The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
You know Seran the Trump be like:
Last edited by Parkbandit; 10-10-2021 at 08:04 PM.
Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.
"Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
-Superracist, Joe Biden
“If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
-My favorite liberal
According to RCP aggregate of polls Biden's net approval is -9.5 while Trump's is only -8.6.
Yes that's the right, the man you all, the media, and Democrats slandered for 4 years by making up the most vile and and toxic shit about him and yet he's still more popular than the ghoul you all put into office.
Gee who would have thought causing a worker shortage, having open borders, getting hundreds of Afghans murdered, getting dozens of American soldiers killed and injured in Afghanistan, and bombing an aid worker and covering it up for weeks by claiming he was really a terrorist would cause people to think that maybe you're not doing such a great job.
I don't even have words.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam