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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #11911


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    And where exactly am I wrong about oil companies?
    It would be far easier to tell you what you were right about oil companies.

    For publicly traded companies, the demand that profits are more vital than fair prices. For every dollar spent, $1.50 - $2.00 is charged in pure mark-up. If there is a demand for two widgets, one is produced and sold at the cost of three to take advantage of intentional supply constraint to drive massive profits.

    Also, do you actually know what determines a "fair price" for any good?

    SPOILER: It's not what you think you should pay for it.

    No idea what kind of business you're in, but let's call it organic hemp trash bins. You could instead of rising prices far above and beyond the price of materials become more efficient in product creation. Driving down your labor costs to produce a more affordable product. Or if your reality is you're a simple store front for other's goods, you can diversify your supply line and obtain price advantage by ordering in bulk to decrease your per unit price and transportation charges.
    Wait, wait, wait... you believe I can drive down labor costs by just doing so? Aren't you a leftie that believes it's my duty as an employer to pay every employee a "living wage" which is an imaginary price point that you think people should make regardless of their skills?

    That is how I should stop inflation? Go labor side and drive down my labor costs by firing employees??

    It's like you want to try and sound smart.. but are just incapable.

    As a citizen you can also stop voting those in power who allow the massive mergers of corporations that destroy marketplace competition.
    As a citizen, I stopped voting for politicians that believe I can just lower my prices to ease inflation.. because those politicians are almost as stupid as the people who vote them into office time and time and time and time again.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  2. #11912


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    You made a baseless and false claim, I have no need to debate your pointless drivel. If /you/ want to provide actual information on the topic, feel free.
    Except he's 100% accurate and you do call anyone who disagrees with you about anything a dumb republican who watches Fox News all day, despite the part where you're the only person on the PC who watches Fox News, which is hilarious for a number of reasons you'll always be too dense to understand.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  3. #11913


    Last edited by Methais; 03-04-2022 at 12:30 PM.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  4. #11914


    This is just freaking hilarious. Happened on TV. Honest mistake, but c'mon... it's hilarious!

  5. #11915


    "That must have been really embarrassing for Biden. Can you imagine? He phones them and they don’t pick up?"

    "Now, according to the White House, this story is totally untrue. They deny it, which I would, too. But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden," Noah added. "And you know what? You can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never."

    You know shit's bad when even a cuck like Trevor Noah is calling this out.

    Seran will be the last person on the planet insisting that Biden is great.
    Last edited by Methais; 03-14-2022 at 02:17 PM.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  6. #11916


    Dr. Rachel Levinehe, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health was just named one of USA Todays "Women of the Year"

    Spoiler: She's a dude

    So one of the best women in the country.. is a guy..

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  7. #11917


    The Senate candidate for the Republican party Herschel Walker stepped in it in a speech before a church congregation in Georgia. I'm was never aware that science could suffer such impressive amounts in for misinformation until Trump and the handpicked candidates he's supporting for elected office came along.

    "At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not?" Walker, the frontrunner for the Georgia Republican Senate nomination, said in an appearance over the weekend at a church in Sugar Hill, Georgia. "If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it."

  8. #11918
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  9. #11919


    Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription

  10. #11920


    You can’t even make this shit up.

    Some Disney employees walked off the job to protest because Disney didn’t do enough to protest against Florida’s new law that makes it illegal to teach first graders about gay sex or transgenders.

    And now 4 Disney employees at Disneyworld have been arrested for human trafficking and pedophile related crimes.

    Something tells me the employees protesting won’t now be protesting for Disney to do a better job hiring people.

    Keep focusing on the important issues, alt-leftists!

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