stand by the Supreme Court should have heard the case. It would have gone a long way in legitimizing the results for everyone from every political side and settled it once and for all. Instead we end up with what we now have.

How support for investigations in election interference (local or international) was so fervently pushed for after the 2016 election by the Democrats, and not for this one leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. I have my personal opinions on what happened, but a full and clear accounting done by the Supreme Court could have resolved a lot of the angst currently in the political system.

Sad situation in my opinion, but winning is all that matters it seems.

01-21-2021, 09:36 AM
You're to stupid to understand how english works, so let me explain. I am criticizing his call that only one side stop, not that either side uses it.It's "too stupid".

Also, English should be capitalized.

Periods go inside quotation marks in American English. For example: "Parkbandit is an idiot."

01-21-2021, 09:51 AM
Periods go inside quotation marks in American English. For example: "Parkbandit is an idiot."

There wasn't a period after "stupid" in the original statement I was quoting and wouldn't go inside the period.

Example: "I wish I had my period." - Ashliana, roleplaying a girl on an online forum for over a decade.

01-21-2021, 09:56 AM
There wasn't a period after "stupid" in the original statement I was quoting and wouldn't go inside the period.

This is a non-sequitur. Whether Drauz wrote a period after the word "stupid" or not is immaterial -- your statement was grammatically incorrect.

Example: "I wish I had my period." - Ashliana, roleplaying a girl on an online forum for over a decade*.

* Citation required.

01-21-2021, 10:00 AM
This is a non-sequitur. Whether Drauz wrote a period after the word "stupid" or not is immaterial -- your statement was grammatically incorrect.

* Citation required.

It's not. Here's the citation: https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/british-versus-american-style.html

Now, go buy yourself a pretend tampon and stick it in your pretend vagina to stop your pretend bleeding.

Or do what you actually do in real life: Shove it up your ass. You might want to remove the large stick first though.. but whatever.

01-21-2021, 10:01 AM
Erm, no. You linked to a website which you didn't read. It states: "The above examples also show that the American style places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, even if they are not in the original material."

Get fucked, retard.

01-21-2021, 10:10 AM

01-21-2021, 10:11 AM
It's "too stupid".

Also, English should be capitalized.

I wasn't criticizing his grammar but his ability to understand words written. If you think he's too stupid to understand it from a couple grammatical errors then you think even less of him than me.

It's well established my grammar and spelling are terrible.

01-21-2021, 10:26 AM
I wasn't criticizing his grammar but his ability to understand words written. If you think he's too stupid to understand it from a couple grammatical errors then you think even less of him than me.

It's well established my grammar and spelling are terrible.

I know.. I was fucking with you.

01-21-2021, 10:29 AM
Erm, no. You linked to a website which you didn't read. It states: "The above examples also show that the American style places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, even if they are not in the original material."

Get fucked, retard.

I did read... but whomever reads to you probably missed this part:

"The above examples also show that the American style places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, even if they are not in the original material. British style (more sensibly) places unquoted periods and commas outside the quotation marks."

I always use the British style on Thursdays.

Get fucked, Faggot.

01-21-2021, 10:30 AM
I know.. I was fucking with you.


01-21-2021, 10:40 AM


01-21-2021, 10:44 AM


01-21-2021, 10:47 AM
I did read... but whomever reads to you probably missed this part:

"The above examples also show that the American style places commas and periods inside the quotation marks, even if they are not in the original material. British style (more sensibly) places unquoted periods and commas outside the quotation marks."

I always use the British style on Thursdays.

Get fucked, Faggot.

Aww. Your best attempt at saving face, along with your pathological inability to admit you were wrong. :rofl: When will you get it through your head that you're always wrong when we get in a back-and-forth? How many times do you need to be put in your place?

I wasn't criticizing his grammar but his ability to understand words written. If you think he's too stupid to understand it from a couple grammatical errors then you think even less of him than me.

It's well established my grammar and spelling are terrible.I know.. I was fucking with you.

Nope. You were sanctimoniously trying to correct someone else's grammar -- while ignoring the content of what they actually said -- while making your own basic mistake without a shred of irony or self-awareness. You'd think after more than a decade of constantly overreaching, and embarrassing yourself, you'd learn to refrain. If you were capable of learning, though, you probably wouldn't be a right-wing apologist.

01-21-2021, 11:03 AM


01-21-2021, 11:09 AM
Aww. Your best attempt at saving face, along with your pathological inability to admit you were wrong. :rofl: When will you get it through your head that you're always wrong when we get in a back-and-forth? How many times do you need to be put in your place?

Nope. You were sanctimoniously trying to correct someone else's grammar -- while ignoring the content of what they actually said -- while making your own basic mistake without a shred of irony or self-awareness. You'd think after more than a decade of constantly overreaching, and embarrassing yourself, you'd learn to refrain. If you were capable of learning, though, you probably wouldn't be a right-wing apologist.

I did warn you to take the stick out first.

Sometimes, a joke is just a joke. Pretty sure drauz knew my intention.

I wouldn't joke with you though.. you would no doubt see it as:

1) An attack on your stupidity
2) An attack on your queerness
3) A come on
D) Anything but a joke because you have no sense of humor

01-21-2021, 11:11 AM


01-21-2021, 11:13 AM
I did warn you to take the stick out first.

Sometimes, a joke is just a joke. Pretty sure drauz knew my intention.

I wouldn't joke with you though.. you would no doubt see it as:

1) An attack on your stupidity
2) An attack on your queerness
3) A come on
D) Anything but a joke because you have no sense of humor


01-21-2021, 11:35 AM


PS - Sorry if you took my attack on your English as anything other than fucking with you. I know you have a brain and a decent sense of humor.. plus you don't have a broom handle shoved so far up your ass it's scratching your throat.. so you have that going for you.

01-21-2021, 11:57 AM
:rofl: Do we need to mention the thing you're apparently terrified of being mentioned? Because, uhh, your need for psychiatric care has been well-established.

Now you're just pulling random shit out of a hat. Get your mental illness checked.

Again, your inability to follow a conversation reflects on you, Methais. Much to your obvious dismay. Better luck next time.

It's amazing how brain dead you are. Not surprising, just kind of amazing.

Here's some more bait for you to take, because you're really that stupid and still won't catch on...

You conceded again. Good job loser. Take a shower already.

01-21-2021, 12:04 PM

PS - Sorry if you took my attack on your English as anything other than fucking with you. I know you have a brain and a decent sense of humor.. plus you don't have a broom handle shoved so far up your ass it's scratching your throat.. so you have that going for you.

Tisket already captured my terrible grammar perfectly.


01-21-2021, 12:16 PM
Tisket already captured my terrible grammar perfectly.


Tisket is the worst... always pointing out other's flaws.

01-21-2021, 12:19 PM
Now you're just pulling random shit out of a hat. Get your mental illness checked.

It's amazing how brain dead you are. Not surprising, just kind of amazing.

Here's some more bait for you to take, because you're really that stupid and still won't catch on...

You conceded again. Good job loser. Take a shower already.

I know you're angry about your apparent inability to follow a conversation .. that you're going out of your way to participate in .. but that only reflects on you. Perhaps you should lay off the meth for a day or two.

01-21-2021, 12:19 PM
Take a shower already.

Why do you want him in the shower? He's gonna think you're hitting on him now and hope it makes PB jealous.

01-21-2021, 01:47 PM
Why do you want him in the shower? He's gonna think you're hitting on him now and hope it makes PB jealous.

When you can smell someone's posts over the internet, it's probably time for them to shower.

I know you're angry about your apparent inability to follow a conversation .. that you're going out of your way to participate in .. but that only reflects on you. Perhaps you should lay off the meth for a day or two.

What's it like to get massively owned all day every day by everyone around you because you're the dumbest person in every room you enter?

01-21-2021, 01:51 PM
When you can smell someone's posts over the internet, it's probably time for them to shower.

That's probably you having a stroke. Perhaps you need medical attention in addition to psychiatric care.

What's it like to get massively owned all day every day by everyone around you because you're the dumbest person in every room you enter?

Why, I don't know, Methais. Why don't you share your experience with the entire class?

01-21-2021, 02:00 PM
Why do you want him in the shower? He's gonna think you're hitting on him now and hope it makes PB jealous.


01-21-2021, 02:04 PM
That's probably you having a stroke. Perhaps you need medical attention in addition to psychiatric care.

Funny how "psychiatric care" is your reply to everyone while you're convinced that the problem is with everyone else and not you.

I'm glad to see you finally learned how to read though. I knew you could do it.


Don't ravage either of your buttholes too hard tonight in celebration though.

01-21-2021, 02:09 PM
Funny how "psychiatric care" is your reply to everyone while you're convinced that the problem is with everyone else and not you.

Nope.. It's only a few people. You, Parkbandit.. Gee. I wonder what you two have in common.

I'm glad to see you finally learned how to read though. I knew you could do it.


Don't ravage either of your buttholes too hard tonight in celebration though.


01-21-2021, 02:20 PM
Perhaps you need medical attention in addition to psychiatric care.

Sounds like you are projecting.

Someone who has gender identity issues, has to use the Internet to create a 180 degree persona to escape to.....

I'm sure you've had psychological and psychiatric care for most of your life but normal people don't need it.

Sorry. :(

I do hope you find the help you desperately need though. It must suck being you.

01-21-2021, 02:21 PM
Fuck that, it's on for me tonight.



01-21-2021, 02:29 PM
Sounds like you are projecting.

Someone who has gender identity issues, has to use the Internet to create a 180 degree persona to escape to.....

I'm sure you've had psychological and psychiatric care for most of your life but normal people don't need it.

Sorry. :(

* Citation required.

I do hope you find the help you desperately need though. It must suck being you.

Best of luck working on that lack of self-awareness. Or are you playing pretend again today that your severe mental illness isn't a matter of forum record?

Fuck that, it's on for me tonight.

Ah, more of Methais' deluded fantasies. Classic.

01-21-2021, 02:38 PM
* Citation required.

Best of luck working on that lack of self-awareness. Or are you playing pretend again today that your severe mental illness isn't a matter of forum record?

Playing pretend on these forums is your schtick. You should get a new one.

I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not on the Internet... I'm already that fucking awesome.

Ah, more of Methais' deluded fantasies. Classic.



01-21-2021, 02:44 PM
Playing pretend on these forums is your schtick. You should get a new one.

I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not on the Internet... I'm already that fucking awesome.

* Citation required. As always, the death of your "argument" is your total inability to provide evidence to demonstrate your claims.


Get help soon.

01-21-2021, 03:03 PM
I should get help soon.

This is correct.

01-21-2021, 03:05 PM
I need attention!


01-21-2021, 03:21 PM

Let's play a game called "Who can shut the fuck up first?"


01-21-2021, 03:24 PM
Let's play a game called "Who can shut the fuck up first?"


You win. :) See you around.

01-21-2021, 03:53 PM
You win. :) See you around.


01-21-2021, 06:55 PM


01-22-2021, 04:41 PM

That doesn't sound very it's time for unity of you.

That ugly guy in your pic looks like he smells pretty horrible. No wonder you used it.


01-22-2021, 04:57 PM
That doesn't sound very it's time for unity of you.

That ugly guy in your pic looks like he smells pretty horrible. No wonder you used it.


The only ugly guy in my pic would be Trump. Who does look like he smells pretty terrible. How observant of you, for once.

01-22-2021, 07:30 PM
The only ugly guy in my pic would be Trump. Who does look like he smells pretty terrible. How observant of you, for once.

He does look like he'd have a real assy scent about him, doesn't he? IRL and in the pic.

01-22-2021, 08:32 PM
He does look like he'd have a real assy scent about him, doesn't he? IRL and in the pic.

Nah, you know he's still rocking that Drakkar from the 90's.

01-23-2021, 08:41 AM
The only ugly guy in my pic would be Trump. Who does look like he smells pretty terrible. How observant of you, for once.

What about the dude in your gif though?

He probably smells almost as bad as you do.


01-23-2021, 11:00 AM
What about the dude in your gif though?

He probably smells almost as bad as you do.


I'm sure you thought that was very witty. FYI, though, insults are more effective when they actually connect in some way to the subject.