Wisconsin was fucked by foxxcon, not sure what the terms were for Amazon, but holy shit was this one of the worst contracts for the people.
Wisconsin was fucked by foxxcon, not sure what the terms were for Amazon, but holy shit was this one of the worst contracts for the people.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
It's adorable that you think Amazon HQ is going to be hiring local people who are struggling to put food on the table.
Most of those 25k roles would go to people who will move to NY for the job, and they're virtually all going to people who are super educated and already working in other tech companies, well paid consulting firms, high level corporate knowledge worker roles, etc.
By the time a secondary market of local jobs has had time to really pop up, inflation, skyrocketing rents, etc. will already be well on their way to pricing the locals out of the area.
I know what it means to struggle to put food on the table, and I'm also in this industry. I know all of the ways it manages to keep its wealth largely distributed among a privileged group of people who already have money and opportunities while leaving everyone else to deal with the consequences.
If you don't believe me, just ask SF, Seattle, Portland, and Austin.
Last edited by time4fun; 03-01-2019 at 07:27 PM.
You really think an operation that size isn't going to have a sizeable number of positions such as janitorial, maintenance, security, cooks, IT, etc? Or do you think they are really going to hire people from around the country for those positions too?
Not to mention even the jobs that are going to be hired from out of state, aren't they going to be paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc taxes INSIDE the state of NY that can then be used to fund various local government programs?
Who would have thought that one of the few people on the PC to defend AOC's insane ramblings would be time4fun?
How many people can afford to live in San Francisco by having a janitorial job?