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Thread: Sorcerer Spell Updates

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN

    Default Sorcerer Spell Updates

    GemStone IV #development-announcements SERVER — Yesterday (1/12/25) at 11:10 AM
    Updates to the following Sorcerer Spells are now live!

    701 Blood Burst (
    - Damage for this spell has now been converted to apply Major Bleed.
    - Any blood infusion returned by 701 when the caster is at full health is now converted to a Blood Shield.

    706 Tenebrous Tether (New Spell) (Link TBD)
    - Mind Jolt has been removed from the game.
    - Tenebrous Tether is a concentration spell, which will stay active for a set amount of time as long as the caster does not take other actions.
    - While Tethered, the target is Rooted.
    - While Tethered, casts of 710, 716, 718 on the target will trigger twice as fast.
    - If the Tethered target is killed while under the effect, any remaining effects of 710, 716, 718 on the target will transfer to another target in the room.

    710 Energy Maelstrom (
    - Spell has been re-written to use SMRv2 for attack resolution.
    - Storm start-up time is now at flat 2 seconds.
    - Time between damage cycles has been reduced to 2 seconds for focused version and 5s for area version.
    - Training 50 ranks in Elemental Lores now applies the Momentum of the Tempest Buff.

    716 Pestilence (
    - Time between damage cycles has been lowered to 2 seconds.
    - Training in Necromancy Lore now provides a chance for Pestilence to spread to other targets in the room.

    718 Torment (
    - Spell now does an initial damage cycle if successful on cast.
    - Time between damage cycles has been reduced to 2 seconds.
    - Backlash to the caster has been removed.
    - Target TD modification to lower TD for each Affliction and Negative status condition on the target.
    - Training 25 ranks of Demonology now grants the Quickened Misery buff.

    Huge thanks to GMs Ivry, Auchand, and Mestys for QC, GM Gyres for the incredible messaging, and for the sorcerer players for your collaborative feedback!

    Quickened Misery -
    Granted buff at 25 ranks of Demonology lore, Torment's cast RT is reduced by 1 second (minimum of 1s) and the mana cost by 25% (maximum of 50% total mana cost) for every curse or other sorcerer DoT from the caster on the target.

    Zissu — Today (1/14/25) at 6:52 PM
    Sorcerer Spell Updates for 717 and 720!

    717 Evil Eye
    - Casters no longer need an Eye Spy to use the Multitarget version of 717 within the same room they are in.
    - 717 can still be cast remotely via an Eye Spy.
    - Casters can now SUMMON an Eye Spy using the prep 717, summon eye commands. This change will free up the 707 spell slot for later development.

    720 Implosion
    - Spell is completely rewritten into a targeted spell doing an SMRv2 attack to deal heavy damage to the target and AoE damage to other targets within the room.
    - Any creature hit by either is left disoriented.
    - A new buff called Voidweaver is applied for each creature killed by the spell. For the next (number of kills) casts, caster is granted an acuity buff and 1s cast RT

    Voidweaver Buff -
    For every creature killed by either the targeted attack or the area wave attack, the caster gets 1 stack of the Voidweaver buff.
    Each subsequent cast by that caster consumes a stack of the buff and applies (level / 15)x acuity flare and 1s cast RT to the cast spell.
    Training in Sorcerous Lore, Demonology grants an additional stack of the buff at 90 ranks, and another additional stack at 180 ranks.
    Last edited by drumpel; 01-14-2025 at 10:25 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    - Backlash to the caster has been removed.
    That is what made the spell fun though. Something (or another player) would hit you with it and you go tearing ass several rooms away. The hilarity seeing them get killed by their own spell was always great.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN


    710 sure does lash out fast now....

    A vesperti points a clawed finger at you!
    The winds form into a sinister vortex around you.
    >stance offensive
    >shield bash
    You are now in an offensive stance.
    You lunge forward at a vesperti with your hoarbeam greatshield and attempt a shield bash!
    [SMR result: 187 (Open d100: 55, Bonus: 10)]
    Your size contributes considerably to the attack!
    You lash out with a superb shield bash!
    ... 15 points of damage!
    Nice blow to right hand!
    ... 10 points of damage!
    Finger jams and swells.
    Your attack exposes a vulnerability in a vesperti's defenses!
    Roundtime: 3 sec.
    Large rocks swirl around you.
    [SMR result: 40 (Open d100: 40)]
    You are able to avoid the damage of the tempest raging around you.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    710 sure does lash out fast now....

    A vesperti points a clawed finger at you!
    The winds form into a sinister vortex around you.
    >stance offensive
    >shield bash
    You are now in an offensive stance.
    You lunge forward at a vesperti with your hoarbeam greatshield and attempt a shield bash!
    [SMR result: 187 (Open d100: 55, Bonus: 10)]
    Your size contributes considerably to the attack!
    You lash out with a superb shield bash!
    ... 15 points of damage!
    Nice blow to right hand!
    ... 10 points of damage!
    Finger jams and swells.
    Your attack exposes a vulnerability in a vesperti's defenses!
    Roundtime: 3 sec.
    Large rocks swirl around you.
    [SMR result: 40 (Open d100: 40)]
    You are able to avoid the damage of the tempest raging around you.
    Barely time to dispel it now. Probably gonna suck for magic people.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Barely time to dispel it now. Probably gonna suck for magic people.
    Going to have to start just blasting every room you walk into with a disabler like 410/912/709/435 just to stay safe out there now when you start hunting these areas with more and more SMR spells that trigger in 2 seconds.

    At least the spell does stop if you still stun the target.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    Going to have to start just blasting every room you walk into with a disabler like 410/912/709/435 just to stay safe out there now when you start hunting these areas with more and more SMR spells that trigger in 2 seconds.

    At least the spell does stop if you still stun the target.
    No mind jolt anymore though! :/ Yeah, just gonna have to be efficient.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default More Sorcerer spell updates

    Zissu — Today at 6:52 PM
    Sorcerer Spell Updates for 717 and 720!

    717 Evil Eye
    - Casters no longer need an Eye Spy to use the Multitarget version of 717 within the same room they are in.
    - 717 can still be cast remotely via an Eye Spy.
    - Casters can now SUMMON an Eye Spy using the prep 717, summon eye commands. This change will free up the 707 spell slot for later development.

    720 Implosion
    - Spell is completely rewritten into a targeted spell doing an SMRv2 attack to deal heavy damage to the target and AoE damage to other targets within the room.
    - Any creature hit by either is left disoriented.
    - A new buff called Voidweaver is applied for each creature killed by the spell. For the next (number of kills) casts, caster is granted an acuity buff and 1s cast RT

    also added to original post
    Last edited by drumpel; 01-14-2025 at 10:22 PM.

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