Originally Posted by
Rofll at getting lectured about manhood from a PC troll hiding behind the keyboard lololol
I'm sure you're just being a jerk as usual but you know that government is for the people. It protects the people. It creates laws, and forces them, and judges the outcome when those laws are broken. It is absolutely set up not only to protect us against common crime but also protect us from billionaires and corporations who would take advantage of the otherwise powerless people. Not to mention natural disasters.
How does someone like yourself or myself or the average American protect themselves from the power of billionaires? By having a government that keeps them in check. I don't think enough has been done honestly because the wealth inequality is off the charts.
Billionaires live an entirely different world than we do. If s*** hits the fan they're going to be fine. Pandemic, nuclear strike, comet strike, you name it they've already got bunkers built and stockpiled resources to get them through. We will be running around fighting over scraps. The unfair wealth inequality really shows itself in that kind of scenario.
Yeah buddy we all need government to keep the order so society doesn't devolve into tribal warfare.