As any sane American, I'm against illegal immigration.
I do not agree with our policy efforts to combat it. Building a barrier, or wall, or whatever we call it isn't really an effective tool to deter people from coming into the country. Policy should be aimed at business that profit from illegal immigration along with a shift on our overall drug policies which incentivize the cartels to try to move drugs into the country. IE: I feel we should legalize drugs, tax them and stop spending tons of cash on fighting the war on drugs.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
It's not the most effective tool to combat illegal immigrants. It's certainly a tool in the arsenal, but policy needs to change in addition to the wall. It's projected to stop around 10% of illegal immigrants coming into the country. not to mention that roughly 2/3's of illegal immigrants are overstaying their visas and already in the country.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
Illegal border crossings account for roughly half of all illegal entries into the country.
Might be less now that Trump has beefed up border security and made a deal with Mexico to cut back on illegal border crossings. Weird how the more effective Trump is at controlling the border the less effective people want to say his actions are.
Last edited by Tgo01; 01-02-2020 at 11:10 PM.
Democrats in California passed a new law restricting water use to 55 gallons per person per day or be fined 1,000 dollars and within a decade they want this to be 50 gallons per person per day.
Just some small everyday actions people use water for everyday:
About 2 gallons to flush the toilet.
About 10-15 gallons to take a 5 minute shower.
About 1 gallon every time you wash your hands.
About 20 gallons for every load of laundry you use if you use a modern washer, about 40 gallons if you use an older washer.
Not to mention other things like watering your plants, garden, or lawn, doing dishes, upkeep for your fish tank, giving your pets water.
California is such a fucking mess.