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Thread: Totalitarian Biden!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    an orbit gone wrong
    Blog Entries


    Think tonight will be split pea and ham soup.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  2. #42


    tofu ricotta tortellini in a cashew cream mushroom alfredo sauce

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    tofu ricotta tortellini in a cashew cream mushroom alfredo sauce
    Are you Italian? Or are you culturally appropriating their food and customs.


  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    White onions and bacon fat, you can thank me later.
    Ion think dis racism ever gonna be gone from The Gemstone IV Playa's Crib.

  5. #45


    Well it's happened, the Electoral College has fulfilled its constitutional role. Trump stated he'd official concede when this happened, let's see if he follows through.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    A Corporate Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Well it's happened, the Electoral College has fulfilled its constitutional role. Trump stated he'd official concede when this happened, let's see if he follows through.

    Help us help you. Please try and be coherent. Check your rage, and answer honestly.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Well it's happened, the Electoral College has fulfilled its constitutional role. Trump stated he'd official concede when this happened, let's see if he follows through.
    I'm looking forward to the next four years. I'm adopting all practices of the left.

    Seems since the President-Elect has stated he doesn't want his children mixing with people of color and takes money from foreign governments, his public humiliation and impeachment should be coming soon.

    You don't think we should have a racist and traitorous person as President do you? Of course not. Now we're all on the same side!

    Let's get this party started!

    Edit: Sorry! I'm so sorry! I meant "teaching of the left"!!! Not practices, "teachings"! I have learned! Thank you all for correcting me. Now let's get that racist, misogynistic, traitorous President-Elect impeached!
    Last edited by Shaps; 12-15-2020 at 12:04 AM.

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post
    I'm looking forward to the next four years. I'm adopting all practices of the left.

    Seems since the President-Elect has stated he doesn't want his children mixing with people of color and takes money from foreign governments, his public humiliation and impeachment should be coming soon.

    You don't think we should have a racist and traitorous person as President do you? Of course not. Now we're all on the same side!

    Let's get this party started!

    Edit: Sorry! I'm so sorry! I meant "teaching of the left"!!! Not practices, "teachings"! I have learned! Thank you all for correcting me. Now let's get that racist, misogynistic, traitorous President-Elect impeached!
    Seems like you're projecting your own racist views in an attempt to destabilize the party. But don't worry, your tactics are known Klansman

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Tgo01's Head


    Had an epic 3 hour climbing session tonight. Fried up some left over rice with a shredded chicken thigh, Trader Joe’s soyaki marinade and some sriracha.

    I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Tgo01's Head


    To be clear - that was my midnight meal when I got home. I had some beef and roasted sweet potatoes for dinner before I went climbing.

    I’m a slut for calories.

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