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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #7571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methais View Post
    Somewhere cwolff is reading that while panting heavily.
    Quote Originally Posted by Parkbandit View Post
    Methais isn't even on my level bitch.

  2. #7572


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    How did I get trolled exactly? I specifically said AOC wasn't sure if the person was so crazy that she was on her side, or was so crazy she was trolling her. I also said I wasn't sure either. Words, how do they work?

  3. #7573


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    How did I get trolled exactly? I specifically said AOC wasn't sure if the person was so crazy that she was on her side, or was so crazy she was trolling her. I also said I wasn't sure either. Words, how do they work?
    Back still doesn't understand how these things work.

    It's because he's stupid.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  4. #7574


    Quote Originally Posted by Methais View Post
    Back still doesn't understand how these things work.

    It's because he's stupid.
    Well yeah.

    The main thing I think people like Back miss isn't whether or not the person was a troll, but AOC's reaction. She seemed slightly mortified/stunned, but again to me that seems because she's not entirely sure if the person is being serious or not. Even IF the person was being serious you would think AOC would say "No, we don't have to resort to eating babies or corpses and we aren't going to bomb Russia."

    Instead she just said "Thankfully we have more than a few months." So like if AOC says we do only have a few months then eating babies and corpses and bombing Russia is on the table or what?

    Trump was raked over the coals daily because some white supremacist endorsed him. Like "How dare you not have heard about this random nobody endorsing you on Facebook the other day? CONDEMN IT!"

    AOC is talking face to face to a loon who is talking about eating corpses and babies and AOC is like "Wait wait wait wait! Just wait a minute! Who said we only have a few months left?"
    Last edited by Tgo01; 10-04-2019 at 05:01 PM.

  5. #7575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Well yeah.

    The main thing I think people like Back miss isn't whether or not the person was a troll, but AOC's reaction. She seemed slightly mortified/stunned, but again to me that seems because she's not entirely sure if the person is being serious or not. Even IF the person was being serious you would think AOC would say "No, we don't have to resort to eating babies or corpses and we aren't going to bomb Russia."
    AOC was talking to someone she thought might be crazy. She was being gentle and polite, it's a normal response in that kind of situation

    Tgo be like, 'she didn't list at least five bullet points against eating babies then suplex and arm bar the woman so she must agree with her!!!!!1!one'.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  6. #7576


    Quote Originally Posted by Taernath View Post
    AOC was talking to someone she thought might be crazy. She was being gentle and polite, it's a normal response in that kind of situation

    Tgo be like, 'she didn't list at least five bullet points against eating babies then suplex and arm bar the woman so she must agree with her!!!!!1!one'.
    If you’re talking to someone you think might be crazy you reassure them that eating babies isn’t necessary, you don’t play into their delusions and let them think it’s a normal thing to suggest.

    “This crazy person thinks we need to murder everyone with red hair, best not to upset them and tell them that’s not right.”

    She had no problem correcting her on the few months claim so AOC seems to be playing both sides here to cover her ass.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 10-04-2019 at 05:28 PM.

  7. #7577


    Trump tweets out that AOC is a wack job because she didn't shoot down the idea of eating babies and corpses.

    AOC's response?

    "Better than being a criminal who betrays our country."

    So she doesn't really deny being a wack job, and instead seems to accept that, but qualifies that at least being a wack job is better than being a criminal.

    You win this round, AOC!

  8. Default

    Dude, she's a pretty congresswoman. That alone is worth half her votes. Nothing gonna change that. That she is retardedly stupid, doesn't change a thing. I'd stop worrying about some hoe in the bronx who caters to a bunch of other hoe liberals. Never gonna change. Can't fix crazy.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  9. #7579


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage View Post
    Dude, she's a pretty congresswoman. That alone is worth half her votes. Nothing gonna change that. That she is retardedly stupid, doesn't change a thing. I'd stop worrying about some hoe in the bronx who caters to a bunch of other hoe liberals. Never gonna change. Can't fix crazy.
    It's fun laughing at her though. Don't take this away from me

  10. #7580
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    Jacob Wohl at it again

    Blundering conservative operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman attempted to smear another Trump foe with a press conference outside Burkman’s home on Thursday, this time alleging without any proof that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is a “cougar” who hired a male escort.

    The event had the trademarks of many of their previous, notoriously inept political stunts, including attempts to smear former Special Counsel Robert Mueller and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg with fake sexual assault claims. Those earlier, obviously fake smear attempts had become Twitter punchlines, and made Wohl and Burkman into laughingstocks even among many of their allies on the right.


    Thanks for putting that picture in my head.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

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