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According to RCP Biden's approval rating is already under 50.
He has had none stop positive coverage up until a couple of days ago, he was being hailed as a progressive hero for making so much history with his nominations and vice president selection, why he was supposed to lockdown the virus and save us all!
How do you fuck all of that up in such a short time? No that's not a rhetorical question, let us go over all of the ways Biden managed to fuck that up:
Inflation we haven't seen in decades
Gas prices skyrocketing
Labor shortage
Crime skyrocketing all over the country because he won't push back against his crazy base with the defund the police nonsense
Somehow fucking up the virus response WITH the vaccine handed to him on a silver platter by the previous administration
Speaking of vaccine...forcing federal employees to get the vaccine
Making a decision in Afghanistan that impacted millions of lives just in Afghanistan, not to mention impacting lives of millions more around the world, and showing complete indifference to the suffering he has caused
There's more but his fuckups are so many I can't even remember them all at the moment.
Good job "voting blue no matter who!" guys. Real winner you chose here. Your life is measurably worse under Biden but you don't care because he's not Trump.