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Thread: Shimmering steel katana and some other old things

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Sure, but this hasn't since crafting has existed. Maybe they will one day, but as of yet, nope.
    At DR mania this year, Wyrom offered for the first time to turn any weapon into a perfect base… he said any weapon that can be crafted… (He said that he would allowed Katanas. Future spoiler?)

  2. #12


    Staff has strange mental blocks with certain things. 15x? Sure!!!! +50TD? Why not? HESS cert to make items perfect? Hell No! Though theyd clear millions of BS selling them as HESS certs for 250k a pop.

    OHE Katanas are one of those things, even though they'd probably clear a mil scrip selling OHE katana forging glyphs.
    Discord: Jivan#1805

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by blanks View Post
    At DR mania this year, Wyrom offered for the first time to turn any weapon into a perfect base… he said any weapon that can be crafted… (He said that he would allowed Katanas. Future spoiler?)
    I'm more saying "don't plan on getting a Katana glyph".
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by BLZrizz View Post
    Staff has strange mental blocks with certain things. 15x? Sure!!!! +50TD? Why not? HESS cert to make items perfect? Hell No! Though theyd clear millions of BS selling them as HESS certs for 250k a pop
    Improving enhancives on splitters by +1 for 50k at HESS? NO WAY, YOU'LL BREAK THE GAME!!! Meanwhile at HESS: want to take a neckworn with +18 total enhancives and move it to the new Left Butt Cheek inventory slot? That'll be 25k please.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Macillus View Post
    Improving enhancives on splitters by +1 for 50k at HESS? NO WAY, YOU'LL BREAK THE GAME!!! Meanwhile at HESS: want to take a neckworn with +18 total enhancives and move it to the new Left Butt Cheek inventory slot? That'll be 25k please.
    I get how it sounds game breaking having and all in one weapon on a splitter being enhancive but considering you can rather easily do the exact same thing wearing them the whole thing kind of defeats the concept of restricting them in the first place.

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