i mean there's literally no way for me to prove i'm not someone else. like, everyone who comes in this thread and makes fun of you morons for being morons is maguyver? ok, then I'm macguyver
jesus christ dude how old are you? this is some grandpa shit right here. did you literally just quote me out of context and try to insult me based on that? this is so pathetically unfunny it's wrapped around and become funny. you're like the terrible b-movie of message board posters
You aren't even B-movie type though. You are one of those Hallmark movies where you can tell the exact plot from the very beginning.
Like I said, you always use the exact.same.pattern. every time you call up another one of your old alts.
You spend years barely posting.. and rarely if ever in the political threads.
Then, you go all in.
Let's see if this alt follows that pattern:
Started July 2017.
7 posts of GS related.
Left for 2 years.
Made 1 post in GS related.
Left for 1 year.
Made 4 posts in GS related.
Left for 6 months.
Made 1 post in GS related.
Left for a few months.
Made 13 political posts in 2 days.
Yea, welcome "back" MacGuyver.
So... did you get your big gay porn break you were hoping for and finally get to buy a house?
yes, you guys cracked the case. i'm macguyver, gay porn star who doesn't live in a house.