No I think the US locked down because a bunch of power hungry politicians realized that for some reason half the country was on board with the dumb shit.
But the "official" reasoning is the China virus. You do realize my post was in reference to PRIOR to the Democrat led shutdown right? You're not even dumber than I thought only 10 seconds ago are you?
lol if you think that was a 'lock down'. some places had restricted hours, some companies let you wfh, but that wasn't a lock down.
Thanks for proving my point. Yes, healthy people who WERE SUSPECTED OF BEING INFECTED were quarantined. Just state governments across the country had people stay home out of an abundance of caution that PEOPLE THEY SUSPECTED OF BEING INFECTED, might give others Covid-19.
Thanks for playing!
Meanwhile your party is going all paramilitary over mouth breathers shouting over and over that it could happen here too.
Guess what, we're a republic, our country has been incredibly stable since the Civil War was won up until Trump staged his coup. You should be terrified that an orange man tried to go authoritarian and take over our country. Rather than hyperventilate that we're not China.
A reasonably fair question; how much will the staggeringly higher mortality rates of covid-19 amongst Republicans effect polling, effect voter turn out? Will red state actions to disenfranchise voters be enough to hold the line?
More Republicans have died of COVID-19. Does that mean the polls are off?
Those findings suggest many more Republicans — tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands — have died of COVID-19 than Democrats, leading some to wonder with some morbidity what the political impact will be. Will Democrats, facing the normal midterm election headwinds plus high inflation, do surprisingly well in 2022 for the simple, sad fact that there are fewer Republicans?
It’s not my party. I don’t blindly follow a political party and support whatever they do without question.
Biden is testing the limits of our republic with authoritarian executive orders. A specific example of this as it relates to Covid was trying to force all employees (not just public sector) to be vaccinated or lose their job. Not cool. A more recent example not related to Covid is gun control by executive order banning scary “ghost guns” as people who have no idea what they are talking about call it.
I don’t excuse Trump’s words on January 6th, but that was far from a coup. Let’s be real.