Last edited by Anebriated; 11-04-2023 at 02:01 PM.
Discord: anebriated
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Elrodin 100 Ranger
You clearly don’t understand the presidents ability to declassify and if your argument is that Biden re-classified them and then removed trumps clearance then it’s entrapment.
Last edited by Anebriated; 11-04-2023 at 03:31 PM.
Discord: anebriated
Looking for old characters:
Elrodin 100 Ranger
Except Trump didn't declassify the documents, and never had the ability to declassify documents related to nuclear energy or armaments without agency involvement. I get your slipping in that completely irrelevant piece of 'news you just discovered' was a lazy attempt to try and spin Trump's massive criminal liability, but you failed pretty badly. Get better.
Wait.. we're back at "ZOMGNUCLEARWEAPONS!" again?
Don't you find it a tad "convenient" that the only thing a President can't declassify without the Swamp, by law, is our nuclear weapons?
Let's let this play out in Court before we pretend we know anything about a President's "massive criminal liability".. it'll make you look less retarded than normal.. and you could use about 1 million of those types of moments.
Also: What is your thought on Pence and Biden having classified documents after they left the WH as VP.. or in Biden's case, even while he was a Senator? Clearly, they have no right at all to have these documents in their possession. When do you believe these 2 will be prosecuted with an obviously open/shut case?
/Any/ classified material related to nuclear weapons, nuclear energy both foreign and domestic are encompassed within the laws which produced the nuclear regulatory agency the United States. So all of the classified briefing material about foreign countries Trump was basically displaying on his buffet line? Unclassified solely on a President's authority.
I'm not surprised someone as dumb as you bought into Trump's fantasy that he could classify any documents merely by thinking about it. The fact the President must document what he/she classified or declassifies pursuant to federal law and existing executive orders was designed to protect our country's vital secrets. Something Trump clearly attempted to monetize at Mar-a-Lago following his ouster from the Whitehouse.
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