How clever! You repeat the same thing over and over again and I repeat the same thing in response and you're "baiting" someone. This is right up there with Androidpk level of "NOU!" style of "winning."
What's next for looking like a total dipshit, peam? Suggesting the article saying Mary Poppins was racist is in an obscure newspaper too and only the likes of Infowars is talking about it? It's quite telling that you and Androidpk are so close, easily the two biggest morons on the forum. And that's saying something considering we have Back and time4fun.
Last edited by Tgo01; 01-30-2019 at 01:55 PM.
Straight to frothing at the mouth insults! Take your meds, tgo.
You're so bad at this. Watching you try to flip shit at people like you're doing anything differently is like watching Michael Sorrentino giving a TED talk about the best strategies in chess.
"Straaiiiight to frothing at the mouth insults llooooooolllll"
Talking heads on Fox News trying to compare the FBI raid on Roger Stone to the Raid on Osama bin Laden and the assault on the US embassy in Benghazi.. they've gone full retard.
It's so frustrating to see how many people buy into fox being the only "legitimate" news.
Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.