Trump doesn't pass "legislature".. which I believe you mean legislation.. that is the job of Congress.
No idea why you constantly bring up Obama... is he the only black person you know?I know you’re a racist twat who hates Obama. I know this. But please… tell us what trump got through congress to POSITIVELY impact the economy.
And Trump doesn't get anything through Congress. It's the job of Congress to pass "legislature" through to give it to the President to sign into law.
Tax cuts couldn't have helped you.. you destitute, retarded, fucknut.I’ll be waiting centuries because the only thing he passed were tax cuts for the rich and the corporations.
The tax cuts HELPED me! I can’t argue… it was kinda nice… but to fuck everyone else over? Like you? No fucking way you benefited. And if he gets more through it’ll fuck you over ever more than your daddy fucked you, you disgusting excuse of a human being.
And if it did... why not just cut a check back to the US.. so you don't have that blood money on your conscious?
No, you supported the guy who had naked shower time with his own teenage daughter... and it was so bad that the daughter just stopped showering...
What? I may need to get a retardese translator in here... are you saying that the price of gas went way up under Trump? Are you having a stroke?Also, say you did benefit from the tax cuts… I doubt it but ok… what did he do to lower gas prices the first term? Besides deny covid and crash the economy in 2020?
He didn't say he would end inflation on day 1. Please stop.Also, didn’t he say he’d end inflation and the Russian invasion on day 1 this term?
And he's done so much more to end the wars than Biden did. I believe Trump underestimated how long this has been going on in Ukraine... it's been at least since 1991 and has been the US policy there since.
I changed this to reflect reality.. and the answer is simple: President Donald J Trump.Why am I a lunatic? Answer into the void. Cheers.
Last edited by Parkbandit; 03-04-2025 at 08:12 AM.
Remember when Shaft thought Kamala was going to win Iowa by 11 points because someone told him that? Now he believes the economy has already crashed under Trump because someone told him that.
Don't you think if the US economy "crashed" it would be in the news 24/7? Come on, Shaft, at least try to use that thing in your head you call a brain.
Remember when during Biden's presidency we had a quarter with negative 1.6% growth and the following quarter it was negative 0.6% growth and all of the Democrats were panicking and saying Biden was crashing the economy and they all demanded that everyone who voted for Biden apologize for doing so because he was ruining the world?
Naww just kidding! The Democrats and media buried that little bit of information. They went further than that and tried to say the US wasn't really in a recession, even though the agreed upon definition of a recession was 2 quarters of negative economic growth.
But now here we have Shaft losing his shit because someone is predicting that we MIGHT have negative growth this quarter.
You don't have to be this pathetic, Shaft, you choose to be this pathetic.
Last edited by Tgo01; 03-04-2025 at 08:35 AM.
I'm not gonna lie, your massively retarded meltdowns are fucking glorious.
Especially this part:
Just to keep a woman out of office and deport some brown folks…you loser ass cuck, I hope she sees this bro.
Apostrophes don't make words plural. How old are you again? Keep tubgirling yourself all over this thread. It's hilarous as fuckall.
EDIT: Can you please post here daily? Bonus poinst if you post a video of you raging out at your desk while you type up your chronic meltdown posts.
I'll send you like $5 if you do this.
Last edited by Methais; 03-04-2025 at 09:26 AM.