It was removed after the 1950 census. The yearly one that samples roughly 3% of households still has it on there.
It was removed after the 1950 census. The yearly one that samples roughly 3% of households still has it on there.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
Technically you could argue that it was removed after the 2000 census, as from 1950 through 2000 there was a shorter census sent to 80% of households and 20% got a long form. The long form had a citizenship question on it. So if included, it'd be the first time since 1950 that everyone would have been asked about citizenship. The census for 2010 was finalized in 2005 so Bush would have been the president when that was finalized
I don't really see the big deal to including the question.
Last edited by Alfster; 07-31-2019 at 04:23 PM.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
Democrats: Slapping tariffs on China is bad because it's a tax on American consumers! Even though consumers can avoid the tax by not buying Chinese products.
Also Democrats: Raising everyone's taxes to pay for giveaways and healthcare for illegal aliens is a good thing!
I'm not sure you can blame Gillette's shitty woke commercials for the loss. They were way over charging for razors for years and years, but with Dollar Shave Club and a few other companies offering cheaper razors.. it's cut into their market share.
Plus, with scruff and beards being in... I'm sure men aren't shaving like they used to. I know I haven't been clean shaven in like 10 years.
Republicans from day 1 of Obamacare being passed: Repeal and replace Obamacare!!!
Democrats: THAT'S RACIST! You don't care about poor people or brown people!!!
Every single Democrat candidate except Biden: Obamacare isn't good enough! We need to replace it with a better plan!
Democrats: OH MY GOSH! So brave! So caring!
How did Obama and his healthcare plan become too right for Democrats in just a matter of 2 years?
Last edited by Tgo01; 08-01-2019 at 09:52 PM.