Surveillance video from a home near the crash site recorded "what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment," investigators said this week.
I even used a favorite source for lefties.
Trump's proudly visiting the derailment site proclaiming his Presidency is why everyone's afraid of drinking the water or allowing their kids to play outside. lol
‘A political stunt’: Trump’s Ohio visit revives questions about his own safety legacy
Donald Trump’s visit to the site of a toxic train derailment in Ohio is offering a political opening to battered Biden administration officials — by calling new attention to the former president’s record of rolling back regulations on both rail safety and hazardous chemicals.
Trump’s administration withdrew an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying highly flammable materials, ended regular rail safety audits of railroads, and mothballed a pending rule requiring freight trains to have at least two crew members. He also placed a veteran of the chemical industry in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety office, where she made industry-friendly changes to how the agency studied health risks.
As president, Trump made rescinding regulations a major priority for his agencies, even signing an order requiring them to revoke two rules for every one they enact. At the same time, he said he wanted to “ensure that America has among the very cleanest air and cleanest water on the planet.”
Last edited by Seran; 02-22-2023 at 10:11 AM.
As usual a satirical article on the Onion hits the nail on the head.
EAST PALESTINE, OH—Gathering in front of the toxic decimation unfolding as a result of lax safety standards and lack of governmental oversight, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) held a press conference Thursday to champion the Norfolk Southern train derailment as a deregulation success story. “Ladies and gentlemen, behold, as the results speak for themselves—deregulation works,” said the native Ohioan to grand applause, before acknowledging the decades of hard work it took on both national and local scales to bypass costly red tape and bureaucracy and turn this forgotten part of his state into a thriving chemical wasteland, itself a testament to throwing caution and concern to the wind in favor of removing guardrails and severely underfunding infrastructure. “So rarely do we get to see such immediate change as a result of dismantling rigorous safeguards and doing away with accountability, but look at this—just yesterday this was an abandoned rural prairie full of nothing but native wildlife. Now, through a bipartisan effort to completely ignore calls to replace the Civil War-era braking systems on most of our great nation’s trains, we transformed this area seemingly overnight. You’ll notice I am tearing up, not only because the toxic fumes are now being violently blown in our direction, but because this is exactly why so many of us get into politics—to elicit tangible change that makes the lives of everyday Americans so much worse.” At press time, DeWine announced he had now begin work on removing Ohio regulations surrounding organ donations so that residents’ now-infected body parts could be easily transplanted into healthy people to infect them as well.