What about low level federal judges overreaching do you seem to not understand? If you want to make hay about anything, you should take a look at the ATF Final Rule under Trump which was overturned by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and is now before the Supreme Court.
You are talking about the bump stock ban under Trump. I’ll concede that was also an overreach and that Trump kicked the door wide open for the ATF to make up shit as they go (like changing the definition of a machine gun or a short barreled rifle). Unlike you, I can be critical of both parties. Trump is not infallible. Biden is far worse.
Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 07-09-2023 at 05:50 PM.
ROFL... funniest shit I've seen in a minute...
Climate activists fighting and stopping a LBGTQ+ parade...
The Left is now eating itself... LOL
The White House is one of the most secure buildings in the United States, and the Secret Service concluded their investigation saying they have no idea who left the cocaine. Color me not surprised. The Secret Service is about as trustworthy as the KGB.
Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 07-13-2023 at 04:39 PM.
"Biden authorizes Pentagon to deploy 3K reserve troops to Europe in response to Ukraine war"
So fucking weird how "they" all told us Trump would lead us all into WW3....
If you ever want to know what the Democrats want/are doing/are planning... just listen to their attacks against their opponents.