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08-14-2020, 05:22 PM
Right. Having a medical professional question your cognitive abilities is a meaningless answer. Him claiming it being tough is also meaningless. Got it.

But Biden...but Biden...while ignoring the medical professionals.

I had a medical professional tell me that masks are used as a mechanism for government control.

Medical professionals can be retarded also.

08-14-2020, 07:39 PM
The true face of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


08-14-2020, 08:34 PM
Bitch please. Trump has said stuff 100x dumber than confusing WWI and WW2.
Good, I'm not disputing that either.

08-15-2020, 02:47 PM

Looks like Kamala Harris has come up with her excuse for why she called Biden a senile old racist who sexually assaulted women and is now fully supporting him.

"It was a debate! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! It. Was. A. Debate. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Any question you can come up with just remember: 'it was a debate!' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!"

Just so we're all on the same page here; Harris is openly admitting she's a lying sack of shit who will say and do anything in order to gain power and therefore you can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth.

I especially like beta male Stephen Colbert during this interview.

"I fully believe that you now completely support Joe Biden."

Of course you do.

08-15-2020, 05:23 PM
Just so we're all on the same page here; Harris is openly admitting she's a lying sack of shit who will say and do anything in order to gain power and therefore you can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth.

You could have said, "Just so we're on the same page here; Kamala Harris is a politician." and saved yourself some keystrokes.

08-15-2020, 05:42 PM
You could have said, "Just so we're on the same page here; Kamala Harris is a politician." and saved yourself some keystrokes.

True dat.

08-16-2020, 05:18 AM
The "National Association of Letter Carriers" endorsed Biden.

So that's it for mail in voting right?

Because I'm sure if the "National Association of Ballot Counters" endorsed Trump then Democrats would be totally cool with that and think nothing of it right?

08-16-2020, 03:24 PM
The "National Association of Letter Carriers" endorsed Biden.

So that's it for mail in voting right?

Because I'm sure if the "National Association of Ballot Counters" endorsed Trump then Democrats would be totally cool with that and think nothing of it right?

08-16-2020, 03:31 PM

FlayedAngel has no problem with the people responsible for handling and delivering ballots openly endorsing Biden.

You don't care about Democracy very much.

08-16-2020, 03:46 PM
FlayedAngel has no problem with the people responsible for handling and delivering ballots openly endorsing Biden.

You don't care about Democracy very much.
Think you've got that backwards once again, chump.

08-16-2020, 11:20 PM
These people are so insane and paranoid that they are accidentally helping to prove why mail in voting is a bad idea.


Burbank, California:

In your entire life have you ever seen a LOCKED mailbox at the USPS?

Now you have.

A disgrace and immediate threat to American democracy. Shame on them. Shame on the GOP.

ZOMG! Locks on mailboxes?! Trump is literally trying to steal the election by not allowing people to mail in their ballots!

But gosh darnit, this article from over 4 years ago. (https://www.dailynews.com/2016/04/23/thieves-raiding-valley-mailboxes-prompt-postal-service-to-take-action/)

Turns out that fishing, or stealing mail, has become so common that postal officials have been retrofitting boxes around the San Fernando Valley and other areas to make them more tamper proof, said Richard J. Maher, spokesman for Post Office operations in Los Angeles and Orange counties.


Some drive-up boxes have been fitted with red locking caps. Some double-box installations are fitted with a big red cover and a really big black lock.

The caps and covers are put on at the last pickup of the day and removed the following morning.

If anything this proves why mail in voting is a bad idea. Apparently mail theft has been a major problem for at least 4 years which is why the post office is retrofitting their mailboxes to help deter mail thieves, just imagine how many ballots could be stolen out of boxes that haven't been updated yet!

But as per usual, Democrats will ignore reality and insist this is all just a vast right wing conspiracy. Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

08-16-2020, 11:20 PM
Think you've got that backwards once again, chump.


08-17-2020, 06:31 AM
But as per usual, Democrats will ignore reality and insist this is all just a vast right wing conspiracy. Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

08-17-2020, 12:23 PM
These people are so insane and paranoid that they are accidentally helping to prove why mail in voting is a bad idea.


ZOMG! Locks on mailboxes?! Trump is literally trying to steal the election by not allowing people to mail in their ballots!

But gosh darnit, this article from over 4 years ago. (https://www.dailynews.com/2016/04/23/thieves-raiding-valley-mailboxes-prompt-postal-service-to-take-action/)

If anything this proves why mail in voting is a bad idea. Apparently mail theft has been a major problem for at least 4 years which is why the post office is retrofitting their mailboxes to help deter mail thieves, just imagine how many ballots could be stolen out of boxes that haven't been updated yet!

But as per usual, Democrats will ignore reality and insist this is all just a vast right wing conspiracy. Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

No mail in ballots, everyone must go to polling places to get sick unless you're in Texas or Florida, then mailing is okay.

When has a handful of stupidly small cases of election fraud ever been a justification for a President trying to throw an election? We're not in Venezuela, the Philippines or Zimbabwe. Presidents don't get to prevent participation in an election with the hopes of staying in power in the United States. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the President to be interfering. I look forward to his being thrown out of office and arrested January 1.

08-17-2020, 12:24 PM

Looks like Kamala Harris has come up with her excuse for why she called Biden a senile old racist who sexually assaulted women and is now fully supporting him.

"It was a debate! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! It. Was. A. Debate. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Any question you can come up with just remember: 'it was a debate!' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!"

Just so we're all on the same page here; Harris is openly admitting she's a lying sack of shit who will say and do anything in order to gain power and therefore you can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth.

I especially like beta male Stephen Colbert during this interview.

"I fully believe that you now completely support Joe Biden."

Of course you do.

How's this any different from the shit Lindsay Graham and others said about Trump before they started sniffing his asshole?

08-17-2020, 12:26 PM
What's even more impressive is while Trump is trying to encourage everyone to not vote safely, the RNC is trying to ramp up voting by mail in Republican strongholds.


08-17-2020, 01:25 PM
No mail in ballots, everyone must go to polling places to get sick unless you're in Texas or Florida, then mailing is okay.

When has a handful of stupidly small cases of election fraud ever been a justification for a President trying to throw an election? We're not in Venezuela, the Philippines or Zimbabwe. Presidents don't get to prevent participation in an election with the hopes of staying in power in the United States. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the President to be interfering. I look forward to his being thrown out of office and arrested January 1.

Even your hero Fauci says there is no reason people can't vote in person.

Put the fear mongering down for a minute.

08-17-2020, 01:25 PM
How's this any different from the shit Lindsay Graham and others said about Trump before they started sniffing his asshole?

Well for one they didn't become his running mate.

That's about it really.

What's even more impressive is while Trump is trying to encourage everyone to not vote safely, the RNC is trying to ramp up voting by mail in Republican strongholds.


If Democrats are trying to cheat do you expect Republicans to not play along too?

08-17-2020, 02:05 PM
So Democrats are cheating to make sure /everyone/ has the right to vote, be it in person or by mail. Sure.

Do you also consider it cheating that NFL teams have the homefield advantage? Is studying before an exam in advance cheating as well? Your comparison makes about as much sense.

08-17-2020, 02:13 PM
So Democrats are cheating to make sure /everyone/ has the right to vote, be it in person or by mail.

Everyone who is legally allowed to vote already can vote in person. Remember your hero Facui said there is no reason why we can't have in person voting.

Why do you suddenly hate Fauci? Is it because he's now saying the wrong thing?

How fickle you are.

08-17-2020, 03:30 PM
Everyone who is legally allowed to vote already can vote in person. Remember your hero Facui said there is no reason why we can't have in person voting.

With restrictions that you know a bunch of states won't follow.

08-17-2020, 03:36 PM
With restrictions that you know a bunch of states won't follow.

You using crystal balls or spirit guides these days?

08-17-2020, 04:50 PM
You using crystal balls or spirit guides these days?

There are governors that are looking to ban cities from making laws for mandatory masks.

These brave fellows just calmly taking the news they have to wear a mask in a business.


08-17-2020, 04:59 PM
There are governors that are looking to ban cities from making laws for mandatory masks.

These brave fellows just calmly taking the news they have to wear a mask in a business.


Are they banning physical distancing too? Because honestly that's the most important thing, masks are more of a feel good measure these days.

How many people do you think are wearing the same disposable mask they got for free at a store once? People are probably wearing it 20+ times even though it's only supposed to be used once. People are probably wearing those cloth masks 20+ times before they even wash it, and even then they have probably been wearing the same mask since this shit began, even though they should only use it 20-30 times. All of those masks I just mentioned are literally useless at this point, they might as well just be walking around with their mouths wide open sucking in as much air as possible while inches away from someone else.

We really should stop pushing masks so much and instead push physical distancing more, but that would mean we would have to start telling the violent rioters and mass protesters they have to stop doing what they're doing so of course that won't happen. "They're wearing masks! It's all that's needed!" Of course they are wearing masks because many of them have always worn masks because they are engaged in criminal behavior. What a bunch of bullshit.

08-17-2020, 06:18 PM
No mail in ballots, everyone must go to polling places to get sick unless you're in Texas or Florida, then mailing is okay.

When has a handful of stupidly small cases of election fraud ever been a justification for a President trying to throw an election? We're not in Venezuela, the Philippines or Zimbabwe. Presidents don't get to prevent participation in an election with the hopes of staying in power in the United States. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the President to be interfering. I look forward to his being thrown out of office and arrested January 1.

What specifically happens on January 1st that couldn't take place on December 31st?

08-17-2020, 06:20 PM
Are they banning physical distancing too? Because honestly that's the most important thing, masks are more of a feel good measure these days.

How many people do you think are wearing the same disposable mask they got for free at a store once? People are probably wearing it 20+ times even though it's only supposed to be used once. People are probably wearing those cloth masks 20+ times before they even wash it, and even then they have probably been wearing the same mask since this shit began, even though they should only use it 20-30 times. All of those masks I just mentioned are literally useless at this point, they might as well just be walking around with their mouths wide open sucking in as much air as possible while inches away from someone else.

We really should stop pushing masks so much and instead push physical distancing more, but that would mean we would have to start telling the violent rioters and mass protesters they have to stop doing what they're doing so of course that won't happen. "They're wearing masks! It's all that's needed!" Of course they are wearing masks because many of them have always worn masks because they are engaged in criminal behavior. What a bunch of bullshit.

No, masks are designed to stop your diseased ass from spreading it as easily. Everytime you talk, breath, whatever, you release moisture(droplets). The mask does stop the majority of these droplets. COVID-19 likes to travel on these droplets.

Your mask isn't designed to keep YOU safe from COVID-19. This is why surgeons wear masks, to protect the patient, not to protect themselves from the patient.

08-17-2020, 06:20 PM
So Democrats are cheating to make sure /everyone/ has the right to vote, be it in person or by mail. Sure.

Do you also consider it cheating that NFL teams have the homefield advantage? Is studying before an exam in advance cheating as well? Your comparison makes about as much sense.

Do you believe you can verify someone's who they say they are, better in person or by mailing out a ballot and getting it returned?

08-17-2020, 06:30 PM
No, masks are designed to stop your diseased ass from spreading it as easily. Everytime you talk, breath, whatever, you release moisture(droplets). The mask does stop the majority of these droplets. COVID-19 likes to travel on these droplets.

Your mask isn't designed to keep YOU safe from COVID-19. This is why surgeons wear masks, to protect the patient, not to protect themselves from the patient.

Yes but disposable masks are only meant to be used once and even cloth masks are only meant to be used like 20 times and you're supposed to wash it after every use. If people don't do these things then the masks become less and less effective over time until they are virtually useless. I'm just saying I bet most people don't follow these guidelines and are using the disposable mask dozens of times.

That's the nice thing about physical distancing, it's much more difficult to fuck up, the main problem would be people who don't know how far 6 feet is.

08-17-2020, 06:32 PM
Yes but disposable masks are only meant to be used once and even cloth masks are only meant to be used like 20 times and you're supposed to wash it after every use. If people don't do these things then the masks become less and less effective over time until they are virtually useless. I'm just saying I bet most people don't follow these guidelines and are using the disposable mask dozens of times.

That's the nice thing about physical distancing, it's much more difficult to fuck up, the main problem would be people who don't know how far 6 feet is.

Well yeah, you should be distancing and wearing a mask and washing your hands every time you go home. But people don't.

08-17-2020, 06:32 PM
No, masks are designed to stop your diseased ass from spreading it as easily. Everytime you talk, breath, whatever, you release moisture(droplets). The mask does stop the majority of these droplets. COVID-19 likes to travel on these droplets.

Your mask isn't designed to keep YOU safe from COVID-19. This is why surgeons wear masks, to protect the patient, not to protect themselves from the patient.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but....Gelston is correct.

The protection is social protection that comes from everyone else wearing masks.

08-17-2020, 06:33 PM
I can't believe I'm saying this, but....Gelston is correct.

The protection is social protection that comes from everyone else wearing masks.

I'm correct more often than you are, so you should believe it.

08-17-2020, 07:00 PM
Well yeah, you should be distancing and wearing a mask and washing your hands every time you go home. But people don't.

That's why I think masks are more of a "feel good" measure at this point. It's easy to see someone who isn't physical distancing, we have no way of knowing if the disposable mask Joe is wearing has been used 50 times and could double as a strainer at this point.

I do think masks are a good idea (or at least I don't see how they can hurt), but as with everything else in life it requires people to use them properly to be effective and I'm just guessing most people don't know how to use them properly, or really don't care about using them properly and only wear one because they are required to.

08-17-2020, 08:01 PM
Well yeah, you should be distancing and wearing a mask and washing your hands every time you go home. But people don't.

True. But what really pisses me off are people who think that wearing a mask is somehow beneath them. Or that if they have to take their mask off indoors to yell at someone 30 feet away, that's fine.

08-18-2020, 08:55 AM
True. But what really pisses me off are people who think that wearing a mask is somehow beneath them. Or that if they have to take their mask off indoors to yell at someone 30 feet away, that's fine.

I honestly hate people that litter their masks on the ground. I don't wish death on them, but maybe a severe ankle sprain.

08-18-2020, 09:21 AM
No mail in ballots, everyone must go to polling places to get sick unless you're in Texas or Florida, then mailing is okay.

When has a handful of stupidly small cases of election fraud ever been a justification for a President trying to throw an election? We're not in Venezuela, the Philippines or Zimbabwe. Presidents don't get to prevent participation in an election with the hopes of staying in power in the United States. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the President to be interfering. I look forward to his being thrown out of office and arrested January 1.

All they have to do is pretend they're protesting and they'll be immune.

08-18-2020, 09:30 AM
No mail in ballots, everyone must go to polling places to get sick unless you're in Texas or Florida, then mailing is okay.

When has a handful of stupidly small cases of election fraud ever been a justification for a President trying to throw an election? We're not in Venezuela, the Philippines or Zimbabwe. Presidents don't get to prevent participation in an election with the hopes of staying in power in the United States. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the President to be interfering. I look forward to his being thrown out of office and arrested January 1.

President's terms don't end on January 1st. They never have. Please read more about how the process works.

08-18-2020, 12:13 PM
So, any bets on the 0 factor showing up after this election?

08-18-2020, 01:07 PM
So, any bets on the 0 factor showing up after this election?

Yes. A global issue is tied to our elections.

08-18-2020, 01:34 PM
Yes. A global issue is tied to our elections.

So you really have no clue what I am talking about, do you? Don't answer because I know you don't. I am talking about the Presidential curse thing about being elected in a year that ends with 0.

08-18-2020, 01:54 PM
Ahh so you think Trump or Biden will die in office. Okay.

09-02-2020, 02:00 AM
Now Biden is saying he doesn't want to ban fracking and Trump is lying when he says Biden does want to ban fracking. Except Biden is on video several times saying he wants to ban fracking, including on at least 2 Democrat debates.

Sure wish we had an organization dedicated to keeping politicians honest who would fact check Biden's false claims. Maybe we could call them..a uh...I don't know..."news" organization? But that's a pipe dream apparently.

09-02-2020, 05:24 AM
Biden's position is that he wants to ban "new" fracking, not all fracking. After he made those debate statements he backtracked or clarified his position. Here are the debate quotes from a newspaper article (https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/editorials/2020/09/01/Biden-s-confusing-stand-on-fracking/stories/202008260066) today:

During a CNN debate in July 2019, Mr. Biden said, “We would make sure it’s eliminated,” when asked if there would be a place for “fossil fuels, including coal and fracking” in his administration.

Mr. Biden’s campaign later clarified that he supports ending subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.

During a debate in March, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said, “I’m talking about stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can. I’m talking about telling the fossil fuel industry that they are going to stop destroying this planet — no ifs, buts and maybes about it.”

“So am I,” said Mr. Biden, adding: “No more — no new fracking.”

Mr. Biden’s campaign later clarified that he was only referring to new drilling for oil and natural gas on federally owned areas.

He is clearly reluctant to fully endorse fracking as he sees it as a transitionary measure.

Mr. Biden laid out his energy goals in “Joe’s Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice,” which his campaign released in June 2019. During the transition to renewable energy, he would allow fracking.

However, Mr. Biden needs to speak out clearly and forcefully about fracking instead of letting it languish in studies, which nobody reads.

I don't like how you omitted this vital context. Biden should do more to clarify his position and its clear he's playing political games. But you don't get to complain about honesty when you mischaracterize the issue. There's no need for it either. Biden can be attacked with resorting to it.

09-02-2020, 05:42 AM
Biden's position is that he wants to ban "new" fracking, not all fracking. After he made those debate statements he backtracked or clarified his position. Here are the debate quotes from a newspaper article (https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/editorials/2020/09/01/Biden-s-confusing-stand-on-fracking/stories/202008260066) today:

He is clearly reluctant to fully endorse fracking as he sees it as a transitionary measure.

I don't like how you omitted this vital context. Biden should do more to clarify his position and its clear he's playing political games. But you don't get to complain about honesty when you mischaracterize the issue. There's no need for it either. Biden can be attacked with resorting to it.


09-02-2020, 06:23 AM

09-02-2020, 07:24 AM
Biden's position is that he wants to ban "new" fracking, not all fracking. After he made those debate statements he backtracked or clarified his position. Here are the debate quotes from a newspaper article (https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/editorials/2020/09/01/Biden-s-confusing-stand-on-fracking/stories/202008260066) today:

He is clearly reluctant to fully endorse fracking as he sees it as a transitionary measure.

I don't like how you omitted this vital context. Biden should do more to clarify his position and its clear he's playing political games. But you don't get to complain about honesty when you mischaracterize the issue. There's no need for it either. Biden can be attacked with resorting to it.


09-02-2020, 07:32 AM
Biden needs to get out of the debates if he is going to have a chance, so let's hear your theories.

My guess: He suddenly contracts covid-19 a week prior and then spends the next month heroically fighting the disease and comes out even stronger than before.. because not even the greatest disease on the planet can defeat Joe Biden!

09-02-2020, 08:05 AM
81 Nobel Prize Winners (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/02/politics/joe-biden-nobel-laureates-endorsement/index.html) endorsed Joe Biden on Wednesday. Notably some of Biden's corona plan was laid out at the end of the article.

Biden's plan to address the coronavirus pandemic includes offering free testing to all Americans. It calls for hiring 100,000 people to form a national contact-tracing, and increasing drive-through testing sites. He is also urging Trump to use the Defense Production Act to ramp up production of protective equipment for health care workers, testing supplies and other items. Biden has said he would mandate that everyone wear a mask in public if necessary, and on August 13 called for governors to implement mask mandates for the next three months.

His plan includes steps designed to help businesses and schools reopen, including financial support for retaining and rehiring workers, building a best-practices clearinghouse for schools and guaranteeing paid leave for anyone with coronavirus or who is caring for someone with the virus. The former vice president also said he would call Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, shortly after being declared the winner of the general election to ask him to remain a member of the White House coronavirus task force.

09-02-2020, 08:12 AM
Also Biden is rolling in money. Over 300 million (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/us/politics/biden-trump-fundraising-election.html) of it just in the month of August. I post a notable section below.

However far above $300 million the final figure is, it would greatly surpass previous monthly hauls by candidates of both parties. It is more, for instance, than what Mr. Trump ($90 million) and Mrs. Clinton ($143 million) raised in August 2016 — combined.

In July, President Trump and the Republican National Committee brought in $165 million, their biggest monthly total ever, topping Mr. Biden and the Democrats, who raised $140 million. Mr. Trump entered August with more than $300 million in the bank in tandem with the party; Mr. Biden had $294 million, according to the campaigns.

The Trump campaign has not announced its August fund-raising total but has said it raised $76 million over its four-day convention last week, slightly more than the $70 million the Biden campaign said it collected during its convention a week earlier.

09-02-2020, 05:00 PM
81 Nobel Prize Winners (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/02/politics/joe-biden-nobel-laureates-endorsement/index.html) endorsed Joe Biden on Wednesday.

HAhahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-02-2020, 06:52 PM
Also Biden is rolling in money. Over 300 million (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/us/politics/biden-trump-fundraising-election.html) of it just in the month of August. I post a notable section below.

Are we arguing that politicians can and are being bought? Agreed.

09-02-2020, 07:25 PM
Are we arguing that politicians can and are being bought? Agreed.

Sure, that's one takeaway. The sheer amount of money being injected into the process might not be a good thing.

09-06-2020, 02:07 AM
Are we arguing that politicians can and are being bought? Agreed.

Limiting campaigns to the same amount of publicly provided funds and eliminating soft money is the answer. That way the election is won by whomever tells the best lies

09-06-2020, 10:07 AM
Limiting campaigns to the same amount of publicly provided funds and eliminating soft money is the answer. That way the election is won by whomever tells the best lies

Attach electrodes to both candidates balls during debates and shock them each time they tell a lie. Have a democrat listening and shocking Trump and a republican listening and shocking Biden. Hilarity ensues!

09-06-2020, 12:58 PM
Attach electrodes to both candidates balls during debates and shock them each time they tell a lie. Have a democrat listening and shocking Trump and a republican listening and shocking Biden. Hilarity ensues!

Biden doesn't have any, they are in a jar in China.

09-07-2020, 08:46 AM
Biden doesn't have any, they are in a jar in China.

Plug it into his anus.

09-07-2020, 10:16 AM
Plug it into his anus.

New variation of the shocker.

09-07-2020, 10:55 PM
Plug it into his anus.

But then how would he talk?

09-08-2020, 08:34 AM
But then how would he talk?


09-09-2020, 03:26 PM
Well, Trump is now on record having lied about everything he's said early on about the coronavirus. If the Biden campaign is smart, they'd get copies of the recordings and blow a massive chunk of the media budget making sure the people know how their President failed them.

Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book

President Donald Trump admitted he knew weeks before the first confirmed US coronavirus death that the virus was dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and "more deadly than even your strenuous flus," and that he repeatedly played it down publicly, according to legendary journalist Bob Woodward in his new book "Rage."

"This is deadly stuff," Trump told Woodward on February 7.
In a series of interviews with Woodward, Trump revealed that he had a surprising level of detail about the threat of the virus earlier than previously known. "Pretty amazing," Trump told Woodward, adding that the coronavirus was maybe five times "more deadly" than the flu.

09-09-2020, 05:29 PM
Well, Trump is now on record having lied about everything he's said early on about the coronavirus. If the Biden campaign is smart, they'd get copies of the recordings and blow a massive chunk of the media budget making sure the people know how their President failed them.

So these aren’t even secret recordings or something someone heard? This is just Trump flat out saying in an interview with a “journalist” that he knew the virus was deadly but didn’t care and wanted to see Americans die in order to save his presidency? Okay.

09-09-2020, 08:45 PM
Well, Trump is now on record having lied about everything he's said early on about the coronavirus. If the Biden campaign is smart, they'd get copies of the recordings and blow a massive chunk of the media budget making sure the people know how their President failed them.

Are we spamming this non-news into every single political thread because you really feel you got him this time!!??

Fucking hilarious.

09-09-2020, 09:31 PM
Are we spamming this non-news into every single political thread because you really feel you got him this time!!??

Fucking hilarious.

OMG, it's the end, it's really happening, impeachment any time now, OMGGGGG!!!!@!!!!!!!!

09-09-2020, 10:52 PM
OMG, it's the end, it's really happening, impeachment any time now, OMGGGGG!!!!@!!!!!!!!

This is their September Surprise.

They should have saved this for after the first debate when Biden starts drooling.

09-09-2020, 10:58 PM
This is their September Surprise.

They should have saved this for after the first debate when Biden starts drooling.

I don't know why but I continue to be surprised at just how low Democrats will go.

I thought they hit an all time low with that bullshit story about Trump trashing vets that was nothing but anonymous sources, even though every single person who was there during those times have gone on record with their names saying it never happened. But just days later we get this bullshit of a narrative. It's not even a story, it's literally a narrative. It's unbelievable.

09-10-2020, 12:08 AM
Everything's the truth because the President says it. Now everything is false and the President is a hero for lying to the American people. Huzzah, the President saved millions of hypothetical lives for doing nothing while the states shut themselves down. Yes sir we will rewrite the history books to match your new narrative because we such good sheeple

09-10-2020, 12:16 AM
Now everything is false and the President is a hero for lying to the American people.

Fauci says what Trump said at the daily press briefings were things his task force told him to say. So does that mean...FAUCI IS A LIAR?! The hero to the left himself?

09-10-2020, 12:25 AM
Fauci says what Trump said at the daily press briefings were things his task force told him to say. So does that mean...FAUCI IS A LIAR?! The hero to the left himself?

He told Trumps lies, that also makes him a liar.

09-10-2020, 12:27 AM
He told Trumps lies, that also makes him a liar.

Now Fauci is a liar to the left. I love it.

09-10-2020, 08:48 AM
Everything's the truth because the President says it. Now everything is false and the President is a hero for lying to the American people. Huzzah, the President saved millions of hypothetical lives for doing nothing while the states shut themselves down. Yes sir we will rewrite the history books to match your new narrative because we such good sheeple

Remember when you tards called Trump racist for shutting down travel from China and all that when we still had 0 deaths here and then people like Pelosi said to not worry about this shit and go hang out in Chinatown?

Such downplay.

09-10-2020, 08:49 AM
He told Trumps lies, that also makes him a liar.


09-10-2020, 09:47 AM
Remember when you tards called Trump racist for shutting down travel from China and all that when we still had 0 deaths here and then people like Pelosi said to not worry about this shit and go hang out in Chinatown?

Such downplay.


09-14-2020, 11:23 PM

Apparently the Democrats aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Harris: A Harris administration together with Joe Biden.

And that's not just a slip, like she "accidentally" said a Harris administration then corrected herself to say "a Biden administration". She straight up said a Harris administration "together with Joe Biden", like Joe Biden wouldn't even be part of her administration, he's just some guy at that point.

09-15-2020, 07:16 AM
Biden secretly running to be third term vice president is a conspiracy theory I haven't heard before.

She's going to be heavily involved because Biden, like Trump are very old candidates. She needs to be ready to step in. Even were Harris to kick Biden to the curb she is extremely popular among democrats. Dems supported her VP selection 86-6. (https://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/54-approve-harris-selection-including-republicans-poll/story?id=72356852) Not unthinkable for Biden to step down in 2024 so Harris can run. I've heard that idea being floated. If so, she needs to be more visibly active than a normal VP.

09-15-2020, 08:05 AM
Biden secretly running to be third term vice president is a conspiracy theory I haven't heard before.

She's going to be heavily involved because Biden, like Trump are very old candidates. She needs to be ready to step in. Even were Harris to kick Biden to the curb she is extremely popular among democrats. Dems supported her VP selection 86-6. (https://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/54-approve-harris-selection-including-republicans-poll/story?id=72356852) Not unthinkable for Biden to step down in 2024 so Harris can run. I've heard that idea being floated. If so, she needs to be more visibly active than a normal VP.

So.. the candidate for President who dropped out early due to no support, is now being supported... as a VP... because they know Biden is a frail old man and should step down in 2024 so Harris can run as President?


09-15-2020, 09:31 AM
So.. the candidate for President who dropped out early due to no support, is now being supported... as a VP... because they know Biden is a frail old man and should step down in 2024 so Harris can run as President?

Yeah, the electorate is weird. Perception changes everything. Biden loses to Bernie on policy but he's seen as more "electable" due to VP experience and a lot of people disliking the socialist label. People had a ton of concerns with Harris because she's a black woman and so would face a double prejudice on top of lacking executive experience. Biden supporting her via the VP pick shores up most of her weak points. Biden didn't make it past Iowa in 2008 but with 8 years of VP experience the perception completely changed and he won the primary. No reason it can't work for Harris like it did for Biden.

09-15-2020, 10:46 AM
Yeah, the electorate is weird. Perception changes everything. Biden loses to Bernie on policy but he's seen as more "electable" due to VP experience and a lot of people disliking the socialist label. People had a ton of concerns with Harris because she's a black woman and so would face a double prejudice on top of lacking executive experience. Biden supporting her via the VP pick shores up most of her weak points. Biden didn't make it past Iowa in 2008 but with 8 years of VP experience the perception completely changed and he won the primary. No reason it can't work for Harris like it did for Biden.

What are you talking about?

Biden - 2008 Iowa caucus results - Biden came in 5th place
Biden - 2020 Iowa caucus results - Biden came in 4th place

Yea, those 8 years of VP experience really changed the perception..............

And what is it about Democrat voters that preach inclusiveness and diversity and then don't want a black woman as their candidate? You realize that Republicans aren't the issue here.. it's literally only Democrats.

09-15-2020, 12:46 PM
What are you talking about?

Biden - 2008 Iowa caucus results - Biden came in 5th place
Biden - 2020 Iowa caucus results - Biden came in 4th place

Yea, those 8 years of VP experience really changed the perception..............

And what is it about Democrat voters that preach inclusiveness and diversity and then don't want a black woman as their candidate? You realize that Republicans aren't the issue here.. it's literally only Democrats.

1% in 2008 followed by an immediate dropout vs 13% in 2020. VP turned Biden from a nobody to a somebody.

A lot of Democrats would love a black woman as a candidate. Many just think more moderates and conservatives will vote for Biden. Getting out Trump is more important than their personal preference for president.

They get the diversity anyway with Harris as the first woman/black VP. Not the giant leap a president would be but a step in the right direction.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2020, 03:21 PM
A lot of Democrats would love a black woman as a candidate.

Why is that? What does being black or a woman (or both) have to do with being the best candidate?

09-15-2020, 04:01 PM
Why is that? What does being black or a woman (or both) have to do with being the best candidate?

Sit back and enjoy the attempt at forcibly indoctrinating you into the cult of white shame.

09-15-2020, 04:14 PM
This is their September Surprise.

They should have saved this for after the first debate when Biden starts drooling.

I'm guessing their September surprise is the forced hysterectomies in georgia.

09-15-2020, 04:22 PM
Biden secretly running to be third term vice president is a conspiracy theory I haven't heard before.

She's going to be heavily involved because Biden, like Trump are very old candidates. She needs to be ready to step in. Even were Harris to kick Biden to the curb she is extremely popular among democrats. Dems supported her VP selection 86-6. (https://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/54-approve-harris-selection-including-republicans-poll/story?id=72356852) Not unthinkable for Biden to step down in 2024 so Harris can run. I've heard that idea being floated. If so, she needs to be more visibly active than a normal VP.

Everyone with a functional brain knows that Harris is gonna be the "real" president if they win, and Biden is just a figurehead due to his dementia and lack of ability to form coherent statements.

I can't wait for the debates. I also can't wait to hear what excuses dems come up with to try and weasel out of the Joe Rogan debate that Trump already said he's on board with.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2020, 04:23 PM
I'm guessing their September surprise is the forced hysterectomies in georgia.

If true, it's a private company... how is it Trump's fault again? I mean, I'm sure if he or his admin directed that, there would be a thousand articles.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2020, 04:24 PM
Yeah the Joe Rogan debate would be the best debate ever. Juge.

09-15-2020, 04:25 PM
Yeah the Joe Rogan debate would be the best debate ever. Juge.

I'm sure Rogan will make them both look stupid, but it will be way worse for Biden.

I hope he gets to host a VP debate too.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2020, 04:27 PM
I'm sure Rogan will make them both look stupid, but it will be way worse for Biden.

I hope he gets to host a VP debate too.

I can't recall if Rogan said he is or is not voting for Trump. I think not, recently. He'd be a great moderator though, he's just level headed and asks good questions. I subscribe to his podcasts.

09-15-2020, 04:30 PM
I can't recall if Rogan said he is or is not voting for Trump. I think not, recently. He'd be a great moderator though, he's just level headed and asks good questions. I subscribe to his podcasts.

I'll be surprised if he votes for either of them.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2020, 04:32 PM
Today in the news...

"A Harris administration together with Joe Biden..." --Kamala

09-15-2020, 04:52 PM
1% in 2008 followed by an immediate dropout vs 13% in 2020. VP turned Biden from a nobody to a somebody.

What? Biden has been in politics for almost 50 years. He has literally been in Washington, DC being a public "servant" longer than most people here have been alive. He was known enough, given he's run for President a number of times. People knew Biden... which is why he came in 4th place. No one was excited about him in January.. no one's really excited about him now. He was literally appointed as the nominee in another effort to fuck over Sanders whom would have probably won the nomination had the DNC not stepped up and forced people out of the race and get behind Biden.

I know you wanted to make some grand point, but next time do just a tiny bit of checking before you say something factually incorrect.

A lot of Democrats would love a black woman as a candidate. Many just think more moderates and conservatives will vote for Biden. Getting out Trump is more important than their personal preference for president.

They get the diversity anyway with Harris as the first woman/black VP. Not the giant leap a president would be but a step in the right direction.

Yes, yes.. Democrats are so fucking diverse that Harris couldn't even make it to Iowa before dropping out due to lack of interest BY DEMOCRATS. Neither did Booker.. or Warren.. or Klobuchar... or Gabbard...

And Harris was basically selected BECAUSE she is a woman and BECAUSE she is a POC.. and less about anything else.

09-15-2020, 04:54 PM
I'm guessing their September surprise is the forced hysterectomies in georgia.

I've literally heard zero about this except from you.. so you will accept my apologies for not just believing anything your TDS riddled mind comes out with until an investigation comes out..

09-15-2020, 04:56 PM
I can't recall if Rogan said he is or is not voting for Trump. I think not, recently. He'd be a great moderator though, he's just level headed and asks good questions. I subscribe to his podcasts.

I don't think he's said who he would vote for.. but he seems to be a 3rd party candidate type to me.

09-15-2020, 05:24 PM
Everyone with a functional brain knows that Harris is gonna be the "real" president if they win, and Biden is just a figurehead due to his dementia and lack of ability to form coherent statements.

I can't wait for the debates. I also can't wait to hear what excuses dems come up with to try and weasel out of the Joe Rogan debate that Trump already said he's on board with.

Actually, Biden's Chief of Staff will the the real President. He controls who has access to the President and the White House. He is going to be running the show.

09-15-2020, 06:25 PM
I've literally heard zero about this except from you.. so you will accept my apologies for not just believing anything your TDS riddled mind comes out with until an investigation comes out..

It's been reported by every news agency that's not OANN. You're right. It's an accusation, ao an investigation is needed.


09-15-2020, 06:40 PM
It's been reported by every news agency that's not OANN. You're right. It's an accusation, ao an investigation is needed.


As usual, I'll await for the actual investigation to conclude before worrying about it. Feel free to continue being hysterical about it though... as soon as the "news" broke. Hopefully, it won't be pictures from 2015 again where the kids in cages were blamed on Trump.. when it occurred during the Obama Administration. You could do with less of those conclusion jumping moments...

09-16-2020, 04:15 AM
What? Biden has been in politics for almost 50 years. He has literally been in Washington, DC being a public "servant" longer than most people here have been alive. He was known enough, given he's run for President a number of times. People knew Biden... which is why he came in 4th place. No one was excited about him in January.. no one's really excited about him now. He was literally appointed as the nominee in another effort to fuck over Sanders whom would have probably won the nomination had the DNC not stepped up and forced people out of the race and get behind Biden.

I know you wanted to make some grand point, but next time do just a tiny bit of checking before you say something factually incorrect.

Maybe you shouldn't use the phrase "literally appointed" while trying to argue I'm being factually wrong about an opinion. "No one was excited about him in January" is an absurd stretch. He was ahead nationally in most January polls. But sure, I did unfairly label Biden. Let me try this: Biden was a footnote in the story of the 2008 primaries but the frontrunner for most of the 2020 primary season. After losing the first three contests badly he had a dominant 28 point win in SC, won 10 of 15 Super Tuesday contests and cruised to the nomination.

I agree the DNC screwed Bernie. But Biden won because his VP experience made him seem the most electable out of the other candidates. Being VP turned Biden from a footnote to a frontrunner.

Yes, yes.. Democrats are so fucking diverse that Harris couldn't even make it to Iowa before dropping out due to lack of interest BY DEMOCRATS. Neither did Booker.. or Warren.. or Klobuchar... or Gabbard...

Democrats aren't diverse because they don't automatically vote for a minority candidate?

And Harris was basically selected BECAUSE she is a woman and BECAUSE she is a POC.. and less about anything else.

So Democrats do value diversity. Thought you forgot about Obama and Hillary for a second there. Diversity was certainly a major factor in her selection but there's another obvious reason. Dems just like her. (Poll showing 86-8 Dem Approval of the pick (https://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/54-approve-harris-selection-including-republicans-poll/story?id=72356852))

09-16-2020, 04:21 AM
I can't recall if Rogan said he is or is not voting for Trump. I think not, recently. He'd be a great moderator though, he's just level headed and asks good questions. I subscribe to his podcasts.

Rogan said he'd vote for Trump over Biden in April. (https://www.marketwatch.com/story/joe-rogan-on-why-hes-set-to-vote-for-donald-trump-democrats-have-made-us-all-morons-by-running-joe-biden-2020-04-05)

Rogan also has said he prefers Sanders to Biden. No way Biden would trust his impartiality. I would love it if this were a thing though. More debates are better and Rogan would do a good job in my opinion if given the chance.

09-16-2020, 08:22 AM
Maybe you shouldn't use the phrase "literally appointed" while trying to argue I'm being factually wrong about an opinion. "No one was excited about him in January" is an absurd stretch. He was ahead nationally in most January polls. But sure, I did unfairly label Biden. Let me try this: Biden was a footnote in the story of the 2008 primaries but the frontrunner for most of the 2020 primary season. After losing the first three contests badly he had a dominant 28 point win in SC, won 10 of 15 Super Tuesday contests and cruised to the nomination.

He lost the first 3 contests and was struggling in SC.. it took the DNC to step in, force out Klobochar and Buttigieg at the last moment to endorse Biden (so people wouldn't split the votes) and manipulate the system to beat Sanders. Yea, that sounds like a frontrunner.......

And you didn't "unfairly" label Biden. You said he won the 2020 Iowa Caucus. That's not an opinion.. that's just being wrong and ignorant. You came back and doubled down on that ignorance instead of just admitting it.

I agree the DNC screwed Bernie. But Biden won because his VP experience made him seem the most electable out of the other candidates. Being VP turned Biden from a footnote to a frontrunner.

Biden won because the DNC selected him. He's a gaffe machine who's been extremely inappropriate with women and children for decades.

Democrats aren't diverse because they don't automatically vote for a minority candidate?

They give it lip service because they want to be perceived as "Progressive" because they need to {insert voting block here} in order to win. When it came down to backing a candidate.. they said no to the women running, they said no to the POC running, they said no to the openly gay man running, they said no to everyone except the 2 old white men running........

So Democrats do value diversity. Thought you forgot about Obama and Hillary for a second there. Diversity was certainly a major factor in her selection but there's another obvious reason. Dems just like her. (Poll showing 86-8 Dem Approval of the pick (https://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/54-approve-harris-selection-including-republicans-poll/story?id=72356852))

They don't value diversity.. they value the voting blocks they believe vote for them because they pick people based upon their sex or skin color.

09-16-2020, 08:34 AM
He lost the first 3 contests and was struggling in SC.. it took the DNC to step in, force out Klobochar and Buttigieg at the last moment to endorse Biden (so people wouldn't split the votes) and manipulate the system to beat Sanders. Yea, that sounds like a frontrunner.......

And you didn't "unfairly" label Biden. You said he won the 2020 Iowa Caucus. That's not an opinion.. that's just being wrong and ignorant. You came back and doubled down on that ignorance instead of just admitting it.

Biden didn't make it past Iowa in 2008 but with 8 years of VP experience the perception completely changed and he won the primary.

I meant to say won the *nomination*. This is on me.

09-16-2020, 08:54 AM
I meant to say won the *nomination*. This is on me.

You could have simply said that and it would have been done..

Instead, you doubled down on the "mistake" and posted this:

1% in 2008 followed by an immediate dropout vs 13% in 2020. VP turned Biden from a nobody to a somebody.

09-16-2020, 09:05 AM
Biden won because the DNC selected him. He's a gaffe machine who's been extremely inappropriate with women and children for decades.

They give it lip service because they want to be perceived as "Progressive" because they need to {insert voting block here} in order to win. When it came down to backing a candidate.. they said no to the women running, they said no to the POC running, they said no to the openly gay man running, they said no to everyone except the 2 old white men running........

They don't value diversity.. they value the voting blocks they believe vote for them because they pick people based upon their sex or skin color.

Trump recently said covid would go away with a "herd mentality" and didn't know the difference between climate and weather. Mr. Grab 'em by the pussy isn't winning women over Biden who will actually fight for their issues. The "Harris administration" will ensure it.

I won't disagree the DNC is corrupt, but Democratic voters DO value diversity. Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, Buttigeig just weren't better candidates than Biden or Sanders. Warren would have had a chance if she embraced Medicare for All. The pivot from M4A was also a contributor to Harris going down. Buttigeig is a great orator but has no ideas and is completely beholden to rich campaign contributors. Klob wasn't particularly memorable, maybe you remember something.

09-16-2020, 09:07 AM
As usual, I'll await for the actual investigation to conclude before worrying about it. Feel free to continue being hysterical about it though... as soon as the "news" broke. Hopefully, it won't be pictures from 2015 again where the kids in cages were blamed on Trump.. when it occurred during the Obama Administration. You could do with less of those conclusion jumping moments...

Yes. Ironic. Jumping to conclusions is precisely what you did. I simply said that I bet it's their September surprise. At no point did I indicate my personal opinion on the issue.

09-16-2020, 09:08 AM
You could have simply said that and it would have been done..

Instead, you doubled down on the "mistake" and posted this:

You can believe me or not. I am not tripling down. I was wrong.

09-16-2020, 09:22 AM
Yes. Ironic. Jumping to conclusions is precisely what you did. I simply said that I bet it's their September surprise. At no point did I indicate my personal opinion on the issue.

We've heard your hysterical opinions since that dark, dark day in Nov 2016 when your entire world crashed around you. You've spammed it in multiple threads.. it's your Russian Collusion moment.

09-16-2020, 09:28 AM
Trump recently said covid would go away with a "herd mentality" and didn't know the difference between climate and weather. Mr. Grab 'em by the pussy isn't winning women over Biden who will actually fight for their issues. The "Harris administration" will ensure it.

B-B-B-b-b-but TRUMP!!!


I won't disagree the DNC is corrupt, but Democratic voters DO value diversity. Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, Buttigeig just weren't better candidates than Biden or Sanders. Warren would have had a chance if she embraced Medicare for All. The pivot from M4A was also a contributor to Harris going down. Buttigeig is a great orator but has no ideas and is completely beholden to rich campaign contributors. Klob wasn't particularly memorable, maybe you remember something.

Democrat voters were specifically the people who said no to the women, no to the POC, no to the gay and they picked the old, white guys to be the last 2 standing. Those weren't all voters.. those were specifically Democrat voters.


There's no excitement for Biden.. at all. He has to run on his 50 year record in politics.. and it's not a good record.


Despacito means slowly... it's like his staff is making fun of him behind his back and he doesn't even know it...

09-16-2020, 09:53 AM
B-B-B-b-b-but TRUMP!!!


Yes, but Trump. You don't get to bring up an issue and then refuse to discuss it as it applies to your candidate without admitting your candidate fails in that area. That's ridiculous. That's a one sided debate.

09-16-2020, 11:43 AM
Yes, but Trump. You don't get to bring up an issue and then refuse to discuss it as it applies to your candidate without admitting your candidate fails in that area. That's ridiculous. That's a one sided debate.

It's a free fucking country, he can do whatever he wants.

09-16-2020, 01:45 PM
We've heard your hysterical opinions since that dark, dark day in Nov 2016 when your entire world crashed around you. You've spammed it in multiple threads.. it's your Russian Collusion moment.

This isn't even about Trump dude. You're the one making it about him.

Again. Who jumped to a conclusion here? I've spammed it? Two posts in total is spamming? Okay boomer.

The "all life is precious" party won't even come out and say its a tragedy to force hysterectomies. Instead - you need an investigation before you'lll form an opinion. You and tgo are so far into the cult, it's absurd.

My opinion is just that. I'm skeptical of it, but if true then leadership in ice and at the hospital need to be held accountable.

09-16-2020, 05:34 PM
This isn't even about Trump dude. You're the one making it about him.

Again. Who jumped to a conclusion here? I've spammed it? Two posts in total is spamming? Okay boomer.

The "all life is precious" party won't even come out and say its a tragedy to force hysterectomies. Instead - you need an investigation before you'lll form an opinion. You and tgo are so far into the cult, it's absurd.

My opinion is just that. I'm skeptical of it, but if true then leadership in ice and at the hospital need to be held accountable.

Wait.. we are to wait for the investigation of this 1 nurse who is making these claims.. but we should also come out and denounce forced hysterectomies? Well, I will consider that as long as you denounce forced biological experimentation on space aliens because I heard of this story about surgical experiments on them in Area 51. Funny how you haven't ONCE come out and said you were against this.

I'm outraged.

09-16-2020, 05:51 PM
Yes, but Trump. You don't get to bring up an issue and then refuse to discuss it as it applies to your candidate without admitting your candidate fails in that area. That's ridiculous. That's a one sided debate.

Could you write out your specific debate rules for everyone?

09-17-2020, 02:03 AM
The "all life is precious" party won't even come out and say its a tragedy to force hysterectomies. Instead - you need an investigation before you'lll form an opinion. You and tgo are so far into the cult, it's absurd.

This is dumb. Clearly this isn't a moral question for you, it's not like you just one day out of the blue said "You know what? I think forced hysterectomies are bad. I wonder what the opinion of the people on the PC are?"

You now demand we denounce actions that haven't even been proven to have taken place yet.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-17-2020, 09:07 AM
I'm pretty sure forced hysterectomies is evil and bad. I very much doubt anyone disagrees unless they are inhumane.

I'm curious why it's not headline news since it came out though. Almost like people are either doing further research to validate and confirm before blaming the orange man, or it has no legs and will disappear like virtually everything the rabid left has accused Trump of.

09-17-2020, 04:47 PM
Democrats aren't diverse because they don't automatically vote for a minority candidate?

That's the kind of shit they say to everyone else while they still vote for the tired old white guy, so why not?

So Democrats do value diversity.

No, democrats value pandering to minority groups if they think it will help them win an election.

09-23-2020, 09:05 AM
Biden has come out as a full fledged white supremacist:


I'm assuming all of you Democrats are going to do the right thing and not vote for an avowed white supremacist, right?

I can't wait to see ADL and SPLC suddenly update their okay handle symbol white supremacy guidelines.

"This is TOTALLY a white supremacy symbol! But only if a Republican is flashing it."

09-24-2020, 03:09 PM
FBI finds mail-in ballots discarded in Pennsylvania. All of them were cast for President Trump. (https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-finds-mail-in-ballots-discarded-in-pennsylvania-all-of-them-were-cast-for-president-trump/)

Gee who saw this coming? Fuck the cheating Democrats.

"Election fraud isn't a real thing!"
"Mail in voting is totally safe!"

09-24-2020, 03:43 PM
FBI finds mail-in ballots discarded in Pennsylvania. All of them were cast for President Trump. (https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-finds-mail-in-ballots-discarded-in-pennsylvania-all-of-them-were-cast-for-president-trump/)

Gee who saw this coming? Fuck the cheating Democrats.

"Election fraud isn't a real thing!"
"Mail in voting is totally safe!"

In before "It was only 9 ballots, it's not like that can change an election" song and dance they will play.

09-24-2020, 05:30 PM
FBI finds mail-in ballots discarded in Pennsylvania. All of them were cast for President Trump. (https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-finds-mail-in-ballots-discarded-in-pennsylvania-all-of-them-were-cast-for-president-trump/)

Gee who saw this coming? Fuck the cheating Democrats.

"Election fraud isn't a real thing!"
"Mail in voting is totally safe!"

I'll wait for the investigation to complete before I jump to these conclusions since there are valid reasons to throw out ballots.

09-24-2020, 05:32 PM
I'll wait for the investigation to complete before I jump to these conclusions since there are valid reasons to throw out ballots.

List them.

I don't think an election official is just supposed to take it upon themselves to throw a ballot away, I'm pretty sure there has to be some sort of process to explicitly avoid situations like this where the FBI has to be called in. What are the chances that 100% of them were for Trump?

09-24-2020, 05:34 PM
List them.

I don't think an election official is just supposed to take it upon themselves to throw a ballot away, I'm pretty sure there has to be some sort of process to explicitly avoid situations like this where the FBI has to be called in. What are the chances that 100% of them were for Trump?

Since most of the mail in ballots that have gone out are for military, I would guess the chances are fairly high.

Officials in the battleground state can also reject so-called naked ballots received without the secrecy envelope, which are sleeves preventing poll workers from seeing how someone voted. Pennsylvania is one of 16 states that requires a secrecy envelope.

But Philadelphia City Commissioner Lisa Deeley warned last week that this could lead thousands of ballots being thrown out in November, based on error rates in past elections.

09-25-2020, 08:53 AM
It's so weird how every case of mail-in votes being fucked with are just some random fluke and not indicative of any sort of pattern.


09-25-2020, 01:57 PM
Investigation Launched After Absentee Ballots Found Along Road In Swing State, Report Says (https://www.dailywire.com/news/investigation-launched-after-absentee-ballots-found-along-road-in-swing-state-report-says)

The U.S. Postal Service has reportedly launched an investigation after mail—including absentee ballots—were discovered this week along a road in the swing state of Wisconsin.

Also more information on what I posted yesterday:

“The FBI has recovered a number of documents relating to military ballots that had been improperly opened by your elections staff, and had the ballots removed and discarded, or removed and placed separately from the envelope containing confidential voter information and attestation,” U.S. Attorney David J. Freed said in a letter to Shelby Watchilla, Director of Elections of Luzerne County Bureau of Elections.

“Specifically, a total of nine (9) military ballots were discovered to have been discarded,” the letter continued. “Seven (7) of those ballots when discovered by investigators were outside of any envelope. Those ballots were all cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. One (1) of those seven (7) ballots was able to be identified to an envelope that was recovered, and thereby potentially tied to a specific voter. Two (2) military ballots that had been discarded were previously recovered by elections staff, reinserted into what appeared to be their appropriate envelopes, and then resealed. Therefore, the votes cast on those two (2) ballots are unknown. Thus, is appears that three (3) of the nine (9) recovered ballots can be potentially attributed to specific voters. Six (6) of the ballots were simply removed and discarded, and cannot be attributed to a specific voter at this time.”

Sure as shit doesn't sound like a legitimate reason for throwing away military ballots, especially since they were all for Trump.

But wait! There's more!

Also on Thursday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced more than 100 felony charges in an illegal ballot harvesting scheme in a Democrat Primary.

Democrats: "Mail in voting is totally safe!", "There is no proof of voter fraud!"

Democrats are now just flat out trying to steal the election.

But really who can blame them? The media will not only cover up for them but they'll actually say it's Trump and the Republicans trying to steal the election. Also the Republican party largely just lets this shit go unchallenged so again why the fuck not outright steal the election?

09-25-2020, 02:08 PM
Is mail in ballots the Republican whine version for Hillary lost? It looks like it.

09-25-2020, 02:11 PM
Is mail in ballots the Republican whine version for Hillary lost? It looks like it.

Democrats literally throwing away ballots for Trump.
Democrats: Whine some more, Republicans!

Never change, Democrats. Never change.

09-25-2020, 02:19 PM
Democrats literally throwing away ballots for Trump.
Democrats: Whine some more, Republicans!

Never change, Democrats. Never change.

Did I miss the part where they knew who had done this and that they were a Democrat?

09-25-2020, 02:25 PM
Did I miss the part where they knew who had done this and that they were a Democrat?

You're right, must have been a Trump supporter.

09-25-2020, 02:26 PM

Sums it up.

Geijon believes in more conspiracy theories than Seran.

09-25-2020, 02:52 PM
You're right, must have been a Trump supporter.

It is entirely possible. It provides Trump with exactly the talking points he wants.

But it's also entirely possible a Democrat was like "these 7 ballots will win Biden the election"

09-25-2020, 02:58 PM
It is entirely possible. It provides Trump with exactly the talking points he wants.

But it's also entirely possible a Democrat was like "these 7 ballots will win Biden the election"

It's also possible they were thrown out for legitimate reasons by someone from either affiliation (or none), and there are, in fact, legitimate reasons to discard ballots. It's 7 ballots.... ZOMG panic the sky is falling, fucking ALL MAIL IN BALLOTS ARE FRAUDS! When I first read the article they made it sound like it was a fucking pile.

09-25-2020, 03:09 PM
In before "It was only 9 ballots, it's not like that can change an election" song and dance they will play.

It's 7 ballots.... ZOMG panic the sky is falling, fucking ALL MAIL IN BALLOTS ARE FRAUDS! When I first read the article they made it sound like it was a fucking pile.


09-25-2020, 03:11 PM

Because.... that's the logical response? Congratulations on finally seeing logic for once. I am so proud of you PB, old dogs can learn new tricks! I'll be damned!

09-25-2020, 03:16 PM
Because.... that's the logical response? Congratulations on finally seeing logic for once. I am so proud of you PB, old dogs can learn new tricks! I'll be damned!

Logic would also dictate that short sightedness would be required to really believe that this is the one and only instance of it happening anywhere.

09-25-2020, 03:22 PM
Because.... that's the logical response? Congratulations on finally seeing logic for once. I am so proud of you PB, old dogs can learn new tricks! I'll be damned!

It's not logical at all. It's yet just another example of voter fraud and how the system breaks down when you mail in ballots.

I don't expect you to understand such a concept.. you probably can't legally vote for another decade anyway.

09-25-2020, 03:24 PM
Logic would also dictate that short sightedness would be required to really believe that this is the one and only instance of it happening anywhere.

Yes, again, there are legitimate reasons to throw out ballots.... so I'd assume this happens in many places. Even considering it was politically motivated in an attack against Trump, how much of an effect would that really have distributed out across polling locations if 10 ballots were thrown out at each polling place? I mean seriously. Has anyone proved this was a politically motivated dumping of ballots, or a legitimate one? As far as I know, the investigation is still in progress. As you all like to say, "I'll wait for the results of the investigation" (but I guess that only applies if it's something bad against Trump, right?)

09-25-2020, 03:28 PM
It's not logical at all. It's yet just another example of voter fraud and how the system breaks down when you mail in ballots.

I don't expect you to understand such a concept.. you probably can't legally vote for another decade anyway.

LOL... I've voted in every election since I was of age starting in 2004, but thanks old man for your concern. I get your memory is failing you, but I've stated dozens of times I vote Libertarian. Get a life man.

And yes, go you for categorically knowing this is voter fraud before the investigation by the FBI has even been completed. Geeze, you're a bigger fanboy of Trump than the teenage girls were of Bieber. Damn, you probably fell in love with him too, didn't you? What a fucking chump.

09-25-2020, 03:58 PM
LOL... I've voted in every election since I was of age starting in 2004, but thanks old man for your concern. I get your memory is failing you, but I've stated dozens of times I vote Libertarian. Get a life man.

And yes, go you for categorically knowing this is voter fraud before the investigation by the FBI has even been completed. Geeze, you're a bigger fanboy of Trump than the teenage girls were of Bieber. Damn, you probably fell in love with him too, didn't you? What a fucking chump.

You're a liberal. I know this because:

1) You're a functional retard
2) You literally said that Politifact was an unbiased source (HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH... see #1)
3) You hate Trump
4) You are voting for Biden
5) You're a functional retard

09-25-2020, 03:58 PM
It's also possible they were thrown out for legitimate reasons by someone from either affiliation (or none), and there are, in fact, legitimate reasons to discard ballots.

The FBI has recovered a number of documents relating to military ballots that had been improperly opened by your elections staff, and had the ballots removed and discarded, or removed and placed separately from the envelope containing confidential voter information and attestation,” U.S. Attorney David J. Freed said

Facts! Who needs them?

It's 7 ballots.... ZOMG panic the sky is falling

Gotta love it. "There is no election fraud!"

"Okay so there might be election fraud, but it's for my team so who cares?"

09-25-2020, 04:01 PM
Just wow, you guys are complete fucking morons. Not even sure why I waste my time on you idiots other than stupidity is public enemy number 1 for me. You guys are the fucking worst.

09-25-2020, 04:03 PM
Just wow, you guys are complete fucking morons. Not even sure why I waste my time on you idiots other than stupidity is public enemy number 1 for me. You guys are the fucking worst.

If stupidty is enemy number 1 then how can you support Biden and the left!!

09-25-2020, 04:04 PM
Just wow, you guys are complete fucking morons. Not even sure why I waste my time on you idiots other than stupidity is public enemy number 1 for me. You guys are the fucking worst.

Someone sounds angry that his dumb shit is being called out.

Show us here on this doll where the mean people of the PC touched you.

09-25-2020, 04:05 PM
If stupidty is enemy number 1 then how can you support Biden and the left!!

I don't support Biden or the left. Man, you guys really are fucking stupid.


09-25-2020, 04:06 PM
Someone sounds angry that his dumb shit is being called out.

Show us here on this doll where the mean people of the PC touched you.

It's funny to think that you think that you're significant enough to elicit an emotional reaction from me. You guys are just fucking stupid, that is all.

09-25-2020, 04:12 PM
I don't support Biden or the left. Man, you guys really are fucking stupid.


No need to be such a racist.

09-25-2020, 04:37 PM
It's funny to think that you think that you're significant enough to elicit an emotional reaction from me. You guys are just fucking stupid, that is all.

What is all caps, bolded, large sized text, all in red to you then?

09-25-2020, 04:44 PM
What is all caps, bolded, large sized text, all in red to you then?

Being tired of morons saying dumb shit over and over in spite of being corrected thousands of times. Tired isn't an emotion. I swear every one of them has told me I'm voting for Biden, when I've told them every time I'm a Libertarian and wouldn't vote for that octogenarian fuckstick unless the only possible choice was between Trump and Biden. I think both Trump and Biden are morons, but I would put Biden as only a slightly better choice than Trump because he isn't an ignorant and narcissistic compulsive liar.

I'll be voting Libertarian, just as I do every year, hoping that some day we'll actually have a multi party system and morons and bigots like PB and Tgo don't exist. Probably a pipe dream, but oh well. Bold, giant, red text is to get the point across when people just aren't getting it. PB has an excuse with his old age for not remembering things, but I don't know what Tgo's excuse is beyond he's just an idiot. Doesn't have anything to do with emotion for me. I save what little of those things I have for important stuff, like my family. People on the internet just confirm for me that the majority of people are so stupid it's amazing they have remembered to breathe as long as they have.

09-25-2020, 04:52 PM
Being tired of morons saying dumb shit over and over in spite of being corrected thousands of times. Tired isn't an emotion. I swear every one of them has told me I'm voting for Biden, when I've told them every time I'm a Libertarian and wouldn't vote for that octogenarian fuckstick unless the only possible choice was between Trump and Biden. I think both Trump and Biden are morons, but I would put Biden as only a slightly better choice than Trump because he isn't an ignorant and narcissistic compulsive liar.

I'll be voting Libertarian, just as I do every year, hoping that some day we'll actually have a multi party system and morons and bigots like PB and Tgo don't exist. Probably a pipe dream, but oh well. Bold, giant, red text is to get the point across when people just aren't getting it. PB has an excuse with his old age for not remembering things, but I don't know what Tgo's excuse is beyond he's just an idiot. Doesn't have anything to do with emotion for me. I save what little of those things I have for important stuff, like my family. People on the internet just confirm for me that the majority of people are so stupid it's amazing they have remembered to breathe as long as they have.


09-25-2020, 04:56 PM

So very much mad. 9627

09-25-2020, 05:05 PM
I'll be voting Libertarian...

I'm curious, as the Libertarian party is the self-professed "Party of Principle" (https://www.lp.org/platform/), why would a Libertarian base their decision of whom to vote for upon personal characteristics of the candidate?

You should also see that page above for the Libertarian Platform, and note the direct violations of these tenets by the current Democratic Party. Such as...

2.13 Health Care - Violated by Obamacare.

We favor a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.

2.5 Government Debt

Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

Just saying.

09-25-2020, 05:12 PM
Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

09-25-2020, 05:35 PM
I'm curious, as the Libertarian party is the self-professed "Party of Principle" (https://www.lp.org/platform/), why would a Libertarian base their decision of whom to vote for upon personal characteristics of the candidate?

You should also see that page above for the Libertarian Platform, and note the direct violations of these tenets by the current Democratic Party. Such as...

2.13 Health Care - Violated by Obamacare.

We favor a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.

2.5 Government Debt

Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

Just saying.

I'm sorry, what point are you trying to make here, exactly? Both parties have policy stances that are in direct contrast to mine. I never said I agreed with Obamacare. And again, I completely agree that the government is bloated and needs to be cut back significantly. I agree that taxes shouldn't be raised, but I also think that Trumps' tax cuts for the super rich are disgusting. If you want to go that route, I am in favor of ending all income taxes and funding the govt through fees and other means (this would assume a major reduction in government services, departments, and staff). The problem with all of this is that even if Libertarians were elected, it's such a major transformation it's incredibly unlikely to happen, and it'd probably be disastrous to start, just to have someone come in 4 or 8 years later and try to undo everything. Could you imagine? The machine is so big at this point, changing its direction seems damn near impossible.

There's a balance that neither of the current dominant parties have. Which is again why I am not a Dem or Rep, and am a Libertarian.

And even if none of that existed, regardless of what party I am, why would I vote for someone who goes against just about every one of my moral principles as Trump does? There's more than one way to be principled. So, I ask again, what point were you trying to make exactly?

09-25-2020, 05:37 PM
Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

I mean, the biggest difference between the two is that Biden did it to their faces, and is certainly no worse than anything they say to each other. Not something I would have said if I were him as it was a dumb thing to say, but he doesn't mean it the way Trump did saying it in private. Surely even a moron such as yourself can see that even if you don't like one or both of the idiots.

09-25-2020, 05:45 PM
I mean, the biggest difference between the two is that Biden did it to their faces, and is certainly no worse than anything they say to each other.

This is like saying it's okay to call a black man a racial slur to his face because after all they say it to each other all the time.

Don't be that guy.

but he doesn't mean it the way Trump did saying it in private.

Allegedly said in private that each and every single person who was there has gone on record to say it never happened (even Bolton who would have loved to put it in his book to sell a few more copies), as opposed to an anonymous source who totally said it happened and another anonymous source backed up the original anonymous source.

Come on, man!

09-25-2020, 05:49 PM
...I've told them every time I'm a Libertarian and wouldn't vote for that octogenarian fuckstick unless the only possible choice was between Trump and Biden.

So, I ask again, what point were you trying to make exactly?

I think that's it. Does not quite lineup with the big red words above it, no?

What are the moral principles? Can't be the stripper porn star thing, right?

2.10 Sex Work

The Libertarian Party supports the decriminalization of prostitution. We assert the right of consenting adults to provide sexual services to clients for compensation, and the right of clients to purchase sexual services from consenting sex workers.

09-25-2020, 05:52 PM
This is like saying it's okay to call a black man a racial slur to his face because after all they say it to each other all the time.

Don't be that guy.


Thats not even close to a good comparison.

09-25-2020, 06:13 PM
You have a moral high ground here? Does it score you points with Jesus on the fake scoreboard of life somehow to oppose it? This is really the fundamental religious high ground that Republicans claim to elevate themselves to, but in fact, are as guilty as anyone else.

Tgo said something a few days ago about being on the wrong side of history and to be decent human beings, but you and your ilk shit on people all day long here.

Interesting attack, but entirely inaccurate. I was merely curious, for this election seems to me to be the worst in recent memory where beliefs and ideals are utterly discarded with justification being nothing more than he said, she said juvenile playground politics. Your pigeon-holing me to a tired old label, something I am absolutely not, simply due to having a varying opinion, being case in point. It's all ugly, and that is MY point.

09-25-2020, 06:26 PM
I think that's it. Does not quite lineup with the big red words above it, no?

What are the moral principles? Can't be the stripper porn star thing, right?

2.10 Sex Work

The Libertarian Party supports the decriminalization of prostitution. We assert the right of consenting adults to provide sexual services to clients for compensation, and the right of clients to purchase sexual services from consenting sex workers.

How about the compulsive lying? Lying is bad, even if you're okay with being lied to. I don't think I'll ever be okay with the amount of lies Trump has told. This is the biggest one for me. In my experience, if you're lying it's because you know you have done, or are about to do, something you shouldn't have but decided to anyways.

I'm all for legalized prostitution, but I do think women should be respected in a general sense. Saying things like "Grab em by the pussy" isn't really my style. If they choose to go in to sex work, so be it. While in MX and while single, I slept with a prostitute because it's legal there and I wanted to see what it was like (awkward as fuck in case you were wondering, I don't know how people do that on the regular). But they should have rights and protections, same as any other citizen. Men should be allowed to be prostitutes as well.

He's a bad businessman. He fucks people over without regard, as has been chronicled in his business dealings. I believe in finding mutually advantageous outcomes so everyone is happy. This is counter to Trump's view. He wants to fuck over everyone he can, and then smile smugly like he's something special when he's really just a douche bag.

He is an authoritarianist. Fuck those people. They are the opposite of Libertarians. Trump doesn't want less control, he wants more. If you believe otherwise, I don't have an excuse for you, you're just dumb and ignorant all at the same time.

Again, I don't understand how thinking Biden is the lesser of two evils compared to Trump in a completely irrelevant scenario (you know, because there is a Libertarian on the ballot typically which is who I said I'd be voting for) contradicts me being a Libertarian?

09-25-2020, 06:32 PM
This is like saying it's okay to call a black man a racial slur to his face because after all they say it to each other all the time.

Don't be that guy.

Allegedly said in private that each and every single person who was there has gone on record to say it never happened (even Bolton who would have loved to put it in his book to sell a few more copies), as opposed to an anonymous source who totally said it happened and another anonymous source backed up the original anonymous source.

Come on, man!

Completely irrelevant comparison, but yeah, sure man, okay.

Personally, I don't care about either one of them saying what they said. I'm not disillusioned enough to think that either one of them cares about anything other than themselves, so I fully expect those views from them. But I can recognize the difference between the situations pretty easily. If Trump had said that to someone with a relative buried at the cemetery, that would be a valid comparison. But saying something to your staff, who you hired, and believe you are speaking in confidence, and saying "man those guys are dumb" about an unrepresented population, is entirely different from someone standing up on a stage and saying "laugh you dumb bastards". If you can't see that difference you are beyond lost man.

Talk about moving goal posts.

09-25-2020, 06:32 PM

Thats not even close to a good comparison.

That's exactly what it's like. If Marines are calling one another a bunch of names it sure as shit doesn't mean they like it when someone else calls them names. How does this even begin to make sense and how is it any different than my 100% accurate and spot on analogy? Don't just post the Bender meme and think you've won this argument.

I guess going by this logic even if the completely false story about Trump is indeed true then it doesn't matter that he called them all a bunch of losers because they call themselves much worse right? Where was this defense of Trump weeks ago when this fake story was making the rounds? But literally less than 30 minutes after I post Biden on video doing this suddenly this excuse is flying around like it's going out of style.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel on the PC lately. Someone bring me a challenge!

09-25-2020, 07:04 PM
That's exactly what it's like. If Marines are calling one another a bunch of names it sure as shit doesn't mean they like it when someone else calls them names. How does this even begin to make sense and how is it any different than my 100% accurate and spot on analogy? Don't just post the Bender meme and think you've won this argument.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel on the PC lately. Someone bring me a challenge!

Do I really need to explain to you why calling a black person the N word isn't the same as calling a service member stupid?

09-25-2020, 07:06 PM
Do I really need to explain to you why calling a black person the N word isn't the same as calling a service member stupid?

No no, he really thinks he's winning these internet arguments. It's truly amazing how dumb this kid can be.

09-25-2020, 07:13 PM
Do I really need to explain to you why calling a black person the N word isn't the same as calling a service member stupid?

So we’re really doing this huh? We’re really saying going with the fake story about Trump and saying he’s a monster because he said it behind their back and Biden on video gets a pass because he said it to their faces and who cares because they call each other worse?

This is both equally funny and sad at the same time. Funad.

09-25-2020, 07:15 PM
No no, he really thinks he's winning these internet arguments. It's truly amazing how dumb this kid can be.

From the guy who says Biden gets a pass because at least he said shit to their faces and are totally swallowing the fake story about Trump.

It’s like you guys can’t huff each other’s farts fast enough.

09-25-2020, 07:20 PM
So we’re really doing this huh? We’re really saying going with the fake story about Trump and saying he’s a monster because he said it behind their back and Biden on video gets a pass because he said it to their faces and who cares because they call each other worse?

This is both equally funny and sad at the same time. Funad.

You truly believe Trump didn't say that? You really believe that Trump wouldn't say that? Really? Reeeaaaalllllyyyyyyy??? You just keep amazing me with how much total fucking dumb can be packed into such an insignificant person.

09-25-2020, 07:27 PM
You truly believe Trump didn't say that? You really believe that Trump wouldn't say that? Really? Reeeaaaalllllyyyyyyy??? You just keep amazing me with how much total fucking dumb can be packed into such an insignificant person.

When every single person has come out and said the story isn’t true and all we have to go on to say the story is true is an anti-Trump “journalist” working for an anti-Trump “news” organization who says an anonymous source told him then yeah, I’ll totally believe over a dozen witnesses on the record over an anonymous source any day of the week. The real question is why are you such a sheep that you believe one anonymous source over a dozen plus people who put their names behind their statements?

09-25-2020, 08:06 PM
So we’re really doing this huh? We’re really saying going with the fake story about Trump and saying he’s a monster because he said it behind their back and Biden on video gets a pass because he said it to their faces and who cares because they call each other worse?

This is both equally funny and sad at the same time. Funad.

I didn't say anything other than you used a shit analogy and then showed why I thought that. You're jumping to conclusions without a shred of me saying any of this. You're like the woman that interviewed Jordan Peterson, "So what you're saying is....".

09-25-2020, 08:23 PM
Now that Blazar and drauz derped everything up for a few pages let me remind everyone again:

Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

09-25-2020, 08:36 PM
Now that Blazar and drauz derped everything up for a few pages let me remind everyone again:

Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

I have serious doubts that Trump actually called servicemen "losers".

That being said you can clearly tell Biden's trying to be funny/friendly with the servicemen. You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

09-25-2020, 09:11 PM
Now that Blazar and drauz derped everything up for a few pages let me remind everyone again:

Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

That was more of a Jeb moment there than anything else.

09-26-2020, 12:41 AM
Now that Blazar and drauz derped everything up for a few pages let me remind everyone again:

Actual video of Joe Biden calling service members "stupid bastards" for not clapping when he thinks they should have:


I'm sure this will receive the same media attention that the fake Atlantic story about Trump denigrating service members did.

Oh wow, for those thinking this was just a short clip taken out of context it actually got worse after this:


"Clap for that, you stupid bastards. Man you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man."

Trump got reamed in the media for weeks for shit he never even said, yet here we have video of Biden saying this shit and I'm thinking it won't even make the news, probably not even Fox News. Gotta love biased media.

His wife looks so uncomfortable. Like "Just keep staying with this Alzheimer's patient and maybe someday I'll be first lady!"

09-26-2020, 03:10 AM
Oh hey look, more fuckery afoot!

Virginia: 1,000+ Voters Receive Two Absentee Ballots (https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/09/25/virginia-1000-voters-receive-two-absentee-ballots/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)

Officials blamed the confusion on label printing machines that jammed, erroneously causing some to be duplicated when entire pages were reprinted due to damage to just some of the labels. “Before the supervisors caught it, the people applying the labels applied them to the entire sheet of labels rather than just pulling out the ones that should have been processed,” Fairfax County Registrar Gary Scott told NBC 4 Washington. […]

Fairfax saw the majority of the duplicate ballots, with about 1,000, out of roughly 1,400 across the state. Another 300 were sent to voters in the city of Richmond and 100 in Henrico County, just to the north.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Who cares? We have no idea who received duplicate ballots! Maybe they were all sent to Trump supporters!"

And that's a good point, but 1000 of the 1400 were sent to Fairfax county which voted 72% for Democrat Tim Kaine in 2018, another 300 were sent to Richmond which went 85% for Tim Kaine in 2018, and the remaining 100 went to Henrico county which went 65% for Kaine.

So strange how all of these "accidents" and "mishaps" so far seem to have mostly benefited Democrats.

09-26-2020, 08:57 AM
Oh hey look, more fuckery afoot!

Virginia: 1,000+ Voters Receive Two Absentee Ballots (https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/09/25/virginia-1000-voters-receive-two-absentee-ballots/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)

Now I know what you're thinking, "Who cares? We have no idea who received duplicate ballots! Maybe they were all sent to Trump supporters!"

And that's a good point, but 1000 of the 1400 were sent to Fairfax county which voted 72% for Democrat Tim Kaine in 2018, another 300 were sent to Richmond which went 85% for Tim Kaine in 2018, and the remaining 100 went to Henrico county which went 65% for Kaine.

So strange how all of these "accidents" and "mishaps" so far seem to have mostly benefited Democrats.

And this is just absentee ballots.. these are not the states that are sending out ballots to every voter no matter if they asked for it or not.

This is purposely being done to give cover to Biden when he loses and to throw they entire election process into question... because they can't just say "RUSSIA" again.

09-26-2020, 09:58 AM
I never got my Absentee ballot for the Obama/McCain election. The midterms before that it came a month after the election already happened. That is why I don't trust that system. People won't get their vote.

09-26-2020, 11:52 AM
Oh hey look, Biden once again lying about the black community for political gain.

Biden's claim about attending historically Black Delaware State refuted by university (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/25/joe-bidens-claim-about-attending-historically-blac/)

09-26-2020, 02:46 PM
From the guy who says Biden gets a pass because at least he said shit to their faces and are totally swallowing the fake story about Trump.

It’s like you guys can’t huff each other’s farts fast enough.

Let's not forget that this was the guy who claimed today's Antifa is just like the Founding Fathers of yesteryear.

Oh look, a meeting at the Continental Congress!


09-26-2020, 02:47 PM
Oh hey look, Biden once again lying about the black community for political gain.

Biden's claim about attending historically Black Delaware State refuted by university (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/25/joe-bidens-claim-about-attending-historically-blac/)

Biden has been making outlandish claims about his education for 50+ years.

09-26-2020, 03:36 PM
Kyle Rittenhouse.

I'm here protecting the community! (Kills 2 people, wounds a 3rd, invokes self-defense) < Resists extradition to Wisconsin for trial.


Still a more useful human being than you.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2020, 06:07 PM
Are we talking about Kyle "Operator" Rittenhouse, hero avenger who took down 3 known felons in a riot?

09-27-2020, 09:41 PM
One big advantage Biden has as a public servant is that he hasn’t personally guaranteed $421,000,000,000 of debt owed to foreign banks and others.

09-27-2020, 09:44 PM
One big advantage Biden has as a public servant is that he hasn’t personally guaranteed $421,000,000,000 of debt owed to foreign banks and others.

Quoted just for the zeroes. Really doesn't need more than that.

09-28-2020, 10:42 PM
Tara Raede, the angry woman Fox News paid to lie about Biden. Anyone hear anything about her lately?

09-28-2020, 11:07 PM
Tara Raede, the angry woman Fox News paid to lie about Biden. Anyone hear anything about her lately?

Bro.. you can't possibly be one of those people who believe Biden isn't a full scale creep when it comes to women and children.. are you?

09-28-2020, 11:17 PM
Bro.. you can't possibly be one of those people who believe Biden isn't a full scale creep when it comes to women and children.. are you?

Has he ever said he’d date with his own daughter?

09-28-2020, 11:36 PM
Bro.. you can't possibly be one of those people who believe Biden isn't a full scale creep when it comes to women and children.. are you?

Biden isn't on tape looking at small children talking about 'having them' or having an incredibly disgusting relationship with his daughter. So yeah, I think you're projecting cheeto dust

09-29-2020, 03:15 AM
Biden isn't on tape looking at small children talking about 'having them' or having an incredibly disgusting relationship with his daughter. So yeah, I think you're projecting cheeto dust

No, He's just on tape talking about having children run their fingers through his leg hairs and sit on his lap. But...OK!

09-29-2020, 04:59 AM
No, He's just on tape talking about having children run their fingers through his leg hairs and sit on his lap. But...OK!

It’s been reported, Trump has sexualized his daughter since she was 13... THIRTEEN... HIS OWN DAUGHTER. Do you realize how fucked up that is?

Keller was stalking PB’s underage daughter and everyone knows that is beyond fucked up, and you blow off what Trump did to/said about/thought of his own daughter as whatever, who cares.

09-29-2020, 08:16 AM
One big advantage Biden has as a public servant is that he hasn’t personally guaranteed $421,000,000,000 of debt owed to foreign banks and others.

Quoted just for the zeroes. Really doesn't need more than that.


Special K

09-29-2020, 09:09 AM
Yes, again, there are legitimate reasons to throw out ballots.... so I'd assume this happens in many places. Even considering it was politically motivated in an attack against Trump, how much of an effect would that really have distributed out across polling locations if 10 ballots were thrown out at each polling place? I mean seriously. Has anyone proved this was a politically motivated dumping of ballots, or a legitimate one? As far as I know, the investigation is still in progress. As you all like to say, "I'll wait for the results of the investigation" (but I guess that only applies if it's something bad against Trump, right?)


If it saves just one vote, then it's worth it.

Isn't that the left's favorite catch phrase?

09-29-2020, 09:14 AM
Keller looked at the public Facebook page PB’s college-age daughter once to see how badly PB fucked up as a dad and everyone keeps saying he was stalking her.


09-29-2020, 09:14 AM
One big advantage Biden has as a public servant is that he hasn’t personally guaranteed $421,000,000,000 of debt owed to foreign banks and others.

And you claim you are a tax attorney.. someone who deals with numbers every day?

And you are confused between "million" and "billion"?

09-29-2020, 09:16 AM
Biden isn't on tape looking at small children talking about 'having them' or having an incredibly disgusting relationship with his daughter. So yeah, I think you're projecting cheeto dust

He's on "tape" saying how kids rubbed his leg and it excited him so much it made the hair stand up and how he loves kids sitting in his lap.

09-29-2020, 09:21 AM
Back in 2005, I was upset that PB wouldn't let me into the World of Warcraft guild because everyone found me to be a gigantic asshole.. so I doxxed him, found out he has underage daughters and stalked them on their social media. I don't have a problem with teenage girls though... I can stop creeping on them anytime I want. Did you know there are MILLIONS of underage girls on the Internet?? And that's millions with 9 zeros!

Fixed. Creepy fuck.

09-29-2020, 09:23 AM

Still 110% super inappropriate. Period.

09-29-2020, 09:30 AM
1 million seconds is about 11 1/2 days.

1 billion seconds is almost 32 years.

1 trillion seconds is 31,709 years.

09-29-2020, 09:31 AM
Still 110% super inappropriate. Period.

He will never see that it was wrong.. because he does it all the time. It's become natural for him.. 2nd nature.

09-29-2020, 09:58 AM

Yeah, even if it was only once that is still fucking creepy.

09-29-2020, 10:26 AM
Just a little reminder about Biden's "healthcare for all" scam.


09-29-2020, 10:34 AM
Just wow, you guys are complete fucking morons. Not even sure why I waste my time on you idiots other than stupidity is public enemy number 1 for me. You guys are the fucking worst.

Try this website (www.oprah.com) instead you might like it better.

09-29-2020, 10:59 AM
It's funny to think that you think that you're significant enough to elicit an emotional reaction from me. You guys are just fucking stupid, that is all.

After posting in the biggest red letters possible 1 minute prior...

It's like your one personality doesn't know what the other personality is typing..

09-29-2020, 11:03 AM
It's funny to think that you think that you're significant enough to elicit an emotional reaction from me. You guys are just fucking stupid, that is all.

After posting in the biggest red letters possible 1 minute prior...

It's like your one personality doesn't know what the other personality is typing..

I got one. I have the neg rep and a follow up PM from him to prove it.

Hope the reply to this is even better.

09-29-2020, 12:57 PM
I mean, the biggest difference between the two is that Biden did it to their faces, and is certainly no worse than anything they say to each other. Not something I would have said if I were him as it was a dumb thing to say, but he doesn't mean it the way Trump did saying it in private. Surely even a moron such as yourself can see that even if you don't like one or both of the idiots.

This is one of your more pathetic "But Trump!" posts. :lol:

Holy fuck I can't wait for the debate tonight. It's still happening, right?

09-29-2020, 01:01 PM
Holy fuck I can't wait for the debate tonight. It's still happening, right?

Unless Biden decides to cancel at last minute, which is entirely possible.

Trump wanted a rule to have a third party check both candidates for electronic devices in their ears and Biden refused, so I'm sure we can expect a lot of Biden's responses to be slightly delayed.

09-29-2020, 01:20 PM
Unless Biden decides to cancel at last minute, which is entirely possible.

Trump wanted a rule to have a third party check both candidates for electronic devices in their ears and Biden refused, so I'm sure we can expect a lot of Biden's responses to be slightly delayed.

That will probably end up just confusing Biden even more. I hope he wears one for that reason. :lol:

He'll put his hand up to his ear mid sentence and be like "What?"

09-29-2020, 01:31 PM
That will probably end up just confusing Biden even more. I hope he wears one for that reason. :lol:

He'll put his hand up to his ear mid sentence and be like "What?"

The voice in my head has a good policy idea...

09-29-2020, 02:28 PM
No, He's just on tape talking about having children run their fingers through his leg hairs and sit on his lap. But...OK!

I can imagine on the flip side that if the Russians release evidence that Trump has been banging Ivanka for years, that not only would Conservashits not care, but they'd start quoting the Bible about honoring thy father.

09-29-2020, 02:33 PM
I can imagine on the flip side that if the Russians release evidence that Trump has been banging Ivanka for years, that not only would Conservashits not care, but they'd start quoting the Bible about honoring thy father.

Bringing those incest fantasies of yours to light, huh?

09-29-2020, 02:48 PM
For the record, I would watch an Invanka sex tape if one existed. All politics aside, she is a smoke show

09-29-2020, 03:36 PM
I can imagine on the flip side that if the Russians release evidence that Trump has been banging Ivanka for years, that not only would Conservashits not care, but they'd start quoting the Bible about honoring thy father.

Considering that's not the case and in the real world it's the Democrat candidate who openly admits to having children play with his leg hairs and sit on his lap.

Progressives at this point are the cum sluts in a neo-liberal bukkake film.

09-29-2020, 03:55 PM
For the record, I would watch an Invanka sex tape if one existed. All politics aside, she is a smoke show

I heard she is an absolute cunt though... "even worse than Michelle Obama" from a friend who up until last month worked at the White House.

09-29-2020, 03:58 PM
Considering that's not the case and in the real world it's the Democrat candidate who openly admits to having children play with his leg hairs and sit on his lap.

Progressives at this point are the cum sluts in a neo-liberal bukkake film.

And it’s the Republican president that has had sexual fantasies about his own daughter since she was 13, and has openly sexualized her.

You can’t shit on Biden and give Trump a free pass, when what he has said is far fucking worse.

09-29-2020, 04:10 PM
And it’s the Republican president that has had sexual fantasies about his own daughter since she was 13, and has openly sexualized her.

You can’t shit on Biden and give Trump a free pass, when what he has said is far fucking worse.



09-29-2020, 04:12 PM

09-29-2020, 04:18 PM
And it’s the Republican president that has had sexual fantasies about his own daughter since she was 13, and has openly sexualized her.

You can’t shit on Biden and give Trump a free pass, when what he has said is far fucking worse.

Nobody is giving Trump a free pass.....we've heard this from democrats for 4 years....it's that Democrats decided to have us hold their beer and are running a rich white racist pedophile that's held public office for nearly 50 years. This is why I referred to progressives as cum sluts.

Honestly, if you call yourself a progressive and vote for Biden... you're really a slut of the worst kind and deserve to watch your movement die.

09-29-2020, 04:19 PM




09-29-2020, 05:30 PM




Fuck that's creepy.

09-30-2020, 03:51 PM
Black female Democrat Ohio state representative endorses Trump. (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ohio-dem-backs-trump-after-history-party-feuds)

Biden sucks.

09-30-2020, 11:09 PM
Black female Democrat Ohio state representative endorses Trump. (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ohio-dem-backs-trump-after-history-party-feuds)

Biden sucks.

Sorry, but this is so hypocritical I can't help but laugh my ass off. Any time a former Trump aide or staff or whoever says something bad, you excuse it with "Just a vindictive ex employee" or whatever. So this person did something she wasn't supposed to, got in trouble, got voted out, then got upset when she was refused entry. Am I missing anything here?

Kennedy Kent served two years before being voted out of state's House Democratic Caucus in June 2018 after sending a letter on official Ohio Legislative Black Caucus letterhead without permission and has not returned to the Statehouse since May 2019, when she was blocked from entering a room, The Enquirer reported.

"Following my traumatic experience on May [22] caught on Statehouse security video, my husband proclaimed his intent to vote for President Trump and walked away from the Democrat Party," she wrote in her release, referencing the date she was barred from re-entering the House Democratic Caucus.

So why is this different from everyone who comes out and says something bad about Trump? Why should this person's opinion mean anything more than the people who have actually had to work with the shitbag-in-chief? Seriously? Can anything you say be taken seriously? That's a rhetorical question, don't bother to answer...

09-30-2020, 11:25 PM
Sorry, but this is so hypocritical I can't help but laugh my ass off. Any time a former Trump aide or staff or whoever says something bad, you excuse it with "Just a vindictive ex employee" or whatever. So this person did something she wasn't supposed to, got in trouble, got voted out, then got upset when she was refused entry. Am I missing anything here?

So why is this different from everyone who comes out and says something bad about Trump? Why should this person's opinion mean anything more than the people who have actually had to work with the shitbag-in-chief? Seriously? Can anything you say be taken seriously? That's a rhetorical question, don't bother to answer...

Biden sucks.

09-30-2020, 11:45 PM
Black female Democrat Ohio state representative endorses Trump. (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ohio-dem-backs-trump-after-history-party-feuds)

Biden sucks.

Will we have a major press release every time someone whose not Caucasian announces they'll vote for Trump?

09-30-2020, 11:49 PM
Will we have a major press release every time someone whose not Caucasian announces they'll vote for Trump?

From me? You betcha.

10-01-2020, 01:04 AM
So she hasn't even been doing her job since May of last year, and has been accused of forgery? lmao you are welcome to have this nutjob, I'm sure she'll fit right in.

10-01-2020, 10:38 AM
So she hasn't even been doing her job since May of last year, and has been accused of forgery? lmao you are welcome to have this nutjob, I'm sure she'll fit right in.

True, she’s no klan hood wearing racist. Those people seem to stay in the Democrat party and support Biden.

10-01-2020, 10:45 AM
The modern day Democrat party:

Police arrest woman for allegedly driving 6 children around upstate New York to rip down Trump campaign signs (https://www.theblaze.com/news/woman-minors-trump-flag-vandalism)

10-01-2020, 12:19 PM
True, she’s no klan hood wearing racist. Those people seem to stay in the Democrat party and support Biden.

The shit you say man is absolutely hilarious.


“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again,” wrote Rocky J. Suhayda, the head of the American Nazi Party, last fall. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

During the Republican National Convention in July, Trump endorser Andrew Anglin, who runs a neo-Nazi website called the Daily Stormer, wrote: “The biggest story in the filthy kike media has been a few lines from Melania’s speech which these Jews claim she stole from monkey Michelle.”

Last February, praise for Trump from former Klansman David Duke attracted widespread media attention, eventually spurring Trump to distance himself from the Louisiana political figure. But Trump has not rejected endorsements from any of these other extremists—none of whom have before openly backed a major party nominee for the White House.

But yeah, the KKK totally support Democrats, and there are no white supremacists or racists in the Republican party at all (/sarcasm). How stupid can one person really be? I find myself asking this question about you a lot, and you just keep pushing the line further and further! It's truly remarkable.

And to be clear, I'm not saying there are no white supremacists that support Democrats, because they do exist. I've said it once and I've said it before, there are idiots and assholes on both sides of the spectrum.

I get that Trump has trained you to believe that if you say something that it is true even if it isn't, but that isn't how reality works buddy.

10-01-2020, 12:23 PM
The shit you say man is absolutely hilarious.


But yeah, the KKK totally support Democrats, and there are no white supremacists or racists in the Republican party at all (/sarcasm). How stupid can one person really be? I find myself asking this question about you a lot, and you just keep pushing the line further and further! It's truly remarkable.

And to be clear, I'm not saying there are no white supremacists that support Democrats, because they do exist. I've said it once and I've said it before, there are idiots and assholes on both sides of the spectrum.

I get that Trump has trained you to believe that if you say something that it is true even if it isn't, but that isn't how reality works buddy.

Biden sucks.

10-01-2020, 09:56 PM
365 million raised by Biden this filing period, versus Trumps 210 million. Trump must be sweating hamburger grease right now

10-01-2020, 09:58 PM
if he loses he gives it back to the suc er people right?

10-01-2020, 10:52 PM
if he loses he gives it back to the suc er people right?

Oh, is that how that works? According to Brad Pascale and the Trump campaign , anything less than 100M is a tip.

10-02-2020, 12:10 PM
The shit you say man is absolutely hilarious.


But yeah, the KKK totally support Democrats, and there are no white supremacists or racists in the Republican party at all (/sarcasm). How stupid can one person really be? I find myself asking this question about you a lot, and you just keep pushing the line further and further! It's truly remarkable.

And to be clear, I'm not saying there are no white supremacists that support Democrats, because they do exist. I've said it once and I've said it before, there are idiots and assholes on both sides of the spectrum.

I get that Trump has trained you to believe that if you say something that it is true even if it isn't, but that isn't how reality works buddy.

Just remember next time you give someone shit over their sources, that you just linked a motherjones article with a straight face.

10-02-2020, 12:16 PM
Just remember next time you give someone shit over their sources, that you just linked a motherjones article with a straight face.


10-02-2020, 12:30 PM
Just remember next time you give someone shit over their sources, that you just linked a motherjones article with a straight face.

Obviously it's now acceptable to reference Alex Jones as a legit news source.

So the elites really are trying to open a portal to a higher dimension.................


10-02-2020, 02:07 PM
Just remember next time you give someone shit over their sources, that you just linked a motherjones article with a straight face.

Show me one time where I have given someone shit for their source?

Is any of it not true? Any of it not actually happen? I don't pay attention to every site's reputation and their track records, and I have no clue who Alex Jones is or Mother Jones. I consume articles from several different view points and form my own opinions. That wasn't the only site where I found the quotes, but it was a convenient one. Even shitty sites can have decent information every now and then, and simply dismissing it because of the source without actually verifying if any of it is true, is ignorant. I mean, Trump is the biggest liar on the face of the planet, and you people are still repeating what he says! The irony... of the irony. You guys are really making me laugh today.


Shortly after Trump won the election in 2016, white nationalists gathered for a conference in Washington to celebrate Trump's victory with Nazi salutes. Richard Spencer, a well-known neo-Nazi, in a speech opening up the conference said: "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!"

White nationalist groups were also encouraged by Trump's response to Charlottesville and the false equivalence he presented between violent neo-Nazis and counterprotesters. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke at the time celebrated Trump's remarks via Twitter, thanking the president for condemning the "leftist terrorists." (This one sounds like Tgo! David TgoDuke, we're on to you!

In one of the most infamous moments of his presidency, Trump in August 2017 blamed "many sides" for deadly neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville. The president said there were "very fine people" on "both sides." Trump and his allies have since claimed that Democrats and the media have embellished his remarks after the white nationalist rally, but what he said is on video and can also be found on the White House website (which transcribes his public remarks).

Try harder man. I consider you one of the smarter people who support Trump here, but you're making me rethink that position if you're going to throw bullshit out there for no reason.

10-02-2020, 05:42 PM
I have no clue

This was the only intelligent and truthful thing you posted in a week.

10-08-2020, 07:38 PM
This is literally how I picture every leftist whenever they think they are making good points:


10-10-2020, 01:02 AM
This white dude reminds me of most of the "progressives" on the PC.


Sitting there thinking he's not racist because he's holding a BLM sign while he's tossing out the N word left and right, and then tries to justify himself by saying it's totally okay for him to say it with an A at the end.

But that about sums up most far leftists these days doesn't it? Bunch of racist knuckle draggers who think they have carte blanche to be racist because they virtue signal by supporting BLM and then projection their racist shit onto Trump supporters and Republicans.

If I didn't know any better I would say that guy were Seran, but Seran probably looks more like a walking skeleton.

10-10-2020, 01:22 AM
Nah, that guy is just a dumb idiot. But I'm pretty sure you think anyone that doesn't support white supremacy is a liberal, so it is what it is.

10-10-2020, 01:27 AM
Nah, that guy is just a dumb idiot. But I'm pretty sure you think anyone that doesn't support white supremacy is a liberal, so it is what it is.

It's pretty amazing how low of a bar you people set for your fellow liberals. "At least we're not white supremacists!"

Congrats on being part of the 99.99%. Go you!

10-10-2020, 01:40 AM
It's pretty amazing how low of a bar you people set for your fellow liberals. "At least we're not white supremacists!"

Congrats on being part of the 99.99%. Go you!

I mean, you spun that so well. You're good at hiding who you truly are.

10-10-2020, 01:48 AM
I mean, you spun that so well. You're good at hiding who you truly are.

Who am I? Truly?

10-10-2020, 10:57 AM
Who am I? Truly?

A talking dog with human hands.

10-10-2020, 11:22 AM
A talking dog with human hands.

+1 internetz for you

10-10-2020, 11:33 AM
Show me one time where I have given someone shit for their source?

Is any of it not true? Any of it not actually happen? I don't pay attention to every site's reputation and their track records, and I have no clue who Alex Jones is or Mother Jones. I consume articles from several different view points and form my own opinions. That wasn't the only site where I found the quotes, but it was a convenient one. Even shitty sites can have decent information every now and then, and simply dismissing it because of the source without actually verifying if any of it is true, is ignorant. I mean, Trump is the biggest liar on the face of the planet, and you people are still repeating what he says! The irony... of the irony. You guys are really making me laugh today.


(This one sounds like Tgo! David TgoDuke, we're on to you!

Try harder man. I consider you one of the smarter people who support Trump here, but you're making me rethink that position if you're going to throw bullshit out there for no reason.

My bad, I must have gotten you confused with every other leftist who posts here regularly.

10-10-2020, 01:35 PM
A talking dog with human hands.

Curses! Foiled again!

10-10-2020, 01:53 PM
8 minutes of clips of Trump condemning white supremacy and hatred:


Democrats: But Trump hasn't denounced white supremacy in the last 12 minutes!! BIGOT! Vote Biden!

10-10-2020, 01:59 PM
8 minutes of clips of a piece of shit lying non stop

If you believe a single word that comes out of that shitstains pouty bitch mouth, I've got a bridge to sell you.

10-10-2020, 02:25 PM
If you believe a single word that comes out of that shitstains pouty bitch mouth, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Imagine being this brain washed by the media.

10-10-2020, 02:57 PM
Imagine being this brain washed by the media.

Leftism is a helluva drug man, it rots their brains.

10-10-2020, 06:36 PM
If you believe a single word that comes out of that shitstains pouty bitch mouth, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Imagine being this butthurt.

10-10-2020, 06:38 PM
Biden says voters don't deserve to know his stance on packing or not packing the Supreme Court (https://twitter.com/thejcoop/status/1314929793524215808)

10-10-2020, 06:46 PM
Biden says voters don't deserve to know his stance on packing or not packing the Supreme Court (https://twitter.com/thejcoop/status/1314929793524215808)

Meanwhile he and other Democrats lose their shit because Trump fulfills his constitutional duty to nominate someone to replace RBG.

And yet the far leftists fall for this shit over and over and over and over and over and over again. And why not? Virtue signaling is all the rage these days. You can be the biggest racist piece of shit on the planet, but as long as you say "Black Lives Matter" then all is forgiven and you're a hero. Gotta love the new woke left.

10-10-2020, 06:54 PM
The right can just fuck right off. If Trump wants to stand up in the first debate and say “We won the election. Elections have consequences,” then the right can eat it when they lose.

10-10-2020, 06:57 PM
The right can just fuck right off. If Trump wants to stand up in the first debate and say “We won the election. Elections have consequences,” then the right can eat it when they lose.

Big difference between nominating judges and court packing to cheat. Why are Democrats okay with so much cheating?

10-10-2020, 07:02 PM
Big difference between nominating judges and court packing to cheat. Why are Democrats okay with so much cheating?

They won't be able to pack the court without taking the Senate... and that's not looking good.

10-10-2020, 07:24 PM
The right can just fuck right off. If Trump wants to stand up in the first debate and say “We won the election. Elections have consequences,” then the right can eat it when they lose.

Remember when Dirty Harry Reid changed the Senate rules and it came back to bite Democrats in the ass?

I do. And I laugh.

There is a big difference between what the Republicans did and what the Democrats are proposing: Republicans played by the rules.

I can't wait until your November meltdown again.