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  1. Looking for premium points.
  2. 8,000 Premium Points
  3. Looking for Aura and/or Wisdom enhancive
  4. Paying 15k for white sunstones
  5. Big bags of Gems
  6. 5x mbp and a 5x longbow
  7. sancted weighted weapon..
  8. Looking to buy
  9. 6x-7x MBP
  10. Joola Ring
  11. Wanted: a jet-inset white shield symbol
  12. New Runestaff (6x+, flaring, enhancive, etc.)
  13. Gear/cog/mechanical based items
  14. Fel Hafter
  15. Interested in purchasing 4x+ Flaring Runestaff (open to many types)
  16. Looking for +TD gear
  17. WTB Alt Scrolls
  18. a rectangular silvery rolaren tower shield inlaid with spirals of black mithril runes
  19. Need Fixskills - Paying $50
  20. Containers
  21. survival orb fodder
  22. wand cylinder, max l/d backworn container
  23. 5x bow, 6x augmented chain, or higher
  24. Wanted: scripted cloak (hood)
  25. 6x or 7x perfect lance
  26. WTB a bard around 40-50 trains
  27. 4 hour Wizard spell up in the Landing.
  28. 5x plain (enchantable) full plate
  29. Plain 5x MBP
  30. Armor Concealor
  31. WTB Illistim Shop
  32. High end Crowbill
  33. Looking for 3.2k premium points.
  34. Something for a mil.
  35. GOA trading major enchant for
  36. custom blunt forging job
  37. switchable cravat/scarf/bowtie/neckerchief items
  38. Unlocked Vanishing Point Gown
  39. Great Lord Cleric
  40. 6x+ Blessable Lance
  41. Wanted: Dex, strength, spell aim enhancives
  42. Piercing Jewellery + Needle
  43. a tempered heavy greataxe
  44. 3x a day heroism/bravery bracers/gauntlets
  45. 6x+ longbow(no fusion), Enhancives, ELK stuff
  46. weapon displayer
  47. flaring MBP and a max light/deep cloak and/or backpack
  48. alfador
  49. wanted: 4x-5x fire flaring OHE
  50. Attuning spidersilk cloak
  51. cloak with a working hood
  52. 4x blessable katar
  53. Forest Green Brig
  54. 7x fusion Augmented Chain
  55. 5x fusion longbow.
  56. 7X Handaxe - Elegant, Superior, or Perfect.
  57. 4x+ Monk Gear
  58. Prem Points 3200 and 3600
  59. 7x HCP FP, please let me know if you have a set you might part with
  60. WTB sighted composite bow
  61. magnifying glass
  62. 702 rods. or twisted wands
  63. Haste bracelets and anklets in bulk.
  64. Wanted: helm with visor scripts
  65. Wanted: Nice Cloak
  66. 6x Katana from Frontier Days
  67. Scroll infusion
  68. Looking for scripted hooded cloak
  69. Orb gems.
  70. Chain Mail
  71. rune-trimmed wizard's cloak
  73. 6x MBP
  74. Bounty Points Wanted
  75. Wanted: Permablessed handaxe and higher enchant dagger
  76. Weighless bag
  77. HCP plate and 3700 PPs
  78. Lance displayer sheath
  79. a rune-covered Faendryl Pack
  80. Looking for stockings.
  81. Snake Wig
  82. 5x-6x doubles/fulls...
  83. Ta'Illistim Shop
  84. Double Leather 7x or 8x enchanted
  85. 102 item
  86. Bulk gems - Landing/Illistim
  87. Skull Locking Ring
  88. Winter- themed items.
  89. Sheru items
  90. Wizard, and some Gems.
  91. 5x Composite Bow
  92. Selanthan bloodjewels
  93. flaring full plate
  94. A boatload of alchemy reagants....
  95. WTB: 1lb double leather
  96. Current Wish List
  97. 5x long/composite bow & 5-6x Hauberk
  98. scripted elven dancing skirt
  99. Rolaren full plate
  100. 10x shield
  101. Lesser Shadowdeath Vambraces
  102. Battle Minis!
  103. Scimitars
  104. 4x wand holding runestaff/scepter
  105. Perfect Falchion
  106. Wanted: 5x full leather
  107. Morning Star
  108. Buying 5x Longbow for silvers.
  109. Monk Gear!
  110. Aelotoi Items (female)
  111. Need to gear up my monk
  112. Owner of Cloakhe's General Store
  113. Looking for high-end claid
  114. WTB Ranger E-Wave Shield
  115. Interesting greataxes
  116. Selling 4x fusion bow from EG 2 years ago.
  117. some heavy rusted chains
  118. Maul
  119. Haubrek or Brig
  120. 2800 PPs
  121. thrown enhancives (not orbs)
  122. Very large amount pin worn containter
  123. Looking for Self Knowledge Air Wall (102) and Deep Blue
  124. Brawling/dodge enhancives, 5x+ UAC gear, flaring aug chain
  125. 4x+ flaring runestaff
  126. bright yellow silk satchel or VLA belt worn
  127. Feras polearms.
  128. Kick me sign
  129. Nicer augmented chain
  130. Looking for high end THW (particularly high end claids), also looking for 10x fulls
  131. buying 4x doubles and 4x OH
  132. HCP robes
  133. scripted containers and boots
  134. Paying well for SA/DEX/STR enhancives
  135. Main and Off-hand OHE or OHB for TWC
  136. hcp brig, plain fusion brig, and a 6x longbow
  137. 1x claidhmore
  138. Veil iron arm greaves.
  139. Preserved Hornet talisman
  140. looking for high end leg greaves with + ranged bonus
  141. FGB or 7x Brig
  142. non crumbly enhancive (range,ambush, dex only )
  143. 7x runestaff
  144. alter scrolls
  145. Stove, alter scrolls, cobbling materials
  146. Fulls...
  147. 2900 pp's
  148. Dwarven or Halfling items
  149. WTB Silvers...
  150. 5x bow
  151. 5x composite bow
  152. Sephwir Bow
  153. 5-6x small shield
  154. Sephwir comp or long bow, FGB
  155. Two player-forged greatswords
  156. Cman Potion
  157. +5 Spell aiming headpiece
  158. Survival Kit
  159. hurling enhancive
  160. Partnership in Landing Shop
  161. 5x Composite or Long Bow
  162. Illistim Gems
  163. Pin worn MA or LA
  164. FGB or better enchant padded brig, max deep cloak/backpack/shoulder containers
  165. Brig or Haubrek 5x + VHC padd or better 100mil
  166. Bow 5x Heavy Sighted or Better 100m
  167. 4-5X full plate, nothing too expensive
  168. 5x-6x fusion composite bow
  169. Orbs - Max Mana, Harness ranks, Harness Bonus
  170. Fusion Sai / tiger-claw
  171. 702 bunny
  172. Racial bow
  173. a shiny cup
  174. LF someone with a jewelry box to make an item from a MR gem
  175. 6x-7x Greatsword Standard or High End
  176. Goat Pin
  177. master fletched light crossbow bolts
  178. Crit padded hauberk and full plate
  179. Venion Laced Stunning Eahnor Breastplate
  180. WTB Plain old 3x Robes or 3x Plate
  181. Premium Points
  182. Block of 2800 & 4200 Premium Points
  183. Buying 8 Grey Pearls for 65k (and other gems)
  184. UAC items
  185. Rangerly Type Cloak
  186. fusion fullplate
  187. Cave cleaning woman
  188. WTB Icemule shop
  189. Looking for 5x Flaring Maul
  190. Enchanter Wanted 4x - 5x Bow
  191. +10 to Logic weapon, shield or armor
  192. Strength enhancives
  193. Radiant white soulstones
  194. Essences of Fire, 5k each
  195. 5x Longbow
  196. Crit padded fulls
  197. 7x brig or 6x fusion brig
  198. Looking for persistent DEX/STR/spell aim enhancive jewelry
  199. perfect steel morning star
  200. Alchemy supplies
  201. 4x or > Sancted Morning Star
  202. n
  203. A Warrior with Rank 5 Puncture Protection (Armor Specialization)
  204. Crit padded full leather
  205. 4x (+20) razern katana with +4 dex - I overpay more than Jeril
  206. 5x doubles and a cloak with an actioned hood
  207. Low enchant 0-2x HCP padded armor of most types.
  208. 5x longbow & str enhansives
  209. Perfect Forged Handaxe/Katar
  210. 5-10 ayveneh potions
  211. Your enhancive perming service
  212. EG crumbly to non will pay 2 mil
  213. looking for premium points.
  214. Daggers
  215. unlocked beard clip
  216. 5x+ VHCW or better dagger base weapon
  217. Drunken Durfin's Ironwight Mattock
  218. strength and logic bonus enhancives.
  219. Hedgehog
  220. 4x+ hcp or better chain mail/permaessed Ohe
  221. Pin, Hair, or Uncommon slot worn Wisdom + others
  222. a compact multi-pocketed leather kit clasped with a single long needle
  223. Enchanted and sancted claidh/ Hollow willow branch quiver
  224. Sancted Knuckle-blades
  225. complete head/face concealer
  226. Animated Cauldron
  227. Logic enhancives
  228. Cheapo looking for flaring 4 or 5x runestaff
  229. A piercing needle
  230. LFM master needed
  231. a golvern-edged serrated battle axe
  232. 4 or 5x scw OHE
  233. Wanted: High-end weapons
  234. Bring me your slime, your muck, your dirt etc...
  235. 4x-6x armor, brig, lower chain, or hauberk
  236. Ring for lip piercing
  237. UAC gloves and boots.
  238. Skin / herb containers
  239. 4x fusion bow
  240. Wanted: Pirate Themed VLA backworn container and Iron described fluff/container/armor
  241. Storm Griffin Feathers
  242. Forehead Gem
  243. Shield Use/Bonus Orbs or Enhanvices
  244. enchanted claid, crit padded chain or brig
  245. t4 jacket from EG
  246. Ta'Illistim Shop
  247. armor concealer-full
  248. Medium or Small Amount Any Number of Items Belt
  249. Fixskills wanted
  250. +5 agility bonus orb