I'm going to dumb this conversation down for you as much as I possibly can. I will try to use little words as well:
SP: ATF just changed rules of what defines a firearms dealer
Seran: Our government is just trying to enforce the law!
SP: What? No they changed the definition of what a firearms dealer is.
Seran: It says "Well Regulated" in the 2nd Amendment so the government is just adding more regulations like the founding fathers wanted!
SP: What? You aren't making any sense.
Seran: IF WE COULD JUST SAVE 1% of the violence, isn't that worth it?
SP: What? You aren't making any sense.
Seran: Debate over. I win!
SP was the only person who's IQ isn't smaller than his actual age that didn't believe you were retarded.
Way to put him back on track with all normal people.
Fucking retard.
See look at that, your collective offense against the ATF rule is so convoluted and lacking any legal basis that even as you try and spin an entire page worth of pets, you still can't come up with a rational legal argument. If you're gonna move the goalposts PB, make sure it's in the same stadium you're playing in.
The ATF didn’t become a thing until 1972 as an independent bureau of the Treasury department. Read the 2nd Amendment in its entirety. Read the shall not be infringed part fifty times. What they are doing is illegal and they know it, but they can inflict their damage while it takes years & millions of dollars spent in legal challenges. I advocate for the total repeal of their agency and will vote for & support politicians that have the balls & moral fortitude to act on their abolition.
Speaking for my own personal self for a moment & in the meantime until this is legally overturned, the joke is on them. I never sell my firearms. I just keep growing my collection & keeping my powder dry for that rainy day. Fuck them I won’t do what they tell me.
Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 09-03-2023 at 03:47 PM.
Now you're just splitting hairs. Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'. That the sentence concludes with 'shall not be infringed' doesn't negate the fact the Framers intended for the federal government to regulate firearms. I'm sure someone else will agree with your argument about undue burden and take it to Court, however I don't see it being overridden on any constitutional merit.
That is the dumbest group of words I have ever read. How did our government come to be? Do you think it would have helped the United States of America if the British government regulated (by your definition of it) firearms? Perhaps the colonists should have let governor Thomas Gage take and/or register all the firearms. Did we win a revolutionary war that way Seran? Why do you think the 2nd Amendment was written and ratified in the Bill of Rights?