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07-06-2020, 11:21 AM
Interesting take.


07-09-2020, 10:47 AM
He doesn't really need to campaign. 4 5 is handing it to him

07-09-2020, 07:50 PM

Biden on the police: Surplus military equipment for law enforcement; they don't need that. The last thing you need is an uparmored humvee coming into a neighborhood, it's like the military invading. They don't know anybody, they become the enemy. They are supposed to be protecting these people.

Reporter: But do we agree we can redirect some of the funding.

Biden: Yes! Absolutely!

Why is anyone supporting this guy again? The police are the enemy and he now supports defunding the police?

Just how much do you guys hate Trump that this maniac is who you choose to support? You'd rather let the entire country burn down rather than have Trump for another 4 years?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:08 PM
Fucking idiots supporting not funding police deserve to die in home invasions. Fuck them all.

I'm armed and ready, let those fuckers die in a crisis.

07-09-2020, 08:09 PM
Fucking idiots supporting not funding police deserve to die in home invasions. Fuck them all.

I'm armed and ready, let those fuckers die in a crisis.


Oh honey, it's so funny watching you try to debate politics. You never have absolutely any idea of what you're talking about.

Stick to "cunt"- I think it's the only word you actually understand in these threads.

So entertaining though.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:10 PM

Oh honey, it's so funny watching you try to debate politics. You never have absolutely any idea of what you're talking about.

Stick to "cunt"- I think it's the only word you actually understand in these threads.

So entertaining though.

Oh sweetie. Giggle.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:11 PM

Time4Fun is a cunt.

07-09-2020, 08:11 PM
Nobody chose Biden. This two party shitstem delivered him to us, and while he may be senile there can be no question that the cheeto must go. Just about anyone will do as a replacement.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:12 PM



I wanna get that right.

07-09-2020, 08:31 PM

It also says you love cock

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:33 PM
It also says you love cock

I love my cock, is that wrong?

07-09-2020, 08:37 PM
I love my cock, is that wrong?

Nope. Also not wrong that you love mine and I defend your right to do so.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-09-2020, 08:38 PM
Nope. Also not wrong that you love mine and I defend your right to do so.

That's good, while not true that I'm homosexual I appreciate the support for them. Good job.

07-10-2020, 02:07 PM
Nobody chose Biden. This two party shitstem delivered him to us, and while he may be senile there can be no question that the cheeto must go. Just about anyone will do as a replacement.

Biden was chosen though. By your party.

Your party had a couple women, a gay, a couple POC... and your party chose the old white guy.

Keep voting with the Party though.. it really cares about you.

07-10-2020, 02:14 PM
I'd have seriously considered voting for Tulsi Gabbard.

07-11-2020, 01:46 AM
Goya foods, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US, is facing a boycott from Democrats (it's even being pushed by AOC herself) because the CEO dared to say something nice about Trump.

Meanwhile Trump supporters are encouraging people to go out and buy Goya products.

Yes that's right. Democrats, the supposed party that wants to empower people of color, are boycotting the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US, while Republicans are calling for people to buy more products from the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US.

Remind me which party is the party filled with bigots again?

07-11-2020, 02:39 AM
I'd have seriously considered voting for Tulsi Gabbard.

Goya foods, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US, is facing a boycott from Democrats (it's even being pushed by AOC herself) because the CEO dared to say something nice about Trump.

Meanwhile Trump supporters are encouraging people to go out and buy Goya products.

Yes that's right. Democrats, the supposed party that wants to empower people of color, are boycotting the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US, while Republicans are calling for people to buy more products from the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the US.

Remind me which party is the party filled with bigots again?
The one who supports the man who's referred to Mexicans multiple times as "rapists" and such?

Yeah, can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to show solidarity for that.

07-11-2020, 03:12 AM
The one who supports the man who's referred to Mexicans multiple times as "rapists" and such?

Fake news.

07-11-2020, 06:11 AM
Fake news.

Tgo, Trump is responsible for an all-time high economy and all-time low unemployment for every ethnicity. He obviously is bad for our country and needs to go. Why can't you see that?

07-11-2020, 06:39 AM
Tgo, Trump is responsible for an all-time high economy and all-time low unemployment for every ethnicity. He obviously is bad for our country and needs to go. Why can't you see that?

My bad.

Bring on Biden! Mr. "My kids will grow up in a racial jungle if we integrate black kids and white kids" himself!

07-11-2020, 08:19 AM

07-11-2020, 09:04 AM
He doesn't really need to campaign. 4 5 is handing it to him


07-11-2020, 09:13 AM

The one who supports the man who's referred to Mexicans multiple times as "rapists" and such?

Yeah, can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to show solidarity for that.

Their vs. they're.

Grammar is important.

07-11-2020, 01:14 PM
Tgo, Trump is responsible for an all-time high economy and all-time low unemployment for every ethnicity. He obviously is bad for our country and needs to go. Why can't you see that?
Fake news.

07-11-2020, 01:29 PM
Their vs. they're.

Grammar is important.
My bad, you grammar Nazi.

...too soon??



07-11-2020, 06:07 PM
He doesn't really need to campaign. 4 5 is handing it to him

This isn't even close to true.

07-11-2020, 06:18 PM
This isn't even close to true.

It definitely is. Just wait, you'll see.

07-11-2020, 06:52 PM
It definitely is. Just wait, you'll see.

The two party system has fucked us all since 2016 but the DNC royally screwed up by backing Biden. He isn't winning.

07-11-2020, 07:26 PM
The two party system has fucked us all since 2016 but the DNC royally screwed up by backing Biden. He isn't winning.
Epstien could win against 4 5 at this point.

07-11-2020, 07:28 PM
Epstien could win against 4 5 at this point.

I'm sure Epstein could count on your vote.

I know I know, this is where you say "It's better than voting for a Cheeto!"

07-11-2020, 07:31 PM

Yeah, evil elder gods get my vote. Anybody but the cheeto

07-11-2020, 07:31 PM
Epstien could win against 4 5 at this point.

Agree to disagree. I'm voting third party again regardless, but Biden has literally no shot.

07-11-2020, 07:51 PM

07-11-2020, 10:41 PM
Agree to disagree. I'm voting third party again regardless, but Biden has literally no shot.

Voting third party in this system has no value. You have to pick red or blue or you might as well stay home that day.

07-11-2020, 10:48 PM

07-11-2020, 11:40 PM

Trump has done nothing he promised? This is why they say the left can't meme. This is just sad. Even sadder than Bhaalizmo's attempts at being cutting and witty.

07-11-2020, 11:47 PM
Trump has done nothing he promised? This is why they say the left can't meme. This is just sad. Even sadder than Bhaalizmo's attempts at being cutting and witty.

Aww, keep my name out your mouth racist or you give yourself away.

07-12-2020, 08:30 AM
He doesn't really need to campaign. 4 5 is handing it to him

It definitely is. Just wait, you'll see.

Epstien could win against 4 5 at this point.

Yeah, evil elder gods get my vote. Anybody but the cheeto

2/10 You should probably attend one of time4fun’s trolling classes that she teaches and has a PhD in.

Aww, keep your name out your mouth racist or you give yourself away.

Tgo is you? Or did you just call yourself racist?

07-12-2020, 10:11 AM
Voting third party in this system has no value. You have to pick red or blue or you might as well stay home that day.

I laugh when people say this. While technically true because of the terrible two party system we have (that should be abolished), I'd rather vote for the candidate that aligns closest to my values than to just toe the line for whatever geriatric fuck either the DNC or GOP offers up.

07-12-2020, 11:02 AM
I laugh when people say this. While technically true because of the terrible two party system we have (that should be abolished), I'd rather vote for the candidate that aligns closest to my values than to just toe the line for whatever geriatric fuck either the DNC or GOP offers up.

Voting these days is becoming more about voting against the candidate you dislike than it is anything else.

07-12-2020, 11:12 AM
Agree to disagree. I'm voting third party again regardless, but Biden has literally no shot.

I have a friend who works in the White House and is now moving to Seattle because she can't stand President Trump.. but despises Biden even more.

And she is a diehard liberal.

Probably has to do with the fact that she's worked there for 8 years now and Biden is a creepy fuck.

07-12-2020, 11:15 AM
Aww, keep your name out your mouth racist or you give yourself away.


07-12-2020, 11:20 AM
Voting these days is becoming more about voting against the candidate you dislike than it is anything else.

Pretty much this.

Biden has already made it clear that nothing will change under his time in office. "Progressive" democrats are going to be highly disappointed with another neoliberal, I mean, Biden presidency.

It's sad that they believed southern democrats would ever support a Jewish candidate.

07-12-2020, 11:28 AM
Pretty much this.

Biden has already made it clear that nothing will change under his time in office. "Progressive" democrats are going to be highly disappointed with another neoliberal, I mean, Biden presidency.

It's sad that they believed southern democrats would ever support a Jewish candidate.

What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

07-12-2020, 11:30 AM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

Pretty sure no one does?

**Continues to sip coffee and watch the fireworks**

07-12-2020, 11:31 AM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

Pantene Pro V for everyone.

07-12-2020, 11:32 AM
Pantene Pro V for everyone.

I was going to say - Nude swimming parties at the White House?

**Mmm.. this coffee is good**

07-12-2020, 11:39 AM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

Why don’t you enlighten us?

Or just stfu.


07-12-2020, 11:41 AM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

I got to the "nah, we're just going to continue the war on cannabis." and had read enough.

No medicare for all.

It's the same old neoliberal garbage we have seen for 30 years. Hard pass.

07-12-2020, 11:43 AM
My candidate wants to abolish the ATF and legalize marijuana, cocaine and prostitution.

07-12-2020, 11:56 AM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

Apparently, Biden is just a Repub in disguise. I ‘d rather for Trump at that point...

After studiously avoiding a face-to-face interview during the Democratic presidential primary, presumptive nominee Joe Biden finally agreed to answer questions from Medicare for All advocate Ady Barkan, a progressive activist who suffers from the terminal and degenerative disease known as ALS.

"Health care guaranteed as a human right, but taking away the right to have a private plan if you want a private plan, I disagree with."
—Joe BidenIn a video of their exchange posted online Wednesday, the former vice president defends his commitment to the nation's private insurance industry and says that while "he fully gets" why so many people are fed up with for-profit insurance companies and the employer-based coverage—and even amid a raging pandemic that many argue has further exposed the system's cruelty and inefficiencies—he still remains steadfastly opposed to Medicare for All as a viable alternative.

"It's no secret that I support Medicare for All," says Barkan about mid-way through their exchange to which Biden interjects: "I don't."

During the primary, Barkan was able to interview most of the top Democratic contenders—including Medicare for All champion Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who Barkan later endorsed—but Biden refused to accept repeated invitations.

Finally given a chance to challenge the former vice president with pointed questions on the subject of healthcare, Barkan asks Biden: "Do you see a future where health insurance is no longer tied to employment? Will America ever have a single payer system where health care is guaranteed as a human right?"

"Health care guaranteed as a human right," Biden responds, "but taking away the right to have a private plan if you want a private plan, I disagree with."

Even your sunshine state disagrees with Biden...

Healthy California Now, which advocates for both Medicare for All and a state-based single-payer solution, lamented that Biden—"running for president during a global pandemic and economic collapse"—had the ability to look Barkan "in the eye" and tell him "flippantly" he opposes Medicare for All, "the only compassionate and efficient solution" to the national crisis.

And of course Liberals no like...

It depends on the plan," Biden responds. "Look, you know what my bills were for my hospitalization? They were $280,000. I get it, man. I'm not new to this. I'm not where you are, but I get it. I fully get it."

Progressives and human rights advocates, however, continue to ask if Biden really does get it.

In the pocket of insurance companies...

Instead of Medicare for All, Biden has pushed for expanding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed under the Obama administration, by adding a public option, further subsidizing "Gold Plans" on the private market, and adding home care costs to benefits that could be covered.

Experts and economists have long argued that simply adding a public option or other tweaks to the private system will never achieve the kind of efficiencies, universal coverage, and cost-savings that a Medicare for All system would achieve.

07-12-2020, 06:17 PM


07-13-2020, 05:12 PM
What are you even talking about? Do you have any idea what his platform is?

Yes. He's running on the "I was Obummer's VP platform".

Edit: You're retarded.

07-13-2020, 10:12 PM
My candidate wants to abolish the ATF and legalize marijuana, cocaine and prostitution.

07-14-2020, 11:08 PM
Apparently, Biden is just a Repub in disguise. I ‘d rather for Trump at that point.

Really? Even with his groveling for Putin and his cannot utter a truth behavior? He's gotta go man. This nation can't take much more of his divisive hateful ways.

07-14-2020, 11:29 PM
Really? Even with his groveling for Putin and his cannot utter a truth behavior? He's gotta go man. This nation can't take much more of his divisive hateful ways.


07-23-2020, 09:57 PM

07-24-2020, 04:23 PM

Mhmm. Cause we are.

07-24-2020, 08:44 PM
Mhmm. Cause we are.

You are right, the path to Socialism and Communism *IS* the wrong track.

07-25-2020, 10:55 PM
You are right, the path to Socialism and Communism *IS* the wrong track.

thats what you feel like you're seeing in 2020? America on the path to socialism and communism? What are you smokin and where can I purchase it?

07-25-2020, 11:30 PM
2020 Election be like:

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/116208109_10158711158161103_5578594822077827301_n. jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=rXVS8ZTUSG0AX8bSCJf&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=c7e5bd93b1791f03460a0de7648c82c6&oe=5F440AD4

[To be fair, I thought it said "Jo Mama".]

07-26-2020, 12:35 AM
You are right, the path to Socialism and Communism *IS* the wrong track.

As usual, you are confusing a social democracy/welfare state with socialism/communism because you have absolutely no idea what those things are.

But instead of telling you to look those things up- I'm going to suggest you look up fascism.

We are living in an early stage of fascism in the US right now because of the President YOU support. Calling protesters who disagree with him terrorists, forcing Federal officers to literally abduct peaceful protesters (who just so happen to be largely people of color working for their rights) in multiple situations now (Not just Portland), sending armed Federal forces to specific cities **explicitly** because they are run by members of the opposition party (by his own admission), retweeting things that suggest members of the opposition party should be killed, arrests with no warrants or probable cause in the name of "Law and order", a complete political takeover of any independent or semi-independent watchdogs who are investigating him or overseeing his Departments, instructing Federal forces to target legal observers and the press with violence, stoking racial resentment and fears, refusing to commit to a peaceful transition of power, trying to manipulate the electoral system, spreading fear and mistrust over our basic Democratic rights to vote..

You people have brought us to an EXTREMELY dark place in American politics. And you know it. You are very well aware that none of this is okay, but you are so desperate to hurt people whom you disagree with politically that you don't care.

People like you are destroying this country and corrupting our democracy. And you're doing it so you can treat immigrants like garbage and so you can keep people from having health care and subsistence wages. Congratulations on playing the role of a cartoon villain.

You need help. I mean that very sincerely. You need legitimate deprogramming- you have become increasingly radicalized and have genuinely lost touch with reality.

07-26-2020, 06:58 AM
You people,

You need legitimate deprogramming.

Sooo... How does this work?

Do you use a federal police force to round these people up and haul them off to reeducation camps?

You're doing a piss poor job of convincing people that you're not a communist.

07-26-2020, 07:48 AM
time4fun says, “Gulags for everyone I don’t like!”

07-26-2020, 08:26 AM
time4fun says, “Gulags for everyone I don’t like!”

Free kill for me. I'm in.

07-26-2020, 11:11 AM
As usual, you are confusing a social democracy/welfare state with socialism/communism because you have absolutely no idea what those things are.

The dictionary is pretty clear. All you are doing is the typical "That's not REAL Socialism/Communism" shtick. It lost it's luster, you are full of shit and you should know it with all those 732 PhDs you have.

But instead of telling you to look those things up- I'm going to suggest you look up fascism.

Zero. Self. Awareness.

We are living in an early stage of fascism in the US right now because of the President YOU support. Calling protesters who disagree with him terrorists, forcing Federal officers to literally abduct peaceful protesters (who just so happen to be largely people of color working for their rights) in multiple situations now (Not just Portland), sending armed Federal forces to specific cities **explicitly** because they are run by members of the opposition party (by his own admission), retweeting things that suggest members of the opposition party should be killed, arrests with no warrants or probable cause in the name of "Law and order", a complete political takeover of any independent or semi-independent watchdogs who are investigating him or overseeing his Departments, instructing Federal forces to target legal observers and the press with violence, stoking racial resentment and fears, refusing to commit to a peaceful transition of power, trying to manipulate the electoral system, spreading fear and mistrust over our basic Democratic rights to vote..

You use a lot of words in here that you really don't know what they mean. For example, people who riot, burn, assault and murder others are not "protesters" they are criminals.

Then you misuse the word "abduct" when what you should have said is "lawfully detain suspects for questioning".

Traditionally Conservative led cities and states don't have the "protest" (your word, not mine) problems causing millions in damages and untold numbers of other more violent crimes.

"Political takeover" should read "firing employees that work for him since he won the election much like Obama, Bush, Clinton and all Presidents before him have done.

"Stoking racial resentment" should read "enforcing the laws as written".

The rest is just nonsense gibberish that doesn't even translate worth a shit.

You people have brought us to an EXTREMELY dark place in American politics. And you know it. You are very well aware that none of this is okay, but you are so desperate to hurt people whom you disagree with politically that you don't care.

People like you are destroying this country and corrupting our democracy. And you're doing it so you can treat immigrants like garbage and so you can keep people from having health care and subsistence wages. Congratulations on playing the role of a cartoon villain.

Really? Conservatives aren't the ones crying about the popular vote, which has never elected a single President ever. Conservatives aren't the ones wanting to shelter and rationalize criminals in our country illegally in order to slant the vote. Conservatives aren't the ones wanting to get rid of the Electoral College because they want to marginalize rural states and areas in favor of 5 to 7 major metropolitan areas, which is the exact reason we have the Electoral College in the first place. Conservatives aren't the ones who rioted on inauguration day of previous Leftist Presidents that we disliked. Conservatives aren't the ones giving speeches telling our base to verbally assault the members of the other political party in public spaces. Conservatives aren't the ones that think it's ok to DOX public figures in the press in order to try and silence them. Conservatives aren't the ones getting people fired because they tweet support for the President. Conservatives aren't the ones pushing a racist agenda of economic enslavement. Conservatives aren't the ones endorsing murdering hundreds of thousands of babies every year in a racially targets attempt at genocide. Conservatives aren't the ones seeing to legitimize a massive criminal population called Illegal Aliens. Conservatives aren't the ones in favor of health care rationing and slavery imposed on health care workers along with nationalizing 1/6th of the US economy. Conservatives aren't the ones that have pushed racist government wage controls, government price manipulation and oppressive regulation to limit competition that has driven the inflation in the cost of health care, restricted job growth and pushed millions of jobs overseas due to increased costs from regulation and artificial wage restrictions.

The only ones seeking to destroy our Republic are the Leftist Democrat party. Once the party of slavery, always the party of slavery, you are all so rage filled that you lost power and can't continue to push this country down the road of Leftism into totalitarianism that you can't see straight.

You need help. I mean that very sincerely. You need legitimate deprogramming- you have become increasingly radicalized and have genuinely lost touch with reality.

You don't care about anyone but yourself and your illegal alien relative that you shelter illegally. You care about power, control and your self inflated ego that you think you know better how to run other people's lives than they do. You are the typical Leftist woman yelling on social media thinking you are somehow morally superior in some kind of mother/god complex delusion. You are the epitome of Karen's all over the world. You are a consummate Narcissist with years of practice. Congratulations on your expert use of gaslighting and projection, Goebbels would be proud.

PB, I think we have a title fight on our hands.

07-26-2020, 11:43 AM
Just for time4deprogramming

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/116155831_10223060044552238_7782467787528800175_n. jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=8-1r0xCFaDwAX8jgAu9&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=81e93f3b2885a89ca4f8861a24fd3cf1&oe=5F433A8B

07-26-2020, 11:44 AM
Which leads to this:

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s261x260/116016354_10223060141834670_7489335070230196651_n. jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=BkaUGGgaRZAAX_bDSEg&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=18c845caec490410c7c2367d33c06162&oe=5F43260C

07-26-2020, 12:02 PM
Imagine the horror of Time4dictatorships thought police rounding up the 63 million American citizens that voted for Trump.

07-26-2020, 02:08 PM
Imagine the horror of Time4dictatorships thought police rounding up the 63 million American citizens that voted for Trump.

Send em to re-education camps for unbrainwashing.

07-26-2020, 02:34 PM
Send em to re-education camps for unbrainwashing.

Nothing Fascist or totalitarian about that . . .

07-26-2020, 02:37 PM
Nothing Fascist or totalitarian about that . . .
Yeah, nothing fascist or totalitarian at all about rounding up people who disagreed with you and throwing them into vans.

Disclaimer: I'm being facetious.

07-26-2020, 02:38 PM
Then you misuse the word "abduct" when what you should have said is "lawfully detain suspects for questioning".

You're forgetting that probable cause is predicated on the arresting officer identifying themselves and declaring their justification of arrest. That's not identifiable in the video. The video identifies snatch and abduct tactics made infamous by the Gestapo. Given the fiery rants about foreigners, non-white legal immigrants and his Populist agenda, Trump does have a great deal more in common with the fascist leaders brought down in WWII.

Conservatives aren't the ones wanting to shelter and rationalize criminals in our country illegally in order to slant the vote.

No, instead they're attempting to remove legal voting options though mail-in and absentee ballots to limit poor and urban voters by restricting polling place availability. Now with his flagrant abuses of federal agents against state's rights, I won't be surprised if voter intimidation is utilized as well.

Conservatives aren't the ones giving speeches telling our base to verbally assault the members of the other political party in public spaces.

In fact, Trump has infamously encouraged harassment of Democrat and Anti-Trump republicans, encouraged hacking of electric media and resources of political opponents and tried to stoke statewide rebellion against lawfully elected Democrat governors.

Conservatives aren't the ones pushing a racist agenda of economic enslavement.

No, this is exactly what Conservatives and Republicans have been doing for the last fifty years attempting to block federal and state minimum wage increases. The fight in multiple states to allow business owners to count tips and gratuity for an hourly wage is the exact personification of making workers dependent on the largesse of well off patrons.

Conservatives aren't the ones endorsing murdering hundreds of thousands of babies every year in a racially targets attempt at genocide.

Aside from the fact that abortion is a safe and legal way of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, just how complicit are Conservatives and Republicans in driving up the number of abortions by making contraceptives hard to obtain by teens or by fighting for religious and moral exemptions for insurers? If you cannot prevent a pregnancy and wind up pregnant, you're just driving up the convenient opportunity of abortion.

Conservatives aren't the ones in favor of health care rationing

Why yes, Conservatives are doing just that.

A judge representing a Texas county on the U.S.-Mexico border said a local hospital has been forced to choose "who is sent home to die" as resources run thin due to the coronavirus pandemic. The county, which has a population of roughly 64,700 people, has just one hospital to treat what one official called "an exponential" spike in coronavirus cases.

Conservatives aren't the ones that have pushed racist government wage controls, government price manipulation and oppressive regulation to limit competition

The number of consolidations by mega corporations has been higher under Trump than any other President in recent history. Big pharma, big oil, nationwide cell carriers. Trumps FTC and Justice Department has sat on it's hands while monopolies are created across the US. lol.. racist wage controls. Folks would still be making 4.25 an hour and working 12 hour workdays without overtime nationwide if Conservatives and Republicans had the last day.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 02:47 PM
The number of consolidations by mega corporations has been higher under Trump than any other President in recent history. Big pharma, big oil, nationwide cell carriers. Trumps FTC and Justice Department has sat on it's hands while monopolies are created across the US. lol.. racist wage controls. Folks would still be making 4.25 an hour and working 12 hour workdays without overtime nationwide if Conservatives and Republicans had the last day.

What political leaning would you say Twitter, Google, Apple, and Amazon have? T-Mobile/Sprint? The entertainment industry? Facebook? I agree, we should break them all up.

07-26-2020, 03:53 PM
What political leaning would you say Twitter, Google, Apple, and Amazon have? T-Mobile/Sprint? The entertainment industry? Facebook? I agree, we should break them all up.

If you had to attribute a political leaning towards the leadership of Amazon and Google, I'd say progressive. However, corporations shouldn't have political leanings or be allowed to contribute or employ lobbyists. 100% agree that Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook should be investigated for anti-competitive acts. Only so long as the food distribution and production chains, major pharmaceuticals and all of the fortune 500 petrochemicals are likewise investigated.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 03:55 PM
If you had to attribute a political leaning towards the leadership of Amazon and Google, I'd say progressive. However, corporations shouldn't have political leanings or be allowed to contribute or employ lobbyists. 100% agree that Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook should be investigated for anti-competitive acts. Only so long as the food distribution and production chains, major pharmaceuticals and all of the fortune 500 petrochemicals are likewise investigated.

LOL, Progressive. It's like a dirty word to say liberal anymore.

07-26-2020, 07:19 PM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 08:01 PM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.


07-26-2020, 08:13 PM
Multiple choice test..

With just 100 days left, to maximize his probability of winning Biden should
A. Challenge Trump to a debate every week from now until election day.
B. Do lots more teevee interviews.
C. Keep his head down and make only a few scripted speeches.
D. Woo Republican voters away from Trump by choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.

07-26-2020, 08:20 PM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.

It’s times like this when waffle back and forth between time4fun being bat shit insane or the world’s greatest troll.

07-26-2020, 08:21 PM
Multiple choice test..

With just 100 days left, to maximize his probability of winning Biden should
A. Challenge Trump to a debate every week from now until election day.
B. Do lots more teevee interviews.
C. Keep his head down and make only a few scripted speeches.
D. Woo Republican voters away from Trump by choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.

E. None of the above; it won't matter because he won't win

F. Tacos

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 08:23 PM
E. None of the above; it won't matter because he won't win

F. Tacos

I and my wife both vote eeeeffffFFFFeee.

07-26-2020, 08:23 PM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.

This is America remade in Trumps image. The majority doesn't want it. Blue avalanche on the way.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 08:23 PM
Also, if tamales was an option, tacos would get fucking decimated.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 08:25 PM
This is America remade in Trumps image. The majority doesn't want it. Blue avalanche on the way.

Just quoting this for November 4th.

07-26-2020, 08:28 PM
Just quoting this for November 4th.

Try not to rear end anyone intentionally on the way to the voting booth.

You will be voting in person, correct?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-26-2020, 08:40 PM
You will be voting in person, correct?

Why would I do that? I'm voting 3x in advance.

07-27-2020, 12:55 AM
LOL, Progressive. It's like a dirty word to say liberal anymore.

The super lefties have started labeling.. pretty much everyone as neo-liberals. Trump, Biden, Hillary, Ayn Rand, Barney the Dinosaur. Unless you're Bernie Sanders or a Marxist, you're somehow part of the neo-libertarian movement.

So yes, I say progressive because both the far left and far right use liberal as a pejorative and I'm tired of it.

07-27-2020, 10:21 AM
The super lefties have started labeling.. pretty much everyone as neo-liberals. Trump, Biden, Hillary, Ayn Rand, Barney the Dinosaur. Unless you're Bernie Sanders or a Marxist, you're somehow part of the neo-libertarian movement.

So yes, I say progressive because both the far left and far right use liberal as a pejorative and I'm tired of it.

Too bad. You shit in your bed now lie in it.

07-27-2020, 11:23 AM
As usual, you are confusing a social democracy/welfare state with socialism/communism because you have absolutely no idea what those things are.

But instead of telling you to look those things up- I'm going to suggest you look up fascism.

We are living in an early stage of fascism in the US right now because of the President YOU support. Calling protesters who disagree with him terrorists, forcing Federal officers to literally abduct peaceful protesters (who just so happen to be largely people of color working for their rights) in multiple situations now (Not just Portland), sending armed Federal forces to specific cities **explicitly** because they are run by members of the opposition party (by his own admission), retweeting things that suggest members of the opposition party should be killed, arrests with no warrants or probable cause in the name of "Law and order", a complete political takeover of any independent or semi-independent watchdogs who are investigating him or overseeing his Departments, instructing Federal forces to target legal observers and the press with violence, stoking racial resentment and fears, refusing to commit to a peaceful transition of power, trying to manipulate the electoral system, spreading fear and mistrust over our basic Democratic rights to vote..

You people have brought us to an EXTREMELY dark place in American politics. And you know it. You are very well aware that none of this is okay, but you are so desperate to hurt people whom you disagree with politically that you don't care.

People like you are destroying this country and corrupting our democracy. And you're doing it so you can treat immigrants like garbage and so you can keep people from having health care and subsistence wages. Congratulations on playing the role of a cartoon villain.

You need help. I mean that very sincerely. You need legitimate deprogramming- you have become increasingly radicalized and have genuinely lost touch with reality.

The irony, lack of self awareness, dishonesty, mental illness, and overwhelming stench of moth balls is amazing.

07-27-2020, 11:32 AM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.

Shut the fuck up already with your drama queen bullshit.

If you had even a tiny amount of self awareness, you’d realize that the fascists are you and other extreme retards like you.

And you cheer it on. And say that people you disagree with need deprogramming. Because that’s totally not fascist.

Eat a bowl of AIDS.

07-27-2020, 12:11 PM
Shut the fuck up already with your drama queen bullshit.

If you had even a tiny amount of self awareness, you’d realize that the fascists are you and other extreme retards like you.

And you cheer it on. And say that people you disagree with need deprogramming. Because that’s totally not fascist.

Eat a bowl of AIDS.

How exactly is t4f fascists? Doesn’t Fascism believe liberal democracy is obsolete, they support dictatorial power, and suppression by force of opposition?

07-27-2020, 12:33 PM
How exactly is t4f fascists? Doesn’t Fascism believe liberal democracy is obsolete, they support dictatorial power, and suppression by force of opposition?

Go through her post history. I’m too lazy to summarize 6000+ posts of commie cunting.

07-27-2020, 01:28 PM
Go through her post history. I’m too lazy to summarize 6000+ posts of commie cunting.

STFU and stop dying faggot. You suck at Gemstone more than you do at MK, how the fuck is that even possible??

07-27-2020, 01:44 PM
STFU and stop dying faggot. You suck at Gemstone more than you do at MK, how the fuck is that even possible??

Damn, that escalated quickly.

07-27-2020, 01:50 PM
STFU and stop dying faggot. You suck at Gemstone more than you do at MK, how the fuck is that even possible??

Oof. Probably gonna green rep you for that later, despite the use of faggot. Although I can certainly understand how you might have come to associate that expletive with Methais.

07-27-2020, 02:19 PM
Oof. Probably gonna green rep you for that later, despite the use of faggot. Although I can certainly understand how you might have come to associate that expletive with Methais.

Wishful thinking on MacGuyver's part. He has a deeply homoerotic obsession with Methais.

07-27-2020, 02:39 PM
I honestly never thought I'd see the day when fascism came to this country.

And I REALLY never thought I'd see so many people cheering it on.

America isn't supposed to have secret Federal police who are deployed against its own citizens for daring to exercise their right to free speech in a way that is critical of American leadership

We're not supposed to be "Preemptively" arresting people with no probable cause just because they're saying things leadership doesn't want them to say and certainly not as a way to drum up votes

We don't send Federal forces into cities because they are run by members of the opposition party.

We don't have leaders who refuse to commit to a peaceful transition of power.

Do people even know who is leading DHS right now? A former Republican lobbyist. A political plant with no background in national security whatsoever put in charge of a Federal police force. Why do you think that is?

The only thing I can say is go do some research. Go make a list of the countries who deploy Federal forces- and BRUTE FORCE (tear gas, munitions, etc) against protesters they don't agree with. Go make a list of countries who intentionally attack legal observers and the Press who are monitoring the situation in a protest. Figure out which countries throw peaceful protesters into unmarked vans and arrest them with no probable cause and no charges.

I can give you a head start: China. Russia. The Philippines. North Korea. Poland. Hungary.

I'll tell you where this doesn't ever, EVER happen: Canada. The UK. France. Finland. Denmark.

"Law and order" is page 1 of the fascist handbook. It's always how this starts. *Always* And then it's used to turn a country against itself. A divided country that has learned to hate the other half is extremely easy to hijack and control long enough to get into power and then never, ever give it up.

You people are playing with fire here. And it will burn us all down if you don't stop. The rest of the world is watching us in a state of abject horror right now. The leader of the free world has warmed up to fascism. It's heartbreaking.

:lol: Please keep posting. Your butthurt whining is hilarious.

07-27-2020, 03:33 PM
STFU and stop dying faggot. You suck at Gemstone more than you do at MK, how the fuck is that even possible??


I do suck tremendously at MK. Let's play MK anyway. $100 per match, streamed. 3rd party holds the money so you can't bitch out. Put in some overtime at your fluffing job so you can afford it.

Wishful thinking on MacGuyver's part. He has a deeply homoerotic obsession with Methais.

This is correct.

Oof. Probably gonna green rep you for that later, despite the use of faggot. Although I can certainly understand how you might have come to associate that expletive with Methais.

This tard here too. And like macguyver, he also gets upset and lashes out when I don't give him enough attention.

Actual footage of this post:

07-27-2020, 03:35 PM
I blame Hillary for damaging deplorables' egos to the point that they cheer on fascism to own the libs

07-27-2020, 03:37 PM
I blame Hillary for damaging deplorables' egos to the point that they cheer on fascism to own the libs

Hurricane kills people Keller doesn't agree with.
Keller: Yeah! Kill those fuckers! WOO!!!

Leftists beat up, intimidate, murder, and rob people Keller doesn't agree with.
Keller: Yeah! Beat those fuckers up! WOO!!!

Trump enforces federal law.
Keller: OMG!!!! Fascism!

Stay a piece of shit, you piece of shit.

07-27-2020, 03:54 PM
Hurricane kills people Keller doesn't agree with.
Keller: Yeah! Kill those fuckers! WOO!!!

Leftists beat up, intimidate, murder, and rob people Keller doesn't agree with.
Keller: Yeah! Beat those fuckers up! WOO!!!

Trump enforces federal law.
Keller: OMG!!!! Fascism!

Stay a piece of shit, you piece of shit.
You do know you literally just posted this, right?


This guy is a hero.

07-27-2020, 03:55 PM
commie cunting.
This sounds like the title of some back-shelf porn, heh.

07-27-2020, 04:16 PM
This sounds like the title of some back-shelf porn, heh.

Lusty Lenin Babes 4: Seizing the Means of Reproduction


07-27-2020, 06:20 PM
Lusty Lenin Babes 4: Seizing the Means of Reproduction


Still waiting for the sequel, the Masked maidens of Moscow: Seizing the Lusty Lenin Babes.

07-27-2020, 06:26 PM
You do know you literally just posted this, right?

LOL, Tgo01 knows he's a fucking hypocrite, he just gives no fucks because reckoning with it would mean he couldn't post his hate smut anymore. It's okay though because he's an idiot, always has been an idiot, and always will be an idiot. Some people are beyond hope and reason. Such is life.

07-27-2020, 06:38 PM
LOL, Tgo01 knows he's a fucking hypocrite, he just gives no fucks because reckoning with it would mean he couldn't post his hate smut anymore. It's okay though because he's an idiot, always has been an idiot, and always will be an idiot. Some people are beyond hope and reason. Such is life.

I don’t think he’s an idiot... I mean he just ignores fact, information, changes the meaning of words and phrases to fit his vision of things, a total hypocrite that only follows his narrative and anything done that supports his narrative is the best, anything against his narrative even if it’s the same shit is wrong. He post things then claims he didn’t post that, even if it was just a few minutes before.

Never mind you’re right, he’s an idiot.

07-27-2020, 07:13 PM
You do know you literally just posted this, right?

They are blocking traffic. Fuck'em.

Why are we pretending blocking traffic is no big deal? They are also blocking emergency vehicles, I guess that's okay too.

07-27-2020, 08:09 PM
They are blocking traffic. Fuck'em.

Why are we pretending blocking traffic is no big deal? They are also blocking emergency vehicles, I guess that's okay too.
That dude seems like a real piece of shit.

Why would you assume they wouldn't move for emergency vehicles? That's a nonsense argument -- it's a couple of bicycles, not an immovable barricade.

07-27-2020, 08:30 PM
They are blocking traffic. Fuck'em.

Why are we pretending blocking traffic is no big deal? They are also blocking emergency vehicles, I guess that's okay too.

No one has said that.

Why are you pretending that assaulting an unarmed off balance protester on a bike is in your words "heroic"?

07-27-2020, 08:33 PM
No one has said that.

Why are you pretending that assaulting an unarmed off balance protester on a bike is in your words "heroic"?

Oh that’s easy, any protestor is a liberal democratic, antifa member that wants to take away your guns, who hates trump. Trump is tgo’s god, so doing anything that supports Trump would be considered heroic in his eyes.

07-27-2020, 08:53 PM
I blame Hillary for damaging deplorables' egos to the point that they cheer on fascism to own the libs

You may be on to something there. There was an awful lot of scorn and derision going on there.

07-28-2020, 06:23 AM
That dude seems like a real piece of shit.

Why would you assume they wouldn't move for emergency vehicles? That's a nonsense argument -- it's a couple of bicycles, not an immovable barricade.

I have no idea if this particular group of idiots would or would not move for emergency vehicles, I'm just saying there have been a lot of these idiots blocking traffic that wouldn't move for emergency vehicles.

These idiots ARE blocking traffic though. Some emergencies DO occur outside of emergency vehicles and these idiots would have no way of knowing what is an emergency and what isn't.

So instead of once again looking at the situation in a vacuum like you tend to do, why not realize that the ones blocking traffic are wrong. Condemn their actions. Call them out. But you and Bhaalizmo never do. Why is that? We all know the answer.

07-28-2020, 06:24 AM
No one has said that.

Once again, exactly. You'll bitch and whine and moan and carry on because someone has finally had enough of these morons blocking traffic and the local politicians refusing to allow the police to do anything about it but you won't bitch and whine and moan and carry on that these jackasses are blocking traffic nor will you bitch about the local politicians allowing this shit to continue.

Why is that? Use your big boy words, Bhaalizmo. I know you can do it.

07-28-2020, 07:58 AM
Once again, exactly. You'll bitch and whine and moan and carry on because someone has finally had enough of these morons blocking traffic and the local politicians refusing to allow the police to do anything about it but you won't bitch and whine and moan and carry on that these jackasses are blocking traffic nor will you bitch about the local politicians allowing this shit to continue.

Why is that? Use your big boy words, Bhaalizmo. I know you can do it.

Those blocking traffic get arrested here in America. You know, because it's illegal. Very satisfying seeing these tards rounded up and hauled off, too. They only get away with it in the people's republic of (insert liberal mayor's city here).

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-28-2020, 08:27 AM
Why would you assume they wouldn't move for emergency vehicles?

Because when the terrorists took over CHAZ they didn't? Recent history seems to be exactly why you would make that assumption.

07-28-2020, 12:05 PM
Saw a laughable political ad from the Trump campaign on Saturday that featured an old woman listening to Fox News talk about Biden's support for police reform. An intruder starts working to break in and in calling 911, an automated message says no one is available. It pans out with a shadowy figure bursting in and the phone falling to the floor.

Political message: A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for assault on your grandma. Fear mongering at it's finest.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-28-2020, 12:41 PM
Saw a laughable political ad from the Trump campaign on Saturday that featured an old woman listening to Fox News talk about Biden's support for police reform. An intruder starts working to break in and in calling 911, an automated message says no one is available. It pans out with a shadowy figure bursting in and the phone falling to the floor.

Political message: A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for assault on your grandma.

I thought it was the usual political ad, and right in line with the ads running against Trump.

07-28-2020, 12:51 PM
I thought it was the usual political ad, and right in line with the ads running against Trump.You thought the ad that states something along the lines of, "Joe Biden wants to defund the police, listen closely" followed with an audio clip of Joe Biden merely saying the words "yes, absolutely" was "the usual political ad ... right in line with the ads running against Trump"? Is there an ad I'm not aware of that makes a false claim against Trump and substantiates it with Trump saying the word "yes" to show that he agrees with the false claim?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-28-2020, 12:59 PM
You thought the ad that states something along the lines of, "Joe Biden wants to defund the police, listen closely" followed with an audio clip of Joe Biden merely saying the words "yes, absolutely" was "the usual political ad ... right in line with the ads running against Trump"? Is there an ad I'm not aware of that makes a false claim against Trump and substantiates it with Trump saying the word "yes" to show that he agrees with the false claim?


Yes, and I'm not going to bother looking for them.

07-28-2020, 01:00 PM
All right, well I'm going on record that I have seen no such ad from Biden that comes close to Trump's ad.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-28-2020, 01:00 PM
All right, well I'm going on record that I have seen no such ad from Biden that comes close to Trump's ad.

I can't imagine there is much need for ads like that in Mass.

07-28-2020, 01:36 PM
You thought the ad that states something along the lines of, "Joe Biden wants to defund the police, listen closely" followed with an audio clip of Joe Biden merely saying the words "yes, absolutely" was "the usual political ad ... right in line with the ads running against Trump"? Is there an ad I'm not aware of that makes a false claim against Trump and substantiates it with Trump saying the word "yes" to show that he agrees with the false claim?


It's a sound bite from Biden's interview with Ady Barkan.

Ady Barkan: So you agree that we need to reallocate funds from the police?

Biden: Yes, absolutely.

Interpret as you see fit.

07-28-2020, 01:40 PM
It's a sound bite from Biden's interview with Ady Barkan.

Ady Barkan: So you agree that we need to reallocate funds from the police?

Biden: Yes, absolutely.

Interpret as you see fit.

Biden has said quite a few times he is against defunding the police. He believes in police accountability.

07-28-2020, 01:47 PM
Biden has said quite a few times he is against defunding the police. He believes in police accountability.


Don't need the funds if you stop fighting a retarded war on drugs. I have no doubt that Joe won't defund the police, it's all lip service to get the far left vote.

Nothing is going to change with Biden.

One could say that if the Dems can take both the house and senate, there will be changes. Just like the changes that didn't happen when the Dems held the house and senate after '08.

Nothing will changed until neo-liberals are removed from office, it's all theatrics up until that point.

07-28-2020, 05:54 PM
Biden has announced he'll reveal his running mate next week. Disturbingly certain he's going to ignore qualifications and their chance at the top of the ticket themselves in order to show how woke he is.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-29-2020, 08:52 AM
Biden has announced he'll reveal his running mate next week. Disturbingly certain he's going to ignore qualifications and their chance at the top of the ticket themselves in order to show how woke he is.

Agreed. I long for the days of a meritocracy. Although I'm not 100% sure we ever really had it, just be nice to get there someday.

07-29-2020, 09:15 AM
Agreed. I long for the days of a meritocracy. Although I'm not 100% sure we ever really had it, just be nice to get there someday.

It would be hard for it not to be an improvement over the current situation.

07-29-2020, 09:26 AM
Biden has announced he'll reveal his running mate next week. Disturbingly certain he's going to ignore qualifications and their chance at the top of the ticket themselves in order to show how woke he is.

My guess is Susan Rice or Kamala Harris. They check the woman box and the minority box... and both have a little name recognition.

Susan Rice has shown in the past that she will peddle any misinformation she's told to peddle.. and Kamala Harris will do whatever or whomever it takes to get ahead.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-29-2020, 09:31 AM
I frankly think their best potential would be Donna Brazile. She's clearly left, but not loony toons left. Good speaker, seems knowledgeable (and yes I remember the debates where she fed questions to the dem candidates).

Of most dems I probably like her near the top. There are probably others, but since Biden has already vowed woman of color she's who I think of.

07-29-2020, 09:44 AM
I frankly think their best potential would be Donna Brazile. She's clearly left, but not loony toons left. Good speaker, seems knowledgeable (and yes I remember the debates where she fed questions to the dem candidates).

Of most dems I probably like her near the top. There are probably others, but since Biden has already vowed woman of color she's who I think of.

Has he? I thought he only promised a woman.

He also promised to cure cancer.. so who knows with this crackpot.

My issue with Donna Brazile is that she literally gave Clinton the questions prior to the debate against Sanders and then proclaimed she never would do such a thing.. until it was revealed that she did.. then she just laughed it off because Clinton had already won the nomination.

07-29-2020, 10:39 AM
Those blocking traffic get arrested here in America. You know, because it's illegal. Very satisfying seeing these tards rounded up and hauled off, too. They only get away with it in the people's republic of (insert liberal mayor's city here).
In some jurisdictions, it's not illegal when it's part of a larger protest -- I'm not sure if such requires a permit there or not, but again, the video doesn't explain any of that.

I have no idea if this particular group of idiots would or would not move for emergency vehicles, I'm just saying there have been a lot of these idiots blocking traffic that wouldn't move for emergency vehicles.
So... an admitted generalization with no substance, got it.

These idiots ARE blocking traffic though. Some emergencies DO occur outside of emergency vehicles and these idiots would have no way of knowing what is an emergency and what isn't.
The flashing lights and sirens are usually a pretty good indicator -- call me crazy, but that's how emergency vehicles normally indicate that you should get the fuck out of the way.

So instead of once again looking at the situation in a vacuum like you tend to do, why not realize that the ones blocking traffic are wrong. Condemn their actions. Call them out. But you and Bhaalizmo never do. Why is that? We all know the answer.
Why would I condemn their actions? I'm not you.

07-29-2020, 10:44 AM
The flashing lights and sirens are usually a pretty good indicator -- call me crazy, but that's how emergency vehicles normally indicate that you should get the fuck out of the way.

Derision, mocking, and denial. Not to mention horrible reading comprehension.

07-29-2020, 10:50 AM
call me crazy


07-29-2020, 10:52 AM
Derision, mocking, and denial. Not to mention horrible reading comprehension.

07-29-2020, 10:58 AM

07-29-2020, 11:20 AM


07-29-2020, 01:29 PM
This sounds like the title of some back-shelf porn, heh.

I’d watch it at least once.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-29-2020, 05:12 PM
I’d watch it at least once.

Only the first 15 minutes though, right?

07-29-2020, 05:50 PM
My guess is Susan Rice or Kamala Harris. They check the woman box and the minority box... and both have a little name recognition.

Susan Rice has shown in the past that she will peddle any misinformation she's told to peddle.. and Kamala Harris will do whatever or whomever it takes to get ahead.

Susan Rice is the best of a bad lot. Harris would make an interesting cabinet choice, but here ability to take the number two position is threatened by her no holds bar attacks on Biden during the primary and her inexperience outside of legal work.

07-29-2020, 06:06 PM
Agreed. I long for the days of a meritocracy. Although I'm not 100% sure we ever really had it, just be nice to get there someday.

I don't get why that's not the obvious means of picking your running mate. Democrats seem to have such a powerful fear of the handful of the influencers on the far left. Biden's instincts to include women and underrepresented races was great. Locking himself up to only pick someone meeting one or both of those traits is embarrassing.

07-29-2020, 06:10 PM
I don't get why that's not the obvious means of picking your running mate. Democrats seem to have such a powerful fear of the handful of the influencers on the far left. Biden's instincts to include women and underrepresented races was great. Locking himself up to only pick someone meeting one or both of those traits is embarrassing.

Isn’t that also considered racism/discrimination? Picking someone based on their skin color or gender, instead of merit?
You possibly pass up better qualified people because they are white and not a woman.

07-29-2020, 06:23 PM
I’d watch it at least once.

Let's be honest, that isn't a high standard.

07-29-2020, 07:03 PM
Isn’t that also considered racism/discrimination? Picking someone based on their skin color or gender, instead of merit?
You possibly pass up better qualified people because they are white and not a woman.

Yep, it's discrimination I'd definitely agree. And some could argue that those white people or males are better qualified because they've been oppressed less. Kind of how we get into the difference of generational wealth between white people and non-white people, yada yada yada. That's why this whole situation is tricky. Although, I'd say Biden is apparently not an Equal Opportunity Employer, as he has already decided not to hire a white person, or a male. Interesting. I really wish there were a better alternative to Trump. America is really fucking disappointing in 2020. I just wish some amazing independent candidate would come out of nowhere, sweep the election, and end this two party system bullshit. Fuck Dems, and fuck Reps.

110% agree on meritocracy SHM... we've never achieved it. I'd say we're closer now than we ever have been, but we're trying to over correct like an idiot that just hydroplaned. People should be judged on what they've done and what they stand for, not on what they look like, their sexual preferences, etc. etc. etc. It baffles me why any of these things ever mattered to anyone. I do think we'll get there, possibly, if we don't go off the rails first with this insanely far right and far left shit... or we'll end up the way of 'Idiocracy'.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-29-2020, 07:23 PM
I really wish there were a better alternative to Trump. America is really fucking disappointing in 2020. I just wish some amazing independent candidate would come out of nowhere, sweep the election, and end this two party system bullshit. Fuck Dems, and fuck Reps.

Behind this absolutely. You all may think I'm some Trump rally fan, I'm not. Not in the least. Didn't vote for him before, honestly wish there was an alternative this year. But we are a two party system, like it or not. IMO, Trump is better than what Biden (the far left pushing him) will do.

I have relatives in Venezuela, Spain and Italy. Literally none of them want the governments they have and they can do NOTHING to change it. At least here, currently, we have a choice. Voting for Biden will take that choice away faster than voting for Trump will.

07-29-2020, 07:38 PM
Behind this absolutely. You all may think I'm some Trump rally fan, I'm not. Not in the least. Didn't vote for him before, honestly wish there was an alternative this year. But we are a two party system, like it or not. IMO, Trump is better than what Biden (the far left pushing him) will do.

I have relatives in Venezuela, Spain and Italy. Literally none of them want the governments they have and they can do NOTHING to change it. At least here, currently, we have a choice. Voting for Biden will take that choice away faster than voting for Trump will.

Noted, you've defended him a few times from my memory so I did have the impression you were a big Trump supporter. I do remember you criticizing a few times too though. Will try to decouple that moving forward man. You do tend to be the most logical out of the conservative posters here, at least in my opinion.

And I couldn't imagine being in a truly socialist country. It's the fastest way to stifling innovation and production. There's a reason China just copies all of our tech. No one has any incentive to make something better. Our system still has a long way to go, and has a lot of room for improvement, but I'd agree that it's one of the best ones that exist today. So I don't know how much damage Biden could really do in that area, but he'd do far less in others that Trump is currently doing (pandemic response, civil rights, etc., general image of our country, etc.). I think that the second truly socialist shit was rolled out, 80% of the country would be in an uproar and that shit would get yanked.

I also think people are giving far too much credit to the voice of the far, far left. Yes, it is very loud right now, but it won't stay that way, and Biden has already shown he won't simply agree with it. Just as he wouldn't agree to defunding the police, regardless of what Trump claims. Regardless of what is said, he's still a rich white man with power, and he's only going to give so much of that shit up. Seriously. Now Bernie... if Bernie were the option, then I would be a bit more scared.

07-29-2020, 08:52 PM
Only the first 15 minutes though, right?

That depends on how good the plot is.

07-29-2020, 08:55 PM
Noted, you've defended him a few times from my memory so I did have the impression you were a big Trump supporter. I do remember you criticizing a few times too though. Will try to decouple that moving forward man. You do tend to be the most logical out of the conservative posters here, at least in my opinion.

And I couldn't imagine being in a truly socialist country. It's the fastest way to stifling innovation and production. There's a reason China just copies all of our tech. No one has any incentive to make something better. Our system still has a long way to go, and has a lot of room for improvement, but I'd agree that it's one of the best ones that exist today. So I don't know how much damage Biden could really do in that area, but he'd do far less in others that Trump is currently doing (pandemic response, civil rights, etc., general image of our country, etc.). I think that the second truly socialist shit was rolled out, 80% of the country would be in an uproar and that shit would get yanked.

I also think people are giving far too much credit to the voice of the far, far left. Yes, it is very loud right now, but it won't stay that way, and Biden has already shown he won't simply agree with it. Just as he wouldn't agree to defunding the police, regardless of what Trump claims. Regardless of what is said, he's still a rich white man with power, and he's only going to give so much of that shit up. Seriously. Now Bernie... if Bernie were the option, then I would be a bit more scared.

Biden wouldn’t actually be running the show. He can barely function as it is.

07-29-2020, 09:05 PM


07-29-2020, 09:09 PM


07-30-2020, 12:07 AM
Biden wouldn’t actually be running the show. He can barely function as it is.

07-30-2020, 01:51 AM
Isn’t that also considered racism/discrimination? Picking someone based on their skin color or gender, instead of merit?
You possibly pass up better qualified people because they are white and not a woman.

To not hire on the basis of race is illegal, which is why affirmative action in employment is so wrong. SHM is right that for employers, hiring anyone but the most qualified candidate is a disservice to the corporation and often the shareholders. Applying the double standard of claiming to combat racism and sexism by disqualifying men and declaring a preference towards a person of color is unethical.

Without a doubt erasing years of inequality starts with education, with improving opportunities for kids and their families. Universally free community college or trade schools. Teaching skills or offering knowledge to get ahead in the workforce is how you develop with and pride in underprivileged communities. Hiring on the basis of skin color, whether for or against ministries is plain racist.

07-30-2020, 08:16 AM
To not hire on the basis of race is illegal, which is why affirmative action in employment is so wrong. SHM is right that for employers, hiring anyone but the most qualified candidate is a disservice to the corporation and often the shareholders. Applying the double standard of claiming to combat racism and sexism by disqualifying men and declaring a preference towards a person of color is unethical.

Without a doubt erasing years of inequality starts with education, with improving opportunities for kids and their families. Universally free community college or trade schools. Teaching skills or offering knowledge to get ahead in the workforce is how you develop with and pride in underprivileged communities. Hiring on the basis of skin color, whether for or against ministries is plain racist.

Did someone hack Seran's account?

07-30-2020, 09:47 AM
Did someone hack Seran's account?

Not every Trump hater is a woke, apologist, earth mother socialist. Societal change is best done in increments and not forced down the throats of those who aren't ready.

07-30-2020, 10:03 AM
Not every Trump hater is a woke, apologist, earth mother socialist. Societal change is best done in increments and not forced down the throats of those who aren't ready.

So you're saying we cant shove re-education down the throats of the cheeto worshipping right like a big black cock? Damn. I was looking forward to that part. Incremental eh? So start shoving re-education down their throats in bite sized portions, like UnRacism McNuggets with some freedom sauce.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-30-2020, 10:53 AM
So you're saying we cant shove re-education down the throats of the cheeto worshipping right like a big black cock? Damn. I was looking forward to that part. Incremental eh? So start shoving re-education down their throats in bite sized portions, like UnRacism McNuggets with some freedom sauce.

I love it when you go full communist.

07-30-2020, 03:01 PM
So you're saying we cant shove re-education down the throats of the cheeto worshipping right like a big black cock? Damn. I was looking forward to that part. Incremental eh? So start shoving re-education down their throats in bite sized portions, like UnRacism McNuggets with some freedom sauce.

What better way to gather antipathy to your message as a politician than flagellating the masses with a 'You are racist whether you know it or not' campaign. 76% of the nation when polled recently by the WSJ believed our country had race relations problems, but only 56% held our society as racist. How likely do you think the 44% would respond to your reprogramming? How many of that 56% do you think weren't just virtue signalling?

07-30-2020, 05:45 PM
To not hire on the basis of race is illegal, which is why affirmative action in employment is so wrong. SHM is right that for employers, hiring anyone but the most qualified candidate is a disservice to the corporation and often the shareholders. Applying the double standard of claiming to combat racism and sexism by disqualifying men and declaring a preference towards a person of color is unethical.

Without a doubt erasing years of inequality starts with education, with improving opportunities for kids and their families. Universally free community college or trade schools. Teaching skills or offering knowledge to get ahead in the workforce is how you develop with and pride in underprivileged communities. Hiring on the basis of skin color, whether for or against ministries is plain racist.


07-30-2020, 11:00 PM
To not hire on the basis of race is illegal, which is why affirmative action in employment is so wrong. SHM is right that for employers, hiring anyone but the most qualified candidate is a disservice to the corporation and often the shareholders. Applying the double standard of claiming to combat racism and sexism by disqualifying men and declaring a preference towards a person of color is unethical.

Without a doubt erasing years of inequality starts with education, with improving opportunities for kids and their families. Universally free community college or trade schools. Teaching skills or offering knowledge to get ahead in the workforce is how you develop with and pride in underprivileged communities. Hiring on the basis of skin color, whether for or against ministries is plain racist.

Affirmative Action only applies to government jobs and government subcontractors. So it's not entirely fair to say that it's always illegal to not hire on the basis of race.

Also affirmative action doesn't ever require someone to hire the less qualified candidate- and it's kind of offensive to suggest otherwise. (As though somehow the white male candidate is usually the best?) It just says that if you could go either way on two candidates- they're equally matched for the role- you should consider hiring the minority candidate because equal opportunity also requires us to have people in leadership and on hiring panels who look like the diverse candidates you're trying to recruit and retain.

My company has a lot of programs in place to help with hiring candidates from minority backgrounds- as do most major companies- and I promise you that there's not a person on this planet who thinks that we're ever hiring less than qualified candidates. And we do it because, candidly, diverse teams perform better and roll out better products that are a better match for the incredibly diverse, global audience that make up our users.

It's also worth pointing out that affirmative action as a legal policy may be relatively new, but affirmative action as hiring practice has been around FOREVER. It just usually works out by giving preference to the white, male candidates over everyone else. White men have been benefiting from affirmative action in hiring since before any of us were around. Affirmative action as a policy is trying to help compensate for that.

07-31-2020, 12:30 AM
Affirmative Action only applies to government jobs and government subcontractors. So it's not entirely fair to say that it's always illegal to not hire on the basis of race.

Incorrect, the tech sector and most office jobs are absolutely rife with affirmative action bias. The only difference is it's voluntary in the private sector if you're not following a federal contract. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Also affirmative action doesn't ever require someone to hire the less qualified candidate- and it's kind of offensive to suggest otherwise. (As though somehow the white male candidate is usually the best?) It just says that if you could go either way on two candidates- they're equally matched for the role- you should consider hiring the minority candidate because equal opportunity also requires us to have people in leadership and on hiring panels who look like the diverse candidates you're trying to recruit and retain.

That's unfortunate your feelings have been hurt, but mandatory affirmative action /does/ discriminate on the base of race or gender in order to fill 'quotas' established by the hiring firm or public sector employer. You're cherry picking an incredibly unlikely scenario and claiming the match, but you're wrong.

My company has a lot of programs in place to help with hiring candidates from minority backgrounds- as do most major companies- and I promise you that there's not a person on this planet who thinks that we're ever hiring less than qualified candidates. And we do it because, candidly, diverse teams perform better and roll out better products that are a better match for the incredibly diverse, global audience that make up our users.

Employees design products created by engineers, developed to the specifications of marketing analysts or outreach groups. Saying that a hodgepodge of ethnicities in a workgroup ensures diversity of character and has nothing to do with the quality of the products. Again, a better qualified candidate is going to produce a better product.

It's also worth pointing out that affirmative action as a legal policy may be relatively new, but affirmative action as hiring practice has been around FOREVER. It just usually works out by giving preference to the white, male candidates over everyone else. White men have been benefiting from affirmative action in hiring since before any of us were around. Affirmative action as a policy is trying to help compensate for that.

Affirmative action in the 60s, 70s and early 80s was designed to level the playing field against a grossly biased field of employers. Since the multiple head start programs, educational reform, discrimination law enforcement and multi-million dollar lawsuits has more than leveled the playing field. -In fact- beginning in the late 2000s and accelerating through 2010, the bias against white males in the workplace has exploded. Authors make their bread telling corporate American just how racist they are in order to shame employers into discriminate against Caucasians in the only acceptable form of racism allowed this day.

07-31-2020, 12:46 AM
Incorrect, the tech sector and most office jobs are absolutely rife with affirmative action bias. The only difference is it's voluntary in the private sector if you're not following a federal contract. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

T4F isn’t wrong, affirmative action only applies to what she said, if private companies do it on a voluntary action, that’s their choice, but they aren’t required by AAP. So T4F is correct. She never said the private sector doesn’t do it, or was she ever applying that it didn’t.

For the most part, government agencies and contractors are required to implement an affirmative action plan in their hiring processes. As private industries aren’t subject to such thorough government regulation, they are generally free to make their own decision. Though, if government business is a possible option, it may be in the company’s best interest to use an AAP plan.

07-31-2020, 02:22 AM
Incorrect, the tech sector and most office jobs are absolutely rife with affirmative action bias. The only difference is it's voluntary in the private sector if you're not following a federal contract. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

That's unfortunate your feelings have been hurt, but mandatory affirmative action /does/ discriminate on the base of race or gender in order to fill 'quotas' established by the hiring firm or public sector employer. You're cherry picking an incredibly unlikely scenario and claiming the match, but you're wrong.

Employees design products created by engineers, developed to the specifications of marketing analysts or outreach groups. Saying that a hodgepodge of ethnicities in a workgroup ensures diversity of character and has nothing to do with the quality of the products. Again, a better qualified candidate is going to produce a better product.

Affirmative action in the 60s, 70s and early 80s was designed to level the playing field against a grossly biased field of employers. Since the multiple head start programs, educational reform, discrimination law enforcement and multi-million dollar lawsuits has more than leveled the playing field. -In fact- beginning in the late 2000s and accelerating through 2010, the bias against white males in the workplace has exploded. Authors make their bread telling corporate American just how racist they are in order to shame employers into discriminate against Caucasians in the only acceptable form of racism allowed this day.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but it's not particularly accurate.

Affirmative Action is not a "quota" system, nor has it ever been. And I happen to work in the tech sector- and the inclusive hiring process is far more complex than simple affirmative action: a LOT of work goes into attempting to reduce the effects of unconscious bias in the hiring process that literally starts with HS outreach programs. And very little of it is legally mandated- it's done because it's the right thing to do, and it's better for our business overall. Which leads me to my next point: the fact that diverse teams are generally more productive is a well established phenomenon (https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter).

And I realize this has not really occurred to you, but in choosing between two candidates, the minority candidate IS, in may cases, the candidate with the most to offer. That person will help the team understand how to build for the needs of a group whose needs they rarely consider, they'll make it easier to attract top minority talent in the future by serving on hiring panels, and the mentorship relationships they may build with newer employees of color or women, for example, may very well help the company retain that top talent.

Finally the fact that you seem to think the playing field is now "level" tells me you are very much out of step with the realities of employment and hiring discrimination.

You're sounding a bit Tucker Carlson in all of this, I have to be honest. Very light on facts, very heavy on a distortion of the situation.

07-31-2020, 09:01 AM
Affirmative Action is not a "quota" system, nor has it ever been.

A) Affirmative action sure as shit used to entail a quota system, which is why the supreme court had to rule it unconstitutional.
B) Democrats just rebranded the terms to be more palatable and to get around the supreme court ruling. Now it's no longer a "quota" but a "targeted goal", and most companies who contract with the federal government (and probably in most states) have to work towards this "targeted goal."

So they aren't "required" to have x% of black people working for them, but they are legally required to work towards their "targeted goal" of having x% of black people working for them, including specifically targeting black areas to hire from.

I'll give Democrats one thing, they are the masters of branding.

"We can't say we're in favor of murdering babies! I know, we'll say we are 'pro choice' and portray this entire issue as a medical issue for the mother!"

"We can't force companies to have racial quotas! I know, we'll just say they are 'targeted goals.'"

07-31-2020, 10:43 AM
Affirmative Action only applies to government jobs and government subcontractors. So it's not entirely fair to say that it's always illegal to not hire on the basis of race.

Also affirmative action doesn't ever require someone to hire the less qualified candidate- and it's kind of offensive to suggest otherwise. (As though somehow the white male candidate is usually the best?) It just says that if you could go either way on two candidates- they're equally matched for the role- you should consider hiring the minority candidate because equal opportunity also requires us to have people in leadership and on hiring panels who look like the diverse candidates you're trying to recruit and retain.

My company has a lot of programs in place to help with hiring candidates from minority backgrounds- as do most major companies- and I promise you that there's not a person on this planet who thinks that we're ever hiring less than qualified candidates. And we do it because, candidly, diverse teams perform better and roll out better products that are a better match for the incredibly diverse, global audience that make up our users.

It's also worth pointing out that affirmative action as a legal policy may be relatively new, but affirmative action as hiring practice has been around FOREVER. It just usually works out by giving preference to the white, male candidates over everyone else. White men have been benefiting from affirmative action in hiring since before any of us were around. Affirmative action as a policy is trying to help compensate for that.


07-31-2020, 10:54 AM
"We can't say we're in favor of murdering minority babies so they stay in the minority! I know, we'll say we are 'pro choice' and portray this entire issue as a medical issue for the mother!"

FTFY to accurately describe Planned Parenthood's founding mission statement.

07-31-2020, 02:02 PM
IAffirmative Action is not a "quota" system, nor has it ever been.

Affirmative action is nothing but a numbers game. How else does a company or government organization justify their need to diversify? You seem to say it's a simple as some executive looking around at all the pale, masculine faces to reach the conclusion "Oh look, we need more women and minorities." That's as simplistic as it is ignorant. To quantify the need to diversify in an organization you need to know the demographics.

And I realize this has not really occurred to you, but in choosing between two candidates, the minority candidate IS, in may cases, the candidate with the most to offer. That person will help the team understand how to build for the needs of a group whose needs they rarely consider, they'll make it easier to attract top minority talent in the future by serving on hiring panels, and the mentorship relationships they may build with newer employees of color or women, for example, may very well help the company retain that top talent.

Here's another plainly ignorant belief masquerading as social justice. By what measure is the thought processes or opinions of a Sudanese woman superior to that of a German woman. What value, irrespective of job knowledge and experience does a person of color bring to the design of a new manufacturing robot, to coding new software, to being an executive judicial officer. You're implying that the value of someone's gender or skin color to an organization is something more than discriminatory against an applicant that didn't meet diversity quotient.

When you stand up and proclaim someone will be a better employee solely on the merits of their not being a white male, you're throwing out five decades of the fight for equality by saying skin color matters more than ability.

Finally the fact that you seem to think the playing field is now "level" tells me you are very much out of step with the realities of employment and hiring discrimination.

Talent is talent, ability is ability, the color of your skin or what is or isn't dangling between your legs has no basis for employment.

07-31-2020, 02:13 PM
T4F isn’t wrong, affirmative action only applies to what she said, if private companies do it on a voluntary action, that’s their choice, but they aren’t required by AAP. So T4F is correct. She never said the private sector doesn’t do it, or was she ever applying that it didn’t.

Captain Justice, thank you for standing up and translating the argument she's trying to make. However, she said that only public entities practice affirmative action and I pointed out that affirmative action hiring practices are common in white collar organizations. That she failed to clearly state her point doesn't make the fact I inserted incorrect. Nice try though.

07-31-2020, 11:57 PM
Captain Justice, thank you for standing up and translating the argument she's trying to make. However, she said that only public entities practice affirmative action and I pointed out that affirmative action hiring practices are common in white collar organizations. That she failed to clearly state her point doesn't make the fact I inserted incorrect. Nice try though.

I worked for Marriott and Hilton and in both cases, affirmative action goals were set and our job as the manager is to hire specific skin colors to satisfy that goal. It was part of our HR audit every year as well as part of our yearly bonus compensation.

They weren't quotas.. they were just goals we were required to meet in order to do well on our audits and to make more money.


08-06-2020, 10:03 AM

Biden: "What you all know but most people don't know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things."

Only a Democrat in 2020 can say all black people (with notable exceptions!) are all the same and all think alike.

Let's not forget a couple of days ago he asked a black reporter if he were on cocaine and demanded he take a drug test to prove he wasn't a junkie.

Just remember if you support Biden you are supporting a racist and if you support a racist then you're a racist. Remember that's how this works now.

08-06-2020, 10:18 AM
Let's not forget a couple of days ago he asked a black reporter if he were on cocaine and demanded he take a drug test to prove he wasn't a junkie.

Just remember if you support Biden you are supporting a racist and if you support a racist then you're a racist. Remember that's how this works now.

The reason he asked that black reporter that is because the black reporter asked him if he was going to take a cognitive test. And Biden doesn't like anyone asking him that.. so he lashed out.

08-06-2020, 10:34 AM
The reason he asked that black reporter that is because the black reporter asked him if he was going to take a cognitive test.

Yup, it's just quite telling that in his "rebuttal" his mind instantly went to a black man doing cocaine. I'm just surprised Biden didn't stand up and start doing a little dance and asking the reporter if he wanted some fried chicken and watermelon.

08-06-2020, 10:40 AM
Shoulda gone with crack, the blacks can't afford pure cocaine.

08-06-2020, 10:42 AM





Biden says he supports additional funding for the police (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/510763-biden-says-he-supports-additional-funding-for-the-police)

Biden must have heard about that poll which found the vast majority of Americans (including the black community) don't want to defund the police and most people in fact want more police funding.

This man doesn't have a single belief in his body, he just follows the polls like the lemming Democrat that he is. Reminds me of how he and Obama suddenly had a realization that gay marriage was good after polls showed a majority of Americans were in favor of gay marriage for the first time ever.

This is what gets me about people who continue to vote for this shit; you people gladly turn a blind eye to the racist and homophobic policies of Democrats because it's bad for the polls yet you'll call someone like me a homophobe who was in favor of gay marriage way before any poll had to tell me a majority of Americans were in favor of gay marriage.

Keep being mindless sheep, you mindless sheep.

08-06-2020, 12:02 PM
Who called you a homophobe?

08-06-2020, 12:12 PM
Who called you a homophobe?

No one lately, these days I'm just a racist apparently since race is the Democrat topic du jour lately.

It just depends on what Democrats want to focus on. Muslim issues making headlines? Everyone is an Islamophobe. Trans issues making headlines? Everyone is a transphobe. Gay issues making headlines? Everyone is a homophobe. Gays have taken the backseat for Democrats for years now but back when Democrats were pretending to give a shit about them time4fun was big on calling me a homophobe.

08-06-2020, 04:52 PM
No one lately, these days I'm just a racist apparently since race is the Democrat topic du jour lately.

It just depends on what Democrats want to focus on. Muslim issues making headlines? Everyone is an Islamophobe. Trans issues making headlines? Everyone is a transphobe. Gay issues making headlines? Everyone is a homophobe. Gays have taken the backseat for Democrats for years now but back when Democrats were pretending to give a shit about them time4fun was big on calling me a homophobe.

I mean, that would be a cool argument if you weren't obviously a dumb racist, but good try.


08-07-2020, 12:11 PM
Shoulda gone with crack, the blacks can't afford pure cocaine.

Not even Mark Lamont Hill?


08-07-2020, 12:13 PM

This is correct.

08-07-2020, 09:05 PM
This is correct.
The left has some good ones here and there... but it's difficult to argue with Meth on this topic given his numerous distinguished degrees in Sociological Memetics.

https://media.tenor.com/images/03459692bfac0e906f5b9578b2b998c8/tenor.gif https://media0.giphy.com/media/1ahoEBsttb0zK/200.gif

08-08-2020, 08:46 AM
The left has some good ones here and there... but it's difficult to argue with Meth on this topic given his numerous distinguished degrees in Sociological Memetics.

https://media.tenor.com/images/03459692bfac0e906f5b9578b2b998c8/tenor.gif https://media0.giphy.com/media/1ahoEBsttb0zK/200.gif

This is correct.

08-08-2020, 03:06 PM
I mean, that would be a cool argument if you weren't obviously a dumb racist, but good try.


Almost looks like a full set of teeth between them.

08-11-2020, 04:21 PM
Kamala Harris it is then!

The woman who kept black people in prison longer than they needed to be so the state of California could use them as cheap labor, locked up countless minorities for marijuana offenses while openly bragging about smoking marijuana while campaigning for president, and let's not forget the best moment of all: openly calling Biden a racist during the debates.

Yes, this is the ticket the Democrats are going with. You all feel stupid yet?

08-11-2020, 04:35 PM
Kamala Harris it is then!

The woman who kept black people in prison longer than they needed to be so the state of California could use them as cheap labor, locked up countless minorities for marijuana offenses while openly bragging about smoking marijuana while campaigning for president, and let's not forget the best moment of all: openly calling Biden a racist during the debates.

Yes, this is the ticket the Democrats are going with. You all feel stupid yet?

Or locking parents up for school truancy. Or preventing DNA evidence from reaching trial that we know for sure would have prevented at least one innocent black man from spending years behind bars.

Terrible pick.

08-11-2020, 04:38 PM
Kamala Harris it is then!

The woman who kept black people in prison longer than they needed to be so the state of California could use them as cheap labor, locked up countless minorities for marijuana offenses while openly bragging about smoking marijuana while campaigning for president, and let's not forget the best moment of all: openly calling Biden a racist during the debates.

Yes, this is the ticket the Democrats are going with. You all feel stupid yet?


Can't wait to see how far the media shoves their heads up their own asses to run cover for her shitbag record.

08-11-2020, 04:51 PM
I’m not sure who’s worse, Pence or Harris.
I think it’s a coin flip.

08-11-2020, 05:06 PM
I’m not sure who’s worse, Pence or Harris.
I think it’s a coin flip.


This is probably the most hackish response I have seen from you.

08-11-2020, 05:29 PM
Kamala Harris it is then!

The woman who kept black people in prison longer than they needed to be so the state of California could use them as cheap labor, locked up countless minorities for marijuana offenses while openly bragging about smoking marijuana while campaigning for president, and let's not forget the best moment of all: openly calling Biden a racist during the debates.

Yes, this is the ticket the Democrats are going with. You all feel stupid yet?

Who did you want him to pick?

He went with the safest pick his handlers thought there was.

He had to pick a woman because he already committed to it and he had to pick a black woman because he was getting pressure from his own party to do so.

He already floated this pick out a couple weeks ago with Politico and it came back as good enough.

It was the only pick he could make at this point.

08-11-2020, 05:42 PM
I’ll be voting Trump. I think a President Harris will be more of a shitshow than T-man. Seriously.

08-11-2020, 06:25 PM
The left has some good ones here and there... but it's difficult to argue with Meth on this topic given his numerous distinguished degrees in Sociological Memetics.

https://media.tenor.com/images/03459692bfac0e906f5b9578b2b998c8/tenor.gif https://media0.giphy.com/media/1ahoEBsttb0zK/200.gif


Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-11-2020, 06:28 PM
Someone needs to tell the kid on the left in the football pick, he has enormous hairy cankles.

08-11-2020, 09:40 PM
Because this deserves to be in multiple threads:


08-11-2020, 09:55 PM
Because this deserves to be in multiple threads:


Talcum X selling out.

08-11-2020, 11:47 PM
Who will be Harris’ VP choice?

08-12-2020, 12:05 AM
Who will be Harris’ VP choice?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-12-2020, 09:10 PM
How can Harris take second chair to (her charges) a rapist? I mean she believed them...


08-12-2020, 09:11 PM
Does anyone exist who hasn't already made up his or her mind about how to vote this Nov? I mean, really, /endthread.

08-12-2020, 09:12 PM
How can Harris take second chair to (her charges) a rapist? I mean she believed them...


It's racist to question Harris' past or present positions. Bigot.

08-12-2020, 09:13 PM
Does anyone exist who hasn't already made up his or her mind about how to vote this Nov? I mean, really, /endthread.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people were waiting to see who Biden's pick was going to be before deciding who they were going to vote for. Biden was either going to piss off the black vote by picking Warren or he was going to piss off the Bernie bros by not picking Warren.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-12-2020, 09:16 PM
Does anyone exist who hasn't already made up his or her mind about how to vote this Nov? I mean, really, /endthread.

I'm fairly sure zero threads in politics have changed anyone's mind on anything, here.

08-13-2020, 12:19 AM
I'm fairly sure zero threads in politics have changed anyone's mind on anything, here.

08-13-2020, 01:11 AM
I'm fairly sure zero threads in politics have changed anyone's mind on anything, here.

Good point. If they are registered in our country, then we need to do our part. If they are registered in other countries, then those countries need to do their part.

You've changed my mind.


08-13-2020, 08:59 AM
How can Harris take second chair to (her charges) a rapist? I mean she believed them...



She literally called him a racist a couple months ago in a debate... then said she believed his molestation accuser...

So, she considered Biden a sexist, molester and racist.. but hey, you want to come be the VP!? "HELL YEA I DO!!"

Like I said before, she will do anything and anyone to get where she wants to be.

08-13-2020, 09:38 AM
I almost expected this with the Botox incident a few weeks back, but I honestly didn't think the Dems could get away with it (with their base), with her aggressive (or abusive) prosecutor past. I expect to see everyone and their right wing brother reposting that clip of Tulsi at the debates from now until November.

08-13-2020, 09:44 AM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/117882036_309958113549297_1851723606670296380_n.pn g?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=AMqUQo1KEFwAX_WdzVN&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=1ba38ff05a22934d2b1cb8dc685f775c&oe=5F5CAA49

08-13-2020, 10:29 AM
So, did we already figure out who Harris is going to pick for VP?

08-13-2020, 11:01 AM
So, did we already figure out who Harris is going to pick for VP?

If Kamala vowed to make Tulsi her VP after Biden croaks or dementias himself out of office, I'd almost be tempted to vote for Biden just for keks.

08-13-2020, 11:25 AM
I almost expected this with the Botox incident a few weeks back, but I honestly didn't think the Dems could get away with it (with their base), with her aggressive (or abusive) prosecutor past. I expect to see everyone and their right wing brother reposting that clip of Tulsi at the debates from now until November.

What botox incident? And what clip of Tulsi?

And Kamala Harris was the safest choice he had with someone that had name recognition.

He didn't have a lot of people to pick from.

Half the country is conservative, so that's half gone.

Half that population is women, so that's half gone.

A quarter of that population is a POC, so that's 3/4 gone.

Then you need someone in politics, someone with name recognition, someone who would say yes... you might be down to a half dozen names.. and of that Rice and Harris are the only ones that fit the bill.

I'm actually surprised that he didn't pick Rice.. given that they seem to have a relationship from the prior Administration. She has many negatives, but that's mostly from Republicans. And Democrats would have accepted her blindly... whereas Harris will have some hurdles to overcome with a few Dems.

08-13-2020, 11:35 AM
If Kamala vowed to make Tulsi her VP after Biden croaks or dementias himself out of office, I'd almost be tempted to vote for Biden just for keks.

Does Pence have a VP pick as well? I mean Trump also suffers from dementia as well, is obese, eats unhealthy...and almost as old.

08-13-2020, 11:40 AM
What botox incident? And what clip of Tulsi?

And Kamala Harris was the safest choice he had with someone that had name recognition.

He didn't have a lot of people to pick from.

Half the country is conservative, so that's half gone.

Half that population is women, so that's half gone.

A quarter of that population is a POC, so that's 3/4 gone.

Then you need someone in politics, someone with name recognition, someone who would say yes... you might be down to a half dozen names.. and of that Rice and Harris are the only ones that fit the bill.

I'm actually surprised that he didn't pick Rice.. given that they seem to have a relationship from the prior Administration. She has many negatives, but that's mostly from Republicans. And Democrats would have accepted her blindly... whereas Harris will have some hurdles to overcome with a few Dems.

Pretty sure this is the video.


08-13-2020, 11:51 AM

This Botox incident. I saw speculation she was doing the old get some better looks before you announce thing, but it went overboard.

Edit to add: Tulsi was so much fun. I hope she runs again next cycle.

08-13-2020, 11:56 AM
What botox incident?

This video of her on noted racist Al Sharpton's show:


She looks so different in this clip and this was weeks ago, she must have known she was at least near the top of the list.

08-13-2020, 12:26 PM
Does Pence have a VP pick as well? I mean Trump also suffers from dementia as well, is obese, eats unhealthy...and almost as old.

B-b-b-b-but Trump!

08-13-2020, 12:42 PM
B-b-b-b-but Trump!

Everytime some brings up Biden’s dementia shit, just gonna bring up trumps “1917” Spanish flu ended world war 2.

08-13-2020, 12:45 PM
Everytime some brings up Biden’s dementia shit, just gonna bring up trumps “1917” Spanish flu ended world war 2.

OMG! He totally said WW2 instead of WW1! This is totally comparable to Biden telling a story to a bunch of kids about how he learned about roaches and had kids rub down his hairy legs so they could watch the hair stand back up or thinking the current leader of China was the guy who was the leader of China back in the 70's.

08-13-2020, 12:48 PM
OMG! He totally said WW2 instead of WW1! This is totally comparable to Biden telling a story to a bunch of kids about how he learned about roaches and had kids rub down his hairy legs so they could watch the hair stand back up or thinking the current leader of China was the guy who was the leader of China back in the 70's.

How many times has he said 1917? How many times has he probably been told it’s not 1917? And yeah, it’s a big deal.
Love the excuses you give Trump, oh it’s no big deal, how many times as he fucked up talking? So many I can’t remember.

08-13-2020, 01:01 PM
Everytime some brings up Biden’s dementia shit, just gonna bring up trumps “1917” Spanish flu ended world war 2.

Ok let's try this then...to keep it simple we'll say they both have dementia.

Who has it worse right now? Biden or Trump?

Does Obama saying 57 states mean he has dementia too? Asking for Howard Dean.

08-13-2020, 01:27 PM
Ok let's try this then...to keep it simple we'll say they both have dementia.

Who has it worse right now? Biden or Trump?

Does Obama saying 57 states mean he has dementia too? Asking for Howard Dean.

One of their doctors ordered a basic congnitive test. The others doctor hasn't yet.

He also claimed it was a difficult test.

08-13-2020, 01:35 PM
How many times has he said 1917? How many times has he probably been told it’s not 1917? And yeah, it’s a big deal.
Love the excuses you give Trump, oh it’s no big deal, how many times as he fucked up talking? So many I can’t remember.

Politicians say dumb things all the time.. because they are on camera all the time.

But if it makes you feel better to make fun of Trump over saying "World War 2" instead of "World War 1", then so be it.

There's far more dumb things that Trump said that would be far better.. but you do you, Trigger.

08-13-2020, 01:36 PM
One of their doctors ordered a basic congnitive test. The others doctor hasn't yet.

He also claimed it was a difficult test.

We will wait for the Debates. If I were Biden, I would offer as many excuses for not having them as I possibly could.. because he's going to look bad.

08-13-2020, 02:18 PM
How many times has he said 1917? How many times has he probably been told it’s not 1917? And yeah, it’s a big deal.

You're really bitching because he said 1917 instead of 1918?

Holy mother of God. "The man isn't perfect! He was off by 1 year! Totally suffering from dementia and not fit to be president!11!!!"

I've seen butt hurt before but you're taking this to a whole new level. We need a new "butt hurt" meter where the top tier just reads "Solkern."

08-13-2020, 02:20 PM
You're really bitching because he said 1917 instead of 1918?

Holy mother of God. "The man isn't perfect! He was off by 1 year! Totally suffering from dementia and not fit to be president!11!!!"

I've seen butt hurt before but you're taking this to a whole new level. We need a new "butt hurt" meter where the top tier just reads "Solkern."
Yo... WW2 wasn't in 1918 either, dawg.

08-13-2020, 02:24 PM
Yo... WW2 wasn't in 1918 either, dawg.

I know that. That's the first thing I pointed out because I thought that's what Solkern was bitching about, then he comes back with 1917/1918 like that was his entire point then says "And yeah, it’s a big deal."

But now he's totally gonna come back and pretend like it was never about 1917/1918 and his whole point was about WW1/WW2. Watch. Just watch!

08-13-2020, 02:45 PM
I know that. That's the first thing I pointed out because I thought that's what Solkern was bitching about, then he comes back with 1917/1918 like that was his entire point then says "And yeah, it’s a big deal."

But now he's totally gonna come back and pretend like it was never about 1917/1918 and his whole point was about WW1/WW2. Watch. Just watch!

I mean, I was thinking he was retarded for saying WW2, and not so much the year. He was 1 year off with 1917. He was nearly 30 off saying WW2.

08-13-2020, 03:31 PM
I mean, I was thinking he was retarded for saying WW2, and not so much the year. He was 1 year off with 1917. He was nearly 30 off saying WW2.

The point about 1917, he’s said it quite a few times, I’m 99% sure his aides have told him that it’s 1918, yet he still makes that same mistake and keeps saying 1917.

08-13-2020, 04:10 PM
The point about 1917, he’s said it quite a few times, I’m 99% sure his aides have told him that it’s 1918, yet he still makes that same mistake and keeps saying 1917.


08-13-2020, 04:24 PM
So Biden put out a corny ass ad of him driving around in his Chevy Sting Ray.

It was a little cringy, but it made me realize two things. First, I doubt Trump can drive anything other than a golf cart. Second, even if he can drive a car, there is zero chance he knows how to drive a manual transmission.

I just don't get how a gilded, silver spooned, tubby, man child who would know what to do with a hammer if he could even lift one is the idol of so many working class men just blows my mind.

It's like if a bunch of college philosophy professors idolized Steve-o from Jackass.

08-13-2020, 04:26 PM
We will wait for the Debates. If I were Biden, I would offer as many excuses for not having them as I possibly could.. because he's going to look bad.

I'm looking forward to the vice president debates. I don't think I remember what pences voice even sounds like.

08-13-2020, 04:31 PM
It's like if a bunch of college philosophy professors idolized Steve-o from Jackass.

They idolize Steve Jobs and he was a huge piece of shit.

08-13-2020, 04:44 PM
I'm looking forward to the vice president debates. I don't think I remember what pences voice even sounds like.

I can understand how you are not looking forward to the Presidential debates. I literally can't believe Biden will go through with the debates... he will lose less support by just boycotting them than he will if he goes through with them.

As far as VP debates go, Pence is a decent speaker.. he won't have any big issues.

This election is just about Biden vs. Trump.

08-13-2020, 04:53 PM
As far as VP debates go, Pence is a decent speaker.. he won't have any big issues.

Problem is no matter what Pence says he will be accused of being a racist and a sexist. I can see the Biden campaign trying their hardest to explain why presidential debates aren't needed but VP debates are needed for this exact reason.

08-13-2020, 04:54 PM
Great - Biden is permanently sniffing Idaho now.

I'll never look at Idaho the same way ever again.


08-13-2020, 05:06 PM
I just don't get how a gilded, silver spooned, tubby, man child who would know what to do with a hammer if he could even lift one is the idol of so many working class men just blows my mind.

Poor man's idea of a rich man, and all that.

08-13-2020, 05:16 PM
I just don't get how a gilded, silver spooned, tubby, man child who would know what to do with a hammer if he could even lift one is the idol of so many working class men just blows my mind.

I just don't get how a racist, out of touch with reality sexual harasser, who openly opposed desegregating schools because he didn't want his children to attend a racial jungle of a school, is the idol of so many woke so called progressives

08-13-2020, 05:25 PM
I just don't get how a racist, out of touch with reality sexual harasser, who openly opposed desegregating schools because he didn't want his children to attend a racial jungle of a school, is the idol of so many woke so called progressives

To be clear, woke progressives do not idolize Trump.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-13-2020, 05:48 PM
This video of her on noted racist Al Sharpton's show:


She looks so different in this clip and this was weeks ago, she must have known she was at least near the top of the list.

Who cares what she looks like though. It shouldn’t even be a topic of conversation.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-13-2020, 05:49 PM
Everytime some brings up Biden’s dementia shit, just gonna bring up trumps “1917” Spanish flu ended world war 2.

It’s good you realize he has dementia, though.

08-13-2020, 05:51 PM
It’s good you realize he has dementia, though.

Actually I don’t know, I won’t make assumptions about it. I guess we will find out when he does his medical check right?

08-13-2020, 06:03 PM
To be clear, woke progressives do not idolize Trump.

Sadly, progressives are getting played like fools. Like they have been for 40 years. The Clinton political machine still owns the Democrats, that's exactly what you're going to get with Biden.

Trump was the protest candidate, meant to be the wrench that breaks the machine. And here you are, selling out to the neo-liberal middle finger, again and again and again and again.

It's funny.

08-13-2020, 08:46 PM
Actually I don’t know, I won’t make assumptions about it. I guess we will find out when he does his medical check right?


Let's say he really does have dementia.. do you honestly believe it would be on some magical report from a medical check?


08-13-2020, 08:47 PM
Sadly, progressives are getting played like fools.

To be fair.. it's extremely easy to do.

08-14-2020, 12:25 AM
I just don't get how a racist, out of touch with reality sexual harasser, who openly opposed desegregating schools because he didn't want his children to attend a racial jungle of a school, is the idol of so many woke so called progressives

To be clear, woke progressives do not idolize Trump.

Politicians say dumb things all the time.. because they are on camera all the time.

But if it makes you feel better to make fun of Trump over saying "World War 2" instead of "World War 1", then so be it.

There's far more dumb things that Trump said that would be far better.. but you do you, Trigger.
Bitch please, you'd trip over yourself in your hurry to mock anyone remotely on the left for the same thing.

08-14-2020, 12:31 AM

Mr. "NOU!" is impressed with a "NOU!" comeback.

08-14-2020, 12:36 AM
Who cares what she looks like though. It shouldn’t even be a topic of conversation.
Damn good point.

Mr. "NOU!" is impressed with a "NOU!" comeback.


08-14-2020, 12:47 AM

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/117818397_3558341744230511_7229871349895264874_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=UjbQCcjpHjcAX8CH30L&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=e88c41c4e7d2ff3b2f992ecab6866c9d&oe=5F592997

08-14-2020, 09:00 AM
Bitch please, you'd trip over yourself in your hurry to mock anyone remotely on the left for the same thing.

Have you ever watched a Joe Biden interview?

Bitch please. Trump has said stuff 100x dumber than confusing WWI and WW2.

But if that is all you got, go for it?

08-14-2020, 09:02 AM

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/117818397_3558341744230511_7229871349895264874_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=UjbQCcjpHjcAX8CH30L&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=e88c41c4e7d2ff3b2f992ecab6866c9d&oe=5F592997

SEE? Now THAT is a funny meme!

Oh wait.. it's not from the left.

08-14-2020, 12:18 PM
One of their doctors ordered a basic congnitive test. The others doctor hasn't yet.

He also claimed it was a difficult test.

This is a remarkably meaningless answer. Good job.

08-14-2020, 12:39 PM
This is a remarkably meaningless answer. Good job.

Right. Having a medical professional question your cognitive abilities is a meaningless answer. Him claiming it being tough is also meaningless. Got it.

But Biden...but Biden...while ignoring the medical professionals.

08-14-2020, 12:45 PM
Actually I don’t know, I won’t make assumptions about it. I guess we will find out when he does his medical check right?

If you put Biden next to Trump, you'd really be like "Trump definitely has dementia. Biden though? I'm not so sure."?

Serious question.

08-14-2020, 02:05 PM
Right. Having a medical professional question your cognitive abilities is a meaningless answer. Him claiming it being tough is also meaningless. Got it.

Trump requested the cognitive test. What are you even talking about? Do you really think for one second if Trump's doctor thought he had dementia Trump would be talking about it?

Even if Trump's doctor did think Trump had dementia and Trump was like "OMG! This is a great thing to share with the American people!" what even is your point? Both Trump and his doctor said he did well on the test.

"My doctor ordered a cancer screening and the tests said I had no cancer, but since my doctor thought I might have cancer and ordered the screening I guess I do have cancer!"