Actually wasn’t even that difficult.
Quite a few deal with discrimination in the hiring process, they just aren’t ordered in any particular way that I could see.
Such as:
In November 2019, Janitorial Service Provider Diversified Maintenance Systems, LLC paid $750,000 and furnished significant equitable relief to settle a federal race discrimination, harassment and retaliation lawsuit. The complaint alleged that since at least January, 2012, Diversified engaged in an ongoing pattern or practice of race discrimination against African-American job applicants in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia metropolitan areas by refusing to hire Black applicants for custodian, lead custodian or porter positions
If you click on the “hiring” link at the top, it’ll show you.
Last edited by Solkern; 09-12-2021 at 11:06 PM.
I'm sure there are plenty of verified reports of companies choosing less qualified people of color over a well qualified white person. So your statement is misleading.
See what I did there?
The point is, the media and the race hustlers will make everything about quotas and race... even when race is not the determining factor. By your logic, and the articles implied statement... all companies should be broken down by % of workers based upon the racial makeup of the Nation. So every company should have 13% Black, 18% Hispanic, whatever % of every other color.
That would be fair right? Or would it be? Or would you then contend that it's racist to hire employees based upon skin color, because it should be based upon qualifications if businesses were limited to those %'s... to be fair... you know?
I mean, if you're supporting an article that says that each company should hire a specific % of a certain race.. then by proxy you support that company hiring the national % of whites wouldn't you?
Which is it? You and the race hustlers will always find some way to always make it about race.
That's not to say racism doesn't exist, but it also doesn't mean everything is racist... which is what you all like to try and say it is.... and by definition expose yourself as the racists you are - you're just all "well meaning" racists.
That's why I love the whole argument from the Left about how the education system is "systemically racist"... when the whole of the education system is ran by leftists. Fucking logic bomb lost on the general public somehow.
Last edited by Shaps; 09-12-2021 at 11:14 PM.
And for the record, my thoughts on quotas and all the other bullshit, is pretty simple:
There should be no quotas on race/gender for any job. There should be specific qualifications for the job. Those qualifications should not be changed for anyone, as that is what the job requires. If a person has the qualifications to perform said job, then that should be the end of it.
I'm also for removing race and gender from job applications.
If someone hiring is found to not hire someone based on race/gender, and it can be proven (e-mails, phone, statements, etc.) - not just accusations - then legal action should occur... as the law already states.
Only way to get past race, is to make it a non-issue and concern ourselves with the character of a person... not the superficial qualities that they were born with... but of course you'll say it's racist to think that way... and I'd say you, and everyone else, is racist for thinking color matters at all.
Removing race and gender from the job application won’t solve the issue.
The second issue is you can’t hire some just based on qualifications, sometimes that person just doesn’t seem like a good fit for the company(personality for example)
I agree that the quota is bullshit… that is just another form of racism.
Last edited by Solkern; 09-13-2021 at 12:10 AM.
See... these are logical points that can be discussed.
Agreed.. removing race and gender from applications won't solve the issue.. but it would help minimize it. And that is what we as a general society should be moving towards, because there will never not be racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.. those things will always exist as long as humans do... what we can strive for is to minimize it to such a degree it doesn't affect the majority of society.
I also agree you can't do it just based on qualifications alone, but to use your example "personality"... that is part of the qualification process in my mind/from my perspective... depending on the job (ie. you wouldn't hire an introvert to be a sales representative, etc.). But I 100% agree with you that personality traits (and other intangibles) do influence hiring practices. The hope is by the point above, and other mechanisms, to again minimize racist/sexist/etc. influences from being a part of that process.
And we seem to agree on the quota thing, it only leads to bad outcomes for everyone eventually.
I'm an individualist at heart, and believe no person should be judged on their immutable traits. I know it's like wishing for world peace... but doesn't change my hope that we all, or at least the majority, would care for one another enough to get past that historical bad habit of ours... and the only way to get there, is to promote that train of thought consistently... and when incidents occur such as you posted above, call it out and ensure it is handled legally... but not be so cavalier to apply racist/sexist/etc. accusations to every interaction that occurs in society.
Seems from your statements we actually agree more than disagree on this point. Just coming at it from different initial perspectives.