You can't even make this shit up anymore.
The "far right" guy who attacked Paul Pelosi says he belongs to the Green Party (you know, a leftwing political party), he lived in a house the neighbors called a "hippie collective" (because conservatives are well known for their hippie ways), the house has a rainbow flag hanging up as well as a BLM sign hanging from a window, and another sign which reads "Berkeley Stands United Against Hate" which is a local left wing group which: "aims to stop the hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods, towns and cities." Oh yeah, and Paul Pelosi told the 911 dispatcher his attacker's name (weird when this was supposedly just a random guy who showed up to his house to supposedly kill his wife) and that the guy was a friend.
When do you leftists hold your politicians and media accountable for lying to you once again by telling you it was a far right MAGA supporter?