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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #6241


    Quote Originally Posted by Some Rogue View Post
    Haven't you been on yours for 40 years now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  2. #6242


    Bernie Sanders is FINALLY going to release 10 years of tax returns. Supposedly anyways. He didn't release them in 2016 and he's been dragging his feet this time around, but he says on April 15th or shortly afterwards.

    What he has admitted to so far though is that he is in fact a millionaire. He sought to downplay the image of a socialist being just another old, rich, white, Democrat man by saying something along the lines of "I have that much wealth because I wrote a best selling book, if you wrote a best selling book you could be a millionaire too."

    Well shit! Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Funny how he goes from "The Koch brothers are evil! No one needs that much money! Give it to the poor!" when he's talking about other rich people, but when talking about himself being rich it's "Well...I wrote a best selling book! If you work hard, put in the effort, and pinch your pennies like nobody's business then you could be rich too!"

  3. #6243
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Bernie Sanders is FINALLY going to release 10 years of tax returns. Supposedly anyways. He didn't release them in 2016 and he's been dragging his feet this time around, but he says on April 15th or shortly afterwards.

    What he has admitted to so far though is that he is in fact a millionaire. He sought to downplay the image of a socialist being just another old, rich, white, Democrat man by saying something along the lines of "I have that much wealth because I wrote a best selling book, if you wrote a best selling book you could be a millionaire too."

    Well shit! Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Funny how he goes from "The Koch brothers are evil! No one needs that much money! Give it to the poor!" when he's talking about other rich people, but when talking about himself being rich it's "Well...I wrote a best selling book! If you work hard, put in the effort, and pinch your pennies like nobody's business then you could be rich too!"
    All of them are doing it now.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Bernie Sanders is FINALLY going to release 10 years of tax returns. Supposedly anyways. He didn't release them in 2016 and he's been dragging his feet this time around, but he says on April 15th or shortly afterwards.

    What he has admitted to so far though is that he is in fact a millionaire. He sought to downplay the image of a socialist being just another old, rich, white, Democrat man by saying something along the lines of "I have that much wealth because I wrote a best selling book, if you wrote a best selling book you could be a millionaire too."

    Well shit! Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Funny how he goes from "The Koch brothers are evil! No one needs that much money! Give it to the poor!" when he's talking about other rich people, but when talking about himself being rich it's "Well...I wrote a best selling book! If you work hard, put in the effort, and pinch your pennies like nobody's business then you could be rich too!"
    Let me know when Trump decides to release his tax returns. Hint, he won't, because it will prove how corrupt he is (and that he's not a billionaire.)

  5. #6245


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Bernie Sanders is FINALLY going to release 10 years of tax returns. Supposedly anyways. He didn't release them in 2016 and he's been dragging his feet this time around, but he says on April 15th or shortly afterwards.

    What he has admitted to so far though is that he is in fact a millionaire. He sought to downplay the image of a socialist being just another old, rich, white, Democrat man by saying something along the lines of "I have that much wealth because I wrote a best selling book, if you wrote a best selling book you could be a millionaire too."

    Well shit! Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Funny how he goes from "The Koch brothers are evil! No one needs that much money! Give it to the poor!" when he's talking about other rich people, but when talking about himself being rich it's "Well...I wrote a best selling book! If you work hard, put in the effort, and pinch your pennies like nobody's business then you could be rich too!"
    Honestly don't care. He's just being pressured into doing it to make really, really stupid people (Backlash & Androidpk) say "All the Democrats are abiding by the tradition, Trump should too!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  6. #6246


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    Let me know when Trump decides to release his tax returns. Hint, he won't, because it will prove how corrupt he is (and that he's not a billionaire.)
    Let us know when you decide to get a job that doesn't involve time4dildo testing for couch rent. Hint, you won't, because you're a loser and a lazy bum who steals (and that hates masturbating women.)
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  7. #6247


    Julian Assange has finally worn out his welcome at the Embassy of Ecuador and he was carried out by police.

    Some Democrat lawmakers are very happy about this. Are they happy because he will finally be held accountable for all of the top secret information he released, possibly putting the lives of many Americans all over the world in danger?

    No, of course not silly! They're happy because he will be held accountable for his supposed role in the Russian collusion nonsense!

    ANYTHING to keep that story in the headlines.

  8. #6248


    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Julian Assange has finally worn out his welcome at the Embassy of Ecuador and he was carried out by police.

    Some Democrat lawmakers are very happy about this. Are they happy because he will finally be held accountable for all of the top secret information he released, possibly putting the lives of many Americans all over the world in danger?

    No, of course not silly! They're happy because he will be held accountable for his supposed role in the Russian collusion nonsense!

    ANYTHING to keep that story in the headlines.
    They dragged him out of there like the accused rapist and hacker he is. It is appropriate he grew the creepy beard just for this.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  10. #6250


    Avenatti isn't just being charged for crimes relating to him extorting Nike. The latest indictments show his crimes apparently go back several years, the earliest one I saw was in 2015 where he scammed a special needs paraplegic man out of his 4 million dollar settlement.

    So all of those Democrat politicians and all of those far left news organizations didn't even do the slightest bit of a background check on this guy to make sure he wasn't a total sleazebag before booking him on their shows and doing photo ops with him as much as possible.

    Apparently all they did was ask "You think orange man bad too?" and he replied "Yes, orange man bad", and that was good enough for them.

    Again something that would have sank the career of any Republican or any right leaning news personality, or at the very least have been in the 24/7 news cycle for several weeks, is just swept under the rug like none of it ever happened.

    Almost as if the Democrats and the media are in cahoots together to make sure only narratives that are beneficial to both of them get any airtime. Weird.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 04-11-2019 at 02:22 PM.

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