View Full Version : Premium Points

10-10-2012, 04:50 PM
I've had a couple deals for 2800, but can't seem to get the enchant completed, so I'm trying again. I'm going to throw an offer out for anyone willing to do some work, but feel free to make a counter offer.

2800 points - 8x enchants - 6000 silvers per point
4200 points - Crit Padding - 6500 silvers per point

If you have enough for both services, I'd pay 6500 per silver, or message me back with what you are asking.

I'm happy to pay cash at $7/m for any part of the transaction.

10-10-2012, 06:51 PM
With prices like that I can't begin to imagine why you'd have a hard time finding your points. /end sarcasm

Recent sales have been far in excess of 5500/6000 per point. PP is not a buyers market and probably never will be again.

10-10-2012, 07:24 PM
The deals that fell through weren't for those rates. The rates I mention are offers, not what I expect to pay, I ask for people who are interested to counter offer. Everyone seems to want to haggle these days, so it would be foolish for me to come out and give a high number. I agree, I wouldn't sell at those prices, but there are people who want to monetize their points, this is an easy way to do it. I didn't just make those numbers up, I took it out of a thread:

Going rates are probably around 5200-6600 coins/point. Although going rate implies that people are selling any!

In fact, when I suggested that the person should look for more on a larger block, I got negative rep insinuating that I take advantage of people.

Granted, the next post in the thread is me saying I sold mine for 8k per point. Yes, I'm a merchant at heart, I believe in buying low and selling high.

Anyway, this is my thread looking for offers, not a treatise on the best price for PPs. If you want to start an economic debate, get your own thread.

That all being said, I did raise the offer a bit. Like I said, it's a starting point. If I want it bad enough, I'll just use my own points.

10-10-2012, 08:01 PM
With prices like that I can't begin to imagine why you'd have a hard time finding your points. /end sarcasm

Recent sales have been far in excess of 5500/6000 per point. PP is not a buyers market and probably never will be again.

You sound very experienced in the value of points for a person with 1 post that just joined the PC./end sarcasm At least use your regular acct. Using a dummy acct just makes you look like a little bitch. You can have an opinion on value of PP's without the cloak and dagger.

10-10-2012, 08:23 PM
There's no cloak and dagger, I haven't played GS in years, I just read these boards for the insightful political views. And the boobs! Go go Bhaalizmo. To borrow a quote... "Polo loves the cock" and apparently his favorites is Everan's. I was trying to offer some input on the price of PP, there was 0 maliciousness in my original post.

10-10-2012, 08:29 PM
There's no cloak and dagger, I haven't played GS in years, I just read these boards for the insightful political views. And the boobs! Go go Bhaalizmo. To borrow a quote... "Polo loves the cock" and apparently his favorites is Everan's. I was trying to offer some input on the price of PP, there was 0 maliciousness in my original post.

So after all these years of just reading these boards you finally decided to post..... about PP's. Right. Bitch.

10-10-2012, 08:32 PM
Oooooh, is that how everan likes you to talk to him? It's so dirty...

ETA: Try pulling his hair next time you talk dirty, I hear they love that.

10-10-2012, 08:37 PM
If I'm getting your personal attention anonymous repper, I seem to be better at "this" then you give me credit for!

10-10-2012, 08:42 PM
There's no cloak and dagger, I haven't played GS in years, I just read these boards.

What? Can't say what made you finally post of all places in this thread after all these years of "just reading these boards"? Just say what your normal PC handle is. It's ok. We're just going to laugh at you and nothing more. I'm sure you've experienced that plenty of times before and have finally learned how to cope with the ridicule.

10-10-2012, 08:47 PM
My characters name was Teeclis, an elven mage. I sold to Sergey a long time ago, like I said.

As for coping with ridicule, I've never experienced that, but I'll allow you to explain it all to me again, since you seem so experienced with what to expect.

10-10-2012, 08:50 PM
And I know the inner workings of a forum such as this one are beneath the likes of someone as entitled as you, but it requires no account to actively view anything in here. Just an FYI for you.

10-10-2012, 09:06 PM
Ahhhhhhhh, what the heck. I just want to buy Premium Points.

10-11-2012, 12:17 PM
Just need the block of 4200 now.