Originally Posted by
It's amazing what a piece of shit you are sometimes.
Tgo01: It's funny watching Democrats praise another dead Republican in an effort to bash Trump, this time Barbara Bush who many people on the left vilified after her death.
Stumplicker: PROOF??!?!?!!
Tgo01: Here you go, a liberal professor literally calling her a racist witch and saying she's glad Bush is dead.
Stumplicker: Yeah but one person, hardly proof.
Tgo01: Fine, here's a whole Twitter search filled with similar posts, including two from verified Twitter users who are Democrats.
Stumplicker: Yeah but I found one person who looks like a Trump supporter who also said she was a racist! See both sides are equally wrong and your point that I just now completely made up in an effort to win this argument is wrong!
This is why I was originally not even going to engage with you, because sometimes you're an even bigger piece of shit than Androidpk is. I knew the moment I read "Source?" that the eventual outcome would be you downplaying every single quote I found and ending with you creating a strawman of my argument, "winning" against said strawman, and you claiming victory.
You try so hard to be a "centrist" at times.