From what you said here, we're almost saying the same thing - but from different sides of the road/perspective.
The Government is supposed to ensure that exploitation does not occur - Good.
The Government is supposed to ensure fair business and trade practices. That is why there are anti-trust and monopoly laws. - Good.
This is where the divide comes... you're arguing on one hand monopoly companies like Walmart, Amazon, Costco, etc. - just because they pay a bit higher in wages - are actually doing good (which it would seem on the face of it)... then in the same breath talk about how Corporations should pay higher taxes (which they don't). It's a PR move for them to raise worker wages, all the while earning more on the backend through tax deductions and buying off politicians.
This is my point economically... the base laws/rules/legislation is on the books to try and ensure fair business practices between individuals, businesses, and corporations. It has been distorted because of the greed/lack of principle/ineptitude of our elected leaders who no longer act as a referee/arbiter of fair practices, but rather as advocates for specific business interests. The human element of our leadership has failed us all, not the system if it were implemented fairly.
As for the "forcing loveless couples to remain together for foolish idealism"... it's not about idealism... it's about how/what's best to raise a child. The statistics are conclusive on this matter. A child raised in a two parent home, statistically, have much better outcomes than those that do not. That's not me promoting some "idealism", that's cold hard fact. If you want to fight against all of human evolution, all of the statistics, and all of the natural inclinations of humans with regards to their children... then that's on you.
Why is it so wrong to promote the hopeful, and helpful, perspective of if you and your partner love each other and wish to be together... and a child is involved... it is good to work towards the goal of staying together... not only for themselves, but for the health of the child. That's a bad outlook? That's some "foolish idealism"?
I'll be a fool then, and try to believe in the better half of humanity. Doesn't mean I don't see the selfishness, depravity, and weakness of the human condition. But statistics bear out what happens when one way of life is accepted over another. Just how it is.