This is the first post of yours I've clicked on in a while. Not surprised its a lame remark calling someone retarded.
Your material is old and stale, just like you.
We live in the internet-age, grandpa. Search the interwebz for new material. Come back when you have something.
It's unsurprising that you think there is only one way to access this forum and that your way, without clicking is the "right" way. This is an example of the blinders you have on most things.
Clicking is in fact one of several valid ways to use this old ass forum depending on the OS, browser, and device used.
The most obvious explanation for having to click in order to read your blathering is that you were blocked.
Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription
The Ukrainians have fought off a Russian attempt to capture Kyiv.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
When you try to be pragmatical & objective, Ukraine's reasons to defend itself is
1) Resist until allies come to help them. That won't happen, NATO said they won't send soldiers
2) They get conquered. Conquered in the way that a new government pro-russia will be installed.
Ukraine's army and reserve are basically fighting to keep the current government in place. They die only for that reason.
Russia cannot "lose" the war, they will simply be more berserk and less careful the more Ukraine fight back. Russia has like 20 times the army they sent. They cannot lose, lol.
For real, call me cynic, but that's not enough reasons to die.
Let them in, let them change the government and yourself, get the fuck out of that country if you want western ideas. If you're pro eastern, help yourself in the buffet.