I honestly thought this was from the Babylon Bee when I first read it.
Senate Democrats announce they will boycott Amy Coney Barrett's committee vote
Honestly how does any self respecting adult look at the modern day Democrat party and think they are a legit political party these days?Prior to the Democrats' official announcement of their boycott, the HuffPost reported that the plan had not yet been finalized according to one aide, but that "Democrats are preparing to fill their empty seats with poster-sized photos of people who would be hurt by Barrett potentially casting a deciding vote against the Affordable Care Act."
Cease with the constant pearl clutching, you frumpy moppet. You are of the party of gerrymandering and voter suppression, endorsed by the KKK and the Taliban. You are the sewage, and the swampmuck. You have no moral superiority as your faithless snake oil salesman of a leader is morally bankrupt and you love it. Quit acting like you're a choir boy and embrace your inner scum, the charade was never amusing nor effective. Honestly how does any self respecting adult look at the modern day Republican party and not feel disgusted?
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You're fucking hilarious with this shit, I mean you crack me up for real because you're really this dumb, like it's really possible for someone to be this dumb and I find it hilarious. Do you realize how dumb you make yourself look with every word you type? It's sad man. I'd throw my keyboard out if I were you and self isolate for the rest of eternity. Forget lockdowns for the public good, you should just do it for your own good you fucking idiot.
They're all a bunch of children, but Trump is the biggest narcissistic child of them all, and that's a dangerous combination. I can't wait for your tears in November when Trump loses this election. It will be grand indeed. But the fact that you apparently have expectations that politicians not act like spoiled children, then champion Trump around as your Messiah, is downright fucking ironic and hilarious to me.
Ok Muppet
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I asked for neither your Opinion,
your Acceptance
nor your Permission.
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
"It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie