I don’t know what to make of his whole analogy. All I know is nobody in my family is going to Disney World anytime soon. Kathleen Kennedy retiring this year is a good start, but not enough. Disney needs to make something of value worth watching. Something. Anything. We canceled Disney+ a couple years ago and the kids barely noticed.
You didn't like Agatha? Mandalorian? Andor? Such a great name. Season 2, coming soon, should be called Andxor.
Agatha's plot twists, which I won't spoil for any of you, caught me by complete surprise.
Best scene from Andor.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOoyrIbdHU
No. I stopped watching the Star Wars shows right around Mandalorian S3. The first two seasons were good. I watched the Obi-Wan show which was terrible, and got the message that Disney was incapable of making good content for the IP.
I’ve heard mixed things about Andor, but haven’t seen it and couldn’t tell you.
I’ve never even heard of Agatha All Along, but just looking at some of the screenshots and the plot summary now…it looks gay as fuck.
I’m sure you bought advanced tickets for Black Captain Hates America & Latinx Snow White. I have no interest in such lame remakes for the “modern” audience.
I thought Andor was great. It was the first thing that was Star Wars related that felt closer to the Star Wars series than anything before. I thought Rogue One movie was pretty good, way better than any other Star Wars movie Disney made. Andor took what was done well in Rogue One and expanded upon it, which I really liked. Even if the second season of Andor isn't only half as good as the first, it'll still be better than anything else Star Wars related (aside from season 1) that Disney has put out since they acquired the IP.
Mandalorian, S1 was good. Then Disney took to doing it's own cancel culture with Gina Carano; not only did they drop her from Season 2 they also pulled the rug on doing a spin off with her. S2 was pretty bad and I didn't bother with S3.
They've done pretty much the same with Marvel once they hit Thor: Ragnarok, the movies just became utter trash aside from the Spider-Man movies (always kind of had a soft spot for Spiderman, so I'm a bit biased...although I did like Toby Maguire Spiderman better, except for the third movie he did, that one sucked). A guy from work got opening day tickets for the new Captain America and this guy is a huge Marvel's fan. He even likes them enough to enjoy the She Hulk series that was trash. He was psyched for the new Captain America, said it was going to be great! After he saw it he said it was a 5 out of 10. A pretty big letdown....he looked like someone punched him in the stomach.
You should check out Andor.
I did like Rogue One. I was going to say the only Star Wars shows and movies I have enjoyed during the Kathleen Kennedy era was Rogue One & Mandalorian S1-S2. Everything else sucks, and there is A LOT of suck. Maybe I’ll check out Andor one day.
I make it no secret I’m a big Cobra Kai fan. The series just recently concluded and is a masterpiece. I wish Disney could learn a thing or two from it.